World Clothing

    Moda Mercatto, South America

  Rua Gavião Peixoto, nº 130 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
A primeira loja Mercatto surgiu em 1994, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, com a proposta de oferecer uma moda básica, atual, além de ótimas oportunidades de compra em moda feminina. Essa idéia deu certo e hoje, a empresa conta com 26 lojas no Rio e Grande Rio. No ano passado, a moda carioca chegou a São Paulo e tomou conta do bairro Bom Retiro. A aceitação do estilo carioca da moda Mercatto prova que nosso compromisso tem sido reconhecido pelas clientes, cada vez mais identificadas com a marca. A Mercatto convida você a embarcar agora numa viagem inspirada nas cores mais marcantes das culturas russa, turca e marroquina e conferir os bastidores da nossa nova coleção de Inverno, estrelada pela a atriz Isis Valverde.
    Giorgio Armani, North America
  760 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Armani signature label is the most expensive Armani label and is available in its 75 worldwide boutiques. Source:
    Soulseventy, South America
  Travessa Madre Jacinta, casa 17 térreo - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O casal Antonio Bokel, artista plástico e Amanda Mujica, estilista, com pouco investimento e muita criatividade, resolveram em 2003, desenvolver um negócio na área de moda. Expectativas muitas, toda a fase de planejamento tinha sido cumprida à risca. Local da inauguração da grife Soulseventy: a paradisíaca praia de Joatinga. Presentes, os inúmeros amigos e amigas do casal. Entretanto, São Pedro não colaborou e deixou desabar um pé d’água na festança da dupla, adiando e transferindo a abertura da grife para as areias do Posto 9 em Ipanema em uma tenda de bambu e lona. O casal não desanimou. Entre um mergulho e outro, os curiosos de início tornaram-se clientes e a marca começou a crescer atraindo atenções de jornalistas e da imprensa. Logo em 2004 a Soulseventy iniciou sua trajetória para o sucesso com temáticas criativas e polêmicas. Tudo com muito bom humor e crítica social. Contrastes não faltam às proposta do casal. Transitam pela obra de Basquiat, pela revolução cubana, pelos loucos e artistas indigentes. A Soulseventy é uma marca que vende verdade e sinceridade, misturando arte, moda, design e manifesto. Esplendido resultado final.
    Dr. Jay's, North America
  485 Fulton Street - Brooklyn, NY             
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Serving the fashion-savvy consumers of the New York Metro area for 25 years has been very rewarding, and our appeal to the many out-of-state and international shoppers that visit our stores each day makes us equally proud. The next time you are in New York, we invite you to visit one of our stores to experience in-person the legendary Dr. Jay's selection and service. Please visit official site for additional locations.
    Raro Efeito, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível NL, lj 005 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
A Raro Efeito é uma empresa que atua no mercado de roupas femininas na cidade de Belo Horizonte há 18 anos. Ela foi idealizada por três irmãos com uma ampla visão do mercado de tecidos e confecções e construiu a sua história sob o binômio “qualidade e preço”. Com um atendimento personalizado a Raro Efeito é uma das lojas do vestuário feminino mais conceituadas de Belo Horizonte e seu trabalho, sério e inovador, é uma referencia em moda e estilo na cidade.
    Loja Lupo, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG           
Loja Lupo. loja de franquia com uma variedade de produtos desta conceituada marca. Entre eles: pijamas, uma linha completa para ginástica, lingerie, cuecas e meias em geral. Venha conferir!!!
    Overend, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 lj. 128 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Os jeans da marca continuam merecendo especial atenção da área de criação da Overend. Caimento e acabamento perfeitos combinado ao tratamento diferenciado do tecido, conferem ao produto, destaque merecido em mercado altamente competitivo. As polos, t-shirts estampadas, camisaria e as confortáveis sandálias, são ítens com alto volume de vendas. As roupas femininas apresentam pontos fortes na alfaiataria com destaque para as calças skinny, os vestidos e os baby looks.
    Escada, North America
  715 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY             
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Noted for its quality materials, use of color, and elegant and femininine designs, Escada successfully widened its clientele and by 1981 established a name in many categories of womenswear, specializing in formal wear and knitwear. In 1982, the company opened their first store in the United States on Fifth Avenue in New York City and opened its first store in Asia the following year in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong boutique became a worldwide landmark, marked for its use of gold in the store's design.
