World Theater

    Theatro Municipal do Rio, South America

  Avenida Rio Branco - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
Dia 3, 4, 5 e 7 às 20h Dia 8 às 17h. Programa: BALLET O QUEBRA-NOZES. Música: Tchaikovsky Concepção, Coreografia e Mise-en-Scène: Dalal Achcar Solistas: Ana Botafogo, Cecília Kerche, Claudia Mota, Márcia Jaqueline, Karen Mesquita. Francisco Timbó, Cícero Gomes, Filipe Moreira, Denis Vieira. Cenários e Figurinos: José Varona Regência: Silvio Viegas,
Um dos mais bonitos prédios do Rio de Janeiro, localizado na Praça Floriano, conhecida como Cinelândia, no centro da cidade, o Theatro Municipal é a principal casa de espetáculos do Brasil e uma das mais importantes da América do Sul. Desde a sua inauguração, em 14 de julho de 1909, o Theatro tem recebido os maiores artistas internacionais, assim como os principais nomes da dança, música e da ópera brasileiras.
    Cine-Theatro Central, South America
   - Juiz de Fora, MG           
A acústica perfeita, a grande capacidade de público e o palco projetado para receber os mais diversos espetáculos fazem do Central um espaço carregandoprivilegiado e um dos poucos do gênero disponíveis atualmente no país. Teatro,dança, ópera, concerto, show. A história do Cine-Theatro Central é um desfilar de grandes nomes das artes nacionais e internacionais, responsáveis por momentos de beleza e emoção, que se apresentaram ao longo das últimas décadas em Juiz de Fora.
O Cine-Theatro Central colocou a cidade na rota de companhias líricas italianas, orquestras e companhias dramáticas nacionais. Seu palco recebeu talentos do porte de um Procópio Ferreira, um dos maiores nomes do teatro brasileiro. Criado em 1955, o Teatro Experimental de Ópera de Juiz de Fora fez do Central cenário de seus concertos líricos até início dos anos 70. Quando o país inteiro se voltou para os movimentados e inovadores festivais de música, o Central também mobilizou torcidas na década de 60 e 70 e o juizforano conheceu alguns dos então promissores talentos da música brasileira, como Milton Nascimento, Gonzaguinha e Sueli Costa.
    Virginia Theatre, North America
  203 W. Park - Chicago, IL            
Since 1921, The Virginia Theatre has been a landmark in the business district of Champaign, and in the history of the region. For 75 years, the 1525 seat theatre has offered entertainment as a vaudeville house, legitimate theatre, and movie house. After over three decades as a movie house primarily, the Theatre made the return to live performances in May of 1991 with a live theatre/concert called Songs of America. The show sold out and they had to turn away 200 people. This was the first show at the theatre since the theatre was dedicated to films only. In January of 2000, the Champaign Park District joined in the efforts to save this prized landmark. After assuming control of the theatre, the Park District embarked on a massive renovation to bring the facility back to its original glory and in compliance with local safety ordinances. After renovations are complete, the Virginia Theatre will continue its tradition of quality entertainment that was sparked by such legendary performers such as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Red Skelton, Will Rogers, W.C. Fields and the Marx Brothers.
    Teatro Maria Della Costa, South America
  Rua Paim, 72 - Bela Vista - São Paulo, SP           
Em outubro de 1954 foi inaugurado o Teatro Maria Della Costa, de propriedade da atriz Maria Della Costa e do empresário Sandro Polloni, que apresentaram como espetáculo de estréia "O Canto da Cotovia"de Jean Anouhil, sob a direção de Gianni Ratto.
24 anos depois, em 1978, a Apetesp - Associação dos Produtores de Espetáculos Teatrais do Estado de São Paulo - durante a gestão do então Presidente Raul Cortez, adquiriu o Teatro Maria Della Costa, com a finalidade específica de prestar maiores benefícios aos seus associados.
17 anos passados, em maio de 1995, o Teatro Maria Della Costa não tinha condições de funcionamento, devido ao estado precário em que se encontrava. Durante a gestão do então Presidente Sérgio D’Antino, o mesmo passou por uma reforma geral, que se estendeu até 1996, tendo sido re-inaugurado com uma grande festa para toda a classe artística no dia 30 de julho de 1996.
