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In its ninth decade of providing access to the American dream through excellence in higher education, LIU is a multicampus, diverse, doctoral institution of higher learning. One of the largest and most comprehensive private universities in the country, LIU offers 590 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs and certificates, and educates over 24,000* credit-seeking and continuing education students in Brooklyn, Brookville (Post), Brentwood, Riverhead, Rockland and Westchester. The Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences prepares students for successful careers in the fields of pharmacy and health care. The University's Global College provides a wide range of study abroad options at overseas centers in China, Costa Rica and India, and through program offerings in Australia, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.
The State College of Optometry, located in New York City, is the campus of the State University of New York system devoted to optometric education and related scholarly activities. It serves the people of New York by preparing qualified individuals for the contemporary practice of optometry. The College promotes ethical behavior, values, public service and social responsibility in all of its programs.
SVA offers undergraduate programs in Advertising, Animation, Cartooning, Computer Art, Film & Video, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interior Design, Photography, and Visual and Critical Studies. The undergraduate program is a four-year, full-time Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program with courses offered throughout the day and evening.
Identifying which college will prepare an aspiring artist to meet the demands and challenges that await tomorrow's professionals can be a difficult task. The outcome will vary for each individual, based on his or her interests, needs, abilities and focus. Students who choose SVA are often attracted by the breadth and professional standing of our faculty, the passion of our student body, the rigors of our curriculum, the industry standards within our studio facilities, and the energy and excitement that is New York City.
Fundada em 1948, sob a inspiração da educadora Helena Antipoff, três ações distintas e complementares definiram a vocação da SPERJ: a assistência médico-social, a assistência educacional aos portadores de deficiência e a formação de recursos humanos. Para cuidar do primeiro aspecto, instalou-se um modesto consultório. O segundo aspecto foi atendido com a criação das primeiras classes de alunos, selecionados no consultório, inaugurando-se a Escolinha que deu origem ao atual Centro Experimental Helena Antipoff - CEHA. E, finalmente, para contemplar o último ponto, realizou-se um curso de Orientação Psicopedagógica sobre "O problema da criança excepcional", destinado a formar profissionais para este trabalho, função que hoje é desempenhada pelas Faculdades da Pestalozzi - Escola Superior de Ensino Helena Antipoff - ESEHA.
Originou-se da primeira Escola Superior Católica da região, a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras Manoel da Nóbrega, fundada em 1943, pela Província dos Jesuítas do Nordeste.
Em seu desenvolvimento, a Universidade conheceu incorporação, agregação ou criação de Faculdades, Institutos ou Escola Superior, até aplicar, em 1974, a reforma universitária, preconizada em lei, adotando o modelo ternário homogêneo de Reitoria, Centros e Departamentos. |
Master's Colleges and Universities I - These institutions typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the master's degree. They award 40 or more master's degrees per year across three or more disciplines.
The Law School's lawyering program spans all three years of law school and is designed to prepare each student for the practice of law. Beginning in the first year, students are introduced to lawyering skills and perspectives as part of the required curriculum. In the second year, students choose from a range of lawyering seminars that strengthen skills and knowledge to use in several different public interest areas. Finally, in their third year, students select a clinical offering from the Law School's nationally-ranked clinical program.
Schools of art, music, and design - These institutions award most of their bachelor's or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture, or some combination of such fields.
At Barry, you will find outstanding programs in adult and continuing education, arts and sciences, business, communication, education, graduate medical sciences, human performance and leisure sciences, law, natural and health sciences, nursing, psychology, social work and theology. You will find a community of scholars dedicated to teaching. You will find dance and theater performances as well as art and photography exhibitions, often free and open to the community. You will find various services like our Podiatric Clinics, our Primary Care Nursing Centers, our Family Enrichment Center, and the Academy for Better Communities.
A Fundação Universidade Federal do Piauí (FUFPI) foi instituída nos termos Lei nº 5.528, de 11 de novembro de 1968 e oficialmente instalada em 12 de março de 1971, com o objetivo de criar e manter a UFPI.
