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Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston. |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, better known as Virginia Tech, is a public land grant polytechnic university in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Although it is a comprehensive university with many departments, the agriculture, engineering, architecture, forestry, and veterinary medicine programs are considered to be among its strongest. It is also one of the few public universities in the United States, along with Texas A&M University, which continues to maintain a corps of cadets (a full-time military training component within a larger civilian university).
In addition to its research and academic programs, Virginia Tech is known for its campus and location in the New River Valley of southwestern Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The university's public profile has also been raised significantly in recent years by the success of its football program. Source |
Hampton University, a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, is a privately-endowed, non-profit, non-sectarian, co-educational, historically black university. It is located in southeastern Virginia and boasts one of the loveliest campuses in the nation, with a picturesque waterfront and historic buildings and landmarks. Hampton University has grown into a comprehensive university providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, pre-professional, professional, and graduate degree programs. We also offer cultural entertainment and athletic events keep you in touch with the other students and members of the Hampton University family.
Uma característica peculiar da UNIVIX é o fato de que sua constituição foi uma iniciativa de professores universitários, com qualificação de mestrado e doutorado e vasta experiência acadêmica, adquirida em cargos como o de ex-reitor da UFES, Coordenador de Mestrado, Chefe de Departamento, membro de Conselho Superior da UFES, que se uniram como sócios da mantenedora e também dirigentes da Instituição de Ensino.
Hoje a Univix já tem 08 (oito) cursos Reconhecidos pelo MEC: Farmácia (as melhores notas do ES), Arquitetura e Urbanismo (as melhores do ES), Engenharia de Produção Civil (as melhores notas do ES), Engenharia Elétrica (reconhecido com nota final 4), Administração (as melhores notas do Brasil), Enfermagem (dois conceitos MUITO BOM e um BOM), Direito (além de ser reconhecido com nota final 4 obteve parecer favorável da OAB) e Psicologia (reconhecido com nota final 4).
Comprometimento com o aprendizado. Essa é a filosofia de todos aqueles que fazem parte da UNIVIX.
New York School of Interior Design is New York’s only private, not-for-profit college dedicated solely to interior design education.
NYSID is the premier place to study interior design with its great location, superb facilities, distinguished faculty, as well as its challenging and comprehensive curriculum that gives emphasis to both residential and contract design. |
Wagner College prepares students for life, as well as for careers, by emphasizing scholarship, achievement, leadership, and citizenship. Wagner offers a comprehensive educational program that is anchored in the liberal arts, experiential and co-curricular learning, interculturalism, interdisciplinary studies, and service to society, and that is cultivated by a faculty dedicated to promoting individual expression, reflective practice, and integrative learning.
A Faculdade Arnaldo Janssen, em seu sexto ano de existência, já se orgulha de ter oferecido à sociedade mais de trezentos egressos de seus bancos escolares. Hoje, os docentes e profissionais do quadro administrativo vão também a essas mesmas fontes inspiradoras e conseguem atualizar e operacionalizar as necessárias condições de aprendizagem no ambiente acadêmico da Faculdade, a fim de atenderem a demandas tão distintas e, ao mesmo tempo, tão exigentes, impostas pelo progresso. Estamos comprometidos com a firme certeza de que a educação é um tesouro a ser descoberto, e conscientes da importância de nos mantermos organizados em torno dos seus pilares fundamentais, na busca da coesão e da participação sociodemocrática , e na concretização da esperança de que um mundo diferente é possível.
Brooklyn College is a member unit of the City University of New York, the nation's leading public urban university. The university comprises eleven senior colleges, six community colleges, a graduate school, a law school, and a medical school. More than 200,000 students are enrolled in the academic programs offered at campuses located throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
Bennett's fifty-five acre campus is located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Greensboro boasts a number of cultural, social activities and venues just a short distance from the campus. Conveniently located near The Piedmont-Triad International Airport, the campus is easily accessible from Interstates 40 and 85.
Standing as an example of the power of ordinary individuals to make extraordinary things happen. Every college has something special to brag about.
