World Clothing

    Check List, South America

  Rua Cel.Moreira Cesar, 241 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
Para o Verão 2012, a Checklist faz um convite especial: celebrar os pequenos e incríveis eventos da vida! Um passeio de bicicleta, um piquenique no parque, desvendar desenhos em nuvens, revelar uma foto, olhar o mar. Todas essas ações cotidianas, que às vezes passam desapercebidas, inspiraram a criação da coleção Checklist Momentos. O encanto discreto das coisas simples da vida está presente nas estampas exclusivas da marca, como o mix de bicicletas e corações, cartas de amor e fotos antigas. Os florais aparecem em profusão, ora acompanhadas de rendas e listras, ora com os xadrezes, com destaque para o vichy.
    Klus, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso OM, lj 40 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG            
Estilo nas ruas, e em breve na web.
    Jamf, South America
  Av. ds Américas, 4666 lj.220P2 - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A linha esportiva da grife JAMF começou a se destacar no mercado por seu design diferenciado e contemporâneo. Com o crescimento do mercado de surfwear, a marca, passou a desenvolver e criar peças que atendessem ao seu público alvo, como os boardshorts com tecidos de alta tecnologia, t-shirts e mochilas com silks, utiliando cores e tecidos exclusivos, firmando e conceito de surf products. Em 2004 a Jamf consolidou a sua imagem na loja conceito do Downtown, na Barra da Tijuca, abrindo caminho para o surgimento de outras lojas da rede. Em 2007, a JAMF lançou com exclusividade no mercado uma loja em parceria com a famosa marca australiana Rip Curl. Lojas RJ: BarraShopping, , Jamf/RipCurl Downtown, Ipanema, Rio Sul Shopping, Botafogo Praia Shopping, Shopping Tijuca, Norte Shopping, Madureira Shopping, Nova América, Icaraí e Plaza Shopping – Niterói
    Zipper-Zipper, South America
  Rua Sete de Setembro, 48 2ºpiso - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Zipper Zipper está no mercado de moda feminina há mais de 20 anos. A Zipper Zipper é feita para mulheres de atitude que gostam e se vestir com elegância, conforto e glamour. A sofisticação da grife consiste em misturar o básico e o fashion e assim vestir a mulher dinâmica e exigente.
    Kylza Ribas, South America
  Rua Maria Quitéria, 77 lj.223 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Com uma moda autoral, a estilista carioca Kylza Ribas, formada pelo Instituto Zuzu Angel, iniciou-se no mundo da moda ainda criança, quando teve contato com sua bisavó, uma modista de alta costura da década de 40. Os anos se passaram e, em 2004, surgiu a marca Kylza Ribas, presente hoje em 15 estados brasileiros e em países como Grécia, Estados Unidos, Portugal e Cabo Verde.i
    Luko LifeStyle, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 547 lj. 111 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Qualquer que seja a ocasião, uma roupa especial para um casamento, um encontro casual necessitando de um novo visual ou uma roupa bacanérrima para arrasar na pista de dança, a Luko é a marca certa para esses eventos. Estilosa, sexy e com preços incríveis, Inspirada nas mais diferentes e modernas tendências expostas nas lojas de Nova Iorque, Londres e Paris. O primeiro ponto de venda da marca foi inaugurado em Ipanema, na galeria Ipanema 2000, em dezembro de 2004.
Atualmente, com 4 lojas no Rio de Janeiro, Luko acredita que o ato de comprar deve ser viável e divertido. Na Luko você encontra peças em quantidade limitada de acordo com o modelo e estilo, refletindo assim o estilo único e pessoal de cada cliente.
O blog da marca é atualizada ao longo da semana, de segunda a sexta, para que a consumidora fique por dentro do que está acontecendo ao redor do mundo.
Na coluna En Route você terá a oportunidade de reservar itens que estarão disponíveis em quantidade limitada e que são exclusivos para o site (e, portanto, não estarão à venda nas lojas). Gostou de alguma peça? Então faça sua reserva enviando um email para a Luko e escolha uma das 4 lojas para retirar seu pedido!
