North America
South America

World Atrações

    Splashin' Safari, North America

  P.O. Box 179 - Santa Claus, IN             
To participate at Splashin' Safari, swimwear or shorts and shirts may be worn and must be modest in design and gender appropriate. No revealing or thong swimsuits allowed. Clothing or body art with rude, vulgar or inflammatory language or graphics is not permitted. Swim shoes, sandals, and aqua socks are allowed (and encouraged if your feet are sensitive) on the water slides. Children in diapers must wear swim diapers. Guests must change into street clothes (shoes, shorts and shirts) before returning to Holiday World. Showers and changing rooms are provided and rental lockers are available.
    Centro Cultural Waly Salomão, South America
   - Vigário Geral - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Missão - Promover a inclusão e a justiça social, utilizando a arte, a cultura afro-brasileira e a educação como ferramentas para a criação de pontes que unam as diferenças e sirvam como alicerces para a sustentabilidade e o exercício da cidadania.
Visão - O Grupo Cultural AfroReggae é uma organização que luta pela transformação social e, através da cultura e da arte, desperta potencialidades artísticas que elevam a auto-estima de jovens das camadas populares.
    Parque Aquático Maria Lenk, South America
  Cidade dos Esportes - Jacarepaguá - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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O Parque Aquático MariaLenk está localizado na Cidade dos Esportes, no Autódromo de Jacarepaguá, no mesmo complexo esportivo da Arena e do Velódromo.
O Parque com 42 mil m2 é composto por uma piscina olímpica, uma piscina de aquecimento e um tanque para saltos ornamentais, construídos de acordo com as normas da Federação Internacional de Natação.
As piscinas são específicas para as provas de natação, nado sincronizado, saltos ornamentais e pólo aquático.
A piscina para competições de natação e nado sincronizado tem 50m de comprimento, medidos internamente para permitir a cronometragem eletrônica e borda quebra ondas.
Maria Lenk, pioneira da natação feminina no Brasil e primeira mulher sul-americana a se apresentar em competições no exterior, foi recordista mundial nos 200 e 400 metros do nado borboleta
    Citi Field, North America
  123-01 Roosevelt Ave - Flushing, NY           
Citi Field is located on Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing, The stadium is conveniently accessible by subway and Long Island Railroad. You can also take the bus, ferry or drive.
    Honolulu Zoo, North America
  151 Kapahulu Avenue - Honolulu, HI            
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Over 750,000 people visit the Honolulu Zoo annually. It is the largest zoo within a radius of 2,300 miles and unique in that it is the only zoo in the United States originating from a King's grant of royal lands to the people. King David Kalakaua, Monarch of Hawai`i from 1874 to 1891, made lands of the Leahi Land Holdings available in 1876 to the people for a thirty year lease. That year, a "Kapiolani Park Association" of two hundred subscriber members assumed the administration of the three hundred-acre park. The marshy parcel was a muddle of fishponds, lagoons and islands where King Kalakaua maintained his collection of exotic birds. In 1877 the area was named after the King's wife and opened as Queen Kapiolani Park.
    Capilano Suspension Bridge, North America
   - Vancouver, BC             
Your pulse quickens as you step onto the swaying planks of Vancouver's first visitor attraction.
Breathe in the cedar-scented rainforest air as you make your way across Vancouver's famous landmark. Only minutes away from downtown Vancouver, Capilano Suspension Bridge takes you to the natural splendor of rainforest trails through magnificent evergreens and the unique perspective of Treetops Adventure, a walk high in the trees.
    Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse, North America
  334 Furman Street - Brooklyn - New York, NY            
The purpose of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Boathouse, a 501c3 non-profit, is to promote human-powered boating and safe public access to the Brooklyn waterfront, to provide opportunities for people to learn about and participate in human-powered boating, and to promote environmentally sound policies that provide for and sustain human-powered boating in New York harbor.
    Ilha Fiscal, South America
  Av. Alfredo Agache - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Impossível não esticar o pescoço em direção à janela do avião quando a aeronave se prepara para aterrissar no Aeroporto Santos Dumont. Mais do que ver a pista de pouso, turistas e cariocas querem apreciar de perto os belos detalhes de um castelinho verde, salpicado de coqueiros e palmeiras, construído numa pequena ilha na Baía de Guanabara. Cenário do último grande baile do Império, realizado em 09 de novembro de 1889, a Ilha Fiscal chama a atenção na paisagem e, o que é melhor, está aberta para visitação pública.
    Seven Peaks, North America
  1330 East, 300 North - Provo, UT           
Wave Pool - An ocean experience far from the sea. Our waves come at you in various patterns that range from one to four feet in height. Enjoy the waves on a tube or body surf from the shore. And much more...
    Casa Bowling, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 bloco - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Parada obrigatória no circuito da Barra, o Casa Bowling, com 1300 m2 e 14 pistas, já é uma referência no segmento e vem arregimentando cada vez mais fanáticos.. Segundo esporte mais praticado no mudo, som perdendo para o futebol, o boliche está fazendo muito sucesso no Casa Shopping. O local, com capacidades para 200 pessoas, também conta com o Café Orfeu e um restaurante. http://www.casabowling.com.br/
    Castle Clinton, North America
  1 New York Plaza - New York, NY             
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Castle Garden, today known as Castle Clinton National Monument, is the major landmark within The Battery, the 23 acre waterfront park at the tip of Manhattan. From 1855 to 1890, the Castle was America's first official immigration center, a pioneering collaboration of New York State and New York City.
    Mercado Modelo, South America
   - Salvador, BA            
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Salvador é uma das mais belas cidades do Brasil. Importante destino turístico, Salvador cativa o visitante não somente com suas belezas naturais e arquitectônicas, mas também por suas tradições artísticas e artesanais de estilo afrobrasileiro. O Mercado Modelo, que se encontra dentro de um prédio histórico, a antiga Casa da Alfândega erguida em 1861, é um lugar privilegiado para o turista desfrutar um cenário magnífico que estimula todos os sentidos e percepções, no meio das mais variadas obras artesanais, a pouca distância do profundo azul do mar da Bahia, perto das badaladas agitadas no centro da cidade.
    United Nations, North America
  1st Avenue at 46th Street - New York, NY             
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The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the Organization can take action on a wide range of issues, and provide a forum for its 192 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees.
    Centro de Artes Hélio Oiticica, South America
  Rua Luís de Camões, 68 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Helio Oiticica (1937-1980) foi um dos mais criativos artistas plásticos brasileiros. A síntese de sua obra são seus belos "Parangolés" (1964): capas, estandartes ou bandeiras coloridas de algodão ou náilon com poemas em tinta sobre o tecido a serem vestidas ou carregadas pelo ator/espectador, que passa a perceber seu corpo transformado em dança. Quase uma poesia, pois a obra de arte só se revela quando alguém a manuseia, a movimenta.
    Wyoming Dinosaur Center, North America
  1110 Carter Ranch Road - Thermopolis, WY            
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The Wyoming Dinosaur Center has 12,000 square feet of exhibition area. Fossils and life forms from earliest geologic time periods are displayed in a chronological perspective. There are over 200 displays throughout the museum. The central hall houses dozens of full-size mounted skeletons, including over 20 dinosaurs.
    Crayola Factory, North America
  30 Centre Square - Easton, PA             
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At The Crayola Factory, you’ll be immersed in color and creativity – a place where there's no limitation to creativity and imagination. You can color, draw, paint and create with the latest Crayola products without the worry of cleanup afterwards. Each creative space invites you to play and explore while learning and having lots and lots of fun. See how Crayola Crayons and Markers are made. Learn about the history of the Crayola brand. Explore dozens of interactive projects and activities. This is not the real manufacturing plant, but instead a visitor center that allows the child inside each person to unleash its creative spirit. Each quarter, themes and projects change, giving visitors a variety of projects to create throughout the year.
    Casa da Moeda do Brasil, South America
  Rua René Bittencourt, 371 - Santa Cruz - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Casa da Moeda do Brasil, fundada em 1694, é uma empresa pública, vinculada ao Ministério da Fazenda.
Após alguns anos de atividade no nordeste do Brasil e em Minas Gerais, a CMB foi transferida para o Rio de Janeiro, então capital da República, operando em amplo e adequado prédio construído na Praça da República, inaugurado em 1868 e, hoje, pertencente ao Arquivo Nacional.