    Teatro Cândido Mendes, South America
  Rua Joana Angélica, 63 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
    Teatro Municipal de Niterói, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 35 - Centro - Niterói, RJ
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O Teatro Municipal João Caetano foi reinaugurado em 1995, após uma profunda restauração. O projeto de recuperação encarou um grande desafio que era respeitar os aspectos históricos e ao mesmo tempo dotá-lo de modernidade. Ao longo de sua história, o teatro sofreu sucessivas obras de reformas que foram alterando a forma original do prédio, adaptando espaços e desfigurando seus seus núcleos históricos, dando origem a um prédio com características de diferentes épocas. No entanto, a fachada manteve as linhas arquitetônicas neoclássicas da reforma de 1888 e 1889.
    Centro Cultural Solar de Botafogo, South America
  Rua General Polidoro, 180 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Assinado por dois dos maiores especialistas em arquitetura cênica do país, o paulista Serroni e o carioca José Dias, o projeto arquitetônico do Centro Cultural Solar de Botafogo preservou o aspecto histórico da construção, através de um trabalho de restauração da fachada original, e promoveu uma total reestruturação do seu espaço interno, com direito à anexação da área externa traseira, onde foi erguido o prédio teatral, edificação construída em três níveis, disponde de 180 lugares divididos entre platéia, platéia superior e camarote, com acesso por modenos elevadores, perfeita refrigeração seguindo todas as normas de segurança.
Com 800 m2 de área construída, além do teatro, o Solar de Botafogo abriga um segundo espaço cênico, sala para ensaios e leituras, galeria de arte, café concerto com cyber lounge – EFFE Café, auditório para projeção de vídeos e filmes de arte.
    Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre, North America
  236 West 45th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
The Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 236 West 45th Street in midtown-Manhattan.
Designed by architect Herbert J. Krapp to resemble the neighboring Shubert and Booth theaters designed by Henry B. Herts, the building was constructed by the Shubert brothers in 1917-1918, christened the Plymouth Theatre, and leased to producer Arthur Hopkins. He intended it to be a venue for legitimate plays starring notable actors like John and Lionel Barrymore. The premiere production was A Successful Calamity, a comedy with William Gillette and Estelle Winwood.
After Hopkins died in 1948, control of the theater returned to the Shuberts, who still own the property, which was designated a New York City landmark in 1987. The 1,080-seat house was renamed for Gerald Schoenfeld, chairman of the Shubert Organization, in 2005. Source
    Broadway Theatre, North America
  1681 Broadway - Theatre District - New York, NY           
Coming up: Rodgers And Hammerstein's Cinderella. Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella is coming to Broadway for the first time ever! Four-time Tony Award nominee Douglas Carter Beane’s (Sister Act, Xanadu) delightfully romantic and hilarious take on the ultimate makeover story features all the classic elements you remember—the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more—plus some surprising new twists! Rediscover some of Rodgers + Hammerstein's most beloved songs, including “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s Possible” and “Ten Minutes Ago" in this outrageously fun Broadway musical for dreamers of all ages. And not to worry... you'll be home well before the stroke of midnight!
The Broadway Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 1681 Broadway in midtown-Manhattan.
Designed by architect Eugene DeRosa for Benjamin S. Moss, it opened as B.S. Moss's Colony Theatre on Christmas Day 1924 as a venue for vaudeville shows and motion pictures. It was re-named Universal's Colony Theatre, B.S. Moss' Broadway Theatre, and Earl Carroll's Broadway Theatre before becoming a legitimate house simply called Broadway Theatre on December 8, 1930 . (In 1937, known as Ciné Roma, it showed Italian films). The Shuberts bought it in 1939. It was renovated extensively in 1956 and 1986. The large stage (nearly sixty feet deep) and seating capacity (1761) have made it a popular theatre for musicals throughout the years.
    Palace Theater, North America
  Broadway and 47th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
The Palace Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 1564 Broadway in midtown-Manhattan.