Baruch College is part of a tradition that dates back more than 150 years to the founding, in 1847, of the Free Academy, the very first free public institution of higher education in the nation. (Baruch’s landmark building at 23rd Street and Lexington Avenue occupies the site of the Free Academy). Established in 1919 as City College’s School of Business and Civic Administration, the school was renamed in 1953 in honor of Bernard M. Baruch—statesman, financier, and devoted alumnus. In 1968 the school became an independent senior college in The City University of New York (CUNY) system.
The University of California, Berkeley (also known as UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, and by other names, see below) is the oldest and flagship campus of the ten-campus University of California system. Founded in 1868, the campus is located in Berkeley, California, occupying about 200 acres on a wooded slope, plus an additional 1000 acres (4 km²) of largely undeveloped land in the Oakland hills overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Berkeley still enjoys a certain notoriety for its history of student activism. The Free Speech Movement (1964), a protest that began when the university tried to remove political pamphleteers from campus[1], and the People's Park riots (1969) were part of a wave of international student protest that took place during the 1960s, associated with an accompanying "hippie" counterculture. For all of its student activism and rebellious history, however, the Berkeley campus is remarkably serene, with numerous quiet, green areas on campus and many architecturally distinguished buildings. Source |
Em 1950 foi fundada a Universidade do Distrito Federal, atual Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Ao longo desses anos, a UERJ cresceu e firmou-se como uma das principais universidades do país. Sua importância no cenário acadêmico nacional pode ser atestada pela qualidade da formação superior que oferece, pela produção científica de ponta, pelas centenas de projetos de extensão que desenvolve, pela promoção da cultura e pelos valiosos serviços prestados à população.
Sua preocupação com o atendimento aos seus variados públicos e com o aprimoramento constante de seus serviços pode ser exemplificada pelo pioneirismo na criação de uma Ouvidoria. A UERJ foi a primeira universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro a criar esta instância de exercício da cidadania. Como instituição pública, sua missão está pautada nos conceitos da igualdade e pluralidade, sendo precursora também na implantação da reserva de vagas para ingresso pelo vestibular. |
The College offers baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts and in a variety of professional programs such as accounting, business, computer studies, education, health, and social work. It maximizes each student's intellectual, professional, and personal growth by integrating studies in liberal arts and sciences, professions, knowledge of diverse cultures, and technology. It meets changing social and intellectual needs by developing undergraduate and graduate programs from its established academic strengths. The College aims to graduate students poised to meet new demands and provide leadership for human progress.
As Faculdades São Camilo são compostas por três unidades de atuação distintas:
» Faculdade de Enfermagem Luiza de Marillac: marco de excelência no ensino de enfermagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com modernas instalações, laboratórios e equipamentos, além de uma infra-estrutura adequada às necessidades atuais de mercado; » Faculdade de Administração São Camilo: a mais nova faculdade de administração do Rio de Janeiro que vem proporcionar a mais completa orientação e formação de administradores capacitando-os para uma atuação em amplas áreas - recursos humanos, finanças, marketing, relações internacionais, possuindo ainda um diferencial, capacitação em Administração Hospitalar; » Centro de Pós-Graduação São Camilo, o mais moderno e tradicional centro de estudos em pós-graduação, oferecendo uma ampla atuação aos profissionais da área de saúde, com vários cursos onde podemos destacar: Administração Hospitalar, Saúde Pública, Nutrição Clínica e Paciente Crítico. |
Schools of art, music, and design - These institutions award most of their bachelor's or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture, or some combination of such fields.
Find your future by choosing from about 140 undergraduate and about 150 graduate programs, in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Business, Communication, Education, Health and Human Services and Honors studies, as well as a School of Law and School of Medicine. The student-faculty ratio of 14 to 1 and a priority on teaching excellence ensures you're part of creating your own success.
A diverse mix of cultural, social, athletic and recreational activities delivers the full college experience. Hofstra offers students the opportunity to live and learn on our beautiful, 240-acre campus on Long Island and have easy access to the academic, cultural and career opportunities in the New York City metropolitan area. |
The Birmingham School of Law was founded when Judge Hugh A. Locke began tutoring young men for the bar admission test in 1915. Judge Locke was a prominent attorney, Judge of the Chancery Court, and President of the Birmingham Bar Association. As the number of young men grew, classes began to meet at Birmingham Southern College, where Judge Locke was a Trustee for 55 years.