O crescimento da economia brasileira durante os anos subseqüentes veio requerer a expansão da capacidade de produção da empresa. Um novo complexo industrial, que hoje representa um dos maiores do gênero no mundo, foi especificamente projetado, construído e inaugurado em 1984, no Distrito Industrial de Santa Cruz, Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro.
    Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies, North America
  88 River Road - Gatlinburg, TN            
Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Ripley's Aquarium and Gatlinburg Mass Transit Center together represent a $70 million cooperative project between the city and the entertainment company. The 115,000 square foot, 1.3 million gallon Ripley's Aquarium is home to 10-foot sharks, 8,000 exotic fish, and the world's longest aquarium tunnel.
    Northwest Trek, North America
  11610 Trek Drive East - Eatonville, WA            
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Northwest Trek Wildlife Park is a treasure for wildlife enthusiasts.
This 715-acre park has a little bit of everything: lakes, trails, meadows and plenty of animals. Northwest Trek is home to more than 200 North American animals.
Explore the Park - See bighorn sheep, deer, Roosevelt elk, woodland caribou, mountain goats, bison and more up close from comfortable trams while touring the free-roaming area. Walk forested pathways to view grizzlies, black bears, wolves, bobcats, lynx, cougars, owls, eagles and wetland animals in beautiful natural exhibits. Five miles of nature trails await exploration and the Cheney Discovery Center offers exciting hands-on experiences.
    Hayden Planetarium, North America
  Central Park West at 79th Street - New York, NY             
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Hayden Planetarium captivates upon your initial approach. The visually stimulating Manhattan attraction, constructed from glass and steel, features a large spherical dome where the universe comes to life in front of your very eyes. The department of Astrophysics, located in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, conducts research focusing on the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, the effects of their radiation, and much more. The planetarium offers ongoing monthly lectures. Children and adults alike will love the vast amount of knowledge and beauty while exploring the stars in this awesome environment. 3-D models and vivid colors are not in short abundance here. School field trips are welcome; planning in advance is required. A wealth of educational knowledge is available through the website for teachers, parents and children. With a special section of interactive activities for children, you can’t go wrong learning about all that this Manhattan planetarium has to offer. A virtual joy ride through the universe with stops along the way to learn about the wonders of the Galaxies, a few hours can easily be spent just walking around the floors. In addition to the star/sky show, the exhibits are a joy to behold. From real meteorites, to scales that bring home the effect of gravity on other planets, to historic photos, all will enjoy.
    Bryant Park, North America
  Suite 2400, 1065 Avenue of the Americas - New York, NY             
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Lots to do here. Free admission ice skating and boutique-style shopping are open. The Citi Pond is open through Sunday, March 3, and The Holiday Shops are open through Sunday, January 6.
You will enjoying visiting the Citi Pond and The Holiday Shops at Bryant Park. It's is particularly triumphant during this winter season.
    DeSoto Caverns Family Fun Park, North America
  5181 DeSoto Caverns Pkwy - Childersburg, AL             
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Always something fun for everyone. With over 25 "Wacky" attractions including our three-quarter acre Lost Trail Maze, Panning for Gemstones, and the always popular Wacky Water Golf, we're sure you'll have a great time at Alabama's Big Cave and More, DeSoto Caverns Family Fun Park. Attractions are open year round with the exception of the water attractions. Water attractions close at the end of October and reopen in April.
    Biblioteca Nacional, South America
  Av Rio Branco, 219 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Depositária do patrimônio bibliográfico e documental do Brasil, a Biblioteca Nacional tem o objetivo de garantir a todos os cidadãos, desta e das futuras gerações, o acesso a toda memória cultural que integra seu acervo.
