North America
South America

World Attractions

    Radio City Music Hall, North America
  1260 Avenue of the Americas - New York, NY             
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Winter, lights twinkling on the tree, skaters gliding across the ice, carols ringing in the air and the annual Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
Rockefeller Center is the nation's favorite Christmas destination. The spirit of the laborers who decorated the first tree on the site almost seventy years ago lives on in the giant, gloriously lit spruce that graces the Plaza throughout the holiday season. The tree lighting ceremony draws huge crowds eagerly awaiting the official start of the season. And for weeks, happy kids and harried commuters are stopped in their tracks by the sight of the gossamer angels with golden trumpets and the sound of music in the winter air.
This year, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular celebrates 85 magical years of the Rockettes and will perform to cities outside of New York including Nashville, Chicago, Dallas and St. Louis.
America's most popular entertainers have thrilled audiences at Radio City Music Hall since its doors opened December 27, 1932. Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis Jr. and Tony Bennett to mention only a few of the celebrities and luminaries to grace the Great Stage.
    Old Town, North America
  5770 W. U.S. Highway 192, Suite 324 - Kissimmee, FL             
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American Classics and Muscle every Friday Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola®, this car show features show-quality vehicles from 1964-1979.
    Six Gun City & Fort Splash Water Park, North America
  Rt 2 - Jefferson, NH           
Well, Howdy Partner and welcome to Six Gun City and Fort Splash Waterpark! You've found the home of family fun in Jefferson, New Hampshire, only a short drive from the outside world. Won't you come join us for some good old fashion fun in the Old West? Are you looking for a family getaway where everyone will be happy? Slide back to a time when fun came first with a quick trip to the White Mountains!
    Full Blast, North America
  35 Hamblin Avenue - Battle Creek, MI           
You know you could use a little exercise, a little more often. You've probably even thought of joining a fitness club before. For whatever reason, none of the other fitness clubs "felt right." Now you have a place of your own. At Full Blast Fitness Center, you'll meet lots of everyday people working out because it makes them feel better.
    Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, North America
  1280 Peachtree Street, N.E. - Atlanta Symphony Hall - Atlanta, GA             
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The orchestra performs more than 200 concerts each year, with its main subscription series augmented by pops series, family concerts, and a full summer schedule including classical, pops, and free parks concerts. Its educational concerts for young people are consistently sold out and, along with outreach initiatives in schools and community centers, serve more than 50,000 youngsters annually.
Music Director since 2001, Maestro Robert Spano has led an innovative period for the ASO that has included commissions for video and animated installations in the concert hall as well as video interviews with living composers and a greater emphasis on contemporary repertoire.
    Parque Aquático Maria Lenk, South America
  Cidade dos Esportes - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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O Parque Aquático MariaLenk está localizado na Cidade dos Esportes, no Autódromo de Jacarepaguá, no mesmo complexo esportivo da Arena e do Velódromo.
O Parque com 42 mil m2 é composto por uma piscina olímpica, uma piscina de aquecimento e um tanque para saltos ornamentais, construídos de acordo com as normas da Federação Internacional de Natação.
As piscinas são específicas para as provas de natação, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais e pólo aquático.
A piscina para competições de natação e nado sincronizado tem 50m de comprimento, medidos internamente para permitir a cronometragem eletrônica e borda quebra ondas.
Maria Lenk, pioneira da natação feminina no Brasil e primeira mulher sul-americana a se apresentar em competições no exterior, foi recordista mundial nos 200 e 400 metros do nado borboleta
    Indiana Beach, North America
  5224 East Indiana Beach Road - Monticello, MI             
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Fun, flips, and gravity defying excitement are just the beginning of what’s in store for guests when they visit Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in 2008. Indiana’s largest and most popular amusement resort and vacation playground announced the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state: Steel Hawg. The new family coaster will be Indiana Beach’s sixth roller coaster and its first to take riders upside-down.
    African Safari Wildlife Park, North America
  267 Lightner Road - Port Clinton, OH             
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Drive Thru Safari Park! Tour the 100 plus acre preserve and visit hundreds of rare, exotic and some endangered animals from around the world. Animals roam, rest and play while visitors explore the grounds, snap pictures, buy snacks and have fun. Located in Port Clinton, Ohio only 17 miles West of Cedar Point.
    Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, South America
  R. Primeiro de Março, 66 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) do Rio de Janeiro é um dos quatro CCBBs do país, que também existem nas capitais Brasília, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Os Centros são espaços multidisciplinares com programação regular (seis dias por semana), nas áreas de artes cênicas, cinema, exposição, ideias (palestras, debates, seminários etc), música e programa educativo. O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação cultural que é referência no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. Com projetos nas mais diversas áreas, o Centro tem um volume de freqüentadores comparável ao de outras grandes instituições culturais do mundo.
Nos vários campos da arte, a programação procura oferecer obras que vão do clássico ao experimental, do erudito ao popular, dos grandes mestres aos talentos iniciantes. Esses critérios de seleção permitem ao CCBB alcançar freqüentadores com os mais abrangentes níveis de interesse. Instalado no número 66 da Rua Primeiro de Março, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil é uma das jóias arquitetônicas da Cidade. Seus espaços, organizados e adornados com elementos neoclássicos, abrigam três teatros, sala de cinema, sala de vídeo, cinco salas de exposições, biblioteca com 140 mil títulos, museu e arquivo histórico, videoteca e salão para conferências e palestras. O freqüentador dispõe ainda de restaurante, casa de chá, bombonière e loja de produtos culturais.
    Disney Springs, North America
   - Lake Buena Vista, FL             
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Downtown Disney area features more than 70 shopping, entertainment and dining choices. Nestled along the shores of Village Lake, Downtown Disney area is a short boat ride, bus ride or walk along a scenic lakeside path away from Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa in Walt Disney World Resort.
    Confeitaria Cavé, South America
  Rua 7 de Setembro, 137 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Confeitaria Cavé ou, simplesmente, Cavé, data de 1860. É a mais antiga confeitaria do Rio de Janeiro. Foi fundada por Charles Auguste Cavé, francês que ficou a frente do negócio até 1922. Entrar nela é voltar ao passado, reviver um pouco do Rio Antigo. A arquitetura marcante da Cavé possui influências de diversos países. Lustres, vitrais e vidros em geral eram franceses; as cadeiras e mesas foram projetadas por Cólon, um espanhol que residia no Brasil.
    Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca, South America
  Estrada do Pau Fome, 4003 - Taquara - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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Quem pensa que a Floresta da Tijuca é a maior floresta urbana do mundo, pode estar enganado. Localizado na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, considerado um dos maiores parques urbanos do mundo e a maior floresta urbana do país, ocupando cerca de 10% da área total do município do Rio de Janeiro, o Parque Estadual da Pedra Branca possui cerca de 12.500 hectares de área coberta por vegetação típica da Mata Atlântica, como cedros, jacarandás, jequitibás e ipês, além de uma variada fauna, composta por jaguatiricas, preguiças-de-coleira, tamanduás-mirins, pacas, tatus e cotias.
O maciço circunda os bairros de Guaratiba a oeste, Bangu e Realengo ao norte, Jacarepaguá a leste, Barra da Tijuca a sudoeste e ao sul, Recreio dos Bandeirantes e Grumari ao sul e Campo Grande a noroeste e compreende o conjunto das seguintes serras: Valqueire, Viegas, Bangu, Barata, Lameirão, Engenho Velho, Rio Pequeno, Taquara, Pedra Branca, Quilombo, Santa Bárbara, Rio da Prata, Nogueira, Alto do Peri, Sacarrão, Geral de Guaratiba, Carapiá, Cabuçu e Grumari. Separa-se do Maciço de Gericinó pela Baixada Bangu - Realengo e do Maciço da Tijuca pela baixada de Jacarepaguá.