Designed by architects Kirchoff & Rose, the theatre, built by California vaudeville entrepreneur and Broadway impresario Martin Beck, experienced a number of problems before it opened. E. F. Albee, one of the main executives for B. F. Keith and his powerful vaudeville circuit, demanded that Beck turn over three-quarters of the stock in the theatre in order to use acts from the Keith circuit. In addition, Oscar Hammerstein was the only person who could offer Keith acts in that section of Broadway, so Beck paid him off with $225,000. The theatre finally opened on March 24, 1913 with headliner Ed Wynn. To "play the Palace" meant that an entertainer had reached the pinnacle of his career, and it became a popular venue with performers like Sarah Bernhardt, Eddie Cantor, Bob Hope, Fanny Brice, Sophie Tucker, George Jessel, and Jack Benny. Source
    Espaço Satyros, South America
  Praça Roosevelt, 214 - São Paulo, SP           
Fundado em 1989 em São Paulo por Ivam Cabral e Rodolfo García Vázquez, desde o início Os Satyros buscavam investigações de um teatro essencialmente experimental. Em 1990, a partir da montagem “Sades ou Noites com os Professores Imorais”, da obra homônima do Marquês de Sade, a companhia provocou polêmica e dividiu a crítica especializada. Os Satyros tiveram muita dificuldade em localizar um espaço para a apresentação do espetáculo na cidade de São Paulo. Foi então que a companhia assumiu a administração de um pequeno teatro abandonado no tradicional bairro paulistano da Bela Vista, chamado Teatro Bela Vista. Além de conseguirem apresentar o espetáculo, iniciaram um período de forte intervenção cultural que se prolongaria até a transferência da companhia para a Europa.
    Longacre Theatre, North America
  220 West 48th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
The Longacre Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 220 West 48th Street in midtown Manhattan.
Designed by architect Henry B. Herts, it was named for Longacre Square, the original name for Times Square. The French neo-classical building was constructed by impresario Harry Frazee, better remembered as the owner of the Boston Red Sox who, needing money for his theatrical ventures, sold Babe Ruth's contract to the New York Yankees. A curse allegedly lingers on the theater as a result, and superstitious producers avoid it for fear they'll be backing a flop, as noted by William Golden in his seminal book The Season. Despite the rumor, a large number of performers who have appeared on stage here have taken home a Tony Award for their efforts.
The Longacre's first show was a production of the William Hurlbut-Frances Whitehouse comedy Are You a Crook?, which opened on May 1, 1913. With the exception of its use as a television studio in the mid-1940s to early 1950s, the theatre has operated as a legitimate Broadway venue. Source
    Teatro Tucarena, South America
  Rua Min Godoi, 969 - Perdizes - São Paulo, SP           
Muitas gerações viveram e construíram a história cultural e política do País ocupando os espaços do TUCA. Durante a Ditadura, o TUCA foi palco de importantes manifestações políticas, desempenhando um papel significativo no contexto histórico brasileiro. Servindo aos interesses culturais, educacionais, artísticos, políticos e sociais dos universitários e da população paulistana, o TUCA contribuiu ativamente no processo de redemocratização.
Após o tombamento do TUCA como Patrimônio Histórico de São Paulo em 1998, iniciou-se nova campanha para reconstrução e restauro. Em 2002, com aprovação pelo MINC e patrocínio do Banco Bradesco, o TUCA foi finalmente reconstruído. A reinauguração aconteceu em 22 de agosto de 2003.
    Sala Baden Powell, South America
  Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 360 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Localizada no coração de Copacabana, a Sala Baden Powell surgida com a reforma do antigo Cine Ricamar e assim batizada em homenagem ao grande violonista, falecido em 2001, tornou realidade o antigo projeto da Prefeitura de contar com um espaço nobre para ampliar ainda mais sua atuação na área cultural. A sala, projetada inicialmente como um local para a música, abriga hoje também importantes montagens do teatro musical brasileiro. Em respeito à população do bairro e às suas necessidades, a Terceira Idade recebe atenção especial. Lotação : 500 pessoas Fonte
    Teatro dos Grandes Atores, South America
  Shopping da Gávea - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Teatro dos Grandes Atores, foi inaugurado em 1995, e é formado por duas salas, a Azul e a Vermelha, cada uma com 396 lugares. A sala Azul teve como primeiro espetáculo Apareceu a Margarida, estrelado por Marília Pêra. A sala vermelha iniciou sua programação com A Era do Rádio, dirigida e encenada por Sérgio Britto.
    Teatro Sesc Ginástico, South America
  Avenida Graça Aranha, 187 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A decoração clean conta com um elevador de vidro e foi projetada para adaptar e facilitar o acesso a deficientes físicos. As 514 poltronas de espuma, diferente das anteriores de mola, têm assentos especiais não só para deficientes mas também para obesos. A mesa de luz e as roldanas da cortina, que estavam lá desde a inauguração do Ginástico em 1938, foram recuperadas e se tornaram instalação de arte na entrada do teatro". (coluna Gente Boa de Joaquim Ferreira dos Anjos em O Globo, Segundo Caderno, em 20 de agosto de 2005).