Though debuting in America in 1982, Escada did not gain national prominence until 1984 when the leading fashion and women's wear magazine Vogue published an entire edition devoted to promoting Escada. Its worldwide prominence led its 1986 IPO on the FSE to be highly anticipated and Escada's debut on the stock exchange marked the headlines in hundreds of major newspapers worldwide. 30 years later, Escada has established itself as one of the largest fashion houses in the world. Escada?s headquarters are based in Munich, Germany and Escada?s collections are available in nearly 500 locations in 60 countries. In the United States, the company has 16 boutiques in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Texas, and Washington. Escada has opened several larger stores carrying various fashion lines including Escada, Escada Sport, and Couture and Accessories. The largest of these stores is located in Vancouver, Canada, and is 16,000 square feet.
Like many fashion houses, Escada also has a line of fragrances for both women and men. Source
    2nd Floor, South America
  Rua Garcia D’Ávila, 73 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Criada por Nelson Alvarenga e Adriana Bozon, a 2nd Floor é a irmã mais nova da Ellus. Nasceu do Ellus 2nd Floor, projeto pioneiro que em 2002, abriu espaço para revelar novos talentos da moda nacional.
A estréia como marca veio em 2007, com um desfile para o verão 2008 no SPFW. Lançar novas idéias está no DNA da marca que aposta sempre em uma personalidade jovem em cada coleção.
Vendida em todo o país nas melhores multimarcas, a 2 nd Floor possui corner na Ellus da Rua Garcia D’Ávila, 73.
Young, fresh and free. Esse é o espírito da 2 nd Floor, marca jovem de idéias frescas e com moda cheia de bossa.
    Gregory, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível NL, lj 021 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
A história da Gregory começou no ano de 1981. Desde o início, Áurea de Matos Duca teve uma intuição certeira, de que a mulher que ingressava numa vida de trabalho seria a grande agente do mercado de consumo. Sendo capaz de gerar sua própria renda, essa mulher teria independência econômica garantida para comprar o que desejasse. Identificada essa tendência, a pequena loja prosperou rapidamente.
    Cholet, South America
  Rio Design Barra, lj. 264 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
16 anos de moda. Porque não dizer na flor da idade? Movidos pelo belo e por ele envolvidos. Às vezes seguindo tendências, às vezes sendo seuidos. Formas, pensamento e desejos. Tudo par arrancar o suspiro de bocas que encantam. Vestimos o Brasil com glamour e nele nos inspiramos. Não é apenas conhecer, é se encantar, fazer o coração bater acelerado. Sentir cada momento agora, como se não pudesse sentir outro após.
    Entre 4 paredes, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 6501 - Itaipu Multi Center - Niterói, RJ           
A entre 4 paredes e uma boutique erotica que atua no ramo de lingerie e produtos eroticos,possuindo os mais variados produtos nacionais e importados. Nosso objetivo e a satisfacao de nossos clientes tanto na nossa loja de balcao situada na cidade de Niteroi(RJ)quanto na nossa loja virtual,por isso temos o compromisso de ter agilidade,sigilo na entrega e garantia na qualidade dos produtos.
    Mixed, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Comandada por Riccy de Souza Aranha, a Mixed nasceu há 16 anos em uma pequena casa à Rua Professor Atílio Innocenti, em parceria com seu irmão. Os freqüentadores mais assíduos eram amigos e familiares num clima sofisticado e familiar. 15 anos depois a marca cresceu. Hoje possui 10 lojas pelo país sendo a matriz em São Paulo. Recebeu ao longo desses anos várias indicações e prêmios como Veuve Clicquot Mulher de Negócios, All Shop, Melhor Lojista Shopping Iguatemi, entre outros.
    Juliana Faro, South America
  Terminal Hidrovário de Charitas, lj 4A - Charitas - Niterói, RJ            
Com uma proposta jovem, antenada com as tendências da moda e peças bem femininas, surgia em 2003 a grife Juliana Faro. Hoje são cinco lojas nos melhores shoppings do Rio e de Niterói. A moda de Juliana, dona da grife que leva o seu nome e sobrenome, continua apostando no jeito girlie das garotas do rio que gostam de se produzir para a noite e arrasar em grandes festas.
    Home Grown, South America
  Rua Maria Quitéria, 68 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A HomeGrown nasceu com o intuito de juntar o conceito de loja de roupas, galeria de arte e música independente em um só lugar. A idéia é reunir núcleos sociais, que vivem à margem da sociedade de massa, num espaço democrático e urbano que expresse autenticidade, originalidade e integração diante da vida moderna.