    Theatro Municipal do Rio, South America
  Avenida Rio Branco - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Dia 3, 4, 5 e 7 às 20h Dia 8 às 17h. Programa: BALLET O QUEBRA-NOZES. Música: Tchaikovsky Concepção, Coreografia e Mise-en-Scène: Dalal Achcar Solistas: Ana Botafogo, Cecília Kerche, Claudia Mota, Márcia Jaqueline, Karen Mesquita. Francisco Timbó, Cícero Gomes, Filipe Moreira, Denis Vieira. Cenários e Figurinos: José Varona Regência: Silvio Viegas,
Um dos mais bonitos prédios do Rio de Janeiro, localizado na Praça Floriano, conhecida como Cinelândia, no centro da cidade, o Theatro Municipal é a principal casa de espetáculos do Brasil e uma das mais importantes da América do Sul. Desde a sua inauguração, em 14 de julho de 1909, o Theatro tem recebido os maiores artistas internacionais, assim como os principais nomes da dança, música e da ópera brasileiras.
    Eagle Institute, North America
  Rte 97 - Barryville, NY           
"The Eagle Institute public programs are held during the winter months, when 150-200 bald eagles migrate to this region. To minimize disturbance during the breeding season, our only public program from March through July is in cooperation with the Basha Kill Area Association’s thebashakill.org Nature Watch program. We also collect data about the region’s nesting pairs and encourage participation through our Kitchen Counters Program."
    Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, North America
  1 Wild Place - Pittsburgh, PA            
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The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium strives to foster positive, lifelong connections between animals and people. Whether through our exhibitry, educational programs, or our many conservation projects, our goal is to make certain the Earth remains a suitable home for all life by our discovery of the interconnectedness of the natural world.
    Zoológico de Brasília, South America
  Av. das Nações, Via L4 Sul - Brasília, DF            
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O Jardim Zoológico de Brasília ocupa área de 140 hectares, ao lado do Santuário de Vida Silvestre do Riacho Fundo, com 440 hectares, e do parque das Aves, com 110 hectares, os quais são geridos pela Fundação Pólo Ecológico de Brasília - FunPEB, com área total de 690 hectares.
    New York Botanical Garden, North America
  200th Street and Kazimiroff Boulevard - Bronx, NY              
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The New York Botanical Gardens is a premier educational institution. Located just a brisk 25 minute bicycle ride from Sound View Park via Dr. Theodore Kazimiroff Blvd, this NYC attraction is surprisingly bicycle accessible and encourages travel as such. The Gardens offers many educational programs including the opportunity to graduate with certificates in botany, floral design and horticulture, just to name a few. Ongoing hands-on gardening activities for the whole family are also available, so check their schedule online, or just give them a call. The Everett Children’s Adventure Garden is a year-round world of its own, boasting mazes, larger than life flowers, and many real time activities for your curious explorer. A prize bloom in the collection of Bronx attractions, it also actively participates in community outreach programs that expand nutritional education. Make sure you check out the Green Market, which carries a variety of produce available for purchase. Health-related screenings offered the 2nd Wednesday of every month by staff from both Montefiore Medical Center and St. Barnabas Hospital are another of the services that demonstrates their involvement in the surrounding communities. Their dedication to the conservation of the plants and fungi of the world through various scientific research associations places them on the world map.
    Bahama Beach Waterpark, North America
  1895 Campfire Circle - Dallas, TX            
From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day, Bahama Beach offers the best family waterpark value in the metroplex. Conveniently located only ten minutes south of downtown Dallas, you can get away from it all without ever leaving town. We have everything from 45 foot tall slides for the big kids and adults who are young at heart, to an interactive water playground with a 1000 gallon dumping bucket for the little ones. And for those who want to kick back and relax, grab a tube, wade into one of two zero depth entry beaches, and take a float down the lazy river. Plenty of shade, reservable private cabanas, and a concession stand to satisfy all of your summertime cravings tops it all off. So bring the whole family and make a day of it at Bahama Beach Waterpark!
    Parque Fazenda Betinho Carrero, South America
  Av. Água Espraiada esquina com Marginal Pinheiros - Brooklin - São Paulo, SP            
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Beto Carrero, nasce um herói Não existe no Brasil um exemplo melhor para ilustrar a máxima “Não sabendo que era impossível, ele foi lá e fez” do que a história de João Batista Sérgio Murad, o nosso Beto Carrero.
Menino pobre, nascido no interior do estado de São Paulo, o menino João Batista sonhava em ser o Zorro brasileiro e trabalhar em um parque de diversões. Mal sabia ele que seus humildes sonhos se transformariam com os anos, e que ele construiria o maior parque multi-temático do mundo!