Lojas RJ: Ipanema, Shopping da Gávea, Shopping Rio Sul e Rio Design Barra
    Salvatore Ferragamo, South America
  Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 lj.204 D/E/F - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Salvatore Ferragamo começou sua distribuição no Brasil em 1996. Nesta época possuía dois Shop-in-Shops masculino e feminino, na Daslu, em São Paulo. A marca também estava presente no Rio, na multimarca Casa Alberto. Desde então, os negócios expandiram-se, o que levou o parceiro local a administrar a operação na nova Daslu. Aproveitando a mudança da Daslu em 2005, Ferragamo aumentou o espaço de seus Shop-in-Shops. E o mais importante, os resultados positivos obtidos pela marca, aliados ao potencial do mercado, levou à decisão de abrir sua mais importante Flagship store. Haddock Lobo é a maior loja Ferragamo na America Latina. A última loja Salvatore Ferragamo aberta no Brasil foi no Rio de Janeiro, no Shopping Leblon, em dezembro de 2006.
    Espaço Fashion, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 ljs.107/108 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O envolvimento altamente profissional com a moda e o espírito dinâmico e moderno da Espaço Fashion conquistaram definitivamente o Brasil. Dirigidas pelas irmãs Bianca e Camila Bastos, a grife disponibiliza às jovens mulheres roupas elaboradas com bom gosto idealizadas por uma equipe capacitada priorizando tendência e qualidade. Para o desenvolvimento das coleções a grife busca temas que traduzam a feminilidade contemporânea e o espírito antenado e moderno da marca. Lojas RJ: Ipanema, Barra Shopping, Downtown, Rio Design Barra, Centro, Copacabana, Shopping da Gávea, Shopping Leblon, e Icaraí-Niterói. Outras cidades: Independência Shopping e Mister Shopping Juiz de Fora, BH Shopping e Pátio Savassi-MG, Morumbi Shopping, Shopping Villa Lobos, Ribeirão Shopping-SP, Salvador Shopping-BA e BarraShopping Sul-RS
    Levi's, North America
  536 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Levi Strauss & Co. is a privately held clothing company known worldwide for its Levi's brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853 when Levi Strauss came to San Francisco, California to open a west coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. Although the company began producing denim overalls in the 1870s, modern jeans were not produced until the 1920s. The company briefly experimented (in the 1970s) with employee ownership and a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and relatives of Levi Strauss' four nephews. Source
    Liz Claiborne, North America
  650 Fifth Avenue at 52nd Street - New York, NY            
Liz Claiborne is a Belgian-born fashion designer. She immigrated to the United States in 1939, and was raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. She attended St. Timothy's, a boarding school then in Catonsville, Maryland. Rather than finishing high school, she went to Europe to study art. In 1949, she won the Jacques Heim National Design Contest, and then moved to New York City where she worked as a sketch artist at the sportswear house Tina Leser. She worked as a designer for Dan Keller and Youth Group Inc., before starting her own design company, Liz Claiborne Inc., in 1976. The firm grew from its origins designing affordable active sportswear for women and is now a multi billion-dollar enterprise. Source
    Sensória, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, loja 402-A - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
Nossos produtos nunca são testados em animais. Usamos ingredientes naturais auto-sustentáveis de origem controlada, com laudos técnicos que garantem a pureza dos mesmos. Além disso, utilizamos madeiras de reflorestamento na arquitetura de nossas lojas. Nossas embalagens são recicláveis.
