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Managing Editor - Jeffry Mullins.
Beacon Hill is a 19th-century downtown Boston residential neighborhood situated directly north of the Boston Common and the Boston Public Garden. Most people think of city living as anonymous and isolating. But this cozy enclave, filled with nearly 10,000 people, is more like a village than an anonymous city. It has a rich community life, with neighbors knowing neighbors and everyone meeting on the Hill's commercial streets and at its myriad activities.
Published 365 days a year with an average free distribution of 12,000 papers daily, serving the towns of Breckenridge, Frisco, Silverthorne, Dillon and our four world-class ski resorts of Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Keystone and Arapahoe Basin. The Summit Daily employs 29 full-time employees, 11 part-time and two interns.
The State Press has consistently been rated among the best college newspapers in the country. In 2004, 2005 and 2006, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association named The State Press a Gold Crown and Silver Crown winner, respectively — the highest awards given to college newspapers. The State Press also was honored in 2005 with the Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism, a prestigious national award given to one college paper each year for its commitment to ethics. Student journalists working for The State Press consistently place in the prestigious Hearst awards for college journalism students and sweep the Society of Professional Journalism regional awards.
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The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded in 1851 and published in New York City. The largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States, "The Gray Lady"—named for its staid appearance and style—is regarded as a national newspaper of record.
The Times is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 18 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe. The company's chairman is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has controlled the paper since 1896. The New York Times motto, as printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is "All the News That's Fit to Print." It is organized into sections: News, Opinions, Business, Arts, Science, Sports, Style and Features. The Times stayed with the eight-column format for several years after most papers switched to six columns, and it was one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography. The Times has won the most Pulitzer Prizes (98) of any paper. Its website is one of the most popular, receiving over 14 million unique visitors in August 2008. Source |
Dedicated to giving the Baltimore metropolitan area an alternative source of news and opinions on local politics, communities, culture, and the arts. More than 300,000 readers turn to us every week for Baltimore's most comprehensive calendar of events; coverage of the latest in movies, music, visual arts, and the printed word; provocative voices on topics ranging from sports to sex to cyberspace to City Hall; and stories they won't find anywhere else.
"It is all about you". News, Business, Science, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Blogs and more.
News, Sports, Entertainment, Photos, Opinion, Blogs, Living and more.
"Your Community. Your news."
News, Sports, Opinion, Classifieds, Photo and more.
Barron’s is an American financial magazine known for its market-moving stories. With new content available every week in print and every business day online, Barron’s provides readers with a comprehensive review of the market’s recent activity coupled with in-depth, sophisticated reports on what’s likely to happen in the market in the days and weeks to come. Source
News, Sports, Entertainment, Classified, Jobs, Cars, Homes and more.
The Post-Tribune had its beginnings in 1907, when The Gary Weekly was established to serve the brand-new steel industry rising on the shores of Lake Michigan.
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Cidades onde circula Barra do Piraí; Eng.Paulo de Frontin; Japeri, Mendes; Miguel Pereira; Paracambi; Paty do Alferes; Valença; Vassouras.
Alaska's Oldest Newspaper. Photo gallery, classifieds, calendar and more.
"Jornal Povo do Rio sempre melhorando para prestar melhor serviço, qualidade e competência."
A $10 Investment 95 years ago turned the Amsterdam News into one of New York's largest and most influential Black-owned and operated business institutions.
On December 4, 1909, the late James H. Anderson put out the first issue of the Amsterdam News. He had $10 in his pocket, six sheets of paper, a lead pencil and a dressmaker's table. The newspaper was one of only 50 Black papers in the United States at that time, and it was sold for 2 cents a copy from Anderson's home at 132 W. 65th St., in the San Juan Hill section of Manhattan. With the spread of Blacks to Harlem and the growing success of the paper, Anderson moved the Amsterdam News uptown to 17 W. 135th St. in 1910. In 1916, it moved to 2293 Seventh Ave., and in 1938, it moved again, to 2271 Seventh Ave. In the early 1940s, the paper relocated to its present address at 2340 Eighth Ave. |
Editora: Ana Maria Vieira Monteiro -
Jornalista responsável: Juliana Ladeira -
Comercial: Eduander Silva e Rosane Machado -
Editoração Eletrônica: Júlia Almeida -
Administração: Gustavo Mattos
Qualidade na impressão: esse é nosso compromisso número um. Para tanto, o jornal Planeta Oceano é impresso no moderno parque gráfico Areté - do grupo Diário Lance!. No mesmo parque são impressos jornais de todo o Brasil. Pelo sistema CtU, onde são eliminadas as chapas de fotolito - garante-se fotos com mais nitidez e textos legíveis com fontes de tamanho reduzidos.
Ciência e Tecnologia, Economia, Educação, Empregos, Especiais, Esporte,
Galeria de fotos, Gerais, Imóveis e mais.
Durante os chamados Anos de Chumbo no país, foi o principal periódico que se posicionou contra o golpe de estado militar.
É tradicionalmente voltado para as classes média e alta que se concentram na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, uma elite diminuta mas com altíssimo poder de formação de opinião, a nível nacional.
Em 2005, o JB instalou-se na Casa do Bispo, imóvel histórico e representativo do colonial luso-brasileiro, datado do início do século XVII, que já serviu de sede à Fundação Roberto Marinho. A partir de 16 de Abril de 2006 começou a circular nas bancas no chamado "formato europeu", um formato maior que o tablóide e menor que o convencional, seguido por diversos jornais daquele continente.Fonte |
O Correio do Brasil é um jornal diário, fundado na internet, em 01 de janeiro de 2000, pelo jornalista Gilberto de Souza, no Rio de Janeiro, onde circula nas versões impressa, para assinantes, e online, sempre no horário vespertino. O CdB tem a proposta de levar aos seus leitores notícias do Rio de Janeiro, do Brasil e do mundo nas editorias de Política, Economia, Esportes, Metrópoles, Nacional, Internacional e Opinião; além dos cadernos Cultura & Artes, Conexão Hightech, Energia & Meio Ambiente, Mulher, Saúde e Educação. Fonte
O Jornal da Nação é novo veículo de comunicação do Flamengo. O periódico irá se dedicar aos comentários de internautas que navegam na comunidade oficial do clube no Orkut. Custará Cr$ 0,50 nas bancas de jornais.
O jornal O Dia, um dos maiores diários da imprensa carioca, pertence ao grupo EJESA - Empresa Jornalística Econômico S.A, que publica também o diário popular carioca Meia Hora e o jornal especializado em economia Brasil Econômico. A Ejesa é controlada pela acionista majoritária Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Vasconcellos, presidente do Conselho de Administração, que detém mais de 70% da participação da empresa, e conta com uma participação minoritária, de menos de 30%,da Ongoing Participações S.A., subsidiária da Ongoing, grupo de mídia português.