    Teatro da UFF, South America
  Rua Miguel de Frias, 9 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
    Citibank Hall, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 3000 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Inaugurado em Setembro de 1994, e localizado na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), o CITIBANK HALL - Rio de Janeiro está estruturado para abrigar todos os tipos de shows e eventos.
Contando com uma infra-estrutura grandiosa, a casa transforma qualquer evento em um verdadeiro espetáculo, oferecendo ao Rio um espaço à altura de sua tradição cultural.
    Teatro Eva Herz, South America
  Avenida Paulista, 2073 - Consolação - São Paulo, SP           
Teatro Eva Herz, mais um espaço de cultura na Livraria.
    Teatro Arthur Azevedo, South America
  Rua Victor Alves, 454 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 18 de agosto de 1956, na capital federal, sendo presidente da República Juscelino Kubitschek (1902-1976), era inaugurado o Teatro Arthur Azevedo, pelo embaixador Francisco Negrão de Lima (1901-1981), então prefeito do Distrito Federal. Homenagem ao jornalista e escritor que no final do século XIX, dominou o cenário teatral do país. Arthur Azevedo (1855-1908) consolidou o gênero comédia de costumes da sociedade brasileira do final da monarquia e início da república, foi também um dos responsáveis pela construção do Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, inaugurado logo após sua morte em 22 de outubro de 1908.
    Teatro Gay Lussac, South America
   - São Francisco - Niterói, RJ           
    Barter Theatre, North America
  127 West Main Street - Virginia, VA           
"Our passion can be felt in two unique venues of live performance. From Barter Theatre, able to accommodate 507 patrons, to the more intimate Barter Stage II with 167 seats around a thrust stage...where the action is up-close and personal. Set inside a historical building across the street from Barter Theatre, Barter Stage II is a great place to enjoy a Barter production. Also, located in the lobby at Barter Stage II is The Caf?. You can stop in for lunch or dinner any day, and enjoy delicious specialty sandwiches, desserts, coffees and more! The Player Company, the youth stage of the Barter, produces plays for teachers and students."
    Vivian Beaumont Theater, North America
  150 West 65th Street - (at Lincoln Center) - New York, NY           
The Vivian Beaumont Theater is a theater in New York City in the United States. It is located at Lincoln Center, 150 W. 65th Street, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It was designed by the renowned Finnish American architect Eero Saarinen. Although it was built for the presentation of plays such as those produced on Broadway, it differs from traditional Broadway theaters because of its amphitheater configuration and thrust stage. The building includes two auditoriums, the 1,080-seat Vivian Beaumont Theater and the 299-seat Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater (called The Forum until 1973). The Beaumont is considered a fairly large theater for dramatic plays and a medium-size theater for musicals. It is New York's only Broadway-class theater (eligible for Tony Awards) that is not located in the Theater District near Times Square. Source
    Brooklyn Academy of Music, North America
  30 Lafayette Avenue - Brooklyn, NY              
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2013 Winter/Spring Season. Based on The Suit by Can Themba, Mothobi Mutloatse, and Barney Simon Direction, adaptation, and music by Peter Brook, Marie-Hélène Estienne, and Franck Krawczyk The renowned Peter Brook—whose 1987 production of The Mahabharata inaugurated the BAM Majestic Theater (now the BAM Harvey Theater)—returns with a music-filled adaptation of South African writer Can Themba’s piercing tale of simmering resentment and tragedy, The Suit. A wife caught in the act, her lover fleeing the scene, a suit left behind. It’s the perfect recipe for a husband’s punishing, humiliating decree: go on with business as usual, he says to his spouse, but take your lover’s suit everywhere you go as a ghostly reminder of your betrayal. Using an innovative staging that integrates live musicians directly into the action, Brook makes Themba’s volatile work sing. A hummed “Strange Fruit,” African melodies, and Schubert lieder thicken the tense, poisoned air of this apartheid-era summer in which a shared wound was not allowed to heal.