    Frontier Town, North America
  P.O. Box 691 - Ocean City, MD             
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Frontier Town, Ocean City, Maryland’s premier camping resort! Our Woodall’s® Double 5W rated waterfront campground is situated along the beautiful Sinepuxent Bay and features over 500 spacious campsites caterin’ to primitive tentin’ all the way up to luxury 45 foot motor homes, deluxe rental trailers and campin’ cabins. Just 5 minutes away is Ocean City, Maryland with its’ beautiful sandy beaches, famous boardwalk, great fishin’ and amusements galore.
Also just a stones throw is Assateague Island National Seashore (home to the wild ponies), the quaint Victorian town of Berlin, Maryland with its’ antique shops, farmers market, weekend festivals and much, much more. Golfers will thrill to the challenge of playing some of the top rated golf courses in the country. Our Water Park with a giant water slide, lazy river and large activity pool is FREE to our campers! Our campers also enjoy a 20% discount to Frontier Town Western Theme Park! Bring along your boat and dock it at our 75-slip marina or enjoy fishing from our 200 foot long fishin’ and crabbin’ pier. No other campground “This (or that) side of the Pecos” offers so much!
    Willis Tower, North America
  233 South Wacker Drive - Chicago, IL            
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With comprehensive security networks and a wide range of top-quality amenities, Willis Tower is an ideal location for business. Standing at 1,450 feet and 110 stories high, Willis Tower is the tallest building in the western hemisphere. Offering more than 3.8 million square feet of office and retail space, Willis Tower is THE business location in Chicago.
    Palácio do Itamaraty, South America
  Av. Marechal Floriano, 196 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Palácio do Itamaraty, de grande valor histórico e artístico é uma construção de 1851, autoria de Francisco José da Rocha, Conde de Itamarati. Foi sede do governo republicano de 1889 a 1898 e sede do Ministério das Relações Exteriores de 1899 a 1970. Os jardins e lago internos são de autoria de Jacinto Rebelo, como também o projeto do edifício principal do palácio, em estilo neoclássico, simétrico e de nobres proporções. Abriga, hoje, o Museu Histórico e Diplomático, Arquivo Histórico e Mapoteca. A edificação é o 8º prédio tombado pelo Patrimônio Histórico no país. Funciona no Palácio Itamaraty, a mais completa biblioteca de referência das Nações Unidas no Brasil, com documentos sobre a Organização internacional. A Biblioteca do Centro de Informação da ONU no Rio de Janeiro possui mais de 15 mil livros e 300 títulos de periódicos a disposição dos usuários, além de folhetos e material informativo.
    USTA National Tennis Center, North America
  Flushing Meadows-Corona Park - Queens, NY           
The USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center is located in Flushing, in the New York City borough of Queens and has been the home of the US Open Grand Slam tennis tournament played every year in August and September. According to the United States Tennis Association, the center is the largest public tennis facility in the world with 22 courts inside the facility and 11 more in the adjoining park. All 33 courts have used the DecoTurf cushioned acrylic surface since the facility was built in 1978. Source: en.wikipedia.org
    Cheyenne Mountain Zoological, North America
  4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road - Colorado Springs, CO             
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No visit to Colorado's Pikes Peak region is complete without a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Here, you'll experience an unforgettable adventure combining our breathtaking mountain scenery with more than 750 animals from around the world. All your favorites are here...from giraffes and elephants to lions and monkeys, hippos and bears. It's also a rare opportunity to see more than 30 endangered species including the Amur tiger, Mexican wolf, and Black-footed ferret!
    Dutch Wonderland, North America
  2249 Route 30 East - Lancaster, PA             
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A History of Providing Family Fun
In 1963 the Clark family of Lancaster, PA, founded DUTCH WONDERLAND Family Amusement Park. With just 18 acres and 4 rides it quickly became a welcome destination for family fun. Over the years DUTCH WONDERLAND has grown to 48 acres and over 30 rides, special shows and attractions, and related properties including DISCOVER LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM, OLD MILLSTREAM Campground, WONDERLAND Mini-Golf, and The Gift House at Kitchen Kettle Village.
    Boomers, North America
  655 Long Island Ave - Medford, NY             
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Amusement park with everything from go-carts & carousels to rock walls and rollercoasters. Boomers cafe, and facilities available for general public, group events, corp events and birthday parties.
