World High School

    The Beacon School, North America

  227 West 61st Street - New York, NY           
Offering an inquiry-based college-preparatory program with technology and arts infused throughout the curriculum. In addition to taking the New York State English Language Arts Regents, students demonstrate their mastery of material each year by presenting independent projects to panels of teachers. All Beacon students perform one semester of community service.
    St. Bernard's School, North America
  4 East 98 Street - New York, NY           
ST. BERNARD'S offers motivated young boys of diverse backgrounds an exceptionally thorough, rigorous, and enjoyable introduction to learning and community life. We wish to inspire boys to appreciate hard work and fair play, to develop confidence in themselves, consideration for others and a sense of citizenship, and to have fun while doing these things.
    Little Red Schoolhouse, North America
  and Elisabeth Irwin High School - 40 Charlton Street - New York, NY            
Lower School teachers have been thinking together about the goals we set for social studies, in particular the conceptual goals that underlie our projects, trips and written tasks. As much as in literacy or math, we design a program to reflect students’ developmental orientation. We meet them where they are, tapping into their interests and curiosity within the framework of their realm of understanding. For example, we know that the younger child learns through concrete, personal experience – a trip or interview is a springboard for extended learning as your child reflects, questions, draws and writes about an exciting experience, turning it into new and deeper understanding. As the student matures and her worldview broadens, she extracts more and more information from books and symbolic communication, linking this to direct, interactive experience. Eventually, around Third Grade, students are ready to leave what we call the ”here and now” and enter the world of “long ago and far away;” to study those things that cannot be visited directly, tasted or touched. Thanks to the experiential foundation of their earlier years, eight and nine year olds are prepared to appreciate the flow and evolution of history and to conceptualize a timeline leading from then to now.
    Professional Children's School, North America
  132 West 60 Street - New York, NY           
Professional Children's School provides a challenging education for young people working or studying for careers in the performing and visual arts, modeling and competitive sports, and for students who desire the special environment of PCS or the flexibility and independence of the PCS program.
    Notre Dame Academy High School, North America
  74 Howard Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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The sacred mission of Notre Dame is the education of girls and young women from Pre-K to Grade 12. We believe that our commitment to a tradition of liberating education creates the space where each student has every opportunity to maximize her potential, investigate and express her gifts, and where each teacher cultivates the best in each girl. We have developed a culture based on Visitation Spirituality at the core of which is right relationships with God, others, and the Earth. We celebrate the uniqueness that each person brings to our campus.
    Colégio São José, South America
  Rua Geraldo Martins, 166 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
O Colégio São José foi fundado no ano de 1944. Ele faz parte de um projeto idealizado e mantido pela Congregação das Irmãs Sacramentinas de Nossa Senhora para estar a serviço da educação de crianças e jovens para a justiça e solidariedade.

Escola católica com a sólida tradição de 60 anos, está preparado para oferecer aos seus alunos uma educação de vanguarda e uma ambiente escolar diferenciado e personalizador.
    Colégio Marília Mattoso, South America
  Rua José Bonifácio, 39 - São Domingo - Niterói, RJ            
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Em 1972, com as inovações introduzidas pela Lei 5692/71 na Educação Brasileira, foi implantada a reforma de ensino do 1º grau(hoje Ensino Fundamental) sob a direção do sobrinho de D. Marília, Reynaldo Mattoso Cavalcanti. Sob sua orientação a escola passou também por outras transformações.
No ano de 1976, implementou-se a criação do Mattosinho com a finalidade de atender aos alunos da educação infantil. A escola continuava a crescer até que em 1978 foi inaugurada a nova e atual sede, na rua José Bonifácio nº 39.
O Ensino Médio foi implantado em 1985, com a colaboração do Prof. Comte Bittencourt, que meses antes assumira a Direção Administrativa da escola. A partir daí, nossa escola passou a denominar-se Colégio Marília Mattoso.
    Colégio Gauss, South America
  Avenida Frei Fabiano 155 - Piratininga - Niterói, RJ           
Em 1998 surgiu a idéia da construção de um colégio, que suprisse as reais necessidades da população da Região Oceânica, em relação à Educação Infantil e ao Ensino Fundamental.
Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa que nos mostrou as deficiências quanto à maioria dos serviços de educação encontrados na região e as expectativas da população, que almejava por uma educação de melhor qualidade para seus filhos, que muitas vezes se viam obrigados a procurar outras opções fora da localidade onde moravam.
    Colégio Oswaldo Cruz, South America
  Rua Oswaldo Cruz, 32 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
O Colégio Oswaldo Cruz atende ao aluno respeitando sua multiplicidade, favorecendo a construção do conhecimento. É papel fundamental da escola estimular o desenvolvimento do interesse, o gosto pelo aprender, integrando arte, pesquisa, música, oficina de leitura, inglês, educação física e informática.
    Colégio Ary Parreiras, South America
  Rua Ary Parreiras, 73 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes.
Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional).
