World High School

    Colégio MV1 Ucaraí, South America

  Rua Otávio Carneiro - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
    Dwight School, North America
  291 Central Park West - New York, NY
The Dwight School, founded in 1872, became the first school in the US to offer the three International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, Grades K-12. The School motto is: Use your spark of genius to build a better world. The school's mission is to develop each student's unique capabilities by integrating mind, body and spirit. The program incorporates academic excellence and a commitment to educate a diverse student population in leadership and responsibility to others. The School's structured environment places emphasis on integrating the latest research into a stimulating curriculum taught by energetic and talented teachers. International experiences are a cornerstone of fostering future global leaders.
    Colégio Marília Mattoso, South America
  Rua José Bonifácio, 39 - São Domingo - Niterói, RJ            
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Em 1972, com as inovações introduzidas pela Lei 5692/71 na Educação Brasileira, foi implantada a reforma de ensino do 1º grau(hoje Ensino Fundamental) sob a direção do sobrinho de D. Marília, Reynaldo Mattoso Cavalcanti. Sob sua orientação a escola passou também por outras transformações.
No ano de 1976, implementou-se a criação do Mattosinho com a finalidade de atender aos alunos da educação infantil. A escola continuava a crescer até que em 1978 foi inaugurada a nova e atual sede, na rua José Bonifácio nº 39.
O Ensino Médio foi implantado em 1985, com a colaboração do Prof. Comte Bittencourt, que meses antes assumira a Direção Administrativa da escola. A partir daí, nossa escola passou a denominar-se Colégio Marília Mattoso.
    Garden School, North America
  33-16 79th Street - Queens, NY           
The Garden School course of study emphasizes strong basic skills, with challenge and discovery as part of the educational process. The co-curricular experience includes sports, drama, art, music, and a commitment to community service.
Although Garden is an independent school, its low tuition, compared with others in the metro-New York area, makes it an affordable option to a broad group of families. Garden's student body reflects the ever-changing population of Queens, New York. Located in Jackson Heights, Queens, Garden School is easily accessible to students from all sections of New York City and Long Island.
    St. Joseph Hill Academy, North America
  850 Hylan Blvd. - Staten Island, NY            
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St. Joseph Hill Academy is a K-12 Catholic school operated by the Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Charity. It is located on a fourteen acre, park-like campus in the Arrochar section of Staten Island, New York. The elementary school provides co-education for grades K-8. The high school enrolls approximately 400 young women.
    Carle Place Middle/High School, North America
   - Carle Place, NY           
Carle Place Middle/High School is a six-year comprehensive public high school located in the hamlet of Carle Place in Nassau County, New York.
Carle Place High School is one of America's Best Public High Schools. The school is very enthusiastic about sports and school spirit. This enthusiasm is shown through three pep rallies during the school year. The school is #218 out of 500 based on the class of 2010. Source:
    St. John Villa Academy, North America
  26 Landis Avenue - Arrochar - Staten Island, NY
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Currently, we are building a high school addition. As a result of the steady high enrollment over the past decade, SJVA was pressed to develop a strategic campus facility plan that would renovate existing buildings and increase the amount of space in our high school. Specifically, several of the oldest buildings on campus are unable to meet the space and program needs of our faculty and students. In order to maintain programs and to expand other areas of the curriculum, SJVA proposed a $5 million renovation and construction project. This will primarily consolidate the high school's academic space into a central location by enlarging and renovating the existing high school facility. A three-story wing is being built and connected to the current two-story high school. All new classrooms will be provided with "T1" Internet access lines. The project broke ground in December 2004 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2005. Of this $5 million renovation and construction project, $1 million must be raised from a capital campaign. Because St. John Villa is a private Catholic school, we do not receive public funds or money from the Archdiocese for capital projects and therefore, must seek private donations to accomplish this greatly needed project.
    Robert F. Kennedy, North America
  75-40 Parsons Blvd. - Flushing, NY           
The mission of RFK Community High School is to provide all students with a high quality, comprehensive, and personalized education by incorporating the use of technology and numerous research-based teaching styles into our academic program. In addition, through the use of our service learning program, we aim to expose our students to the community around them and encourage them to become civic-minded people who are eager to support their community.
    Curso Domiantes Pré Vestibular, South America
  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 383, 3° andar - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Formada por uma equipe de especialistas em pré-vestibular, o curso Dominantes valoriza a criatividade, esforço, e tem como foco a total dedicação ao aluno, formando os pilares para o seu sucesso e aprovação. Situado em Icaraí, Niterói e voltado para o ingresso nas principais universidades públicas como Uff, Uerj, Ufrj, Unirio, Ufrrj (Rural) e Cefet, o Pré-Vestibular Dominantes tem no aluno o seu bem mais precioso.
    Dalton School, North America
  108 East 89 Street - East Side - New York, NY             
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K-12 - The Dalton School is an independent, co-educational day school (K-12), founded in 1919 by the renowned progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst. Dalton is recognized for its rigorous, innovative educational curriculum and offers its 1300 students a breadth of stimulating and challenging programs taught by dedicated, professional faculty.