    Javits Center, North America
  655 West 34th Street - New York, NY              
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New York Times Travel Show. January 18, 2013 - January 20, 2013. There's no better way to learn more about travel than by gaining insights from the experts--and that's what you'll get from the fascinating seminars at the Travel Show. This year’s seminars promise much not-to-be-missed information. Be sure to sign up for e-mailed updates, become a fan of the show on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter to be the first to learn about seminars updates, deals, etc.
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center is a large convention center on the west side of Manhattan in New York City. It was designed by architects I. M. Pei and partners. The revolutionary space frame structure was built in 1986 and named for New York Senator Jacob K. Javits, who died that year.
The exhibit space is over 675,000 square feet (62,700 m2). Planning and constructing a convention center on Manhattan's west side has had a long and controversial history, including efforts starting in the early 1970s to produce a megaproject involving a redevelopment concept. On October 16, 2006, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to start construction of an expansion. The $1.7 billion dollar expansion project will expand the center's size by 45 percent, and include a hotel. The project is scheduled for completion by 2010, and when finished, will be one of the largest convention centers in the U.S.
    Adirondack River Outfitters, North America
  Jct Rte 8 & 28 - Wevertown, NY            
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Whitewater Rafting in New York - Since 1980, A.R.O. Adventures has guided thousands of guests down the exciting rivers of the Adirondack Mts. of New York State, New York's finest whitewater rafting! We were the first outfitter to offer trips on the Moose and Black rivers, one of the original rafting companies on the Hudson and Sacandaga rivers, and remain one of New York's largest white water rafting outfitters.
    Dollywood, North America
  1020 Dollywood Lane - Pigeon Forge, NY           
Unique as its namesake Dolly Parton, Dollywood is a one-of-a-kind Smoky Mountain Family Adventure! Spanning 125 acres and nestled in the lush foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, near Gatlinburg, Dollywood is one of the most popular family vacation destinations. Thrill to spectacular Dollywood theme park rides including the award-winning wooden roller coaster The Thunderhead™-the wildest ride in the woods. Family vacation fun features kiddie rides and 10 new family attractions in our expanded Country Fair area. Dollywood's live entertainment showcases the best in country, bluegrass, mountain and gospel music with more than a dozen stage shows. Master craftsmen demonstrate centuries-old crafts including blacksmithing, glass blowing and wood carving. Dollywood is also home to four of the South's largest festivals-Festival of Nations™, KidsFestsm, the new National Harvest & Music Celebration and Smoky Mountain Christmas. No matter what time of year you visit, Dollywood offers something special for every member of the family! Buy your tickets today!
    Arte Sesc, South America
  Rua Marquês de Abrantes, 99 - Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Localizado no Flamengo, o Arte Sesc se estabeleceu em uma construção de 1912, com arquitetura eclética, antiga moradia de Frederico Figner, empresário que trouxe para o Brasil os primeiros equipamentos de som e luz, como fonógrafos, gramofones e kinetoscópios. Figner também fundou a primeira gravadora musical no Brasil, a Odeon, contribuindo para difundir a música brasileira na Europa.
O Arte Sesc abriga em suas cinco salas mostras de artes plásticas e está aberto ao público com uma programação que prestigia eventos já reconhecidos, além dos de cunho experimental, incentivando o surgimento de novos valores artísticos, circulação de novas idéias e tendências
    DeSoto Caverns Family Fun Park, North America
  5181 DeSoto Caverns Pkwy - Childersburg, AL             
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Always something fun for everyone. With over 25 "Wacky" attractions including our three-quarter acre Lost Trail Maze, Panning for Gemstones, and the always popular Wacky Water Golf, we're sure you'll have a great time at Alabama's Big Cave and More, DeSoto Caverns Family Fun Park. Attractions are open year round with the exception of the water attractions. Water attractions close at the end of October and reopen in April.
    Casas Casadas, South America
  Rua das Laranjeiras, 307 - Laranjeiras - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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Patrimônio tombado, é uma das construções do século XIX mais representativas e originais da cidade, um exemplar único de residência multifamiliar, análogo aos edifícios residenciais atuais. Em uma edificação anexa às Casas Casadas está instalado o Espaço Carioca, com café, bar, livraria, loja de CDs e um pequeno palco para lançamentos musicais, de DVDs e de livros.
