World Clothing

    Soulseventy, South America

  Travessa Madre Jacinta, casa 17 térreo - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O casal Antonio Bokel, artista plástico e Amanda Mujica, estilista, com pouco investimento e muita criatividade, resolveram em 2003, desenvolver um negócio na área de moda. Expectativas muitas, toda a fase de planejamento tinha sido cumprida à risca. Local da inauguração da grife Soulseventy: a paradisíaca praia de Joatinga. Presentes, os inúmeros amigos e amigas do casal. Entretanto, São Pedro não colaborou e deixou desabar um pé d’água na festança da dupla, adiando e transferindo a abertura da grife para as areias do Posto 9 em Ipanema em uma tenda de bambu e lona. O casal não desanimou. Entre um mergulho e outro, os curiosos de início tornaram-se clientes e a marca começou a crescer atraindo atenções de jornalistas e da imprensa. Logo em 2004 a Soulseventy iniciou sua trajetória para o sucesso com temáticas criativas e polêmicas. Tudo com muito bom humor e crítica social. Contrastes não faltam às proposta do casal. Transitam pela obra de Basquiat, pela revolução cubana, pelos loucos e artistas indigentes. A Soulseventy é uma marca que vende verdade e sinceridade, misturando arte, moda, design e manifesto. Esplendido resultado final.
    Rapsódia, South America
  Av. Lauro Müller, 116 lj. C-21 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Rapsódia foi criada para vestir uma mulher moderna com atitude carioca, sensual sem vulgaridade porém, com um diferencial, conforto e presença de estampas e cores nas criações das coleções.
Idealizada pelo empresário-estilista Milton Carvalho, dono da lendária Dimpus e trabalhando com moda há mais de 35 anos, sua segunda marca recebeu tratamento arquitetônico diferenciado, para que suas lojas pareçam casa ou closet de suas clientes
    Karamello, South America
  Av. Dom Hélder Câmara, 5474 lj. 4306 - Norte Shopping Expansão - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Com nove lojas distribuídas em pontos distintos do estado do Rio de Janeiro a Karamello vem trilhando, ano após ano, o merecido sucesso de uma grife que desenvolveu com extrema sensibilidade roupas para uma mulher sensível, de espírito jovem, ciente dos desafios que a vida lhe reserva, uma mulher romântica, dona de seu mundo, valorizando praticidade conforto e beleza, plenamente identificada com a proposta despojada da grife Karamello. Lojs RJ: Shopping Tijuca, Norte shopping, Bangu Shopping, Bangu Off, Ilha Plaza, Centro, Caxias, Nova Iguaçu e Nilópolis
    Strawberry Stores, North America
  901 Avenue Of The Americas - Manhattan - New York, NY           
New York clothing stores come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Strawberry is happy to let everyone know that they give the best bargain for the highest quality merchandise. Professional shoppers and amateur bargain hunters mark their maps with a big red strawberry to make sure they visit this bastion of bargains. The Strawberry Store located in the heart of Manhattan is no exception. With their extensive collections of jewelry, accessories and more, Strawberry is one of New York's leading retailers of fashion clothing, specializing in popular priced junior, junior plus and misses clothing. Strawberry prides themselves on being able to offer “Up-to-the Minute” fashions on a daily basis with brand names selling at a fraction of the department store prices. Come downtown to Manhattan often because each day, this mega bargain fashion clothing store boasts clearance pricing on a variety of top flight merchandise which gives the consumers an opportunity to look great for less. For a great deal, a fantastic atmosphere and a wonderful shopping experience, stop in at the Strawberry Store and see why it is one of Manhattan’s premier clothing outlets.
    Saint Gall, South America
  Av. N. Sª de Copacabana, 420 lj.C - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fundada em outubro de 1975, a grife de roupas masculinas Saint Gall veste com requinte e bom gosto homens na faixa dos 25 a 35 anos de idade, sintonizados com padrões da moda atual.
