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No curso Voltaire, o aluno encontra todo apoio de que precisa para passar pelo desafio do Vestibular. Além de contar com um ensino de alta qualidade, nosso aluno é também recebido e acolhido em um ambiente humano e diferenciado, onde ele não é apenas mais um. Essa qualidade é assegurada justamente pelo fato de contarmos com turmas reduzidas, o que eleva consideravelmente o rendimento das aulas, e equipe qualificada. Oferecemos diversas opções de cursos, para que o aluno possa ter a chance de achar exatamente aquilo que é mais adequado às suas expectativas: pré-vestibular extensivo, pré-vestibular intensivo, Voltaire Master, Voltaire Plus e Turmas Especias.
O Colégio Paulo Freire construiu sua identidade, ao longo destes anos, centrado na capacidade de aprendizagem de conteúdo relevante para o desenvolvimento de cidadãos e desenvolvimento social de cada aluno. O respeito à individualidade, o estímulo à autonomia e o desenvolvimento da consciência crítica são valores básicos da Direção, do Corpo Docente e de todos os funcionários da escola.
Em 1972, com as inovações introduzidas pela Lei 5692/71 na Educação Brasileira, foi implantada a reforma de ensino do 1º grau(hoje Ensino Fundamental) sob a direção do sobrinho de D. Marília, Reynaldo Mattoso Cavalcanti. Sob sua orientação a escola passou também por outras transformações.
No ano de 1976, implementou-se a criação do Mattosinho com a finalidade de atender aos alunos da educação infantil. A escola continuava a crescer até que em 1978 foi inaugurada a nova e atual sede, na rua José Bonifácio nº 39. O Ensino Médio foi implantado em 1985, com a colaboração do Prof. Comte Bittencourt, que meses antes assumira a Direção Administrativa da escola. A partir daí, nossa escola passou a denominar-se Colégio Marília Mattoso. |
The United Nations International School (UNIS) was founded in 1947 by United Nations affiliated families. UNIS has a multi-national staff from 70 countries and over 1,450 students from 115 countries. The main language of instruction is English and all students study French or Spanish, beginning in the elementary school; Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian are also taught beginning in the seventh grade; additional mother tongues may be studied after school. |
N-12. Staten Island Academy is a coeducational college-preparatory day school educating students from age four through high school. The Academy was founded in 1884 and since that time it has stood as a beacon of educational excellence.
The school is the oldest private school on Staten Island and it is proud of its unique status as the only independent school in the borough. Our “home” is a beautiful 12-acre campus with outstanding facilities including a new fitness center, renovated library, athletics fields, state-of-the art technology, a gym, computer labs, science labs, tennis courts, and two outdoor swimming pools. At the Academy we are committed to the education of the whole child through a rigorous academic program, innovative performing and visual arts programs, and a comprehensive althletics and health and wellness program. |
An independent day school that provides a continuous coeducational program for boys and girls from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. The school is located on two wooded campuses in the northwest corner of New York City.
Founded as a college preparatory school for boys in 1888 by John A. Browning. A traditional curriculum helps support boys intellectually, physically, and emotionally from Pre-Primary through Form VI. Located in the heart of New York City, The Browning School makes use of the city’s vast resources.
No curso Voltaire, o aluno encontra todo apoio de que precisa para passar pelo desafio do Vestibular. Além de contar com um ensino de alta qualidade, nosso aluno é também recebido e acolhido em um ambiente humano e diferenciado, onde ele não é apenas mais um. Essa qualidade é assegurada justamente pelo fato de contarmos com turmas reduzidas, o que eleva consideravelmente o rendimento das aulas, e equipe qualificada. Oferecemos diversas opções de cursos, para que o aluno possa ter a chance de achar exatamente aquilo que é mais adequado às suas expectativas: pré-vestibular extensivo, pré-vestibular intensivo, Voltaire Master, Voltaire Plus e Turmas Especias.
N-8. The Cathedral School of St. John the Divine is an independent Episcopal coeducational day school for children of all faiths, Kindergarten through eighth grade. A strong academic program blends the best in traditional and innovative teaching. The faculty and student body reflect the diversity of New York City.
The school seeks to develop confident, open-minded young people who share a respect for different ideas, cultures and religions, and who take responsibility as active citizens of their community and the world around them. |
N-12. Founded in 1896, The Calhoun School is a progressive, coeducational, college preparatory school for students in early childhood through twelfth grade. The school is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the New York State Education Department.
Somos uma equipe multidisciplinar formada por profissionais que atuam há mais de 20 anos nas áreas de educação e saúde interessada no desenvolvimento de Portadores de Necessidades Educativa Especiais. Entendemos que o indivíduo necessita de apoio emocional para desenvolver suas aptidões cognitivas e sociais, sem restringirmos, portanto, nossa atuação ao nível da escolaridade, mas ampliando o foco para o desenvolvimento do indivíduo de forma holística e efetiva.
In active partnership with students, parents, educators and the community is committed to creating a challenging and rigorous academic environment where all students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to become responsible members of the community.
Through this process, the mission of the William Floyd High School is to foster the development of life-long learners that will become productive contributors of our highly technical and diverse society. We constantly strive to provide the most positive educational experience possible for the children in our district. With dedicated faculty, staff, administrators, concerned parents and the greatest kids on Long Island, the best is yet to come. |
K-12. Trinity's mission, stated in carefully considered terms, is essentially to provide its students with a setting—intellectual, moral, and physical—in which they can pursue the elements of a liberal education. We understand the idea of liberal education in different ways, all of us, but I'm pretty sure we could agree on a small number of things that are necessary to it: reading and writing accurately and truthfully; being curious and critical-minded; opening our minds to the ideas of others; questioning authority; maintaining self-respect and respect for the other. It is an endless project. Its ideals are woven through the ideals of democracy. I've come to think that, beyond the ideal of learning for its own sake, for the love of it, a liberal education serves politics. The political question is something like, "What is one to do with one's power?" How Trinity goes about the business of a liberal education is our way of answering that question.
A complexidade que envolve as relações humanas torna quase que impossível reproduzir regras ou ditar padrões rígidos de comportamentos que, em muitas vezes, significam o primeiro passo rumo ao fracasso da convivência dentro e fora da escola. ntretanto, pensar, discutir e praticar uma conduta ética é, sem dúvida, uma forma de cuidar e cuidar-se para que possamos vivenciar um mundo melhor. Limites claros e definidos consensualmente não devem ser vistos como barreiras ou obstáculos e sim como conquistas de cada aluno, para inserir-se num sistema formado por dois subsistemas: o dos deveres e o dos direitos dos estudantes.
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes. Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional). http://www.apcolegio.com.br |
Convent of the Sacred Heart combines an outstanding academic experience with an environment that nurtures the heart, mind and spirit of its young women. We offer a rigorous and challenging curricular program for girls from pre-k through grade 12. The intertwining of intellect and soul is the essence of a Sacred Heart education. |
Nursery and day school.
Currently, we are building a high school addition. As a result of the steady high enrollment over the past decade, SJVA was pressed to develop a strategic campus facility plan that would renovate existing buildings and increase the amount of space in our high school. Specifically, several of the oldest buildings on campus are unable to meet the space and program needs of our faculty and students. In order to maintain programs and to expand other areas of the curriculum, SJVA proposed a $5 million renovation and construction project. This will primarily consolidate the high school's academic space into a central location by enlarging and renovating the existing high school facility. A three-story wing is being built and connected to the current two-story high school. All new classrooms will be provided with "T1" Internet access lines. The project broke ground in December 2004 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2005. Of this $5 million renovation and construction project, $1 million must be raised from a capital campaign. Because St. John Villa is a private Catholic school, we do not receive public funds or money from the Archdiocese for capital projects and therefore, must seek private donations to accomplish this greatly needed project.
A Primeiros Passos Escola Maternal foi fundada em 1991, e desde então vem crescendo junto com os seus alunos.
Em 2000 passou a oferecer o ensino fundamental de 1ª a 4ª série, nos melhores padrões de qualidade.
Founded in 1984 by Brother Brian Carty, FSC, De La Salle Academy is a private, independent, non-sectarian middle school located in Manhattan. The school's student body includes youngsters from all five boroughs of New York City. De La Salle is the only private, independent school in New York City for academically talented, economically disadvantaged boys and girls in grades six through eight. Our admissions policy is needs-blind; each year we have to raise over 80% of the school's annual budget from sources other than tuition.
For 18 years De La Salle has provided and continues to provide gifted, underprivileged adolescents the spiritually nurturing and academically challenging environment they need to ensure bright futures. Students take with them the ideals and values taught at the academy through high school and beyond. This Web site — a joint effort on the part of De La Salle alumni, faculty, and students — is a testament to the sense of brotherhood upon which Brother Brian founded the school. We welcome you to peruse the pages of our online community and become a member of our family!
