World Colleges & Universities

    Adelphi University, North America

  1 South Ave - Garden City, NY              
One of the first co-educational colleges chartered by the University of the State of New York and the oldest private liberal arts university on Long Island, was founded in 1896 through the efforts of Dr. Charles H. Levermore and Timothy Woodruff. Dr. Levermore became its first president. Mr. Woodruff, a former Lieutenant Governor of New York State, served as president of the Board of Trustees.
    Columbia University, North America
  West 116th Street & Broadway - New York, NY             
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From its beginnings in a schoolhouse in lower Manhattan, Columbia University has grown to encompass two principal campuses: the historic, neoclassical campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood and the modern Medical Center further uptown, in Washington Heights. Today, Columbia is one of the top academic and research institutions in the world, conducting pathbreaking research in medicine, science, the arts, and the humanities. It includes three undergraduate schools, thirteen graduate and professional schools, and a school of continuing education.
    Juilliard School, North America
  60 Lincoln Center Plaza - New York, NY              
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Schools of art, music, and design - These institutions award most of their bachelor's or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture, or some combination of such fields.
    Boston University, North America
   - Boston, MA            
Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston.
    CUNY School of Law, North America
  65-21 Main Street - Flushing, NY             
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The Law School's lawyering program spans all three years of law school and is designed to prepare each student for the practice of law. Beginning in the first year, students are introduced to lawyering skills and perspectives as part of the required curriculum. In the second year, students choose from a range of lawyering seminars that strengthen skills and knowledge to use in several different public interest areas. Finally, in their third year, students select a clinical offering from the Law School's nationally-ranked clinical program.
    Molloy College, North America
  1000 Hempstead Ave. - Rockville Centre, NY              
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A quality, affordable education can be yours At Molloy College, students gain the knowledge, skills and self-confidence they need to make a difference in their lives and in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. A private Long Island college, Molloy provides a value-centered, multidimensional liberal arts education with more than 50 quality academic programs grounded in the Catholic faith, ideals of truth, and respect for the dignity and worth of every individual. Our faculty is accomplished, yet approachable, leading small classes where students are encouraged to think critically and explore creatively. Combining the strengths of academic excellence and leadership with personal, compassionate mentoring, we bring out the best in every student - while delivering the best value for their tuition dollar.
    Allegheny College, North America
   - Meadville, PA           
Allegheny College is a national liberal arts college where 2,100 students with unusual combinations of interests, skills and talents excel. Allegheny College is located in Meadville, Pennsylvania, which is 90 miles north of Pittsburgh, 90 miles east of Cleveland, and 35 miles south of Erie. Founded in April 1815 by Timothy Alden, Allegheny is the 32nd oldest college in the nation and the oldest college in continuous existence west of the Appalachian Mountains. The college has been historically affiliated with the United Methodist Church since 1833, as a result of the financial support the United Methodist Church provided to sustain the college through a difficult era. Allegheny College is non-sectarian and welcomes members of all faiths, maintaining a policy of non-discrimination. Source
    Furman University, North America
   - Greenville, SC             
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Furman University is the oldest, largest and most selective private institution in South Carolina. Founded in 1826, Furman moved three times in its early years before being charted as Furman University and settling in Greenville in 1850. The most recent move was in 1961, when Furman relocated to its current 800-acre location on the outskirts of Greenville.
The move to the stunning, new campus served as a catalyst for Furman’s ongoing transformation from a primarily regional college to one of the leading liberal arts colleges in the United States. Today Furman offers majors and programs in 42 subjects and is one of the select group of colleges that qualify for a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious academic honorary society. Undergraduates come from 46 states and 31 countries.
    Johnson & Wales University, North America
   - Miami, FL           
Johnson & Wales University is a world-class university, where students have an opportunity to pursue a career education in business, hospitality, culinary arts, or technology. Scores of majors and degree programs are offered at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level.
Unique features include a 4-day school week, the opportunity to earn 2 degrees (associate and baccalaureate) in four years, and hands-on training at University-owned, -operated or partnership facilities or at worldwide co-op sites.
    Universidade Candido Mendes, South America
  Rua Luiz Leopoldo Fernandes Pinheiro, 517 - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
Ao completar 100 anos, a SBI pode dar o balanço do que é a sua vida como instituição, no que marca a sua diferença, a sua "idéia de obra" ou a sua imagem, de um país de memória fraca e de imaginário estereotipado. Até os anos 20, a SBI - mantenedora da Universidade Candido Mendes - se identificava, na prática com o desenvolvimento da Academia de Comércio do Rio de Janeiro, ou, na corruptela em que chegava ao povo a "Esculimia do Candido Mendes ". Nasciam as duas entidades em 1902, ambas pioneiras. Uma, a desdobrar pela primeira vez no país e para as classes médias em começo de expansão, a idéia de um curso profissional. Fugia-se ao padrão das clássicas carreiras liberais do amadorismo das atividades clássicas de balcão de mercancias no Rio de Janeiro ainda mofino, às vésperas da grande explosão urbana do Prefeito Passos.
    Universidade Unigranrio, South America
  Rua da Lapa, 86 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A história da Unigranrio começou em 1970, ano em que o professor José de Souza Herdy criou a Associação Fluminense de Educação (AFE), entidade mantenedora das então Faculdades Unidas Grande Rio. Em 1972, foram implantados os primeiros cursos superiores – Ciências Contábeis e Administração. Os cursos de Pedagogia e Letras começaram a funcionar no ano seguinte, sendo criado, em 1974, o Centro Educacional de Duque de Caxias (CEDUC) para atuar como Colégio de Aplicação.
A década de 80 registrou a criação dos primeiros cursos da área de Saúde — Odontologia, Enfermagem e Farmácia —, seguidos dos cursos de Ciências Biológicas, Matemática e Química. Quando o professor José de Souza Herdy faleceu, em 1989, deixou montada toda uma estrutura que possibilitou a continuidade da obra educacional. Assumiu a direção geral da instituição o seu filho, Arody Cordeiro Herdy, que coordenou todo o processo de reconhecimento das Faculdades Unidas Grande Rio como Universidade.
    Universidade Severino Sombra, South America
  Av. Expedicionário Oswaldo de Almeida Ramos, 280 - Centro - Vassouras, RJ           
A Sociedade Universitária John F. Kennedy (SUNEDY) foi criada com o objetivo de angariar fundos para formar o patrimônio inicial da Fundação Universitária Sul-Fluminense (FUSF). Posteriormente, denominada Fundação Educacional Severino Sombra, Entidade Filantrópica, sem fins lucrativos, declarada de Utilidade Pública, mantenedora da Universidade Severino Sombra e demais órgãos suplementares. Em 29/01/67, em assembléia realizada no salão nobre da Câmara Municipal de Vassouras, foi instituída a Fundação Universitária Sul-Fluminense - FUSF e o Prof Severino Sombra de Albuquerque foi eleito, por unanimidade, seu Presidente "ad vitam".
    Universidade Federal do Pará, South America
  Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 - Belém - Pará, PA           
    SUNY College of Optometry, North America
  33 West 42nd Street - New York, NY            
The State College of Optometry, located in New York City, is the campus of the State University of New York system devoted to optometric education and related scholarly activities. It serves the people of New York by preparing qualified individuals for the contemporary practice of optometry. The College promotes ethical behavior, values, public service and social responsibility in all of its programs.
    Instituto de Belas Artes da UFES, South America
  Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras - Vitória, ES           
A história oficial do ensino das artes no Espírito Santo remonta ao ano de 1909, quando foi criado o Instituto de Belas Artes, que teve existência efêmera, encerrando suas atividades, sobre as quais não existem registros históricos detalhados, no ano de 1916. Outras instituições e indivíduos desenvolveram, isoladamente e sem maiores repercussões, o ensino das Artes: desenho, pintura, instrumentos musicais (principalmente piano e violino).
    University of South Carolina, North America
   - Columbia, SC             
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The University of South Carolina is home to more than 200 years of history and tradition, rising from a single building in 1805 on what would become the heart of the campus, the Horseshoe. The 11 buildings that now make up the Horseshoe frame a lush lawn that is an irresistible gathering place.
    University of Delaware, North America
   - Newark, DE            
The University of Delaware has grown from its founding as a small private academy in 1743 to a major university. As one of the oldest land-grant institutions, as well as a sea-grant, space-grant and urban-grant institution, Delaware offers an impressive collection of educational resources. Undergraduates may choose to major in any one or more of over 100 academic majors.
    University of Hartford, North America
   - West Hartford, CT           
Nearing 50 years of age, the University of Hartford is young as universities go. Yet its roots go back some 130 years, when Hartford city residents with famous last names like Stowe, Clemens, and Colt founded the Hartford Society for Decorative Art. That society later evolved into the Hartford Art School, one of the three founding colleges incorporated as the University of Hartford in 1957.