Com duas lojas no Rio de Janeiro, Copacabana e Shopping Rio Sul, a Saint Gall tem-se renovado constantemente, procurando vestir sua cativa clientela com marcas de reconhecida qualidade e design contemporâneo.
Lojas RJ: Copacabana e Shopping Rio Sul
    On-Off Jeans, South America
  Av. Dom Hélder Câmara, 5474 lj.1211/1212 - Norte Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O rosto escolhido para apresentar a coleção 2008 da On-Off Jeans foi o da modelo Sandra Andrade. Ronaldo Robim, estilista da marca, apresenta sua coleção Outono-Inverno 2008 com peças para o dia-a-dia vestindo uma mulher moderna, antenada que valoriza o jeans em suas mais diversas formas. Lojas RJ: Bara Shopping, Shopping Bangú e Norte Shopping
    DTA Jeans, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível OP, lj 7 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
No mercado nacional há 18 anos, a DTA vem consolidando sua marca e fortalecendo o conceito de jeans de luxo no país. A DTA conta hoje com 820 pontos de vendas distribuído em todo o país, loja própria no BH Shopping e revendedores esclusivos em Aracajú e Maceió.
    Linea HC, South America
  Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 241 - I Fashion Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
O estilo Línea HC está voltado para a mulher universal, que se veste de forma contemporânea, com intensa atividade social e profissional, e que prioriza atualidade, reconhecimento e rejuvenescimento. Os produtos da marca possuem em excelente padrão de qualidade de acabamento e um estilo sintonizado com as últimas tendências da moda.
    Zerozen, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 6501, lj 222 - Itaipu Multi Center - Niterói, RJ           
A Zerozen vem ganhando seu espaço no mundo da moda. Com seu estilo super carioca e moderno vem conquistando a cada dia as mulheres mais antenadas e descoladas. Com roupas coloridas e alegres, está fazendo o maior sucesso com sua moda Day by Day.
    Vila Romana, South America
  Av. dasAméricas, 4666 BarraShopping - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
É pela excelência em alfaiataria masculina que a Vila Romana é reconhecida depois de mais de meio século de tradição. Tem como público homens exigentes por qualidade e bom atendimento, que procura produto tanto para o trabalho como para seus momentos de descontração. Vinte e cinco lojas nos principais shoppings do Brasil: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba, Brasília e Região Nordeste são dados importantes que atestam o sucesso da marca no cenário nacional.
    Tidsy, South America
  Estrada da Gávea, 899 lj.108-B - São Conrado - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A multimarcas Tidsy, idealizada pela empresária Simone Lobão, representa marcas nacionais importantes do segmento luxo destinada a mulheres com o charme carioca e exigentes nos detalhes de um bom acabamento em suas roupas.
Além da própria marca Tidsy, desenvolvida pela estilista Teca Sá, formada em Moda pela UCAM, com passagem pelo Studio Berçot em Paris, já tendo feito estilo em marcas como Clube Chocolate e Maria Bonita Extra, as araras das lojas do Fashion Mall e Rio Design Leblon exibem vestidos de André Lima, roupas da grife Raia de Goeye (exclusividade Tidsy para o Rio de Janeiro), as jóias da designer curitibana Maria Dolores, peças de Patrícia Viera, Lino Villaventura e Maria Fernanda Lucena, entre outras.
Destaque para a Coleção Verão 2010, inspirada na China com peças confortáveis, delicadas e repletas de significado, traços típicos da cultura oriental.
    Sensória, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunez, 6501, 1o piso - Itaipú Multicenter - Niterói, RJ           
Nossos produtos nunca são testados em animais. Usamos ingredientes naturais auto-sustentáveis de origem controlada, com laudos técnicos que garantem a pureza dos mesmos. Além disso, utilizamos madeiras de reflorestamento na arquitetura de nossas lojas. Nossas embalagens são recicláveis.