    TCL Chinese Theatre, North America
  6931 Hollywood Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA            
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The TCL Chinese Theatre, formerly known as Grauman's Chinese Theatre, remains undamaged by the recent January 2025 wildfires in Los Angeles. While the Sunset Fire in the Hollywood Hills prompted concerns due to its proximity to landmarks like the Hollywood Bowl and the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Chinese Theatre has not sustained any damage. ACCESSWDUN Despite the challenges posed by the wildfires, the TCL Chinese Theatre continues to operate as usual, hosting film screenings and events. For the latest updates on its operational status and any potential schedule changes, please refer to their official communications. The grand opening of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on May 18, 1927, was the most spectacular theatre opening in motion picture history. Thousands of people lined Hollywood Boulevard and a riot broke out as fans tried to catch a glimpse of the movie stars and other celebrities as they arrived for the opening.
    Empire State Building, North America
  350 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in New York City. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until the construction of the World Trade Center North Tower in 1972, and is now once again the tallest building in New York after the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The building and its street floor interior are designated landmarks of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Board of Estimate. Source
    Fortaleza de São João, South America
  Av. João Luís Alves s/nº - URCA - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Em 1º de março de 1565, Estácio de Sá fundou, na Urca, entre os Morros Cara de Cão e Pão de Açúcar, a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Neste mesmo local foi erguida a Fortaleza de São João, constituída por três redutos (pequenos fortins também chamados de Baterias) e um grande Forte, o Forte São José, de 1578 – o terceiro forte mais antigo do país.
Depois de mais de cem anos, o Forte São José está sendo restaurado com apoio da lei Rouanet de Incentivo à Cultura. As duas primeiras fases da restauração foram patrocinadas pelo BNDES. Agora em sua terceira fase, o objetivo é fazer o restauro dos canhões do séc. XIX, e implantar projeto de iluminação para que o local possa ser visitado também à noite. A arquitetural original está sendo respeitada para que o carioca possa voltar no tempo.
A restauração do Forte São José será o ponto culminante de um grande complexo turístico-cultural dentro da Fortaleza de São João, que já está recebendo a visitação de escolas interessadas em mostrar aos seus alunos o palco de tantos momentos históricos importantes.
    Verrazzano Bridge, North America
  Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge - Staten Island, NY            
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The Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge is a double-decked suspension bridge that connects the New York City boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn. It spans the Narrows, a body of water that separates the two boroughs, and is named after the explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who was the first European to enter New York Harbor in 1524. The bridge was designed by Othmar Ammann, who was also the chief engineer of the George Washington Bridge, and was completed in 1964. At the time of its completion, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world with a main span of 4,260 feet. The bridge has six lanes of traffic on the upper level and three on the lower level, and is a major transportation link for commuters and commercial vehicles. The bridge also offers a spectacular view of the New York City skyline and the harbor. The bridge's opening ceremony was attended by various dignitaries including Robert Moses, the powerful NYC Parks commissioner and urban planner who had pushed for the construction of the bridge. The bridge is considered as an engineering marvel and a significant transportation link in the New York City.
    Top Kart Indoor Extra Barra, South America
  Avenida das Americas 1510 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
<iframe id='palyer30' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ClOUbvA5uZQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer30'>
Uma organização de esporte e lazer onde se pode desfrutar de inúmeras atividades ligadas ao kart. Os organizadores oferecem desde escola de pilotagem para crianças obedecidadas, naturalmente, regras de segurança que o esporte requer, até preparação de jovens e adultos para competições regionais.
Atualmente o Top Kart conta com 2 unidades no Rio de Janeiro, localizadas na Barra da Tijuca e no Shopping Nova América, onde além das corridas de kart, Top Kart tambem oferece salão de jogos, simuladores de corrida e salão para realização de festas eventos ou reuniões. Infraestrutura completa do local incluindo festas, churrascos, confraternizações e outros eventos.