    Totem, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 lj.237 2ºpiso - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fred d’Orey nascido em 1962, filho de mãe sueca, filha de embaixadores em Paris e pai ex piloto de Fórmula 1 pela Ferrari, decidiu em 1995 após detectar um gap no mercado, colocar em prática sua visão apaixonado por estampas e cores fortes, introduzndo nesse espaço primeiro uma linha praia masculina, que rapidamente, e a pedido do público feminino, virou unisex. Fred, um ipanemense típico, freqüentador assíduo em sua juventude, das pedras do Arpoador, foi campeão de surf diversas vezes, nas décadas de 70 e 80, um dos expoentes do esporte no Brasil e no mundo. As andanças pelo mundo, aliado ao fato de pertencer a uma família que respirava cultura e sofisticação, lhe forneceram os instrumentos para sintetizar seu estilo de vida em moda. A marca se tornou sinônimo de bom gosto e de Rio de Janeiro. Lojas RJ: Barra Shopping, Downtown, Fashion Mall, Ipanema, Rio Design Barra, Centro e Shopping da Gávea
    American Eagle Outfitters, North America
  19 Union Square West - Union Square - New York, NY              
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Incredibly well staffed with some of the friendliest, most enthusiastic, and helpful people you've ever had the pleasure working with. This place is an absolute pleasure to visit, and amazingly well stocked, too! If you're doggedly searching for that one special piece, but can't seem to sniff it out at any other locations, you'll be delighted to know that this store has nearly every fashion American Eagle currently has in stock! You could lose yourself for hours in Manhattan just by just taking a leisurely browse. Everything is so beautifully arranged, so you won't have worry to about your eyes tiring of pleasant sights. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the vast selection of clothes in the Woman's section, any of the cheerful employees would be more than happy to help you pick out the perfect outfit, no matter the occasion. Whether it is the perfect top to compliment your figure, or a beautiful dress to wear to a party, they'll help. If you ever happen to be in NYC, do yourself a huge favor and stop by here. You will always find just what you're looking for in Spring and Summer 2012.
    Contempo, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso OM, lj 68 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Contempo surgiu em Belo Horizonte em 1988 por iniciativa de suas sócias e irmãs Márcia e Valéria. Após 20 anos de atuação, a marca reúne coleções de sucesso e a admiração do mercado. Atualmente a empresa possui quatro lojas na capital mineira. Produtos exclusivos e atendimento único são as bases que sustentam a bem sucedida história da Contempo.
    Roger Vivier, North America
  750 Madison Ave - Upper East Side - Manhattan, NY           
Manhattan is full of lots of lovely clothing stores, but not so many stores that are purely shoes and accessories. Roger Vivier changed that. One of the largest shoe selections you've ever seen, everything from pumps, to stilettos, to flats in a vast array of colors and styles. The shoes are high quality - very beautifully made and long lasting. When you step into this store, you honestly feel like you're walking into a fashion model's closet. You will truly be the envy of all of your friends. Few New York City fashion stores carry Vivier's collections, and if they do, they are very limited. Very stylish, the Spring-Summer 2012 line is colorful and fun. If you happen to wander in and you aren't looking for shoes, don't fret. They have three floors of accessories, purses, shades, and truly unique jewelry, as well as their extensive shoe selection. You'll find the perfect topper to any summer outfit here, and you'll turn heads with it. If you haven't been introduced to this lovely store yet, do yourself a massive favor and stop in. You'll never forget your experience in this beautiful and large store.
    Morena Rosa, South America
  Av. das Américas 19019 lj.103R - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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A Morena Rosa é voltada para mulheres jovens, ousadas e sensuais, que buscam produtos de qualidade e serviços com conforto, elegância e sensualidade a um preço competitivo.
As peças da grife primam pela fluidez, looks mais despojados, confortáveis, com tie-die e bordados, vestidos em linha A, ballonês, em camadas, macacões, blusas vestidos em forma oversized, opções em decotes, cintos ou soltos trazem versatilidade ao uso, de acordo com a jornada do dia, além de formarem uma silhueta sensual e glamourosa, com leve toque retro, mini vestidos irresistíveis em padronagens lisas e estampadas.
O principal diferencial da marca é o lançamento de coleções a cada 45 dias. Ou seja, seis coleções por ano, com catálogos que marcam as coleções e campanhas publicitárias de grande impacto no mercado nacional.
O Grupo Morena Rosa faz parte das empresas plenamente incorporadas nas ações de responsabilidade social. A empresa esteve presente entre as “150 Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar", do Guia Você S/A Exame, ano de 2007.
    Stroke, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 lj.105-B - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Stroke é uma marca sintonizada com os desejos da mulher atual que combina conforto e praticidade, elementos essenciais no mundoda mulher. As coleções são tão versáteis quanto as inúmeras facetas que a mulher pode assumir no seu dia a dia. Roupas e acessórios desenvolvidos para estar sempre bela, com prazer, harmonia e bem estar. Pensando em um universo mais completo da mulher, a Stroke lança sua linha de objetos de decoração para deixar a sua vida ainda mais atraente. Leve, despojado e chique, a Stroke Casa traz objetos que convivem em perfeita harmonia com este estilo de vida. A Stroke Casa realça o bom gosto nos mínimos detalhes, trazendo o sentimento de vida e beleza para a casa toda.
    Zara, North America
  750 Lexington Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The founder of Zara Amancio Ortega opened first Zara store in 1975. The first Zara store was located on a central street in A Coruña. Upon the success of Zara format, the firm started to expand and opened further stores.
Its first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The store proved to be a success, and Ortega started opening more Zara stores in Spain. By the early 1980s, Ortega had begun formulating a new type of design and distribution model. The clothing industry followed design and production processes that required long lead times, often up to six months, between the initial design of a garment and its delivery to retailers. This model effectively limited manufacturers and distributors to just two or three collections per year. Predicting consumer tastes ahead of time presented inherent difficulties, and producers and distributors faced the constant risk of becoming saddled with unsold inventory. Source
    Carlos Miele, North America
  408 West 14th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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New to the fashion world but known globally for his innovative design installations, when you go to the Carlos Miele boutique in Manhattan, the Village, you enter an entire designer experience. His American flagship shop was designed by architect Hani Rashad and entered by New York city to the prestigious International Architecture Biennale in São Paulo, Brazil. Brazil, known for gorgeous women, sexy clothing and dynamic colors, Carlos gives us outrageously sexy fabric drapes in brilliant hues of turquoise and azure, yellows competing with the sun itself. His Manhattan boutique emulates the white sand beaches upon which every woman is the sparkling jewel, as long s they are wearing one of his creations, of course. Wisps of diasporas fabrics and stunning Brazilian country wear, leathers, artisan influence, and the elements of life, sun, wind, water and good old solid earth, every penny is worth shimmying on one of his creations. It is no wonder that New York was his first stop in his growing claim to fame. Dressed in a white cotton shirt, blue jeans and an irrepressible dimple, window shopping is just not enough to get his vibe. Walk in and demand a fitting.
    Gianfranco Ferré, North America
  870 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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After traveling to India in the early '70s, Ferré dove into fashion, first with accessories, and later, launching his own label, Baila, in 1974. Signature women's and men's collections soon followed, and Ferré stepped onto the field of high fashion with the debut of his couture line in 1986. He took his philosophy to the house of Christian Dior, where he was stylistic director from 1989 to 1997. Still influenced by his first trips to Asia, Ferré's designs display an East-meets-West aesthetic that vehemently rejects trends and gimmicks, concentrating instead on a relaxed sophistication and casual elegance.
    B & G Clothes, North America
  586 East 187th Street - Bronx, NY           
Deep within the heart of the Bronx lies a New York City clothing store whose rich history has grown with the city around it. B&G Clothes has been a Bronx clothing magnate for over 80 years and continued service, quality and fashion sense has kept this store on the top of must see lists of many fashion clothing shoppers. Like the high class of Little Italy surrounding the store, B&G Clothes constantly pleases its customers with a wide variety of men’s clothing that can be used in all aspects of daily life. From your shirt and ties to car coats and overcoats, there is sure to be something to please all shoppers that come in through their doors. Even more amazing is B&G’s custom and tailor made business suits which give you a sense of exclusivity and an opportunity to be totally involved in this Bronx fashion experience. With its uniqueness, variety and quality, B&G has established itself as a part of the Bronx’s inherent fashion culture and opens its doors for you to enjoy. It is highly recommended you take the time to stop into B&G and experience this part of the Bronx for yourself.