Dating from its first performance in 1861, BAM has grown into a thriving urban arts center that brings international performing arts and film to Brooklyn. The first BAM facility at 176-194 Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights was originally conceived by the Philharmonic Society of Brooklyn as a home for its concerts. It housed a large theater seating 2,200, a smaller concert hall, dressing and chorus rooms, and a vast "baronial" kitchen. BAM presented both amateur and professional music and theater productions. Performers included Ellen Terry, Edwin Booth, Tomas Salvini, and Fritz Kreisler.
    Theatre Jacksonville, North America
  2032 San Marco Boulevard - Jacksonville, FL            
A a volunteer-based community theatre whose mission is to create opportunities for community participation in theatre arts. This mission mandates inclusion and the development of diversity in the Company's artistic, volunteer, audience and donor bases. This goal is achieved through presenting plays and programs of noted artistic excellence, supporting volunteers and students with exceptional training opportunities, and allowing for the development of unique and/or original performance projects and events by Florida artists.
    Music Box Teatre, North America
  239 West 45th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
The Music Box Theater is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 239 West 45th Street in midtown-Manhattan.
The most aptly named theater on Broadway, the intimate Music Box was designed by architect C. Howard Crane and constructed by composer Irving Berlin and producer Sam H. Harris specifically to house Berlin's famed Music Box Revues. It opened in 1921 and hosted a new musical production every year until 1925, when it presented its first play, Cradle Snatchers, starring Humphrey Bogart. The following year, Chicago, the Maurine Dallas Watkins play that served as the basis for the hit musical, opened here. It housed a string of hits for the playwriting team of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, from their first collaboration Once in a Lifetime to their smash hit The Man Who Came to Dinner. Cole Porter and George and Ira Gershwin also presented shows here. Source
    American Airlines Theatre, North America
  227 West 42nd Street - Theatre District - New York, NY             
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    Eugene O'Neill Theatre, North America
  230 West 49th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
From Trey Parker and Matt Stone, four-time Emmy Award-winning creators of South Park comes this hilarious Broadway musical about a pair of mismatched Mormon boys sent on a mission to a place that's about as far from Salt Lake City as you can get.
The Book of Mormon is written in collaboration with Robert Lopez, the Tony Award-winning writer of Avenue Q, and co-directed by Mr. Parker and three-time Tony nominee Casey Nicholaw (Spamalot, The Drowsy Chaperone).
The Eugene O'Neill Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 230 West 49th Street in midtown-Manhattan.
Designed by architect Herbert J. Krapp, it was built for the Shuberts as part of a theatre-hotel complex named for 19th century tragedian Edwin Forrest. It opened on November 24, 1925 with the musical Mayflowers as its premiere production. It was renamed the Coronet in 1945 and rechristened the O'Neill in honor of the renowned American playwright in 1959 by then owner Lester Osterman. It later was purchased by playwright Neil Simon, who sold it to Jujamcyn Theatres in 1982.
    Marquis Theatre, North America
  Broadway & 46th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
Now playing: Evita.
Opened in 1986, the Marquis Theatre is one of the newest theatres to be built on Broadway. Located inside the Marriott Marquis Hotel, it was designed to provide maximum comfort for audiences and actors while conveying a feeling of intimacy. The venue features expansive backstage, high ceilings, state-of-the-art acoustics, wide aisles, comfortable seats, ample restrooms and parking.
Since its opening, the theatre has showcased a series of hit musicals including Me and My Girl, Gypsy, Man of La Mancha, The Goodbye Girl, Damn Yankees, Victor/Victoria, Peter Pan, Annie Get Your Gun and Thoroughly Modern Millie. Before or after seeing The Drowsy Chaperone, theatergoers can dine at one of the fine restaurants located throughout the hotel.
The Marquis has 1,611 seats and is one of The Nederlander Organization's nine Broadway theatres.
    John Golden Theatre, North America
  252 West 45th Street - Theatre District - New York, NY           
The John Golden Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 252 West 45th Street in midtown-Manhattan.
Designed in a Moorish style along with the adjacent Royale Theatre by architect Herbert J. Krapp for Irwin Chanin, it opened as the Theater Masque on February 24, 1927 with the play Puppets of Passion. Seventy-six years later it would house another production known for its puppets, the award-winning Avenue Q.
In 1937, impresario John Golden acquired the theatre and renamed it for himself. It operated as a movie house in the 1940s and '50s before it was purchased by the Shuberts, who returned it to legitimate use.
With a seating capacity of only 800, it is one of the smallest houses on Broadway. Source