North America
South America

World Atrações

    Atlanta Botanical Garden, North America

  1345 Piedmont Ave. NE - Atlanta, GA             
Get to know the Atlanta Botanical Garden's numerous themed plant collections. These gardens grow throughout the Garden and are cultivated for their preservation and in harmony with their place in the ecosystem.
    Jardim Botânico, South America
  R. Jardim Botânico, 1008 - Jardim Botânico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro é um dos mais importantes centros de pesquisa mundiais nas áreas de botânica e conservação da biodiversidade e é integrante da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (RBMA) e um de seus Postos Avançados. Considerado um santuário ecológico, o Jardim Botânico é um dos dez mais importantes do gênero no mundo. Além de abrigar as mais raras espécies de plantas da flora brasileira e de outros países, é uma ótima opção de lazer para crianças e adultos e um deleite para aqueles que querem contemplar a natureza.
    Dyno-Rock Climbing Center, North America
  608 E. Front Street - Arlington, TX           
DynoRock has over 16,000 square feet of indoor climbing space. The walls are 25 feet high and are designed to hold many climbers at once. There’s even over 2,000 square feet dedicated to bouldering. Feel free to bring friends, there’s plenty of room.
DynoRock will go out of its way to make sure your visit is not what you expected. You’ll always find helpful, well-trained DynoRock Staff to greet you and answer all your questions. You’ll always find the equipment and ropes are in top shape, and lots of extras, from pre-printed birthday party invitations to simple suggestions on how to conquer that hard route.
    Parque das Ruínas, South America
  Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 - Santa Tereza - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Um belíssimo mirante que deixa o Rio de Janeiro aos seus pés. De lá, tem-se uma visão extraordinária do centro da cidade e de toda a orla do Rio – desde o Aeroporto Santos Dumont até a Urca. Logo abaixo estão os Arcos da Lapa. Aberto ao público, o Parque foi o que restou do Palacete Murtinho Nobre, onde morou Laurinda Santos Lobo. A casa foi um dos pontos mais efervescentes da vida cultural carioca durante muitos anos, até a morte da anfitriã, em 1946. A Prefeitura fez renascer das ruínas a cultura que ali existiu. O parque abriga uma sala de exposições, auditório e cafeteria, garantindo conforto a shows musicais, happy hours e leitura de textos literários. Nas áreas ao ar livre se destacam concorridos shows e uma programação especial para as crianças nos finais de semana. Com três andares, a casa chama atenção também por sua arquitetura e estilo - tijolos aparentes combinados harmoniosamente com estruturas metálicas e de vidro.
    Point Kart Indoor, South America
  Rua José Higino, 115 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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O Point Kart Indoor possui uma adequada estrutura para receber seus clientes proporcionando um ambiente familiar e agradável com amplo estacionamento, 15 karts novos, segurança para a pratica do esporte, profissionais treinados e experientes, bar temático, sala VIP para eventos, boutique com acessórios, macacões e coletes de proteção, 2 vestiários: masculino e feminino.
Eventos: Etapa do F46, Etapa do KTL e o Campeonato Tijucano.
Escola de Pilotagem todos os sábados das 14 até as 16 horas, para crianças a partir de 8 anos e 1,5 m. de altura, orientados por instrutores com grande experiência em kartismo, ministrando aulas teóricas e práticas.
Adultos sem limite de idade.
    Farol da Barra, South America
   - Salvador, BA
O Farol da Barra localiza-se na antiga ponta do Padrão, em Salvador, no litoral do estado da Bahia, no Brasil. No século XVII, o porto de Salvador era um dos mais movimentados e importantes do continente, e era preciso auxiliar as embarcações que chegavam à Baía de Todos os Santos em busca de pau-brasil e outras madeiras-de-lei, açúcar, algodão, tabaco e outros itens, para abastecer o mercado consumidor europeu.
    Olentangy Indian Caverns, North America
  1779 Home Rd. - Delaware, Oh           
Olentangy Indian Caverns believes in having a fun time, so the activities are endless! Choose from a variety of fun activities to participate in individually or with the entire family!
    Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, North America
  400 Beach St. - Santa Cruz, CA             
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California’s oldest amusement park PLUS a State Historic Landmark. The home to two National Historic Landmarks: 1911 Looff Carousel and 1924 Giant Dipper roller coaster. Owned and operated by the Santa Cruz Seaside Company since 1915, the Boardwalk remains a family style amusement park creating memories that last a lifetime.
    World Trade Center Progress, North America
   - New York, NY             
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On Monday, April 30, 2012, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Port Authority will mark a major milestone in the construction of One World Trade Center with the installation of steel columns that will make the skyscraper the tallest building in New York. When the columns are put in place, the building will officially surpass the height of the Empire State Building, which currently is the tallest structure in New York City.
    Jockey Club Brasileiro, South America
  Praça Santos Dumont - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
<object width="300" height="200"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/ybNidIsBvvk"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/ybNidIsBvvk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="300" height="200"></embed></object>
Fundado em 1932, o Jockey Club Brasileiro teve como primeiro presidente Linneo de Paula Machado, que foi o responsável pela construção do Hipódromo da Gávea, a maior obra da cidade na época. Lá é realizado anualmente o Grande Prêmio Brasil, a prova de maior expressão do turfe nacional, também famosa pela elegância dos trajes dos visitantes da festa. O Jockey Club também possui uma sede social no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, localizada num prédio de 12 andares, projeto assinado pelo arquiteto Lúcio Costa. As dependências são amplas e espaçosas, contando com 363 salas para escritórios, sete lojas, um auditório servido por elevadores especiais, 13 andares de estacionamento para 800 carros. No 11º e 12º andares, os jardins são de Burle Marx e os interiores do arquiteto Jorge Hue. Atividades: piscina, hidroginástica, saunas, massagiata, estética, quadra poliesportiva, ginástica.
    Old McDonald's Farm Village, North America
  14471 County Rte 145 - North Harbor Rd - Sackets Harbor, NY           
Ron and Nancy Robbins are the current owners of a diversified farm business just outside the historic village of Sackets Harbor. Founded in 1977 with 100 acres of rented land, Ron and Nancy have transformed the business to include 4000 acres of owned and rented land raising a variety of field crops and vegetables, a 400 cow dairy, a grain processing enterprise, and a very popular and well respected farm tour and agricultural education enterprise.
    Beech Bend Amusement Park, North America
  798 Beech Bend Road - Bowling Green, KY             
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Beech Bend Amusement Park Drag Racing Stock Car Racing Oval Track Racing Water Park Splash Lagoon Campgrounds Amusement Park.
    Barcas Rio-Niterói, South America
   - Centro - Niterói, RJ             
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Passeio Turístico. Roteiro: Enseada de Botafogo (Outeiro da Glória, Marina da Glória, Botafogo, Flamengo, Corcovado e Pão de Açúcar); Fortalezas de São João, de Lage e Santa Cruz; Praias de Jurujuba, Adão e Eva e Maçã; Clube Naval (Réplica da Nau Capitania - Caravela de Pedro Álvares Cabral); Charitas; São Francisco; Icaraí e Praia das Flechas; Boa Viagem (Ilha da Boa Viagem e MAC); Forte Gragoatá; Caminho Niemeyer; Vão Central da Ponte Rio-Niterói; Ilha das Enxadas; Porta Aviões; Ilha Fiscal, Estação do Rio e Estação de Niterói.
    Cave of the Winds, North America
  P.O. Box 826 - Manitou Springs, CO           
Bring Your Curiosity, Your Camera… And Prepare to Be Awed!
Cave of the Winds literally makes your jaw drop in wonder and astonishment. It is geology and adventure rolled into one—a true, unique Geo|Venture! Located in scenic hills above historic Manitou Springs, the caves are one of America’s most important show caves. Visitors have shared in the stunning beauty of Cave of the Winds for over a century.
    Kona Skate Park, North America
  8739 Kona Avenue - Jacksonville, FL             
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The oldest operating skatepark in the country, celebrating over 30 years of the best outdoor skating in Jacksonville Florida. Kona is also a full service Skate Shop providing equipment, footwear, and clothing. Combining superior products with a highly knowledgable staff, the shop is able to provide customers with the information necessary to get the right product every time. Whether you're new to skateboarding or a seasoned pro, the Skate Shop at Kona has what you're looking for.
    Cheyenne Mountain Zoological, North America
  4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road - Colorado Springs, CO             
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No visit to Colorado's Pikes Peak region is complete without a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Here, you'll experience an unforgettable adventure combining our breathtaking mountain scenery with more than 750 animals from around the world. All your favorites are here...from giraffes and elephants to lions and monkeys, hippos and bears. It's also a rare opportunity to see more than 30 endangered species including the Amur tiger, Mexican wolf, and Black-footed ferret!
    Cowboys Stadium, North America
  One Legends Way - Arlington, TX             
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Dallas Cowboys Gameday is the team's official glossy souvenir program. This one-of-a-kind collector's item features player profiles, in-depth stories and stadium information as well as rosters and opponent previews. Sold only through the Dallas Cowboys organization, Gameday sales are subject to early sellout. Guests can find this program at the stadium pro shop or merchandise stands.
    Praia do Sossego, South America
   - Niteroi, RJ            
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Localizada entre Piratininga e Camboinhas é de pequena extensão e bastante freqüentada pelos que vem pelo mar em lanchas e iates, pois seu difícil acesso, através de uma trilha, não é muito conhecido. É um dos mais belos recantos da cidade
    Fair Park Coliseum, North America
  1300 Robert B Cullum Boulevar - Dallas, TX           
Site of the 1936 Texas Centennial Exposition, Fair Park boasts the world’s largest collection of Art Deco exhibit buildings, art and sculpture. Fair Park is the only intact and unaltered pre-1950s world fair site remaining in the United States – with an extraordinary collection of 1930s art and rchitecture. Today, the 277-acre park and its cultural, educational and sports facilities play host to more than seven million annual visitors.
    NRH2O, North America
  9001 Grapevine Highway - North Richilands Hills, TX            
Waterslides - NRH2O has three awesome body slides. Guests must be at least 48" tall to ride the body slides.

The Black Falls is a thrilling, enclosed slide that plummets riders through near-darkness to the water below.

The Great White is an open flume that is perfect for guests looking for a calmer ride. The Blue Twister is a twisting, turning ride that is totally enclosed.

NRH2O also has three exciting double rider innertube slides.

The Double Dipper, our double rider innertube slide, is perfect for parents who wish to ride with their children. Its twisting turns and sloping drops make this one of our most popular slides.

Purplepalooza! A totally enclosed, totally tubular, double rider slide.

The Green Extreme is a seven story tall waterslide with 1,161 feet of twists and turns! Guests must be at least 42" tall to ride the Green Extreme.
    Austin Rock Gym, North America
  4401 Freidrich Lane, Suite 300 - Austin, TX           
ARG is Austin's ONLY dedicated rock climbing company and offers the most comprehensive climbing lessons and services available.
    Zero Gravity, North America
  11131 Malibu Drive - Dallas, TX            
A one-of-a-kind Texas theme park founded in 1992 with a single goal: to be the most extreme amusement park in the world. Eighteen years later, that’s exactly what we are! Zero Gravity boasts five high-intensity thrill attractions, including such rarities as the Nothin’ but Net free-fall attraction. Our rides are popular amongst singles, couples and families, as well as corporate and leisure groups.
Zero Gravity is proud to boast a perfect safety record. We have gone to tremendous lengths to ensure the safety of our guests, and we enforce our safety restrictions vigorously
    SeaWorld, North America
  6000 Discovery Cove Way - Orlando, FL            
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SeaWorld Orlando is the world's premiere marine adventure park with 200 acres of world-class shows, thrilling rides and unforgettable animal encounters. More than 80 million visitors have explored the mysteries of the sea with up-close animal interactions and exhilarating thrills. New state-of-the-art rides such as "Kraken" and "Journey To Atlantis" twist, turn, and drench guests with unprecedented thrills, while amazing animal encounters include killer whales, dolphins, sea lions, stingrays and more.
    Old Town, North America
  5770 W. U.S. Highway 192, Suite 324 - Kissimmee, FL             
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American Classics and Muscle every Friday Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola®, this car show features show-quality vehicles from 1964-1979.
    Empire State Building, North America
  350 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="https://www.dpbolvw.net/placeholder-5989870?target=_blank&mouseover=Y"></script>
The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in New York City. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until the construction of the World Trade Center North Tower in 1972, and is now once again the tallest building in New York after the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

The Empire State Building has been named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The building and its street floor interior are designated landmarks of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Board of Estimate. Source
    Elos Clube, South America
  Rua Alcindo Guanabara, 17/601 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Elos Clube, é uma entidade cultural, sem fins lucrativos, congregando intelectuais, profissionais autônomos, artistas e produtores de arte, servidores públicos, empresários e não empresários, etc., etc. Foi fundado em 1959, na Cidade de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo, pelo saudoso médico Eduardo Dias Coelho.
Tem por objetivo: divulgar e propagar a língua portuguesa, os valores lusófonos em todos os países e Continentes onde se fala a língua-mater. No Brasil, defender e propagar os valores luso-brasileiros e lutar pela uniformização da língua portuguesa, respeitados as peculiaridades de cada país, quanto aos dialetos ou fonogenias que a tornam, por isto mesmo, tão rica.
    Miracle Strip Park, North America
  12000 Front Beach Road - Panama City Beach, FL             
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The tropical theme waterpark is filled with attractions and food and beverage outlets to bring smiles to every member of your family. The twenty-acre park features lush landscaping, a professionally trained aquatics staff, and is one of the most hospitable attractions in all of North Florida. Shipwreck Island has been entertaining families for twenty-five years on Panama City Beach. Don't settle for a sprinkle, come make a big splash at Shipwreck Island waterpark.
    Riverview Park, North America
  Highway 12 - P.O. Box 300 - Wisconsin Dells, WI
Welcome to Riverview Park & Waterworld located in Wisconsin Dells, WI. Situated on more than 35 acres, Riverview Park & Waterworld offers action-packed entertainment, including the largest U-Drive'Em and Amusement Park, combined with Grand Prix racing, go carts and Mini-Indy cars, Riverview Park & Waterworld features 5 Rapids Inner Tube Ride, waterslides, a wave pool and numerous other pools exclusively for children's activities! On top of the mini racetracks and water rides, the park features amusements rides including a Tilt-A-Whirl, Moby Dick, Catchin Air, Ferris Wheel and a Galaxi Rollercoaster. http://www.riverviewpark.com/
    Hemming Plaza, North America
  135 Monroe St. West - Jacksonville, FL
Located across from City Hall in the heart of downtown Jacksonville. First established as a public square by the City’s founder Isaiah D. Hart around 1857, it is Jacksonville’s oldest park. Known first as City Park and then St. James Park, it was renamed Hemming Park in 1899 to honor Civil War veteran Charles C. Hemming, who donated the park’s Confederate monument (the City’s oldest and tallest) the previous year. At various times the park contained bandstands, fountains, comfort stations, and Tourist and Convention Bureau buildings, along with many beautiful trees. In 1978, the City converted the park into a brick-paved plaza, and completed additional work in 1986 that transformed the area into a single-level, pedestrian-oriented mall. Due to its centralized location, the plaza has long been a part of the downtown experiences for both tourists and local citizens.
    Bondinho de Santa Teresa, South America
  Ao lado do Aqueduto da Carioca, na Rua Lélio Gama - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O bonde sai do centro da cidade, passa sobre os Arcos da Lapa e segue a rota do tempo no sobe-e-desce das ladeiras de Santa Teresa. O ponto de partida é a estação no Largo da Carioca: a estação fica bem perto da sede da Petrobrás, na Rua Lélio Gama. O lugar tem um jardim encantador e revela um pouco do que se vai encontrar nesse passeio.