    Guess, North America
  537 Broadway - New York, NY              
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Shopping in Manhattan is a cultural experience. Once you have visited the staple of American pop culture, New York City clothing stores’ Guess on Broadway, there is no turning back; your budget for the best will never be the same. Known for its often risqué and trendsetting advertising campaigns with endorsements from Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell, Carla Bruni, Anna Nicole Smith and many others, Guess designs for the eternally youthful whose beauty is extraordinary and never ending. Their eyebrow-raising designs set them aside as a trendsetting New York shopping experience with a Manhattan department store expense account. The brainchild of founders Maurice and Paul Marciano, Guess symbolizes the American dream. These edgy designers borrow from their unique backgrounds to create the desirable clothing and accessories that make Guess a global lifestyle brand. With over 1200 stores and worldwide distribution, it is no wonder Guess has become such a recognized symbol in the fashion world. Shopping for jeans or a hot date, make sure you make time for this icon of fashion. The enthusiastic clerks of this Manhattan clothing store will gladly dress you with every pair of shoes, jeans, casual and sexy to your heart desires.
    Daffy's, North America
  335 Madison Ave (CLOSED) - New York, NY             
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Starting out as Daffy Dan’s Bargaintown, the new Daffy’s has revolutionized quality clothing stores by giving you the opportunity to wear the best designer collections while not breaking the bank to do so. Daffy’s became famous as the first fashion clothing store by making Madison Avenue and European designer brands available to all consumers. With their location in the heart of Madison Avenue, Daffy’s has been recognized as one of Manhattan’s premier clothing stores and is a must visit for anyone looking to do some serious shopping. With extensive selections of dresses, sweatsuits, sportswear and even houseware, Daffy’s is sure to have a little bit of something for everyone. Daffy’s fashion clothing store maintains the highest of quality control and makes a promise to its consumers to maintain these values. A family run business, Daffy’s allows its customers a chance to relax and feel at home with some of the best customer service available in New York City. Evolving from a single New Jersey store specializing in samples and irregulars to a 19 store corporation carrying the finest apparel available, Daffy’s has firmly established itself as one of the best New York clothing stores at bargain prices.
    Eddie Bauer, North America
  7000 Austin Street - Forest Hills, NY             
Eddie Bauer became a household name for quality and classic styling. The designer has a history rich in innovation and scope. Looking for classy quality? Don’t be surprised if you find the Eddie Bauer signature on your car or your cap. Known for their outdoor lifestyle and clothing, Eddie Bauer has branched into a vast selection of Men’s and Women’s casual wear providing style and class for all of their clientele. The Queens clothing store continues with these ideals by showcasing the vast selection of merchandise designed by Eddie Bauer. Shirts, pants, polos, sweaters, swimwear, jeans, jackets and more have all been meticulously designed. It only takes shopping once to become an Eddie Bauer fan for life. After all, you have to come back for their shoes, bags, accessories… Redesigning your home? Eddie Bauer has begun a line of bedding and home ware so enjoy Eddie in the comfort of your own home. Eddie Bauer is an American icon and continues to produce the highest of quality merchandise. If in Queens, stop into Eddie Bauer and see why they continue to thrive today as they have for the last ninety years.
    Esprit, North America
  110 5th Avenue - Flatiron - New York, NY             
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With a motto of “Quality First,” it is no wonder that Esprit has shaken the fashion world with its uniqueness, cost efficiency and reliability in the world of fashion. Starting as a clothing fashion store on wheels being sold from the back of a station wagon, Esprit has changed the landscape of clothing and raised the bar on value production. With over 800 directly managed retail stores and 14,000 wholesale outlets worldwide, the New York City Esprit location instills a sense of superiority to all who walk through its doors. With wares ranging from casual men and women’s clothing to time wear, eyewear, jewelry and more, this Manhattan clothing shop is truly a splendid array of quality products all under one roof. Most recently, Esprit acquired the rights to Red Earth and now distributes its cosmetics, skin and body products, adding an even richer assortment of selection to the Esprit line. Esprit continues to push the bar with everything they venture into and it would be foolhardy to miss a trip to one of the world’s largest fashion chains. If you are in Manhattan, make sure to shop at Esprit and experience the quality for yourself.
    Syms (Closed), North America
  400 Park Ave - New York, NY             
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For nearly 50 years SYMS has been committed to giving Educated Consumers® real bargains on real designer clothes. SYMS is the Off-Price representative of over 200 authentic designer and brand names. Names You Must Know® in clothing and shoes, for men, women, and children. Offering an impressive selection of styles and sizes.