    Richards, South America
  Rua Belisário Augusto, 52 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Richards. A preocupação não é ser moda. A marca está solidamente estabelecida como estilo. Já existe hoje este estilo Richards, com tudo o que a palavra simboliza. Richards é não estar sujeito a tendências, a um estar up to date. Richards significa saber, estar à vontade, confortável, cômodo, bem vestido. Não estar under, nem over. É um estilo de vida que corresponde ao modo de agir e pensar, a uma filosofia do estar, que define uma visão de mundo e de comportamento. Richards sintetiza, de modo claro, uma postura, maneira de ser, do mesmo modo que um olhar, às vezes, é esclarecedor. Para que definir Richards, se o melhor é ver, e então conhecer, ter consciência do que significa estilo?
    R.Groove, South America
  Rua Francisco Otaviano, 67 lj.19 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Criada em 2007 pelo festejado designer de moda Rique Gonçalves, a R.Groove, presença marcante nas últimas edições do Fashion Rio Negócios, nasceu da vontade de unir arte, moda e comportamento urbano. Sua linguagem é traduzida em estampas, shapes e tecnologia têxtil, que entram em suas coleções com uma proposta divertida e descolada para a moda masculina, caindo no gosto de críticos e amantes do gênero.
As roupas da grife podem ser encontradas na multimarcas conceito Hospedaria Carioca em Ipanema e nas lojas U2 Rio Sul e Barrashopping
    Perfumaria Lahass, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 6501, lj 249 - Itaipu Multi Center - Niterói, RJ           
Sofisticação e qualidade sempre foram diferenciais da Lahass. Há 6 anos oferecemos as melhores marcas da perfumaria mundial, sempre com o objetivo de satisfazer um público selecionado e exigente. Representante exclusiva da Yves Saint Laurent em Niterói, a Perfumaria Lahass reafirma o seu compromisso de estar sempre a frente no mercado.
    Orattória, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunes, 6501 - Itaipu Multi Center - Niterói, RJ           
    Gregory, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível NL, lj 021 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
A história da Gregory começou no ano de 1981. Desde o início, Áurea de Matos Duca teve uma intuição certeira, de que a mulher que ingressava numa vida de trabalho seria a grande agente do mercado de consumo. Sendo capaz de gerar sua própria renda, essa mulher teria independência econômica garantida para comprar o que desejasse. Identificada essa tendência, a pequena loja prosperou rapidamente.
    Aéropostale, North America
  90-15 Queens Boulevard - Queens - New York, NY             
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Shopping in Queens for specialty casual apparel and accessories for your teen? How about trendy clothing at competitive prices for your 7-12 year old? If you answered yes to either of these questions then you are fortunate enough to sop your heart out at Queens Aeropostale, a New York City clothing gem and an icon in youthful quality casual clothing that your teen will actually wear. Located on the middle of Queens Boulevard, Aeropostale has raised the bar for young adult fashion by offering high-quality, active-orientated clothing at compelling values. Aeopostale has been able to curb costs and control their brand by designing, sourcing, marketing and selling all of its own merchandise. Aeropostale fashions can only be purchased from their own clothing stores, giving an air of exclusivity to their trendy clothing styles and clients by being one of the few designers to be sole distributors of their own brand. Also known for its in-store atmosphere, they provide a hip ambiance that is cool for kids and enjoyable for adults. Catering to the young at heart, don’t be surprised if you end up selecting a few items for yourself. This Queens clothing store is a must while shopping in New York City.
    Agnés b., North America
  50 Howard Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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agnès b. is a keen observer of life from which she draws inspiration as the sole designer for her collections for women, men, children, sport b., and Voyage, as well as a cosmetics line. She has often taken inspiration for her collections from everyday life, believing that the clothes are 'less important' than the person wearing them, and she has created a trademark style that is modern and pure, elegant but not conventional, and that has seduced people all around the world.