    Botswana, South America
  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 265, lj 106 - Shopping Center Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
Inspirada no filme “Alice in Wonderland”, a coleção outono inverno 2009 da Botswana leva você ao mundo encantado do País das Maravilhas. Chamada de “Lugar dos sonhos” a nova estação é um convite às viagens da pequena Alice e suas descobertas. Afinal, nesse lugar tudo é possível e este é o inverno em que os sonhos se tornam realidade! A cartela de cores dessa coleção foi, especialmente, desenvolvida para dar vida a esse universo. Por isso, a forte presença do hot pink, do azul lyon, vermelho batom e jade canard. O roxo fúcsia e o verde neon imperam nos detalhes. Ricos em cristais swarovski, acabamentos com repuxados, plissados e babados são produzidos em tecidos inteligentes – como a malha de 100% algodão trabalhada em proporções de alfaiataria. A seda, o algodão fio 80 e a tricoline também perambulam pelas araras. Os vestidos, peças dominantes na coleção, vêm decorados com rendas, transparências, drapeados, cinturas marcadas e volumes na parte de baixo. E para quando o vento soprar mais frio: os cardigans, trech coats e jaquetas incrementam o visual, assim como as meias com efeito de bordados em fios metálicos ou em renda. As famosas estampas exclusivas da Botswana aparecem em xadrezes, flores miúdas, geométricos abstratos e estampas de onças e leopardos. Os acessórios brincam com extremos, indo do mais romântico ao rústico dentro de uma linguagem meio punk. Para marcar a nova temporada, o laço, a coroa, o coração e o coelho, aparecem como os quatro elementos da coleção.
    Vanda Braga, South America
  Estr. Francisco da Cruz Nunez, 7288 - Cancun Center, Itaipu - Niterói, RJ           
Moda feminina, roupas e acessórios.
    Avec Nuance, South America
  Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 lj.303 I/J - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Avec Nuance da empresária Silvia Chreem, disponibiliza 18 marcas internacionais, dentre elas Marc Jacobs, Anna Sui, Moschino, Stella McCartney, Lanvin, Jimmy Choo, Alexander McQueen, Juicy Couture, Daniel Swarowski, Mulberry, Rupert Sanderson, exclusividade para o Rio de Janeiro da grife Anne Fontaine, carioca de 37 anos, com mais de 70 lojas ao redor do mundo e chamada carinhosamente pelos franceses de “a Rainha das Camisas”. O logo da Avec Nuance é uma flor estilizada e por coincidência, muito semelhante à importante ferramenta de trabalho da organização, “Flor de Luxo!”
    Permanente Andrea Saletto, South America
  Av. Ataulfo de Paiva,270 - Rio Design - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 1998 Andrea Saletto lançou a etiqueta Permanente Andrea Saletto. O conceito é o mesmo que fez as segundas marcas surgirem no mundo inteiro: uma roupa atemporal, prática, com qualidade e estilo, mas com preços mais acessíveis. Hoje, uma maneira moderna de criar os básicos. É esta coleção – Permanente – que Andrea Saletto vende sua marca para todo Brasil, já tendo exportado para os Estados Unidos e Europa.
    Fendi, North America
  677 Fifth Avenue - Fifth Avenue - New York, NY            
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When shopping for the finest New York City clothing and fashions, one has to take the time to visit one of Manhattan’s most unique and culturally significant apparel stores; Fendi. Originally founded in Rome in 1925, Fendi has undergone a change from a regional fur and leather shop to one of the most sought after clothing and accessories stores in the world. Headlined by creative director Karl Lagerfeld, Fendi has branched into many different forms of fashion and personal wellbeing products, including an extensive line of perfumes and fragrances considered to be illustrious and delectable. While visiting this Manhattan fashion store, make sure you ogle the world famous Fendi baguette, which has been considered one of the finest made handbags throughout the world and is the staple for which Fendi has been founded. With celebrities such as Rihanna, Solange and Kerry Washington wearing this fab label, it is no wonder Fendi’s popularity has continued to grow, attracting thousands of fashion shoppers worldwide. Without a shadow of a doubt, Fendi’s Manhattan clothing emporium is one of the greatest fashion attractions in the world today and is worth every moment and dollar you spend.
    Mercatto, South America
  Av. Pastor Martin Luther King Jr.126 lj.604 - Nova América - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 1993 abrimos a primeira loja Mercatto, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro, com a proposta de oferecer roupas básicas, atuais e de alto padrão de qualidade para a mulher carioca. Hoje a Mercatto possui 24 lojas, espalhadas por todo o Rio e Grande Rio, provando que a idéia era um sucesso e que nossas clientes aprovam esta proposta e se identificam cada vez mais com nossa marca.
    Dress To, South America
  Av. das Américas, 7777 lj. 234 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Dress To transformou-se em referência de moda muito feminina, colorida e alegre. Thatiana Amorim conquistou o público que gosta de brincar com o armário. Todas as suas coleções têm peças para combinar, descombinar, usar com sobreposições. Os acessórios são sempre muito criativos, daqueles que sozinhos já fazem a produção. Sempre muito ligada ao que acontece no mundo, Thatiana mistura referências, reinventa tendências e cria um estilo cheio de atitude para a mulher moderna. O jeans continua forte, como peça curinga de toda a coleção, aparecendo sempre despojado e atualizado. Hoje, a marca conta com 34 lojas espalhadas por todo o Brasil, além de ter peças nas principais multimarcas do país. Lojas Rio de Janeiro:Forum de Ipanema, Rio Design Barra, BarraShopping, Shopping Leblon, Rio Sul Shopping, Vertical Shopping-Centro. Lojas Niterói: Plaza Shopping, Itaipu Multicenter, Icaraí. Estados: Salvador Shopping e Shopping Iguatemi, Juiz de Fora-MG Mister Shopping, Fortaleza-CE Shopping Iguatemi, Vitória-ES Praia do Canto, Goiânia-GO Shopping Bougainville, Brasília Shopping-DF...
    Burlington Coat Factory, North America
  707 6TH AVENUE - New York, NY           
Today, the Company is a national department store retail chain which offers current, high quality, designer merchandise at prices up to 60% below those at other department stores. Burlington Coat Factory stores feature coats, apparel, shoes, accessories for the entire family, baby clothes, furniture, toys, home decor items, and gifts. Over 350 stores can be found in 42 states nationwide. The Company also owns and operates the following divisions.
    Lojas Hering, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível BH, lj 069 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
A história da Cia Hering, há mais de 128 anos, une-se de forma inseparável à história dos Hering, uma família de imigrantes alemães que, como tantas outras que vieram fazer a América, acabaram por escrever importante capítulo do desenvolvimento industrial do Vale do Itajaí e do estado de Santa Catarina. Marcas: Hering, Hering Kids, PUC, Dzarm..
    B & G Clothes, North America
  586 East 187th Street - Bronx, NY           
Deep within the heart of the Bronx lies a New York City clothing store whose rich history has grown with the city around it. B&G Clothes has been a Bronx clothing magnate for over 80 years and continued service, quality and fashion sense has kept this store on the top of must see lists of many fashion clothing shoppers. Like the high class of Little Italy surrounding the store, B&G Clothes constantly pleases its customers with a wide variety of men’s clothing that can be used in all aspects of daily life. From your shirt and ties to car coats and overcoats, there is sure to be something to please all shoppers that come in through their doors. Even more amazing is B&G’s custom and tailor made business suits which give you a sense of exclusivity and an opportunity to be totally involved in this Bronx fashion experience. With its uniqueness, variety and quality, B&G has established itself as a part of the Bronx’s inherent fashion culture and opens its doors for you to enjoy. It is highly recommended you take the time to stop into B&G and experience this part of the Bronx for yourself.
    Club Monaco, North America
  2376 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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A high-end high street clothing retailer with more than 69 stores in North America. It is owned by Polo Ralph Lauren. An international men’s and women’s lifestyle brand with a distinctly urban casual point of view, best defined as a play of opposites: mining vintage with new, hard with soft and eclecticism with minimalism. Each season, Club Monaco offers customers must have fashion and key pieces that together are the foundation of a modern wardrobe.
    Daffy's, North America
  335 Madison Ave (CLOSED) - New York, NY             
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Starting out as Daffy Dan’s Bargaintown, the new Daffy’s has revolutionized quality clothing stores by giving you the opportunity to wear the best designer collections while not breaking the bank to do so. Daffy’s became famous as the first fashion clothing store by making Madison Avenue and European designer brands available to all consumers. With their location in the heart of Madison Avenue, Daffy’s has been recognized as one of Manhattan’s premier clothing stores and is a must visit for anyone looking to do some serious shopping. With extensive selections of dresses, sweatsuits, sportswear and even houseware, Daffy’s is sure to have a little bit of something for everyone. Daffy’s fashion clothing store maintains the highest of quality control and makes a promise to its consumers to maintain these values. A family run business, Daffy’s allows its customers a chance to relax and feel at home with some of the best customer service available in New York City. Evolving from a single New Jersey store specializing in samples and irregulars to a 19 store corporation carrying the finest apparel available, Daffy’s has firmly established itself as one of the best New York clothing stores at bargain prices.