Like their predecessors early in the 20th century, some Rockefeller researchers today seek to solve urgent public health problems. Others focus on basic research. Various laboratories study bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, multidrug treatments for AIDS and genetic causes of cancer. Others are devoted to understanding the brain–how it develops during embryonic growth; how it makes sense of sights, sounds and smells; and what happens when Alzheimer’s disease develops. In addition, faculty focus their research on human genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience and protein chemistry.
On a 70-acre campus of rolling lawns and wooded hills overlooking the Hudson River, just 12 miles from midtown Manhattan, the College of Mount Saint Vincent offers excellent academic and professional programs to more than 1,800 undergraduate and graduate students. It’s a special place—a supportive academic community enhanced by the excitement of Manhattan’s world-class businesses and cultural institutions.
The Law School's lawyering program spans all three years of law school and is designed to prepare each student for the practice of law. Beginning in the first year, students are introduced to lawyering skills and perspectives as part of the required curriculum. In the second year, students choose from a range of lawyering seminars that strengthen skills and knowledge to use in several different public interest areas. Finally, in their third year, students select a clinical offering from the Law School's nationally-ranked clinical program.
The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
Located near the shores of scenic Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada College is Nevada's only private residential four-year liberal arts college.
SNC provides students a high-quality education in a personalized environment designed to prepare them for successful lives and careers. SNC values the uniqueness of the individual within a greater community and the spirit of entrepreneurship in itself and its students. |
Founded in 1906 and operating for decades as Mississippi Woman's College, William Carey College was renamed in honor of the founder of modern missions in 1954 when the school became coeducational. In 2006, the College's board of trustees renamed the institution William Carey University.
The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) was founded in 1886 through the efforts of two distinguished rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, along with a group of prominent lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York. Its mission was to preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism. In 1887, JTS held its first class of ten students in the vestry of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue, New York City's oldest congregation.
Missão: "Gerar, difundir e divulgar o conhecimento em ciências exatas, tecnologia e inovação, aliado à formação de recursos humanos e às demandas da sociedade."
A Filosofia dos cursos da Faculdade Nacional – FINAC – é a de buscar uma educação integrada à sociedade. A instituição estará sintonizada com essa sociedade no sentido de perceber seus anseios, suas demandas e suas alternâncias de percurso. A Integração escola-sociedade não significa que a FINAC será mera receptora de problemas ou fornecedoras de soluções, mas, principalmente, deverá ser uma gestora de idéias e de conhecimentos que contribuam para mudanças sociais.
Um outro aspecto importante dessa filosofia é a valorização da cidadania, de buscar formar cidadãos conscientes e ativos, comprometidos com sua história e com a sociedade, buscando sempre melhorá-la, através de ações e posturas ética.
Um terceiro aspecto é a crença na ação transformadora do conhecimento. Um bom profissional deve possuir, além dom instrumental de seu ofício, uma sólida formação científica. Mais ainda, essa formação técnico-científica não deve se esgotar no curso de graduação. A competência científica e profissional é um projeto para toda a vida. Se o aprendizado contínuo já podia ser encarado como um pressuposto básico do bom profissional, ele se tornou um fator de sobrevivência de qualquer profissional neste mundo globalizado, complexo e competitivo em que vivemos, com suas constantes mutações tecnológicas e sociais.
A idéia da criação da Universidade de Fortaleza, concebida pelo industrial Edson Queiroz, empresário já estabelecido no ramo da agropecuária, gás, indústria metalúrgica e telecomunicações, deu-se em um contexto de expectativas e apreensão nos idos de 1970, quando o Brasil enfrentava uma das maiores crises no ensino superior devido à reduzida oferta de vagas.
No Ceará o quadro não era diferente: o número de vagas nos poucos cursos universitários era ofertado apenas por duas instituições públicas. A evasão de muitos jovens para outros estados, em busca da complementação de seus estudos, era inevitável, pois nos grandes centros urbanos outras instituições de ensino superior acenavam com acolhida às suas aspirações. |