The Berkeley Carroll School's college-preparatory academic program emphasizes critical thinking, informed decision-making, and life-long learning. Under the guidance of dynamic and energetic teachers, students are challenged to stretch their imaginations, discover creative resources, and strive to fulfill their intellectual promise. Teachers demand an active approach to the learning process and support their students in an atmosphere of respect, personal attention, and care.
The school has four educational divisions - the Child Care Center, Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School. |
A Filosofia Educacional do colégio é inspirada nos princípios de liberdade e nos ideais da solidariedade humana, sem discriminação de raça, credo ou ideologia política, procurando cultivar nos educandos os fundamentos de moral, do civismo, da cultura e da civilização, em consonância com a participação na missão de educar, outorgada pelos pais.
Nossa proposta é aprimorar o educando como pessoa humana, além de sua formação ética, desenvolver sua autonomia intelectual e pensamento crítico, capacitando-o para sua escolha profissional.
Uniondale Union Free School District. Lawrence Road Middle School, Uniondale High School, Grand Avenue Elementary School, California Avenue Elementary School, Turtle Hook Middle School, Smith Street Elementary School, Walnut Street Elementary School, Northern Parkway Elementary School, Conelious Court.
Brearley’s enrollment (K-12, divided into Lower School, Middle School and Upper School) today consists of about 670 students from throughout the New York metropolitan area who represent a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and points of view. The main, 12-story school building is located on East 83rd Street in Manhattan overlooking the East River. A new Field House, located on East 87th Street, anchors a comprehensive physical education and athletics program that includes team sports ranging from basketball and volleyball to soccer, swimming squash, track, field hockey and lacrosse.
The Nightingale-Bamford School has provided a rigorous college preparatory education for girls and young women since 1920. Today there are approximately 530 students enrolled at Nightingale from grades K-12. Our commitment to a strong foundation in the traditional academic disciplines; the close feeling of community among students, their families and teachers in a small school setting; and the many opportunities our students have to develop confidence in their abilities and an understanding of themselves create the special quality of a Nightingale education. |
A Educação que apresenta como alicerce, os pilares franciscanos tem, na sua própria essência, um marco diferencial. A promoção da vida, a conscientização ecológica, a valorização da minoridade, a aceitação das diferenças, o cuidar e o acolher são fontes que alimentam nosso Projeto Educativo.
Diferente da concepção hegemônica de cultura como instrumento de massificação, o Colégio busca transforma-se num espaço privilegiado de promoção sociocultural. Por meio de seleção de conteúdos relevantes, contribuímos para que se discuta e se promova a cultura como centro gerador de transformação social. A afetividade ressignifica o nosso fazer pedagógico. Propomos a Educação que seja provocativa, criativa, pautada na reciprocidade das áreas de conhecimento, no respeito e na inclusão responsável. A proposta Pedagógica é constantemente transformada pelos Projetos elaborados nas diferentes áreas, de forma que todos possam ensinar e aprender conhecimento, fundamentos de cidadania de democracia e do convívio social. |
N-12. Brooklyn Friends School provides a college preparatory program serving students from Preschool through Grade 12. It is committed to educating each student intellectually, aesthetically, physically, and spiritually in a culturally diverse community. Guided by the Quaker principles of truth, simplicity, and peaceful resolution of conflict, Brooklyn Friends School offers each student a challenging education that develops intellectual abilities and ethical and social values to support a productive life of leadership and service.
Families that send their children to Grace Church School value the school both for the fine academic preparation it affords, as well as the unique climate of social diversity, acceptance, and understanding it fosters among all members of the school community. The special traits of the school are evident in every classroom or activity: pleasure in learning, seriousness of purpose, and genuine affection and respect for others. Classes from Junior Kindergarten through the Eighth Grade take part in a full range of programs including music, art, computer, laboratory science, instruction in French, Spanish and Latin, physical education, modern dance, and drama, in addition to the traditional curriculum. Our children benefit from the skill and dedication of one of New York's most experienced and caring faculties. Leading secondary schools are eager for Grace Church School graduates.
K-12. In Chapin’s rigorous liberal arts curriculum, students are instructed and supported by a dedicated, distinguished faculty. Small class size ensures individual attention in each of the three divisions: Lower School (Kindergarten through Class 3), Middle School (Classes 4 through 7), and Upper School (Classes 8 through 12). Through a well-rounded academic program that encourages original thought and exploration, the school achieves a balance between freedom and structure, independence and support, individualism and cooperation, and innovation and tradition.