World Colleges & Universities

    Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, South America

   - Juiz de Fora, MG           
Uma instituição brasileira de ensino superior situada na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, na cidade de Juiz de Fora.
    CUNY School of Law, North America
  65-21 Main Street - Flushing, NY             
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The Law School's lawyering program spans all three years of law school and is designed to prepare each student for the practice of law. Beginning in the first year, students are introduced to lawyering skills and perspectives as part of the required curriculum. In the second year, students choose from a range of lawyering seminars that strengthen skills and knowledge to use in several different public interest areas. Finally, in their third year, students select a clinical offering from the Law School's nationally-ranked clinical program.
    Bennington College, North America
   - Bennington, VT           
The principle of learning by practice underlies every major feature of a Bennington education: the master-apprentice model of teaching and learning; the requirement that students direct the course of their own education; the winter Field Work Term, which gives students work experience and connects them to the greater community. The College's commitment to learning across the disciplines extends to the faculty, who teach what is uppermost in their minds, exploring new pursuits as well as ongoing areas of study and work. Bennington is grounded in the conviction that as a college education develops students' professional capacities, it should also prepare them to be deeply thoughtful and actively engaged citizens of the world.
    School Of Visual Arts, North America
  209 East 23rd Street - New York, NY            
SVA offers undergraduate programs in Advertising, Animation, Cartooning, Computer Art, Film & Video, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interior Design, Photography, and Visual and Critical Studies. The undergraduate program is a four-year, full-time Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program with courses offered throughout the day and evening. Identifying which college will prepare an aspiring artist to meet the demands and challenges that await tomorrow's professionals can be a difficult task. The outcome will vary for each individual, based on his or her interests, needs, abilities and focus. Students who choose SVA are often attracted by the breadth and professional standing of our faculty, the passion of our student body, the rigors of our curriculum, the industry standards within our studio facilities, and the energy and excitement that is New York City.
    EMESCAM, South America
  Av. N. S. da Penha, 2190 - Santa Luiza - Vitória, ES           
A Escola Superior de Ciências da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Vitória (EMESCAM) iniciou suas atividades em março de 1968, revolucionando o ensino de Medicina e a formação de Médicos no Espírito Santo. Hoje, com mais de três mil médicos formados atuando em vários Estados brasileiros, a EMESCAM é uma das mais respeitadas Faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, se tornando não mais uma alternativa, mas uma referência para aqueles que pretendem seguir a carreira Médica.
    Belmont University, North America
  1900 Belmont Boulevard - Nashville, TN             
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Belmont University is student-centered. The university provides opportunities for students to develop intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically through experiences of leadership and collaboration, of success and failure, and of choice.
    Fundação Souza Marques, South America
  Av. Ernani Cardoso, 335/345 - Cascadura - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O desafio maior que elege a missão das Souza Marques, Faculdades é o constante aprimoramento do processo ensino-aprendizagem como meio para formação humana e intelectual, permitindo que nossos alunos sejam capazes de enfrentar o trabalho intelectual através do crescimento da dimensão do pensamento, da crítica, da justiça, da solidariedade e da ética.
Sonhar com o amanhã abre caminhos, amplia limites e supera o existente, permitindo a produção do novo, o que deverá ser criado através da gestão do conhecimento desenvolvida nas instituições de Ensino Superior
    Dartmouth College, North America
   - Hanover, NH             
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Dartmouth College is a private academic institution in Hanover, New Hampshire, in the United States. It is a member of the Ivy League and is one of the nine colonial colleges founded before the American Revolution. Founded in 1769 by Eleazar Wheelock, with funds partially raised by the efforts of a Native American preacher named Samson Occom, it is the ninth-oldest college in the United States and the seventh-wealthiest in terms of funds per-student. In addition to its liberal arts undergraduate program, Dartmouth has medical, engineering, and business schools, as well as 18 graduate programs in the arts and sciences; hence it would tend to be called a university in standard American usage. Source
    Yale University, North America
   - New Haven, CT           
Yale’s roots can be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.” In 1718 the school was renamed “Yale College” in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale, who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I.
    United States Military Academy, North America
  Bldg 600 Taylor Hall - West Point, NY             
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The Academy provides a superb four-year education, which focuses on the leader development of cadets in the academic, military, and physical domains, all underwritten by adherence to a code of honor. The United States Military Academy's mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
    New York Law School, North America
  57 Worth St - New York, NY           
New York Law School, one of the oldest independent law schools in the United States, was founded in 1891 by the faculty, students, and alumni of Columbia College Law School led by their founding dean, Theodore Dwight, a major figure in the history of legal education. In 1894, the Law School established one of the nation's first evening divisions to provide those in the workforce, or with family obligations, a flexible alternative to full-time legal studies.
    Faculdade Salesiana de Vitória, South America
  Av. Vitória, 950 - Forte São João - Vitória, ES            
A Faculdade Salesiana de Vitória, credenciada pela Port. 569/MEC de 03/05/00, é mantida por uma sociedade civil, sem fins lucrativos, a Inspetoria São João Bosco. Essa Inspetoria, de assistência social e beneficência, de caráter educativo e cultural, é mantenedora de diversas obras educacionais nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Distrito Federal e Espírito Santo. Em Vitória, é também mantenedora dos Colégio Salesianos, no Forte São João e em Jardim Camburi, do Oratório Festivo e do Centro Salesiano do Menor.
    St. John's University, North America
  300 Howard Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Overlooking scenic New York Bay, St. Johns University's wooded Staten Island campus combines a friendly, small-college environment with the resources of a major Catholic university.
The 16.5-acre campus features rolling lawns, apartment-style student residences and architectural styles that range from red-brick colonial to the strikingly modern. The campus is located in the residential Grymes Hill section of Staten Island, one of the five counties, or boroughs, that make up New York City.
    St. John's University, North America
  8000 Utopia Parkway - Jamaica, NY             
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St. John's is one of America's leading Catholic universities – recognized for its superb academic programs, diverse student life, Big East excitement and New York vitality. Founded in 1870 by the Vincentian Community, St. John’s has distinguished itself by giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to serve others while achieving lasting success – personally, professionally and spiritually.
With three friendly residential campuses in New York City, St. John’s is the perfect choice for an affordable, high-quality private education that blends academic study, service opportunities, professional training and real-world experience within a diverse and highly supportive community.
    Marlboro College, North America
   - Marlboro, VT             
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With 330 students and 41 faculty, Marlboro College offers a student-centered approach to education that is structurally and culturally different from those of other colleges.
Unfettered by generic course requirements, freshmen determine with their faculty advisors an individualized course of study that is appropriate to their academic backgrounds, interests and needs. Freshmen and sophomores choose from some 250 courses in 33 areas of study, in classes ranging in size from five to 20 students.
    Cooper Union for the Advancement, North America
  Cooper Square - New York, NY              
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The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest and most distinguished institutions of higher learning. The college, the legacy of Peter Cooper, occupies a special place in the history of American education. It is the only private, full-scholarship college in the United States dedicated exclusively to preparing students for the professions of art, architecture and engineering.
    Clark University, North America
   - Worcester, MA           
It's a long tradition that Clarck's students, faculty continue in their work--inside and outside the classroom--every day. At Clark, students and faculty are encouraged to follow their intellectual curiosity beyond the boundaries of traditional scholarship, to seek innovative solutions to real-world problems and to create positive change in the world through social action.
    Fisk University, North America
  1000 Seventeenth Ave. North - Nashville, TN           
Founded in 1866, Fisk University is one of America’s finest institutions of higher education. While the University has a strong foundation in the liberal arts, we pride ourselves in our contribution to the nation’s ranks of great scientists and businesspersons. During our 140 year legacy, we have consistently produced graduates with the intellectual and ethical aptitude to constructively engage and change the world.
    Monroe College, North America
  2501 Jerome Avenue - Bronx, NY              
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Monroe College was founded in 1933 with a single goal: To educate men and women for a successful future in the world. Monroe offers Bachelor's degree programs, with an Associate degree along the way, in the most relevant areas for today's rapidly changing global economy.
    Spelman College, North America
  350 Spelman Lane S.W. - Atlanta, GA           
Spelman is part of the largest consortium of historically Black institutions of higher learning in the world. Its four partner institutions include Clark Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College and Morehouse School of Medicine. Spelman shares cross-registration with its undergraduate partners. They also share the Robert W. Woodruff Library.
    Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFES, South America
  Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 - Maruípe - Vitória, ES           
O CCS oferece à sociedade os únicos cursos de graduação totalmente gratuitos de Enfermagem, Farmácia, Medicina e Odontologia no Estado do ES. Esses cursos têm recebido bons conceitos nas avaliações do MEC, destacando-se como os melhores do Estado, cumprindo assim um importante papel como referência para cursos semelhantes oferecidos por instituições privadas. No ano de 2009, serão abertos dois novos cursos de graduação: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional. Para o ano de 2010, estão previstas as aberturas dos novos cursos em Fonoaudiologia e Nutrição. Os cursos de Pós-Graduação do CCS também recebido conceitos muito bons da CAPES e vêm cumprindo sua função na formação de mão de obra especializada para o ensino e pesquisa no estado, tanto para a própria UFES como para outras instituições. Destaca-se também a função social que estes Programas, em especial os de Ciências Fisiológicas e o de Doenças Infecciosas, com diagnóstico, atendimento e tratamento de pacientes de diversas doenças de alta incidência e importância na saúde publica como hipertensão, tuberculose, hanseníase, sífilis e AIDS. Dentro desse enfoque social, destaca-se também o fato de que o CCS é o maior prestador de serviços da UFES para a sociedade, através de diferentes projetos e programas de extensão e, principalmente, através da assistência médica e odontológica prestada nas dependências do HUCAM e do IOUFES
    Boston University, North America
   - Boston, MA            
Boston University is one of the leading private research and teaching institutions in the world today, with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University was chartered in 1869 by Lee Claflin, Jacob Sleeper, and Isaac Rich, three successful Methodist businessmen whose abolitionist ideals led them to envision and create a university that was inclusive—that opened its doors to the world—and engaged in service to and collaboration with the city of Boston.
    Florida International University SUSF, North America
   - Miami, FL             
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Florida International University is an urban, multi-campus, research university serving South Florida, the state, the nation and the international community. It fulfills its mission by imparting knowledge through excellent teaching, promoting public service, discovering new knowledge, solving problems through research, and fostering creativity.
    Alabama State University, North America
  915 South Jackson Street - Montgomery, AL           
The impetus to establish a school for the black citizens of Alabama, which would eventually become Alabama State University, began shortly after an event that not only tore this country apart, but created a far different United States in which relationships, and attitudes, were altered irrevocably.
    Touro College, North America
  27-33 West 23 Street - New York, NY            
Touro College is a Jewish-sponsored independent institution of higher and professional education. The College was established primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American community. Approximately twenty-one thousand students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions.
    Teachers College, Columbia University, North America
  525 West 120th St. - New York, NY             
Teachers College, Columbia University is an institution with a rich and distinguished record in the field of education. Decade after decade, since its founding in 1887, the College has anticipated concerns and acted with initiatives to advance educational reforms and issues. With its tradition of innovation and insights, the College is one of the leading schools of education in the country, if not the world, embracing three fields: education, psychology and health.
    Universidade Castelo Branco, South America
  Av. das Américas, 899 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Uma instituição de ensino superior. Sediado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, é um centro universitário particular. Dispõe de cursos de graduação nas áreas de humanas, exatas e biológicas, e programas de pós-graduação lato sensu.
Sua principal unidade localiza-se no bairro de Realengo. Além dessa possui outras unidades em outros bairros como Rocha Miranda, Penha, Centro e Recreio dos Bandeirantes. Fonte:
    Fafima, South America
  Rua Tenente Rui Lopes Ribeiro, 200 - Centro - Macaé, RJ           
Missão: Produzir e transmitir conhecimentos, atuando no campo educacional e científico, em todos os seus níveis, tornando-os acessíveis à comunidade, e contribuindo principalmente para o desenvolvimento da região.
    Faculdades Integradas Nacional, South America
  Rua Fortunato Ramos, 512 - Praia do Canto - Vitória, ES           
A Filosofia dos cursos da Faculdade Nacional – FINAC – é a de buscar uma educação integrada à sociedade. A instituição estará sintonizada com essa sociedade no sentido de perceber seus anseios, suas demandas e suas alternâncias de percurso. A Integração escola-sociedade não significa que a FINAC será mera receptora de problemas ou fornecedoras de soluções, mas, principalmente, deverá ser uma gestora de idéias e de conhecimentos que contribuam para mudanças sociais. Um outro aspecto importante dessa filosofia é a valorização da cidadania, de buscar formar cidadãos conscientes e ativos, comprometidos com sua história e com a sociedade, buscando sempre melhorá-la, através de ações e posturas ética. Um terceiro aspecto é a crença na ação transformadora do conhecimento. Um bom profissional deve possuir, além dom instrumental de seu ofício, uma sólida formação científica. Mais ainda, essa formação técnico-científica não deve se esgotar no curso de graduação. A competência científica e profissional é um projeto para toda a vida. Se o aprendizado contínuo já podia ser encarado como um pressuposto básico do bom profissional, ele se tornou um fator de sobrevivência de qualquer profissional neste mundo globalizado, complexo e competitivo em que vivemos, com suas constantes mutações tecnológicas e sociais.
    UNIPLI, South America
  Centro Universitario Plinio Leite - Niteroi, RJ             
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Oferecer um ensino dinâmico e internalizador de conhecimentos, que propicie a formação de profissionais comprometidos com valores éticos, dotados de habilidades e competências, para intervir na transformação da sociedade.