    Barbara Bui, North America
  115-117 Wooster Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Simply elegant. Barbara Bui, combines the simplicity of good design sense with the elegance of her native Paris and catapulted into the hottest fashion markets of the world. Manhattan, Milan, Rodeo Dr, Frand, Italy, Monaco, Lebanon and Russia, just stroll down Prince in Greenwich Village and save the price of jet fuel by shopping in America. White is her basic color palate with ebony incorporated for drama. She excels at adding the jeweled colors of the season. Her Spring Summer 2012 collections radiate with this year’s sunburst yellow and ripe tangerine. Cooling with a bit of fresh live green, Bui designs to enhance a woman’s beauty by making the deceptive simple elegance a canvass for a woman’s natural grace. In fact, if Grace Kelly were alive today, she would be all over Barbara Bui’s clean and flowing garb, especially the gorgeous gowns that fall to the floor in perfect symmetry. Gowns, suits, tops , skirts, pants, knitwear, casual, formal, bags to make you whimper and shoes to incite passion, browse through all her accessories and shop wisely. Once you wear a Barbara Bui original, New York City shopping will have a whole new meaning for you.
    DKNY, North America
  240 West 40th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Video: New York Fashion Week 2007 - DKNY Fall Runway Show

Simply stated, DKNY is the energy and spirit of New York. International, eclectic, fun, fast and real. DKNY addresses the real-life needs of people everywhere, from work to weekend, jeans to evening. Both fashionable and friendly, DKNY consistently delivers its unique mix of style around the world.
    Dr. Jay's, North America
  33 West 34th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Manhattan's Dr. Jay’s has revolutionized the Urban clothing scene and forever changed the landscape of New York clothing, while serving the New York Metro area for over 25 years. Beginning its legacy with the opening of its first store in the South Bronx in 1975, Dr. Jay’s clothing stores embraced the changing world around them and became a pioneer in providing Urban fashion. Ironically, as Dr. Jay’s was introducing modern Urban fashions, down the road the birth of Hip-Hop was starting to be seen. In a harmonious union, the two forms of social phenomenon worked with each other and helped to propel the Urban lifestyle beyond the streets and into mainstream Americana. With name brand including Adidas, Nike, Ecko, LRG and Coogi, Dr. Jay’s continues to showcase the best clothing lines available and hold itself in high esteem while embracing its New York roots. Today, Dr. Jay’s has over 17 locations in the New York area including very prominent stores in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens. For a piece of New York clothing culture and some of the best apparel in all of New York City, make a stop into Dr. Jay’s and see what the Urban Revolution is all about.
    Missoni, North America
  1009 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The Missoni boutique, located in Manhattan off of Madison Avenue, is a rather popular store, garnering plenty of attention with their vivid colors and unmistakable prints. Shocking blue dresses with strong brown compliments, bright yellows gently calmed with clean whites, even their most creative combinations seem to blend and contrast to create a gorgeous color pallet on their selections. The Summer 2012 collection is a perfect example of the uniqueness of the store. The brilliantly sophisticated collection is a massive favorite amongst the women of New York, as they rush to buy the dresses. For those interested in a little something for those summer getaways or parties, Missoni has an impressive swim suit collection that doesn't skip out on the fabulous summer fun color choices. The quality of the clothing is superb, all that we have come to expect in the best Italian designers. This vastly unique store is well put together, clean and alive with happy, helpful employees. The location is grand, in the middle of so many other top fashion houses, but still standing out amongst the crowd. A truly unique shopping experience that will keep you coming back again and again for more.
    Talbots, North America
  525 Madison Avenue - New York, NY              
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The first store was located in Hingham, Massachusetts. During the following year, they established a direct mail service which would originate their catalog service. In 1973, General Mills acquired Talbots. Talbots was listed on the New York Stock Exchange beginning in 1993. Arnold Zetcher is the CEO of Talbots.
At the end of 2005, there were 1,083 stores in the United States, Canada, and the UK, as well as 4 stores in Japan. The company operates a product development office in New York City, a computer center in Tampa, Florida, that changed facilities and moved into its new building on September 5, 2006, and a call center in Knoxville, Tennessee. The corporate headquarters is still in Hingham.
Talbots has an unusually liberal guarantee; the company allows returns of merchandise, for any reason, with no time limit. (Refer to the website or any catalogue for statement of the guarantee.)
Talbots has shops, but relies primarily on internet and phone orders. Source
    Kenneth Cole, North America
  595 Broadway - Soho - New York, NY              
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Our very own Kenneth Cole, born in Brooklyn with all the inherent street smarts of a genius New Yorker, this All American designer sold 40,000 pairs of shoes in 2.5 days from a tractor trailer parked in Central Manhattan. All his ingenuity, resourcefulness and innovative thinking has created the Kenneth Cole leather and fashion clothing sensation of today. Using the finest leathers and designing for quality first, trend second, the Cole brand is rapidly becoming a standard by which other designers are measured. His success over 30 years is legendary and his Spring Summer 2012 collection is as fresh as ever. Luxuriant leathers, sleek clothing and trend-setting casuals for men and women, if you want to turn heads, make sure you reserve a handsome portion of your personal and corporate budget for for styling yourself for success with scrumptious purses, laptop bags and briefcases and fun with his full line of quality footwear and clothing. No longer selling out of the back of a truck, his designs and quality have only improved over the years as he has gathered his international clientele. Sales associates are discreet, polite, attentive and well trained – a pleasure to shop in his elegant Soho store.
    Pacsun, North America
  90-15 QUEENS BLVD #3013 - Queens - Elmhust, NY            
From the beaches of California to the busy streets of New York, Pacsun has established itself as a distinctive and innovative New York City clothing store that embraces its west coast roots and shares it with an East Coast lifestyle. Located in Elhurst, Pacsun is far more than a traditional Queens clothing store; it is a status symbol of a lifestyle not readily available in the New York clothing scene. Offering much more than surfboards and board wax, Pacsun’s reached out into the entire youth culture and now offers a full line of casual and active sport apparel. Men’s wear, women’s wear, swimsuits, shoes, denim and of course surf shorts are all part of Pacsun’s unique designer collections that give you quality clothing in a variety of up-to-date fashions. Another interest of note is Pacsun’s dedication to employees by providing extraordinary training and services to ensure that you, the customer, receive the very best NYC shopping experience. Pacsun’s desire is to stay true to their roots in youth culture and offer what’s new now. With their store in Queens they continue to succeed with that mentality and offer a welcome change from the mundane in the fashion world.
    American Eagle Outfitters, North America
  19 Union Square West - Union Square - New York, NY              
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Incredibly well staffed with some of the friendliest, most enthusiastic, and helpful people you've ever had the pleasure working with. This place is an absolute pleasure to visit, and amazingly well stocked, too! If you're doggedly searching for that one special piece, but can't seem to sniff it out at any other locations, you'll be delighted to know that this store has nearly every fashion American Eagle currently has in stock! You could lose yourself for hours in Manhattan just by just taking a leisurely browse. Everything is so beautifully arranged, so you won't have worry to about your eyes tiring of pleasant sights. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the vast selection of clothes in the Woman's section, any of the cheerful employees would be more than happy to help you pick out the perfect outfit, no matter the occasion. Whether it is the perfect top to compliment your figure, or a beautiful dress to wear to a party, they'll help. If you ever happen to be in NYC, do yourself a huge favor and stop by here. You will always find just what you're looking for in Spring and Summer 2012.
    Giorgio Armani, North America
  760 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Armani signature label is the most expensive Armani label and is available in its 75 worldwide boutiques. Source:
    Lululemon Athletica, North America
  1928 Broadway (at 64th Street) - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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After 20 years in the surf, skate and snowboard business, founder Chip Wilson took the first commercial yoga class offered in Vancouver and found the result exhilarating. The post yoga feeling was so close to surfing and snowboarding that it seemed obvious that yoga was an ideology whose time had come (again).
    Eres, North America
  621 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY