North America
South America

World Atrações

    AT&T Park, North America

  24 Willie Mays Plaza - San Francisco, CA           
AT&T Park, with its breathtaking views and classic design, was chosen as the 2008 Sports Facility of the Year by Sports Business Journal and Sports Business Daily as part of the inaugural Sports Business Awards program. The first privately financed ballpark in Major League Baseball since 1962, the Giants' home has many incredible features.
    Academia Brasileira de Ciências, South America
  Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29 3º andar - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Academia Brasileira de Ciências foi fundada no dia 3 de maio de 1916, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com o nome Sociedade Brasileira de Sciencias, alterado em 1921 para sua atual denominação. Atualmente, a Academia reúne seus membros em dez áreas especializadas: Ciências Matemáticas, Ciências Físicas, Ciências Químicas, Ciências da Terra, Ciências Biológicas, Ciências Biomédicas, Ciências da Saúde, Ciências Agrárias, Ciências da Engenharia e Ciências Humanas. A Academia tem desempenhado papel relevante em várias atividades ligadas à ciência no Brasil, liderando e influenciando na criação de importantes instituições, viabilizando publicações científicas, desenvolvendo programas e eventos científicos, estabelecendo convênios internacionais, e disponibilizando recursos para a sociedade acadêmica.
    Northwest Trek, North America
  11610 Trek Drive East - Eatonville, WA            
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Northwest Trek Wildlife Park is a treasure for wildlife enthusiasts.
This 715-acre park has a little bit of everything: lakes, trails, meadows and plenty of animals. Northwest Trek is home to more than 200 North American animals.
Explore the Park - See bighorn sheep, deer, Roosevelt elk, woodland caribou, mountain goats, bison and more up close from comfortable trams while touring the free-roaming area. Walk forested pathways to view grizzlies, black bears, wolves, bobcats, lynx, cougars, owls, eagles and wetland animals in beautiful natural exhibits. Five miles of nature trails await exploration and the Cheney Discovery Center offers exciting hands-on experiences.
    Hayden Planetarium, North America
  Central Park West at 79th Street - New York, NY             
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Hayden Planetarium captivates upon your initial approach. The visually stimulating Manhattan attraction, constructed from glass and steel, features a large spherical dome where the universe comes to life in front of your very eyes. The department of Astrophysics, located in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, conducts research focusing on the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, the effects of their radiation, and much more. The planetarium offers ongoing monthly lectures. Children and adults alike will love the vast amount of knowledge and beauty while exploring the stars in this awesome environment. 3-D models and vivid colors are not in short abundance here. School field trips are welcome; planning in advance is required. A wealth of educational knowledge is available through the website for teachers, parents and children. With a special section of interactive activities for children, you can’t go wrong learning about all that this Manhattan planetarium has to offer. A virtual joy ride through the universe with stops along the way to learn about the wonders of the Galaxies, a few hours can easily be spent just walking around the floors. In addition to the star/sky show, the exhibits are a joy to behold. From real meteorites, to scales that bring home the effect of gravity on other planets, to historic photos, all will enjoy.
    Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, South America
  Av. Epitácio Pessoa e Av. Borges de Medeiros - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Cercada pelos mais badalados bairros cariocas - Lagoa, Ipanema, Leblon, Gávea e Jardim Botânico -, emoldurada por montanhas e abraçada pelo Cristo Redentor, a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas impressiona pelo pôr-do-sol e o reflexo dourado em suas águas plácidas e silenciosas, tornando-se um grande ponto de encontro, tanto para os cariocas quanto para os visitantes. Unida ao mar pelo canal do Jardim de Alah, entre Ipanema e Leblon, sua orla abriga parques, quadras de esportes, rinque de patinação, heliporto, pista para caminhadas e corrida, ciclovia e um centro gastronômico distribuído por quiosques que oferecem de comida alemã a japonesa, além de música ao vivo a partir do anoitecer. Isso sem falar nos passeios de pedalinho que, nos domingos e feriados,
    HBO Shop, North America
  1100 Avenue of the Americas - Time Square - New York City, NY             
The HBO Shop is an exciting extension of the HBO® brand, offering new products from HBO’s line of award-winning programming, including Entourage®, The Sopranos®, Sex and the City®, The Pacific® the hit HBO series True Blood and more. Selling items range from a variety of commemorative T-shirts and Hoodie Sweatshirts, collectible items like Sopranos Coasters; Game of Thrones paper-weights, laptop skins, pint glasses; Boardwalk Empire cigarette case, Nucky Thompson hat, playing cards; Entourage cap, King Ari mug; Eastbound & Down baseball hat, water bottle, to the entire collection of the HBO shows and series.
Now you can deepen your experience with your favorite show by taking an actual bus tour of the Sopranos locations and following in the foot steps of Tony & Family, or by following in the footsteps of Carrie & Co as they conquer New York City! Drink where they drink, shop where they shop, and gossip where they gossip. Both tours visit more than 40 locations where the series where filmed and are organized and operated by On Location Tours, with a final stop at the HBO Shop in NYC at 42nd Street and 6th Avenue. Tour visitors will receive 10% off all purchases at the NYC Shop. Subway Stop: Times Square, 42nd Street. TRAINS: N-R-Q-S-1-2-3-7.
    Largo do Boticário, South America
  R. Cosme Velho, 822 - Cosme Velho - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Apenas sete casas compõem esse belo recanto da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Batizado em homenagem a Joaquim Luiz da Silva Souto, boticário da família real que ali morou em uma fazenda, o Largo do Boticário exibe telhados e fachadas coloniais, calçamento estilo pé-de-moleque, árvores centenárias e possui, ainda, o supremo privilégio de ter como vizinhos o Rio Carioca e um belo trecho de Mata Atlântica.
    Liceu Literário Português, South America
  Rua Senador Dantas, 118 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Liceu Literário Português fundado em 10 de setembro de 1868, Instituição Filantrópica de Ensino Gratuito, adquiriu um terreno no Largo da Carioca onde em 1929 edificou sua sede - Rua Senador Dantas nº 118 – Centro, um arranha-céu em estilo gótico manuelino, decorado internamente com silhares de azulejos historiados e lindos vitrais, prédio projetado pelo arquiteto Raul Penna Firme. O Liceu Literário Português – honra e orgulho dos portugueses no Brasil – é um dos melhores estabelecimentos de ensino entre os congêneres neste país. Representa o esforço, a dedicação e o trabalho de abnegados portugueses beneméritos, em prol da instrução do povo. Ali, naquela casa, não há seleção para a matrícula; a quem bate às suas portas não se pergunta que idade tem, qual a cor, onde nasceu, nem se tem fortuna. Uma única coisa se indaga: que quer aprender
    The Bronx County Historical Society, North America
  3309 Bainbridge Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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The Bronx is a microcosm of the story of America. The only one of New York City's five boroughs that is actually part of the mainland. The Bronx is home to 1.2 million people with a rich diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Since colonial days, The Bronx has stood at the crossroads of American History.
The Bronx County Historical Society was founded in 1955 to preserve the heritage of this thriving community. The Society administers the colonial era Valentine-Varian House, which serves as the Museum of Bronx History; The Bronx County Archives; an extensive Research Library; and Poe Cottage, the final home of America's great 19th century poet and author, Edgar Allan Poe. Both historic houses are listed in the National Register of Historic Places
    Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo, North America
  3701 S 10th Street - Omaha, NE            
Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo has four primary objectives: conservation, research, recreation, and education. In promoting these objectives on a local, regional, national, and global scale, the Zoo provides exciting recreational opportunities that simultaneously enhance our visitors' knowledge of the natural world.
    Parque Municipal Eduardo Travassos, South America
  Localizado no Morro da Detenção, Centro - Niterói, RJ           
    Jamestown Audubon Nature Center, North America
  1600 Riverside Rd - Jamestown, NY           
The 600-acre wetland preserve maintained by the Jamestown Audubon Society supports a great variety of wildlife. Hikers who are patient and quiet are treated to many spectacular finds - no matter what the season.
    Javits Center, North America
  655 West 34th Street - New York, NY             
New York Times Travel Show. January 18, 2013 - January 20, 2013. There's no better way to learn more about travel than by gaining insights from the experts--and that's what you'll get from the fascinating seminars at the Travel Show. This year’s seminars promise much not-to-be-missed information. Be sure to sign up for e-mailed updates, become a fan of the show on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter to be the first to learn about seminars updates, deals, etc.
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center is a large convention center on the west side of Manhattan in New York City. It was designed by architects I. M. Pei and partners. The revolutionary space frame structure was built in 1986 and named for New York Senator Jacob K. Javits, who died that year.
The exhibit space is over 675,000 square feet (62,700 m2). Planning and constructing a convention center on Manhattan's west side has had a long and controversial history, including efforts starting in the early 1970s to produce a megaproject involving a redevelopment concept. On October 16, 2006, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to start construction of an expansion. The $1.7 billion dollar expansion project will expand the center's size by 45 percent, and include a hotel. The project is scheduled for completion by 2010, and when finished, will be one of the largest convention centers in the U.S.
    Flushing Meadows Corona Park, North America
  131-04 Meridian Road - Corona, NY           
Flushing Meadow Corona Park is one of the greatest places in New York City. It has become the keystone park of Queens and a recreation and cultural hub for the region; yet, it was once just a dusty wasteland, "a valley of ashes" as F. Scott Fitzgerald dubbed it in the Great Gatsby. Its poetic, phoenix-like transformation from ash dump to oasis was driven by Queens' residents, the City and 1939 and 1965 World's Fair held in this park. These fairs put this park on the world's stage, and it has stayed there, hosting the United Nations General Assembly for five years, three baseball World Seres at Shea Stadium, and the U.S. Open.
    Bronx Zoo, North America
  Bronx River Parkway- Fordham Road - Bronx, NY             
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The best way to connect to nature in New York City is by visiting the Bronx Zoo, the world’s largest urban zoo. With world-class exhibits such as the Wild Asian Monorail, the Tiger Mountain, the Congo Gorilla Forest and the newest exhibit, Madagascar, the Bronx Zoo features more than 600 different species, including mammals, birds, reptiles & amphibians and insects. Check the daily schedule of feedings and enrichment demonstrations and then customize your trip with their interactive trip planner. Find your inner animal on the Animal Activity Trail; watch amazing aerial tricks at the World of Birds; experience a very unique form of New York City transit when you ride a camel around Wild Asia Plaza; feed and watch Magellanic penguins come out of their dens and bob for fish; watch one of the most popular attractions, the Sea Lion feeding and training demonstration; visit the Butterfly Garden, a wild meadow and spacious greenhouse where you can identify different butterflies, smell the flowers and learn how to plant a nectar-rich garden. No matter how you plan your trip to the Bronx Zoo.
    WonderWorks, North America
  9067 International Drive - Orlando, FL           
Central Florida’s only upside down attraction. An amusement park for the mind, featuring over 100 interactive exhibits for the entire family to experience.
    Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, North America
  2150 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. - Birmingham, AL           
Over the last thirty-five years, the ASHOF has become the benchmark for other Halls of Fame across the country, with over 5,000 sports artifacts elegantly displayed in the 33,000 square foot building. Out of ESPN’s list of the top 100 athletes of the century, five out of the top fifteen greatest ever are in the ASHOF: Jesse Owens, Hank Aaron, Joe Louis, Willie Mays, and Carl Lewis.
    Bush Gardens, North America
   - Tampa Bay, FL            
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Gwazi is Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's mammoth double wooden coaster. It is also the Southeast's largest and fastest double wooden roller coaster boasting more than 1.25 million board feet of lumber and over 2 million bolted connections. Named after a fabled lion with a tiger's head, Gwazi races riders through almost 7,000 feet of track and is two distinct coasters intertwined.
    Cinemark Brasil, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8 - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
    Geyser Falls Water Theme Park, North America
  209 Black Jack Road - Choctaw, MS           
Mississippi's #1 family attraction, Geyser Falls is a 23-acre water theme park located in Philadelphia MS. After entering the park, the excitement begins as you pass Geyser Flats with bubbling fountains, gurgling water pools and multiple spouting geysers. Inside the park, the endless attractions keep families entertained all day long with the little ones begging to go back.
    Kaufman Astoria Studios, North America
  34-12 36th Street - Astoria, NY             
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At the core of Kaufman Astoria are seven column-free stages including a mammoth 26,000 square foot stage - the largest east of Hollywood. Our newest addition is Stage K with over 18, 000 square feet. In addition, there are two stages over 12,000 square feet each, and smaller stages of 8,000, 4,000 and 3,000 square feet. Support facilities are located just steps from each stage for efficient flow of crew and materials.
    Union Square Park, North America
  Between 14th and 18th Streets - New York, NY            
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Union Square (also known as Union Square Park) is an important and historic intersection in New York City, located where Broadway and the Bowery came together in the early 19th century. Today it is bounded by 14th Street, Union Square East, 17th Street, and Union Square West. It is run and operated jointly by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation as well as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
In 1976, the Council on the Environment of New York City established the Greenmarket program, which provided regional small family farmers with opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables and other farm products at open-air markets in the city. The most famous is the Union Square Greenmarket, held Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 8 AM and 6 PM year round. 250,000 customers a week purchase 1,000 varieties of fruits and vegetables at the market. The variety of produce available is broader by perhaps a factor of ten than what is found in a conventional supermarket.
    Fortaleza de São João, South America
  Av. João Luís Alves s/nº - URCA - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Em 1º de março de 1565, Estácio de Sá fundou, na Urca, entre os Morros Cara de Cão e Pão de Açúcar, a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Neste mesmo local foi erguida a Fortaleza de São João, constituída por três redutos (pequenos fortins também chamados de Baterias) e um grande Forte, o Forte São José, de 1578 – o terceiro forte mais antigo do país.
Depois de mais de cem anos, o Forte São José está sendo restaurado com apoio da lei Rouanet de Incentivo à Cultura. As duas primeiras fases da restauração foram patrocinadas pelo BNDES. Agora em sua terceira fase, o objetivo é fazer o restauro dos canhões do séc. XIX, e implantar projeto de iluminação para que o local possa ser visitado também à noite. A arquitetural original está sendo respeitada para que o carioca possa voltar no tempo.
A restauração do Forte São José será o ponto culminante de um grande complexo turístico-cultural dentro da Fortaleza de São João, que já está recebendo a visitação de escolas interessadas em mostrar aos seus alunos o palco de tantos momentos históricos importantes.
    Old McDonald's Farm Village, North America
  14471 County Rte 145 - North Harbor Rd - Sackets Harbor, NY           
Ron and Nancy Robbins are the current owners of a diversified farm business just outside the historic village of Sackets Harbor. Founded in 1977 with 100 acres of rented land, Ron and Nancy have transformed the business to include 4000 acres of owned and rented land raising a variety of field crops and vegetables, a 400 cow dairy, a grain processing enterprise, and a very popular and well respected farm tour and agricultural education enterprise.
    Marina da Glória, South America
  Aterro da Glória - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Marina da Glória é um dos locais mais charmosos da cidade, que conta com uma infra-estrutura de apoio às embarcações turísticas e desportivas. A Mariana também oferece uma variada opção de lojas especializadas em material náutico, restaurantes, lojas de conveniência, estacionamento privativo, segurança dia e noite, cursos de vela, pesca e mergulho, inclusive com tanque para aulas práticas com 5m de profundidade , serviços de eletricidade, mecânica, serralheria, marcenaria, laminação, pintura.
    Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, South America
  R. Primeiro de Março, 66 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) do Rio de Janeiro é um dos quatro CCBBs do país, que também existem nas capitais Brasília, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Os Centros são espaços multidisciplinares com programação regular (seis dias por semana), nas áreas de artes cênicas, cinema, exposição, ideias (palestras, debates, seminários etc), música e programa educativo. O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação cultural que é referência no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. Com projetos nas mais diversas áreas, o Centro tem um volume de freqüentadores comparável ao de outras grandes instituições culturais do mundo.
Nos vários campos da arte, a programação procura oferecer obras que vão do clássico ao experimental, do erudito ao popular, dos grandes mestres aos talentos iniciantes. Esses critérios de seleção permitem ao CCBB alcançar freqüentadores com os mais abrangentes níveis de interesse. Instalado no número 66 da Rua Primeiro de Março, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil é uma das jóias arquitetônicas da Cidade. Seus espaços, organizados e adornados com elementos neoclássicos, abrigam três teatros, sala de cinema, sala de vídeo, cinco salas de exposições, biblioteca com 140 mil títulos, museu e arquivo histórico, videoteca e salão para conferências e palestras. O freqüentador dispõe ainda de restaurante, casa de chá, bombonière e loja de produtos culturais.
    Grounds For Sculpture, North America
  18 Fairgrounds Road - Hamilton, NJ            
Grounds For Sculpture is a 35-acre public sculpture park located in Hamilton, NJ, featuring over 250 contemporary sculptures. Plus gallery exhibits, exquisite dining, exciting performances, and workshops for all.
    Cowboys Stadium, North America
  One Legends Way - Arlington, TX             
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Dallas Cowboys Gameday is the team's official glossy souvenir program. This one-of-a-kind collector's item features player profiles, in-depth stories and stadium information as well as rosters and opponent previews. Sold only through the Dallas Cowboys organization, Gameday sales are subject to early sellout. Guests can find this program at the stadium pro shop or merchandise stands.
    Praia de Itaipú, South America
   - Niterói, RJ            
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Seu nome, na língua Tupi significa "água que sai do meio das pedras". Possui restaurantes de frutos do mar, todos na areia da praia, de onde se pode apreciar o mais belo pôr-do-sol da cidade. O canal de ligação da lagoa de Itaipu com o oceano, é o limite natural entre a praia de Itaipu e a de Camboinhas.
    Villa Riso, South America
  Estrada da Gávea, 728 - São Conrado - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em meados de 1700 uma grande casa foi construída para abrigar a sede da Fazenda São José da Alagoinha da Gávea, cujas extensões iam da Gávea até Jacarepaguá e Tijuca. Anos mais tarde a propriedade, já desmembrada foi adquirida por Ferreira Viana, redator da Lei Áurea, Conselheiro Imperial e Ministro da Justiça do II Império. A casa transformada em local de repouso e veraneio, acolheu hóspedes ilustres, como o próprio Imperador D. Pedro II que, pessoalmente, plantou cinco das seis imponentes palmeiras imperiais que hoje guardam a casa. Em 1932 a casa passou às mãos do italiano Comendador Osvaldo Riso, um jovem entusiasta no compromisso com o desenvolvimento cultural do país e principal incentivador das relações entre Brasil e Itália. Na década de 80, Cesarina Riso, primogênita do casamento do Comendador com a artista plástica amazonense Camélia Riso inicia trabalho de adaptação e reestruturação da antiga mansão transformando-a em sofisticado centro cultural e casa de reuniões sociais inspirada nas “ville” italianas...