A FUFPI é constituída por um Conselho Diretor, composto por sete membros efetivos, nomeados pelo Presidente da República. O Presidente do Conselho Diretor da FUFPI é, também, o Reitor da UFPI. A UFPI possui três campi: Campus Ministro Petrônio Portella, em Teresina; Campus Ministro Reis Veloso, em Parnaíba; e, Campus do Junco, em Picos, além de três Colégios Agrícolas (Teresina, Floriano e Bom Jesus). |
Brooklyn College is a member unit of the City University of New York, the nation's leading public urban university. The university comprises eleven senior colleges, six community colleges, a graduate school, a law school, and a medical school. More than 200,000 students are enrolled in the academic programs offered at campuses located throughout the five boroughs of New York City.
Temple University, of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, is a comprehensive public research university with more than 34,000 students. It has a distinguished faculty in 17 schools and colleges, including schools of Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatry, and Dentistry, and a renowned Health Sciences Center. Temple is one of Pennsylvania's three public research universities, along with the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University. Temple University is the 28th largest university in the United States, and it is the 6th largest provider of professional education (law, dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and podiatric medicine) in the country. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Temple has five regional campuses, including the flagship Main Campus, Health Sciences Campus, and Center City Campus in Philadelphia; a major suburban campus -- Temple University at Ambler; and a suburban art campus -- Tyler School of Art -- in Elkins Park.
Furman University is the oldest, largest and most selective private institution in South Carolina. Founded in 1826, Furman moved three times in its early years before being charted as Furman University and settling in Greenville in 1850. The most recent move was in 1961, when Furman relocated to its current 800-acre location on the outskirts of Greenville.
The move to the stunning, new campus served as a catalyst for Furman’s ongoing transformation from a primarily regional college to one of the leading liberal arts colleges in the United States. Today Furman offers majors and programs in 42 subjects and is one of the select group of colleges that qualify for a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious academic honorary society. Undergraduates come from 46 states and 31 countries. |
Mississippi State University is a comprehensive, doctoral-degree-granting university offering to a diverse and capable student body a wide range of opportunities and challenges for learning and growth; to the world of knowledge, vigorous and expanding contributions in research, discovery, and application; and to the State and its people in every region, a variety of expert services. Mississippi State University is designated as a Doctoral/Extensive institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
A UniCarioca nasceu em 1990, sob o nome de Faculdade Carioca de Informática. Começou pequena, em um prédio de Botafogo, com apenas duas turmas de 35 alunos do curso de Tecnologia em Processamento de Dados. Aos poucos, fomos crescendo e ampliando nossa oferta de cursos. Em 1995, desenvolvemos a primeira Universidade Virtual do país, a UNIVIR. Neste ano também começamos com os cursos de Administração, Comunicação Social e Desenho Industrial. Em 1998, foi a vez do curso de Marketing e, no ano seguinte, Ciência da Computação.
Em 2001 foram criados o NUPEC (Núcleo de Projetos Especiais) e o LUPA (Laboratório UniCarioca de Pesquisas Aplicadas), projetos acadêmicos que promovem trabalhos de pesquisa e capacitação profissional. Hoje, são mais de 4.500 alunos que constituem o nosso corpo discente, da graduação em quatro unidades: Rio Comprido, Méier, Bento Ribeiro e Jacarepaguá. |
Overlooking scenic New York Bay, St. Johns University's wooded Staten Island campus combines a friendly, small-college environment with the resources of a major Catholic university.
The 16.5-acre campus features rolling lawns, apartment-style student residences and architectural styles that range from red-brick colonial to the strikingly modern. The campus is located in the residential Grymes Hill section of Staten Island, one of the five counties, or boroughs, that make up New York City. |
Oferecer um ensino dinâmico e internalizador de conhecimentos, que propicie a formação de profissionais comprometidos com valores éticos, dotados de habilidades e competências, para intervir na transformação da sociedade.
