World High School

    Curso Domiantes Pré Vestibular, South America

  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 383, 3° andar - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Formada por uma equipe de especialistas em pré-vestibular, o curso Dominantes valoriza a criatividade, esforço, e tem como foco a total dedicação ao aluno, formando os pilares para o seu sucesso e aprovação. Situado em Icaraí, Niterói e voltado para o ingresso nas principais universidades públicas como Uff, Uerj, Ufrj, Unirio, Ufrrj (Rural) e Cefet, o Pré-Vestibular Dominantes tem no aluno o seu bem mais precioso.
    Martin Luther High School, North America
  60-02 Maspeth Avenue - Maspeth, NY           
A co-ed academic day school serving grades 9-12. Quality, Christian education.
"In response to the redeeming love of Jesus Christ, Martin Luther High School challenges mind and body and shapes Christian character so that students succeed as God's people in this world."
    Manhattan Day School, North America
  310 West 75th Street - New York, NY           
Here teaching and learning are inseperably linked. Here academic rigor is met and matched by all that is pedagogically creative and dynamic. Innovative approaches to secular and Judaic studies coexist harmoniously Growth is wed to commitment, with teachers, children, and parents empowering each other to succeed. Bolstered by an atmosphere of loving communal support, individualized academic attention thrives. Every student, regardless of strength or weakness, talent or need, is considered a valued member of the Manhattan Day School (MDS) community And every student is taught at an individual level that makes the best learning possible.
    New Hyde Park Memorial High School, North America
  500 Leonard Boulevard - New Hyde Park, NY           
New Hyde Park Memorial Junior/Senior High School is a six-year public high school in New Hyde Park, New York, as part of the Sewanhaka Central High School District. Like the four other high schools in the Sewanhaka Central district, the school is home to grades 7 to 12, a combined middle and high school. This is a school filled with many diverse students. New Hyde Park Memorial is located at 500 Leonard Blvd New Hyde Park, New York. Source:
    United Nations International School, North America
  24-50 FDR Drive - New York, NY           
The United Nations International School (UNIS) was founded in 1947 by United Nations affiliated families. UNIS has a multi-national staff from 70 countries and over 1,450 students from 115 countries. The main language of instruction is English and all students study French or Spanish, beginning in the elementary school; Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian are also taught beginning in the seventh grade; additional mother tongues may be studied after school.
    MacArthur High School, North America
  3369 Old Jerusalem Road - Levittown, NY           
Honoring and rewarding academic excellence. A talented and dedicated staff works to help the students to achieve their intellectual, social, and athletic "personal best." Working in partnership with the site-based management team composed of teachers, students, and parents, the administration fosters participation in academic programs above and beyond the prescribed curriculum.
    Miraflores, South America
   - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ             
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Fundado em 1969, mais precisamente no mês de março. Naquele tempo, nes-se espaço, balões faziam poesia no ar. Hoje, neste mesmo lugar, os alunos am-pliam conhecimen-tos, pesquisam nos livros, nos computa-dores e na natureza, organizam feiras, sonham, desejam, realizam e, também, lançam poesias no ar. Passados tantos anos, o Miraflores vive, com plenitude, a maturidade das experiências adquiridas, mas permanece criança inquieta diante dos desafios do amanhã. Pois, como nos ensinou nosso Mestre Paulo Freire, o futuro não é uma coisa escondida na esquina. O futuro a gente constrói no presente.
    Colégio Maria Thereza, South America
  Rua São Pedro, 108 - Centro - Niterói, RJ
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho... ... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial.
    Brooklyn Friends School, North America
  375 Pearl Street - Brooklyn, NY           
N-12. Brooklyn Friends School provides a college preparatory program serving students from Preschool through Grade 12. It is committed to educating each student intellectually, aesthetically, physically, and spiritually in a culturally diverse community. Guided by the Quaker principles of truth, simplicity, and peaceful resolution of conflict, Brooklyn Friends School offers each student a challenging education that develops intellectual abilities and ethical and social values to support a productive life of leadership and service.
    Colégio Ary Parreiras, South America
  Rua Ary Parreiras, 73 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes.
Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional).
    Professional Children's School, North America
  132 West 60 Street - New York, NY           
Professional Children's School provides a challenging education for young people working or studying for careers in the performing and visual arts, modeling and competitive sports, and for students who desire the special environment of PCS or the flexibility and independence of the PCS program.
    Jamaica High School, North America
  167-01 Gothic Drive - Jamaica, NY           
Jamaica High School is also located near Thomas A. Edison Vocational and Technical High School. Edison is north of Jamaica High School, separated by 84th Avenue and the Jamaica High School cutting edge and state-of-the-art Track and Football Field. Hillcrest High School is another nearby high school. Hillcrest is located at 87th Avenue and Parsons Boulevard, right near Gateway High School for the Sciences
    Forest Hills High School, North America
  67-01 110 Street - Queens, NY             
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The school serves the Forest Hills and Rego Park sections of Queens. However, many students come from nearby neighborhoods such as Kew Gardens, Jackson Heights, Woodside, Flushing, Elmhurst, East Elmhurst, Astoria, Corona, Glendale and parts of Jamaica.
FHHS has often been extremely overcrowded throughout its history, sometimes running several overlapping sessions (7:20am to 1:49pm, 8:09am to 2:38pm, 8:59am to 3:28pm, 9:48 to 4:17pm, 10:37am to 5:06pm). Traditionally, a very large percentage of FHHS graduates have gone on to attend college.
    Colégio Paraíso, South America
  Rua Visconde de Itaúna, 267 - São Gonçalo - Paraiso, NY           
"Construindo futuro."
    St. Bernard's School, North America
  4 East 98 Street - New York, NY           
ST. BERNARD'S offers motivated young boys of diverse backgrounds an exceptionally thorough, rigorous, and enjoyable introduction to learning and community life. We wish to inspire boys to appreciate hard work and fair play, to develop confidence in themselves, consideration for others and a sense of citizenship, and to have fun while doing these things.
    The Bronx High School of Science, North America
  75 West 205th Street - Bronx, NY           
Bronx Science is a place where students and faculty alike experience the excitement of the motivated mind and the Samaritan heart. The people here are of a special breed, where a little push goes a long way, an all-nighter is not uncommon, and a smile is bound to appear no matter how taxing life may be at the moment. Bronx Science is not simply an educational institution, it is a home--a home for an ever-growing family with one common goal: to advance the self and society.
    Garden School, North America
  33-16 79th Street - Queens, NY           
The Garden School course of study emphasizes strong basic skills, with challenge and discovery as part of the educational process. The co-curricular experience includes sports, drama, art, music, and a commitment to community service.
Although Garden is an independent school, its low tuition, compared with others in the metro-New York area, makes it an affordable option to a broad group of families. Garden's student body reflects the ever-changing population of Queens, New York. Located in Jackson Heights, Queens, Garden School is easily accessible to students from all sections of New York City and Long Island.
    St. John Villa Academy, North America
  26 Landis Avenue - Arrochar - Staten Island, NY
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Currently, we are building a high school addition. As a result of the steady high enrollment over the past decade, SJVA was pressed to develop a strategic campus facility plan that would renovate existing buildings and increase the amount of space in our high school. Specifically, several of the oldest buildings on campus are unable to meet the space and program needs of our faculty and students. In order to maintain programs and to expand other areas of the curriculum, SJVA proposed a $5 million renovation and construction project. This will primarily consolidate the high school's academic space into a central location by enlarging and renovating the existing high school facility. A three-story wing is being built and connected to the current two-story high school. All new classrooms will be provided with "T1" Internet access lines. The project broke ground in December 2004 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2005. Of this $5 million renovation and construction project, $1 million must be raised from a capital campaign. Because St. John Villa is a private Catholic school, we do not receive public funds or money from the Archdiocese for capital projects and therefore, must seek private donations to accomplish this greatly needed project.
    Colégio Gauss, South America
  Avenida Frei Fabiano 155 - Piratininga - Niterói, RJ           
Em 1998 surgiu a idéia da construção de um colégio, que suprisse as reais necessidades da população da Região Oceânica, em relação à Educação Infantil e ao Ensino Fundamental.
Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa que nos mostrou as deficiências quanto à maioria dos serviços de educação encontrados na região e as expectativas da população, que almejava por uma educação de melhor qualidade para seus filhos, que muitas vezes se viam obrigados a procurar outras opções fora da localidade onde moravam.
    Colégio São Vicent de Paula, South America
  Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Fundada em 1854, sob o amparo do Imperador D.Pedro II e da Imperatriz D.Teresa Cristina,com o apoio do Presidente da Província,a Irmandade São Vicente de Paulo é uma sociedade civil filantrópica. A Irmandade é inspirada na obra prodigiosa do grande apóstolo do amor ao próximo,São Vicente de Paulo, com a cooperação valiosa das Irmãs Filhas da Caridade. Projeta-se como uma das maiores instituições filantrópicas do país.
    Colégio Salesiano Santa Rosa, South America
  Rua Santa Rosa, 207 - Santa Rosa - Niterói, RJ           
Mais do que um colégio, o Salesiano Santa Rosa é um espaço de aprendizagem e convivência dinâmico, confortável e em dia com o que há de mais moderno em educação de qualidade.
    Aquinas High School, North America
  Belmont Avenue & East 182nd Street - Bronx, NY           
Aquinas High School is a community of faith and learning which exists primarily to create an atmosphere animated by Christian principles. This community believes in the dignity of each person which is grounded in God's love for all, in a person's ability to understand in some measure all that exists, and in his or her freedom to respond to the realities of that existence. It endeavors to present the Gospel in the Catholic tradition as the best way of becoming a whole person.
    Colégio Oswaldo Cruz, South America
  Rua Oswaldo Cruz, 32 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
O Colégio Oswaldo Cruz atende ao aluno respeitando sua multiplicidade, favorecendo a construção do conhecimento. É papel fundamental da escola estimular o desenvolvimento do interesse, o gosto pelo aprender, integrando arte, pesquisa, música, oficina de leitura, inglês, educação física e informática.
    Uniondale High School, North America
  933 Goodrich Street - Uniondale, NY           
Every student in Uniondale High School has the tools and support needed to become successful citizens. UHS has achieved state recognition for closing the achievement gap last year and exceeding state standards. UHS has also attained a 92% regents passing rate and achieved mastery in English, math, social studies and the foreign languages.
    Brearley School, North America
  610 East 83rd Street - East Side - New York, NY           
Brearley’s enrollment (K-12, divided into Lower School, Middle School and Upper School) today consists of about 670 students from throughout the New York metropolitan area who represent a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and points of view. The main, 12-story school building is located on East 83rd Street in Manhattan overlooking the East River. A new Field House, located on East 87th Street, anchors a comprehensive physical education and athletics program that includes team sports ranging from basketball and volleyball to soccer, swimming squash, track, field hockey and lacrosse.
    Colégio Pluz, South America
  Engenho do Mato - Itaipu - Niterói, RJ            
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Nossa Proposta Pedagógica baseia-se nos ideais de Escola Libertadora, onde professores e alunos constroem, juntos, o conhecimento. O diálogo é estimulado visando a conscientização, a reflexão crítica e a conquista da autonomia. O diálogo que propomos é o diálogo horizontal, estabelecendo uma relação de respeito mútuo, proporcionando comunicação, autenticidade, cooperação, afetividade e o desenvolvimento da auto-estima.
    Birch Wathen Lenox School, North America
  210 East 77th Street - New York, NY           
    Marymount School Of New York, North America
  1026 5th Avenue - New York, NY
Marymount is a college preparatory, independent, Catholic day school for girls, founded by Mother Joseph Butler in 1926 as part of a worldwide school system directed by the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The School promotes in each student a respect for her own unique abilities and a commitment to responsible living in a changing world. Marymount welcomes diversity and draws upon it to foster cultural sensitivity, religious understanding and a global perspective.
    Renaissance Charter School, North America
  35-59 81st Street - Jackson Heights, NY           
A K-12 public charter school located in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York. Fostering educated, responsible young leaders who through their own personal growth will spark a renaissance in New York.
    Instituto Maia Vinagre, South America
  Rua Noronha Torrezão 68 - Santa Rosa - Niterói, RJ            
O Instituto Maia Vinagre realiza um trabalho educacional orientado por uma pedagogia eclética e holística. Oferece um ambiente escolar ao mesmo tempo acolhedor e estimulante. A criança é incentivada a construir o seu próprio conhecimento, levantando hipóteses, estabelecendo conclusões, desenvolvendo a capacidade crítica, bem como a de interpretação e de criação.Assim, por meio de um trabalho escolar eficiente e renovador, contribui para a formação de pessoas conscientes em relação a si mesmas e a suas responsabilidades sociais.