    Marymount School Of New York, North America
  1026 5th Avenue - New York, NY
Marymount is a college preparatory, independent, Catholic day school for girls, founded by Mother Joseph Butler in 1926 as part of a worldwide school system directed by the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The School promotes in each student a respect for her own unique abilities and a commitment to responsible living in a changing world. Marymount welcomes diversity and draws upon it to foster cultural sensitivity, religious understanding and a global perspective.
    Sewanhaka High School, North America
   - Floral Park, NY           
Educating students through academic achievement and cultural understanding.
    Colégio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, South America
  Rua General Rondon, 842 - São Francisco - Niterói, RJ            
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A Educação que apresenta como alicerce, os pilares franciscanos tem, na sua própria essência, um marco diferencial. A promoção da vida, a conscientização ecológica, a valorização da minoridade, a aceitação das diferenças, o cuidar e o acolher são fontes que alimentam nosso Projeto Educativo.
Diferente da concepção hegemônica de cultura como instrumento de massificação, o Colégio busca transforma-se num espaço privilegiado de promoção sociocultural. Por meio de seleção de conteúdos relevantes, contribuímos para que se discuta e se promova a cultura como centro gerador de transformação social.
A afetividade ressignifica o nosso fazer pedagógico. Propomos a Educação que seja provocativa, criativa, pautada na reciprocidade das áreas de conhecimento, no respeito e na inclusão responsável. A proposta Pedagógica é constantemente transformada pelos Projetos elaborados nas diferentes áreas, de forma que todos possam ensinar e aprender conhecimento, fundamentos de cidadania de democracia e do convívio social.
    Far Rockaway High School, North America
  821 Beach 25th St. - Far Rockaway, NY           
Far Rockaway High School Alumni from Far Rockaway, New York where you'll find an Alumni Directory, Reunion Post, In Memoriam List, Message Post, Year Books, Photo Gallery and more for all of you Sea Horses out there!
    Calhoun School, North America
  433 West End Avenue - New York, NY             
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N-12. Founded in 1896, The Calhoun School is a progressive, coeducational, college preparatory school for students in early childhood through twelfth grade. The school is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the New York State Education Department.
    Rudolf Steiner School, North America
  15 East 78th Street - New York, NY           
The Rudolf Steiner School is part of a rapidly growing international community of schools that embraces Waldorf education. These schools share a common philosophy, a methodological approach, and a basic curriculum. The Waldorf schools are committed to academic excellence and offer their students a rigorous classical education in preparation for the most demanding colleges. Waldorf pedagogy nurtures healthy emotional development by conveying knowledge experientially as well as academically. The heart of the Waldorf philosophy is the belief that education is an artistic process.
    Uniondale High School, North America
  933 Goodrich Street - Uniondale, NY           
Every student in Uniondale High School has the tools and support needed to become successful citizens. UHS has achieved state recognition for closing the achievement gap last year and exceeding state standards. UHS has also attained a 92% regents passing rate and achieved mastery in English, math, social studies and the foreign languages.
    Locust Valley Middle/High School, North America
   - Locust Valley, NY           
A student-centered school that stresses excellence in an environment of high expectations and high support. Our size is ideal with fewer than 600 students allowing individuals to be well known and appropriately recognized for their unique and special talent. Our gracious and expansive surroundings provide a clean, safe and attractive environment for students. Above all, Locust Valley High School is an academic institution which challenges students to reach their highest level. Students are encouraged to challenge our wide array of AP and research programs as well as study our numerous elective offerings. During the 2002-2003 school year, close to 100 students will be involved in our Science Research program. Source:
    Townsend Harris, North America
  149-11 Melbourne Ave. - Flushing, NY           
In 1984, Townsend Harris was reopened with a new location and student body but the same spirit and desires as before. Beginning with the first new class, a tradition of expressing this spirit is found in the pledge the Townsend Harris student makes during his or her first year, known as the Ephebic Oath. The present school has had, from its inception, this rich tradition supported by an active group of alumni. The alumni arrange internships for students, serve as advisors and mentors and raise funds for special projects.
    Colégio Maria Thereza, South America
  Rua São Pedro, 108 - Centro - Niterói, RJ
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho... ... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial.
    Dalton School, North America
  108 East 89 Street - East Side - New York, NY             
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K-12 - The Dalton School is an independent, co-educational day school (K-12), founded in 1919 by the renowned progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst. Dalton is recognized for its rigorous, innovative educational curriculum and offers its 1300 students a breadth of stimulating and challenging programs taught by dedicated, professional faculty.
The school’s First Program (K-3) occupies three adjoining townhouses on East 91st Street in New York City. Middle and High School students attend classes nearby in our building on East 89th Street. Indoor physical education for Middle and High School students is provided in our state-of-the-art facility on East 87th Street.
    Instituto Maia Vinagre, South America
  Rua Noronha Torrezão 68 - Santa Rosa - Niterói, RJ            
O Instituto Maia Vinagre realiza um trabalho educacional orientado por uma pedagogia eclética e holística. Oferece um ambiente escolar ao mesmo tempo acolhedor e estimulante. A criança é incentivada a construir o seu próprio conhecimento, levantando hipóteses, estabelecendo conclusões, desenvolvendo a capacidade crítica, bem como a de interpretação e de criação.Assim, por meio de um trabalho escolar eficiente e renovador, contribui para a formação de pessoas conscientes em relação a si mesmas e a suas responsabilidades sociais.
    Herricks Middle/High School, North America
   - New Hyde Park, NY           
Herricks is a four year, comprehensive high school with 1450 students accredited by the New York State Board of Regents and the Middle States Association. The student body is highly competitive, dynamic and multicultural.
Herricks families share diverse backgrounds and personal histories. Some have been in the district for generations, while others have only recently emigrated to the United States. Sixty-Nine different languages are spoken in the homes or our students and 51% come from homes where English is not the primary language spoken. Cultural diversity enriches our school community, educational environment and extracurricular programs.
    Floral Park Memorial High School, North America
  210 Locust Street - Floral Park, NY           
FPMHS is a coeducational, public high school in Floral Park, New York, United States. It is one of five schools in the Sewanhaka Central High School District. The high school enrolls students in grades 7 through 12. Source:
    Garden School, North America
  33-16 79th Street - Queens, NY           
The Garden School course of study emphasizes strong basic skills, with challenge and discovery as part of the educational process. The co-curricular experience includes sports, drama, art, music, and a commitment to community service.
Although Garden is an independent school, its low tuition, compared with others in the metro-New York area, makes it an affordable option to a broad group of families. Garden's student body reflects the ever-changing population of Queens, New York. Located in Jackson Heights, Queens, Garden School is easily accessible to students from all sections of New York City and Long Island.
    Wheatley School, North America
  11 Bacon Road - Old Westbury, Ne           
The Wheatley School is an exceptional school enrolling approximately 720 students in grades 8-12. Wheatley's student body is predominantly college bound, and the school prepares students well to meet the challenges they will face when they graduate.
    Nightingale-Bamford School, North America
  20 East 92nd Street - New York, NY           
The Nightingale-Bamford School has provided a rigorous college preparatory education for girls and young women since 1920. Today there are approximately 530 students enrolled at Nightingale from grades K-12. Our commitment to a strong foundation in the traditional academic disciplines; the close feeling of community among students, their families and teachers in a small school setting; and the many opportunities our students have to develop confidence in their abilities and an understanding of themselves create the special quality of a Nightingale education.
    Hepmstead High School, North America
  201 President Street - Hempstead, NY           
Hempstead once an academic power in the 1980s has shown signs of decline recently. They began to shown major signs of improvements with high graduating classes of 2005 and again in 2006. In terms of test scores, in 2004 Hempstead had 57% of its students pass the Math A Regents Examination, up from 28% in 2003 (the state average in 2004 was 78%). In English for 2004, the passing rate stood at 66% up from 49% in 2003 (state avg.77%). In Physics, Hempstead had a 88% passing rate, compared to a 81% state average. Hempstead also offers Advanced Placement courses in English, Biology, Chemistry, Spanish, United States History, and World History. Source:
    Spence School, North America
  22 East 91 Street - New York, NY           
K-12. The Spence School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls in kindergarten through grade 12. Founded by Clara B. Spence in 1892, Spence is committed to maintaining high academic standards, promoting diversity and teaching the basic human values of honesty and concern for others. With approximately 600 students, Spence is a small supportive community where the contributions of every student are valued. Each student is challenged to reach her full potential in an atmosphere that fosters self-confidence and a spirit of cooperation.
    Colégio Militar de Belo Horizonte, South America
  Av. Mal. Espiridião Rosas, 400 - São Francisco - Belo Horizonte, MG           
As raízes históricas do Colégio remontam a 1912, quando foi criado seu precursor, o Colégio Militar de Barbacena, extinto em 1925. Somente trinta anos após a extinção daquele educandário, em face à persistência de uma chama que não se apagou, luziu a grande esperança: o ressurgimento da casa de formação dos “pupilos do Exército”, no saudável ambiente do clima, dos costumes e do civismo montanheses. Em 12 de setembro de 1955, o Presidente da República, Café Filho, assinou o decreto nº 37.879, que criou o Colégio Militar de Belo Horizonte, que possibilitava aos mineiros rápido ingresso nas fileiras do Exército Brasileiro. De acordo com o mesmo decreto, o Colégio deveria ser instalado no prédio destinado ao Centro de Preparação de Oficiais da Reserva (CPOR), no bairro da Pampulha. Enquanto se providenciava a construção do Colégio no local onde atualmente se ergue o fórum Lafaiete, o CMBH provisoriamente ocupou as instalações do Colégio Estadual de Minas Gerais, localizado na avenida Augusto de Lima, próximo ao centro da cidade. O início do primeiro ano letivo ocorreu em 21 de abril de 1956, marcado por uma solenidade que contou com a presença de várias autoridades civis e militares. As obras foram concluídas no final de 1959, fato que permitiu o funcionamento do Colégio, totalmente reunido na Pampulha, a partir de 1960.