The school’s First Program (K-3) occupies three adjoining townhouses on East 91st Street in New York City. Middle and High School students attend classes nearby in our building on East 89th Street. Indoor physical education for Middle and High School students is provided in our state-of-the-art facility on East 87th Street.
    Birch Wathen Lenox School, North America
  210 East 77th Street - New York, NY           
    Instituto Abel, South America
  Av. Roberto Silveira, 29 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
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O Instituto Abel é uma escola mantida pelos Irmãos Lassalistas, Congregação fundada por São João Batista de La Salle, em 1680. Como tal é uma escola católica. O que significa isto? - Significa que é uma escola que veicula valores segundo Jesus Cristo e sua Igreja, através de todo o currículo, sem desmerecer outras religiões. Significa ainda que se esforça em fazer valer a verdade, a solidariedade, a justiça e a fraternidade, em todas as atuações e relacionamentos.
    New Hyde Park Memorial High School, North America
  500 Leonard Boulevard - New Hyde Park, NY           
New Hyde Park Memorial Junior/Senior High School is a six-year public high school in New Hyde Park, New York, as part of the Sewanhaka Central High School District. Like the four other high schools in the Sewanhaka Central district, the school is home to grades 7 to 12, a combined middle and high school. This is a school filled with many diverse students. New Hyde Park Memorial is located at 500 Leonard Blvd New Hyde Park, New York. Source:
    Manhattan Day School, North America
  310 West 75th Street - New York, NY           
Here teaching and learning are inseperably linked. Here academic rigor is met and matched by all that is pedagogically creative and dynamic. Innovative approaches to secular and Judaic studies coexist harmoniously Growth is wed to commitment, with teachers, children, and parents empowering each other to succeed. Bolstered by an atmosphere of loving communal support, individualized academic attention thrives. Every student, regardless of strength or weakness, talent or need, is considered a valued member of the Manhattan Day School (MDS) community And every student is taught at an individual level that makes the best learning possible.
    Chapin School, North America
  100 East End Avenue - East Side - New York, NY           
K-12. In Chapin’s rigorous liberal arts curriculum, students are instructed and supported by a dedicated, distinguished faculty. Small class size ensures individual attention in each of the three divisions: Lower School (Kindergarten through Class 3), Middle School (Classes 4 through 7), and Upper School (Classes 8 through 12). Through a well-rounded academic program that encourages original thought and exploration, the school achieves a balance between freedom and structure, independence and support, individualism and cooperation, and innovation and tradition.
    Beekman School, North America
  220 East 50th Street - New York, NY           
The Beekman School/The Tutoring School, a private high school for grades 9 through 12, founded in 1925, provides a competetive preparatory school curriculum with the advantage of offering highly individualized instruction where teaching is designed specifically to meet the needs of the individual. Class size is limited to 10 students in The Beekman School and 3 students in The Tutoring School. In order for students to move effectively at their own pace, the school provides them as many classes as seems appropriate to their particular situation, and after school tutors are available through The Tutoring School.
    Associação Educacional de Niterói, South America
  São Francisco - Niterói, RJ           
A Associação Educacional de Niterói surgiu em 1993 e é fruto de um projeto compartilhado por pais, alunos e educadores.
Tem como princípios o que considera como os quatro alicerces da Educação para o século XXI: aprender a conhecer, aprender a fazer, aprender a viver junto e aprender a ser, e a qualidade administrativa através da gestão democrática.
A Escola mantém classes do Grupo I ao 3º ano do Ensino Médio com, no máximo, 15 alunos na Educação Infantil, 20 alunos na 1ª série do Ensino Fundamental, 25 alunos nas demais séries do Ensino Fundamental e 30 alunos nas classes do Ensino Médio.
    Nightingale-Bamford School, North America
  20 East 92nd Street - New York, NY           
The Nightingale-Bamford School has provided a rigorous college preparatory education for girls and young women since 1920. Today there are approximately 530 students enrolled at Nightingale from grades K-12. Our commitment to a strong foundation in the traditional academic disciplines; the close feeling of community among students, their families and teachers in a small school setting; and the many opportunities our students have to develop confidence in their abilities and an understanding of themselves create the special quality of a Nightingale education.
    Calhoun School, North America
  433 West End Avenue - New York, NY             
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N-12. Founded in 1896, The Calhoun School is a progressive, coeducational, college preparatory school for students in early childhood through twelfth grade. The school is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the New York State Education Department.
    Martin Luther King High School, North America
  122 Amsterdam Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY
Martin Luther King, Jr. High School should be a place where all members of the community work together to provide a safe and secure environment so that all students can be challenged to be successful achievers and productive citizens to endeavor to fulfill Dr. King’s dream.
    Marymount School Of New York, North America
  1026 5th Avenue - New York, NY
Marymount is a college preparatory, independent, Catholic day school for girls, founded by Mother Joseph Butler in 1926 as part of a worldwide school system directed by the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The School promotes in each student a respect for her own unique abilities and a commitment to responsible living in a changing world. Marymount welcomes diversity and draws upon it to foster cultural sensitivity, religious understanding and a global perspective.