    University of Nevada, North America
   - Las Vegas, NV             
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The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is a premier metropolitan research university. UNLV demonstrates how the traditional values of higher education can be adapted to conditions and needs of individuals and communities in the 21st century. The university concentrates its resources on instructional and research programs that are student-centered, demonstrably excellent, and responsive to the needs of local, regional, national, and international communities.
    University of Virginia, North America
   - Charlottesville, VA           
The University of Virginia is distinctive among institutions of higher education. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University sustains the ideal of developing, through education, leaders who are well-prepared to help shape the future of the nation. The University is public, while nourished by the strong support of its alumni. It is also selective; the students who come here have been chosen because they show the exceptional promise Jefferson envisioned.
    William Carey University, North America
   - Gulfport, MS           
Founded in 1906 and operating for decades as Mississippi Woman's College, William Carey College was renamed in honor of the founder of modern missions in 1954 when the school became coeducational. In 2006, the College's board of trustees renamed the institution William Carey University.
    Goddard College, North America
   - Plainfield, VT           
Goddard College was chartered in 1938 as successor to Goddard Seminary, a Universalist preparatory school, which had operated in Barre, Vermont since Civil War times. The Universalists, a controversial "liberal" sect, started the seminary as an alternative to the Baptists' Colby Academy and the Methodists' Montpelier Seminary. It served as a feeder school to Tufts University. In 1929 the Seminary became Goddard School for Girls, and in 1935 became a junior college for women.
    The Graduate Center / CUNY, North America
  365 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY           
Founded in 1961, The Graduate Center is the doctorate-granting institution of The City University of New York (CUNY). In this nationally unique consortium of 1700 faculty members, a core faculty of 125 Graduate Center appointments is supplemented by over 1500 additional faculty members drawn from throughout CUNY's ten senior colleges and New York City's leading cultural and scientific institutions. With 4000 doctoral students, they pursue a shared enterprise of expanding the boundaries of knowledge in over 30 doctoral programs and 6 master's programs in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Augmenting this enterprise are 28 research centers and institutes focused on areas of compelling social, civic, cultural, and scientific concerns.
    Spelman College, North America
  350 Spelman Lane S.W. - Atlanta, GA           
Spelman is part of the largest consortium of historically Black institutions of higher learning in the world. Its four partner institutions include Clark Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College and Morehouse School of Medicine. Spelman shares cross-registration with its undergraduate partners. They also share the Robert W. Woodruff Library.
    Universidade Federal de Sergipe, South America
  Av. Marechal Rondon, s/n - Jardim Rosa Elze - São Cristóvão, SE           
Uma instituição pública que se localiza no município de São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brasil.
    Temple University, North America
  1801 North Broad Street - Philadelphia, PA            
Temple University, of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education, is a comprehensive public research university with more than 34,000 students. It has a distinguished faculty in 17 schools and colleges, including schools of Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatry, and Dentistry, and a renowned Health Sciences Center. Temple is one of Pennsylvania's three public research universities, along with the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University. Temple University is the 28th largest university in the United States, and it is the 6th largest provider of professional education (law, dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and podiatric medicine) in the country. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Temple has five regional campuses, including the flagship Main Campus, Health Sciences Campus, and Center City Campus in Philadelphia; a major suburban campus -- Temple University at Ambler; and a suburban art campus -- Tyler School of Art -- in Elkins Park.
    Frostburg State University, North America
   - Frostburg, MD             
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Frostburg State University has provided paths to success for students for over 100 years. Founded in 1898 to prepare teachers, the institution today is a public, comprehensive, largely residential regional university offering a wide array of affordable programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The only four-year institution of the University System of Maryland west of the Baltimore-Washington corridor, the University serves as the premier educational and cultural center for western Maryland.
    Faculdade da Região dos Lagos, South America
   - Cabo Frio, RJ            
Ensino Superior e Pós-Graduação. Ensino Funamental e Ensino Médio.
    Fafima, South America
  Rua Tenente Rui Lopes Ribeiro, 200 - Centro - Macaé, RJ           
Missão: Produzir e transmitir conhecimentos, atuando no campo educacional e científico, em todos os seus níveis, tornando-os acessíveis à comunidade, e contribuindo principalmente para o desenvolvimento da região.
    Universidade Católica do Salvador, South America
  Avenida Joana Angélica, 362 - Nazaré - Salvador, BA           
A Universidade, está numa fase de renovação, na direção constante da qualidade, sem se afastar dos valores, definidos em sua missão, de contribuir para a transformação da sociedade formando profissionais cidadãos, críticos e comprometidos com solução dos problemas e desafios da realidade social, privilegiando as dimensões ética, social e humana, a inclusão e a produção de conhecimentos científico-tecnológicos.