Like their predecessors early in the 20th century, some Rockefeller researchers today seek to solve urgent public health problems. Others focus on basic research. Various laboratories study bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, multidrug treatments for AIDS and genetic causes of cancer. Others are devoted to understanding the brain–how it develops during embryonic growth; how it makes sense of sights, sounds and smells; and what happens when Alzheimer’s disease develops. In addition, faculty focus their research on human genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience and protein chemistry.
Located near the shores of scenic Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada College is Nevada's only private residential four-year liberal arts college.
SNC provides students a high-quality education in a personalized environment designed to prepare them for successful lives and careers. SNC values the uniqueness of the individual within a greater community and the spirit of entrepreneurship in itself and its students. |
A quality, affordable education can be yours At Molloy College, students gain the knowledge, skills and self-confidence they need to make a difference in their lives and in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. A private Long Island college, Molloy provides a value-centered, multidimensional liberal arts education with more than 50 quality academic programs grounded in the Catholic faith, ideals of truth, and respect for the dignity and worth of every individual. Our faculty is accomplished, yet approachable, leading small classes where students are encouraged to think critically and explore creatively. Combining the strengths of academic excellence and leadership with personal, compassionate mentoring, we bring out the best in every student - while delivering the best value for their tuition dollar.
The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) was founded in 1886 through the efforts of two distinguished rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, along with a group of prominent lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York. Its mission was to preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism. In 1887, JTS held its first class of ten students in the vestry of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue, New York City's oldest congregation.
Cumberland University is located in Lebanon, Tennessee, 30 miles east of Nashville. Founded in 1842, Cumberland University offers a variety of educational, athletic, and social experiences to enhance the learning opportunities of the current student body. The university has an exceptional academic program steeped in the liberal arts. Athletic teams regularly compete for conference and national championships.
Over 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled in over forty majors. A variety of clubs and organizations enhance the social opportunities for students. Honor societies recognize student achievers in a variety of disciplines. |
Baccalaureate Colleges--Liberal Arts - These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate programs. They award at least half of their baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts fields.
As Faculdades São Camilo são compostas por três unidades de atuação distintas:
» Faculdade de Enfermagem Luiza de Marillac: marco de excelência no ensino de enfermagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com modernas instalações, laboratórios e equipamentos, além de uma infra-estrutura adequada às necessidades atuais de mercado; » Faculdade de Administração São Camilo: a mais nova faculdade de administração do Rio de Janeiro que vem proporcionar a mais completa orientação e formação de administradores capacitando-os para uma atuação em amplas áreas - recursos humanos, finanças, marketing, relações internacionais, possuindo ainda um diferencial, capacitação em Administração Hospitalar; » Centro de Pós-Graduação São Camilo, o mais moderno e tradicional centro de estudos em pós-graduação, oferecendo uma ampla atuação aos profissionais da área de saúde, com vários cursos onde podemos destacar: Administração Hospitalar, Saúde Pública, Nutrição Clínica e Paciente Crítico. |
The University of Virginia is distinctive among institutions of higher education. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University sustains the ideal of developing, through education, leaders who are well-prepared to help shape the future of the nation. The University is public, while nourished by the strong support of its alumni. It is also selective; the students who come here have been chosen because they show the exceptional promise Jefferson envisioned.
Dartmouth College is a private academic institution in Hanover, New Hampshire, in the United States. It is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution. Founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, with funds partially raised by the efforts of a Native American preacher named Samson Occom, it is the ninth-oldest college in the United States and the seventh-wealthiest in terms of funds per-student. In addition to its liberal arts undergraduate program, Dartmouth has medical, engineering, and business schools, as well as 18 graduate programs in the arts and sciences; hence it would tend to be called a university in standard American usage. Source
Wagner College prepares students for life, as well as for careers, by emphasizing scholarship, achievement, leadership, and citizenship. Wagner offers a comprehensive educational program that is anchored in the liberal arts, experiential and co-curricular learning, interculturalism, interdisciplinary studies, and service to society, and that is cultivated by a faculty dedicated to promoting individual expression, reflective practice, and integrative learning.
Uma instituição brasileira de ensino superior situada na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, na cidade de Juiz de Fora.