    Moore Catholic High School, North America
  100 Merrill Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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A co-educational high school. Moore offers a warm and supportive environment which inspires interest, enthusiasm, and self confidence while pursuing academic excellence and spiritual growth.
    Loyola School, North America
  980 Park Ave. - New York, NY           
As a Catholic, independent, coeducational, college preparatory, urban, secondary day school, rooted in the Jesuit tradition, Loyola School challenges its young men and women to become intellectually fulfilled, open to growth, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice. Loyola School is committed to challenging its students religiously, intellectually, aesthetically, physically, and socially. Opportunities for personal study, reflection, and leadership allow students to expand their knowledge, develop their skills, mature as individuals and community members, and realize the goodness inherent in themselves and all God's creation. In keeping with the Ignatian spirit of cura personalis (care for the whole person), Loyola School strives to develop the diverse and unique talents of each member of the Loyola community, and encourages the use of these talents to serve others for the greater glory of God.
    Instituto Maia Vinagre, South America
  Rua Noronha Torrezão 68 - Santa Rosa - Niterói, RJ            
O Instituto Maia Vinagre realiza um trabalho educacional orientado por uma pedagogia eclética e holística. Oferece um ambiente escolar ao mesmo tempo acolhedor e estimulante. A criança é incentivada a construir o seu próprio conhecimento, levantando hipóteses, estabelecendo conclusões, desenvolvendo a capacidade crítica, bem como a de interpretação e de criação.Assim, por meio de um trabalho escolar eficiente e renovador, contribui para a formação de pessoas conscientes em relação a si mesmas e a suas responsabilidades sociais.
    Susan E. Wagner High School, North America
  1200 Manor Road - Staten Island, NY             
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It is the mission of Susan E. Wagner High School to create a unified community of students, parents and educators, which will provide a rigorous instructional program in a supportive atmosphere. This community will strive to stimulate in each child a thirst for knowledge, which will result in the acquisition of the skills and competencies necessary to be successful and to be lifelong learners. It is our desire that all students will experience the social, emotional, and intellectual growth necessary to become socially conscious citizens with a respect for all peoples of our society.
    Colégio Gauss, South America
  Avenida Frei Fabiano 155 - Piratininga - Niterói, RJ           
Em 1998 surgiu a idéia da construção de um colégio, que suprisse as reais necessidades da população da Região Oceânica, em relação à Educação Infantil e ao Ensino Fundamental.
Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa que nos mostrou as deficiências quanto à maioria dos serviços de educação encontrados na região e as expectativas da população, que almejava por uma educação de melhor qualidade para seus filhos, que muitas vezes se viam obrigados a procurar outras opções fora da localidade onde moravam.
    Monsignor Farrell High School, North America
  2900 Amboy Road - Staten Island, NY             
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Long noted as one of the best schools in the area, the magazine U.S. News and World Report named Farrell as one of the finest high schools in the United States. The independent study concluded that Farrell attained an extremely high level of distinction in every facet of school life. Further honors followed as the school was selected as one of only 16 to be named as New York City´s "Super Schools". The Daily News cited Farrell´s overall commitment to excellence and its dedication to the student body in its choice as an elite school.
    Colégio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, South America
  Rua General Rondon, 842 - São Francisco - Niterói, RJ            
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A Educação que apresenta como alicerce, os pilares franciscanos tem, na sua própria essência, um marco diferencial. A promoção da vida, a conscientização ecológica, a valorização da minoridade, a aceitação das diferenças, o cuidar e o acolher são fontes que alimentam nosso Projeto Educativo.
Diferente da concepção hegemônica de cultura como instrumento de massificação, o Colégio busca transforma-se num espaço privilegiado de promoção sociocultural. Por meio de seleção de conteúdos relevantes, contribuímos para que se discuta e se promova a cultura como centro gerador de transformação social.
A afetividade ressignifica o nosso fazer pedagógico. Propomos a Educação que seja provocativa, criativa, pautada na reciprocidade das áreas de conhecimento, no respeito e na inclusão responsável. A proposta Pedagógica é constantemente transformada pelos Projetos elaborados nas diferentes áreas, de forma que todos possam ensinar e aprender conhecimento, fundamentos de cidadania de democracia e do convívio social.
    Staten Island Technical High School, North America
  485 Clawson Street - Staten Island, NY             
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Preserving an atmosphere of academic excellence as evidenced by our school’s overall performance on N.Y.S. Regents and Advanced Placement Examinations.
Providing a nurturing and challenging educational environment that develops exemplary character, scholarship, service, leadership, and citizenship. Differentiated instructional strategies are employed to promote student mastery of content. < br/> Upon completion of SITHS’ rigorous program of study, students will be prepared to enter and succeed in post-secondary study in engineering, science, mathematics, foreign language, social science, liberal arts, health, physical education, and performing arts. The SITHS community fosters the development of well-rounded scholars through participation in athletics, student activities, and community service.
    Colégio Maria Thereza, South America
  Rua São Pedro, 108 - Centro - Niterói, RJ
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho... ... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial.