World Department Stores

    Fast Shop, South America

  Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ            
As lojas da Fast Shop possuem uma série de diferenciais para atender seus clientes, desde um ambiente agradável a um atendimento diferenciado. A Fast Shop mantém uma equipe de vendas especialmente capacitada para sugerir soluções que se enquadrem nos desejos e necessidades do consumidor, oferecendo os melhores produtos e serviços inovadores que resultem numa experiência encantadora para toda a vida.
    Walmart, South America
  Av. das Américas, 3650 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Há dez anos atuando no mercado de varejo nacional, a rede Wal-Mart Brasil é referência em preços baixos, qualidade e excelência no atendimento ao cliente. A maneira de retribuir a confiança dos clientes ao comprarem nas lojas Wal-Mart acontece por meio da filosofia de “preços baixos todos os dias”, aliada à prestação de serviços e do sortimento diferenciado, no qual inclui-se desde produtos de fabricação regional até itens importados que atendam o gosto do consumidor brasileiro.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 86 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Insinuante, South America
  Rua Dr.Feliciano Sodre, 177 - São Gonçalo, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos
    Fast Shop, South America
  Av. Afânio de Melo Franco,290 Shopping Leblon - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
As lojas da Fast Shop possuem uma série de diferenciais para atender seus clientes, desde um ambiente agradável a um atendimento diferenciado. A Fast Shop mantém uma equipe de vendas especialmente capacitada para sugerir soluções que se enquadrem nos desejos e necessidades do consumidor, oferecendo os melhores produtos e serviços inovadores que resultem numa experiência encantadora para toda a vida.
    Serra Adventure, South America
  Av. David Samoff, 5160, 1º Piso - Itaú Power Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Serra Adventure é uma rede de lojas instalada em Belo Horizonte desde 1994, com ampla experiência e reconhecido sucesso na venda de artigos esportivos de qualidade, pelos preços competitivos e um excelente atendimento nas lojas. A credibilidade alcançada no decorrer dos anos possibilitou que a empresa disponibilizasse o e-commerce para os clientes realizarem suas compras na Internet também. Nossa equipe é treinada e capacitada em uma ampla variedade de produtos para um melhor atendimento e está comprometida com o sucesso da empresa tendo como meta a máxima satisfação do cliente. Levando consigo a variedade de seus produtos, os melhores preços e a experiência de 13 anos no setor, a Serra Adventure vem conquistar novos aventureiros na Internet, reduzindo distâncias e oferecendo comodidade e segurança na aquisição de produtos. As facilidades proporcionadas pela loja virtual da Serra Adventure ganham ainda mais confiabilidade com as parcerias estabelecidas com os Correios e com os cartões VISA e MasterCard.
    Celdom, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bl.e ljs.102/103 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Apresentado diversificada linha de produtos destinados a prover ambientes residenciais ou comerciais, a loja de varejo Celdom constituiu-se numa verdadeira loja de departamento. São inúmeros eletrodomésticos, vasta linha de utensílios para o lar, eletroportáteis e a charmosa loja LeCreuset comercializando climatizadores de vinho com adegas confiáveis.
    Sipolatti, South America
  Rua Henrique Moscoso, 1338 - Centro - Vila Velha, ES           
Fundada há mais de 46 anos, a Sipolatti é a uma das maiores redes varejistas de eletrodomésticos, eletroeletrônicos, móveis, informática e celular do Espírito Santo, com mais de 20 lojas em todo o Estado. A empresa foi criada por Aristides Sipolatti, que nasceu em Itaguaçu e chegou a Vitória aos 14 anos em 1952. Aristides construiu sua história profissional com muita dedicação e visão empreendedora. No início, trabalhou como faxineiro na Santa Casa da Misericórdia e na Instituição Adauto Botelho. O trabalho no ramo de vendas começou de forma simples vendendo verduras pelos bairros da Grande Vitória e, quando percebeu, já era um mascate aos 17 anos. No ano seguinte, entrou para o Exército, mas seu sonho era ter a sua própria venda. Na época, a loja Macedônia, na Vila Rubim que estava oferecendo vagas para os cargos de vendedor e faxineiro. Aristides conseguiu a vaga de faxineiro, mas logo passou a ocupar o cargo de balconista.Três anos depois, esta mesma loja abriu uma filial no bairro Paul - Vila Velha, mas começou a dar prejuízo e, logo veio a proposta de venda, Aristides percebeu a grande oportunidade de realizar seu sonho e topou o desafio
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Rua Conde de Bonfim nº 170 A - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Hoje, com meio século de existência e sempre crescendo, a TELE-RIO tem todas as suas unidades instaladas em pontos próprios, escolhidos e adquiridos dentro de um planejamento baseado em que o importante não é a quantidade de filiais e sim a capacidade de mantê-las sob rígido controle, dentro da filosofia de trabalho voltada para um atendimento de qualidade e uma proposta de honestidade que se tornaram marcas indiscutíveis da TELE-RIO.
Com lojas instaladas nos principais pontos do Rio de Janeiro e nos municípios vizinhos como Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, São Gonçalo e Petrópolis, a TELE-RIO, preocupada em melhorar sempre a qualidade de atendimento, vem passando por um processo de modernização gradual.
    Lojas Leader, South America
  Avenida Olávio Lira, 353 - Praia da Costa - Vitória, ES             
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Em 1966, com 3 lojas no interior do estado do Rio, a Leader chegou ao centro da cidade de Niterói, com as lojas da rua Aurelino Leal (fechada recentemente) e da rua Visconde de Uruguai. Em 1970, nasceu à empresa União de Lojas Leader Ltda., sob o nome fantasia Leader Magazine. Entra uma década e sai outra, a Leader continuava a se firmar como uma cadeia de lojas. Os sócios perceberam que, para acompanhar os novos tempos, era preciso investir mais e crescer, apostando na própria capacidade de vencer desafios. Assim, no final dos anos 80 e início dos anos 90, começou a modernização da rede de departamentos, repassando aos clientes as vantagens obtidas com os fornecedores, operando com grandes volumes, giro rápido, custos operacionais baixos, auto-serviço, margem reduzida de lucros e preços baixos todo dia. E a Leader passou a se renovar dia a dia.
    Casas Bahia, South America
  Rua Cardoso de Morais, 80 - Bonsucesso - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fenômeno do varejo nacional, a Casas Bahia é hoje uma das maiores empregadoras do Brasil, com mais de 52 mil colaboradores. Presente em oito estados (SP; RJ; MG; GO; RS; PR; SC; MS), além do Distrito Federal, a Casas Bahia multiplicou em pouco mais de uma década suas 250 filiais para as mais de 540 atuais. Em 2007, a rede figurou entre as 250 maiores empresas de varejo no mundo, segundo o estudo “Poderosos Globais do Varejo em 2007”, conduzido pela Deloitte Touch que, desde 1999 mapeia o ranking mundial do setor.
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Rua Coronel Agostinho nº 24 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Acima e à frente dos planos de grandeza, estiveram sempre o equilíbrio e o bom senso, determinando que era importante crescer e expandir-se com solidez.
Hoje, com meio século de existência e sempre crescendo, a TELE-RIO tem todas as suas unidades instaladas em pontos próprios, escolhidos e adquiridos dentro de um planejamento baseado em que o importante não é a quantidade de filiais e sim a capacidade de mantê-las sob rígido controle, dentro da filosofia de trabalho voltada para um atendimento de qualidade e uma proposta de honestidade que se tornaram marcas indiscutíveis da TELE-RIO.
    Ricardo Eletro, South America
  Pça Saens Peña, 5 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Ricardo Eletro inaugurou no Rio de Janeiro lojas nos principais pontos da capital e cidades vizinhas. A grande aposta da rede é mesmo no preço baixo. As lojas de Copacabana, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda, Ilha do Governador, Marechal Hermes, Centro-Uruguaiana e Taquara, Madureira, Bangu, Tijuca, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu e Bonsucesso, entre outras, já estão em funcionamento. A Ricardo Eletro abre as lojas com ofertas especiais em toda linha de eletrodomésticos, incluindos refrigeradores, fogões, TVs lCD, aparelhos celulares, etc. Linha divesificada de serviços compreendendo: Garantia estendida, Super Compra, Seguro da Sorte, seguro Prestação, Empréstimo Pessoal e o Cartão Ricardo Eletro-Visa.
Endereços Zona Norte:
Rua Carvalho de Souza, 260 – Madureira
Rua Cardoso de Morais, 173 – Bonsucesso
Rua Aurélio Valporto, 71 ZZA – Marechal Hermes
Praça Saens Peña, 5 – Tijuca
Rua Barão de São Francisco, 236 – Shopping Iguatemi
Av. Maestro Paulo Silva, 400 lj. 121 – Ilha do Governador
    FastShop, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, 1o piso - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ            
As lojas da Fast Shop possuem uma série de diferenciais para atender seus clientes, desde um ambiente agradável a um atendimento diferenciado. A Fast Shop mantém uma equipe de vendas especialmente capacitada para sugerir soluções que se enquadrem nos desejos e necessidades do consumidor, oferecendo os melhores produtos e serviços inovadores que resultem numa experiência encantadora para toda a vida.
    Giro Lar & Lazer, South America
  Rua Gavião Peixoto - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
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A Giro Lar & Lazer é a empresa mais tradicional no comércio de varejo popular da Zona Sul de Niterói. A primeira loja foi fundada há sete anos. Especializada em artigos em geral sempre se destacou por preços baixos vendendo tudo por até 1,99 reais.Se você é morador da região certamente já comprou bem e barato na Giro.
A vende produtos de áudio, câmeras digitais, cuidados pessoais, eletroportáteis, eletrodomésticos, telefonia, tv e dvd.
    Storary, South America
  Av. José M Vivacqua dos Santos, 400 - Shopping Norte Sul - Vitória, ES           
    TJ Maxx, North America
  407 East 59th Street - Bridgemarket - New York, NY             
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You will find designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design at TJ Maxx. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Manhattan.
    Kirna Zabête, North America
  96 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Located on Greene Street in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City, Kirna Zabete is one of the giants when it comes to searching for retail fashions from some of the most recognized designers in the industry. One you will find on their shelves is Alexander Wang, a designer who likes to incorporate classic looks with fresh and modern twists. The Alexander Wang Spring and Summer 2012 Collection catalog is currently available and many of the items are available at Kirna Zabete, including the Gia Zip Sandals and a wide selection of clothing items and handbags to freshen your wardrobe. Rachel Zoe is another name brand designer with a wide selection of products at Kirna Zabete. You can find a variety of clothing items below $500 if you are on a tight budget as well as the more upscale pricing range if you are looking for something more exclusive. In addition to the name brand designers, you can also find fashion accessories like sunglasses, scarves, belts, jewelry and much more. Kirna Zabete also has a line of KZ Originals which includes a completely unique fragrance. For all of your designer shopping desires, be sure to visit Kirna Zabete in Manhattan on your next shopping adventure.
    BJ's Wholesale Club, North America
  137-05 Twentieth Avenue - Queens - New York, NY              
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Membership really does have its privileges when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club in Queens. Conveniently located on Twentieth Avenue, New York City, this wholesale membership club has many things that you need for everyday living and more. Because it offers products in bulk, you can expect to save a ton of money and cutting the number of shopping trips in half because you can get more with each visit. Looking for name brand electronics at a bargain price? You can find names like Sony, Vizio, Canon and others when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club. Whether you’re looking for big screen TVs, digital cameras designed with the professional in mind or upscale Bose speakers for the highest quality sound you will ever find, you can find it all in one place. Jewelry is another great department at BJs. You can find exclusive pieces that go great with your wardrobe or you can even bring in your gold and get cash for it. Use the cash towards the purchase of something exquisite or another department in the store. Shopping at BJs Wholesale Club is a great experience. From groceries to office supplies to computers and everything in between, it’s a great place for everything you need.
    J&R Computer and Music World, North America
  Park Row - CLOSED - New York, NY              
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Looking for a great deal on electronics is easy when you are shopping in the greater New York City area. Located in the heart of the Manhattan shopping area, J&R Computer and Music World has everything you need for your computer or audio and visual needs. When shopping for quality, you will find it here. Bose is one of the leaders in audio equipment and you can find a variety of products that carry this brand name. From headphones to MP3 player dock speakers and so much more, Bose products will last your for years to come and they have the best sound in the industry. If you are in the DJ business or thinking of starting one in the near future, this electronics department store has all the equipment you need for success. From the highest quality amps and receivers to professional turntables and the latest music software for your computer, J&R has it all for you at an affordable and reasonable price. You can also go “old school” by finding a variety of vinyl LPs and more so you can keep up with even the most popular NYC DJs. Check out J&R Computer and Music World on your next shopping trip to the Manhattan area for great deals on the latest electronics.
    Pearl River Mart, North America
  477 Broadway nr. Grand St. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
When you shop at this Downtown area department store, you will find everything you need from Greenwich Village bedding to paper products, Chinese wedding decorations to home furniture and housewares, and even Soho footwear; all at reasonable prices. Many of the products are custom made with the highest quality materials available. You can even shop at Pearl River Mart for some of your Downtown grocery staples like snacks, noodles, soups, condiments, a variety of teas to choose from and a wide selection of herbal products they keep in stock. Check out this one of a kind store for many of your shopping needs. The Pearl River Mart, located at 477 Broadway in the heart of Manhattan, is known as the first Chinese American department store in the United States. It has been serving customers in the greater New York City area for more than three decades and it continues to be a unique and popular place for shoppers from all around. But in addition to being one of the more frequented Manhattan department stores, it has also served as a way to build bridges between retailers from China and the United States, which has helped Pearl River Mart earn a reputation of providing a wide selection of high quality Chinese goods that everybody can appreciate.
    Costco, North America
  976 Third Avenue - Brooklyn - New York, NY            
In this economy there is nothing more important to a family than saving some money and when it comes to going to the grocery store you want to make sure you can save everywhere possible. This is why so many people now take advantage of what has become the largest warehouse club you can find in the United States. Conveniently located off of 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn, Costco offers an unbelievably massive selection of items ranging from one hour photo and a tire center, to an independent optometrist. Although you can buy nearly anything at Costco, Brooklyn from pool tables to computers, the one thing that draws a lot of attention from customers is the standard groceries that can be bought in bulk and save you a tremendous amount of money. Beyond these kinds of items many families also buy toiletries, and dish and laundry detergent in bulk. This is a great way to help ease financial burden, through some good savings and with the Kirkland brand, Costco’s store brand, you can save even more. New York can be expensive and if you’re in the Brooklyn burrough, Costco is the place to go to help take the bite off of the challenging economy.
    Kmart, North America
  770 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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Be sure to add the K-Mart department stores to your list of shopping opportunities in the Manhattan area to get some great deals on quality products. An affordable option for NYC shoppers for several decades, it is one of the more popular Manhattan department stores. You can expect to find great deals here among all of the high-end, NYC department store shopping options. The K-Mart department stores carry some of the most recognized names in retail, including Martha Stewart, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, just to name a few. You can also find a wide selection of Craftsman tools here at affordable prices. If you are looking for Tribeca beauty products, hair care products like coloring, shampoo and conditioner to artificial nails and men’s fragrances, or even groceries at affordable prices, just stroll down to one of the original department store shopping experiences in America. Another option that you will find when you shop at K-Mart is putting items on layaway. This is handy if you want to purchase some items that aren’t yet in your budget. You can put Greenwich Village bedding in layaway and make payments on it for a couple months and enjoy the site seeing every visit you make.
    B&H Photo Video, North America
  420 9th Ave - New York, NY              
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Known all over the world for its photo and video services, B&H Photo Video is one of the Manhattan department stores that is worth visiting. The motto of the store – Technology Lives – fits it just right because you can bring all of your technology needs and questions here to have them answered. Looking for professional camera equipment that you can add to your collection? You can find underwater cameras, upscale video cameras, and even editing equipment at affordable prices when you shop at B&H Photo Video’s Manhattan superstore. In fact, you can shop a wide selection of darkroom supplies for developing your own photos successfully. Browse through the developing and processing supplies, darkroom sinks, retouching accessories and a lot more- even storage materials and lightboxes among other professional photography supplies from some of the biggest names in the business, including Arkay, Doran, and Yankee, just to name a few. Another great thing about B&H Photo Video is its audio/video equipment department. If you like to do presentations or if you need a projector for your home, you can find all of the accessories you need, ranging from multimedia projectors, mounts, lamps, bulbs and much more. And with the expert staff of professionals in the store, you can have complete confidence in the products that you purchase.
    The Bargain Shop, North America
  110 PLAZA BLVD UNIT 70 - Dalhousie, NB           
"Under its new incorporated name, The Bargain! Shop Holdings Inc. acquired 85 locations across Canada. Although we changed our name, we have tried to maintain and build on the famous Woolworth heritage, by holding onto our strong neighborhood and community focus. We continue to offer our trusted and loyal customers quality merchandise at everyday low prices.
We're very proud to be one of Canada's emerging home-grown success stories! There are many factors that contribute to our achievements. Part of it is due to our values that are based on respect, enthusiasm and hard work. Also, from the very beginning, we have listened to what is important to our customers. We were told that quality merchandise at great prices far outweighed fancy stores and fixtures. We also took note when people told us how important it is to be able to shop right in their own community. We listened and continue to listen, as we strive to meet our customers’ needs with every decision we make. We proudly serve Canadians in their own neighborhoods and small towns from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, and we are looking forward to the next 250 stores!"
    Costco, North America
  32-59 Vernon Boulevard - Queens - New York, NY            
Costco is the unmistakable leader in wholesale membership stores. That’s because this is the name that was the innovator in this type of department store. In fact, this wholesale club took the idea of a department store and raised it to an entirely new level. The Costco store in Queens has a lot to offer for today’s shopper. This store is known for its bulk items and you can get great bargains on your food and groceries by purchasing them in large quantities. Browse the produce section for some of the freshest apples, watermelons, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables both out of season and in season in New York City. Sample the various demonstrations of products that this NYC department store has available to find something you like that you may have never tried before. Buy something as small as a few bunches of grapes or as large as an outdoor backyard play set for your kids, all in the same store. Costco is always renewing its inventory so if you see something you like, you should purchase it right away because it may not be there the next time you visit. That’s how the membership-only wholesale club keeps its stock fresh and its customers coming back for more.
    Zellers, North America
  5401 Boulevard des Galeries - Les Galeries de la Capitale - Québec, QB           
Hbc is Canada's largest diversified general merchandise retailer with over 600 retail locations and nearly 60,000 associates located in every province in Canada. HBC's four banners are the Bay, Zellers, Home Outfitters and Fields. The Bay is the flagship department store within the Hudson’s Bay Company. With 92 locations from coast to coast, the Bay is a full-line department store chain focused on high fashion merchandise in apparel, accessories and soft home categories. The Bay offers quality merchandise at mid-to-upper price points accompanied by traditional department store services. Committed to delivering excellent value and consistent, reliable service, Bay stores are located in suburban and urban markets, along with a dominant position in the downtown cores of Canada’s major cities.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  6101 Junction Blvd. - Rego Park Center - Rego Park / Queens, NY             
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Looking for designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Queens store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Rego Park.
    Bergdorf Goodman, North America
  754 5th Avenue At 58th Street - New York, NY              
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Shopping for fashionable New York clothing in Manhattan? The Bergdorf Goodman department store is the ideal place for you to begin. This contemporary store has a variety of options for you to choose from in the luxury goods category. And since its parent company is Neiman Marcus, you can expect high class options that you can’t find in other Manhattan department stores. Right on 5th Avenue in New York City, Bergdorf Goodman has a sophisticated selection of Tribeca beauty products on its Beauty Level floor. Directly below the store’s main floor, you can enjoy the café, a luxury spa and much more surrounded in luxuriant elegance. It’s a lovely place to spend a relaxing afternoon and browse for health and beauty products from some of the biggest names in the industry, including Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. The Shoe Salon at Bergdorf Goodman is another unique offering when you are shopping in this Uptown department store. You can find the latest styles and fashions from designers such as Eddie Borgo, Dior, Danna Karan, Alexis Bittar and dozens of others, at competitive prices. Check out this high-end New York City department store to find the most up to date styles and designer collections.
    Ogilvy, North America
  1307 Sainte-Catherine Street West  - Montreal, QB           
"La Maison Ogilvy, commonly known as Ogilvy's (or Ogilvy in French), is a prominent department store in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where its store on Saint Catherine Street is a retail landmark. Ogilvy's is the only one of Montreal's four west-end department stores still operating under its original name, and is known as the "Grande dame of St. Catherine Street". The store was founded in 1866 by James A. Ogilvy, a pioneer in Montreal retailing, and has been located for almost a hundred years in an Romanesque Revival stone building built in 1908 in the great style of the day. In 1927, the store and the "Ogilvy's" name was acquired by Arthur J. Nesbitt, an investment banker who was a partner in Nesbitt Thomson & Co. stock brokerage and the energy conglomerate, Power Corporation of Canada. The new owner's twenty year-old son, J. Aird Nesbitt, took over management of the Ogilvy store. He created a style and personality for Ogilvy's that distinguished it from Montreal's other department stores. In 1928, Ogilvy's opened the Tudor Room, a concert hall on the store's fifth floor. The first Montreal Symphony Orchestra broadcast across Canada originated from this hall in 1931. Of Scottish ancestry, Nesbitt also initiated another Ogilvy's tradition in 1950 when he hired two bagpipers to parade through the entire store between noon and 1 o'clock every day. More than fifty years later, a piper continues to march through the store daily. After Nesbitt's retirement, Ogilvy's changed hands once more in 1985. The new owners renovated and revitalized the store interior, and a "new" Ogilvy's emerged in 1987. Ogilvy's was the first department store in Canada to adopt the "store within a store" concept, whereby the store features a collection of independent boutiques under one roof. Each boutique has its own unique character, while sharing common customer policies and standards. Ogilvy's also contains a restaurant, hair salon, florist and interior design consultants. Finally, Ogilvy's is renowned for its yearly, vintage Christmas window display, the only one of its type in downtown Montreal."