    Giorgio Armani, North America
  760 Madison Avenue - Madison Avenue - New York, NY              
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The Armani signature label is the most expensive Armani label and is available in its 75 worldwide boutiques. Source:
    Dr. Jay's, North America
  485 Fulton Street - Brooklyn, NY             
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Serving the fashion-savvy consumers of the New York Metro area for 25 years has been very rewarding, and our appeal to the many out-of-state and international shoppers that visit our stores each day makes us equally proud. The next time you are in New York, we invite you to visit one of our stores to experience in-person the legendary Dr. Jay's selection and service. Please visit official site for additional locations.
    Escada, North America
  715 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY             
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Noted for its quality materials, use of color, and elegant and femininine designs, Escada successfully widened its clientele and by 1981 established a name in many categories of womenswear, specializing in formal wear and knitwear. In 1982, the company opened their first store in the United States on Fifth Avenue in New York City and opened its first store in Asia the following year in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong boutique became a worldwide landmark, marked for its use of gold in the store's design.
Though debuting in America in 1982, Escada did not gain national prominence until 1984 when the leading fashion and women's wear magazine Vogue published an entire edition devoted to promoting Escada. Its worldwide prominence led its 1986 IPO on the FSE to be highly anticipated and Escada's debut on the stock exchange marked the headlines in hundreds of major newspapers worldwide. 30 years later, Escada has established itself as one of the largest fashion houses in the world. Escada?s headquarters are based in Munich, Germany and Escada?s collections are available in nearly 500 locations in 60 countries. In the United States, the company has 16 boutiques in Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Texas, and Washington. Escada has opened several larger stores carrying various fashion lines including Escada, Escada Sport, and Couture and Accessories. The largest of these stores is located in Vancouver, Canada, and is 16,000 square feet.
Like many fashion houses, Escada also has a line of fragrances for both women and men. Source
    American Eagle Outfitters, North America
  19 Union Square West - Union Square - New York, NY              
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Incredibly well staffed with some of the friendliest, most enthusiastic, and helpful people you've ever had the pleasure working with. This place is an absolute pleasure to visit, and amazingly well stocked, too! If you're doggedly searching for that one special piece, but can't seem to sniff it out at any other locations, you'll be delighted to know that this store has nearly every fashion American Eagle currently has in stock! You could lose yourself for hours in Manhattan just by just taking a leisurely browse. Everything is so beautifully arranged, so you won't have worry to about your eyes tiring of pleasant sights. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the vast selection of clothes in the Woman's section, any of the cheerful employees would be more than happy to help you pick out the perfect outfit, no matter the occasion. Whether it is the perfect top to compliment your figure, or a beautiful dress to wear to a party, they'll help. If you ever happen to be in NYC, do yourself a huge favor and stop by here. You will always find just what you're looking for in Spring and Summer 2012.
    Roger Vivier, North America
  750 Madison Ave - Upper East Side - Manhattan, NY           
Manhattan is full of lots of lovely clothing stores, but not so many stores that are purely shoes and accessories. Roger Vivier changed that. One of the largest shoe selections you've ever seen, everything from pumps, to stilettos, to flats in a vast array of colors and styles. The shoes are high quality - very beautifully made and long lasting. When you step into this store, you honestly feel like you're walking into a fashion model's closet. You will truly be the envy of all of your friends. Few New York City fashion stores carry Vivier's collections, and if they do, they are very limited. Very stylish, the Spring-Summer 2012 line is colorful and fun. If you happen to wander in and you aren't looking for shoes, don't fret. They have three floors of accessories, purses, shades, and truly unique jewelry, as well as their extensive shoe selection. You'll find the perfect topper to any summer outfit here, and you'll turn heads with it. If you haven't been introduced to this lovely store yet, do yourself a massive favor and stop in. You'll never forget your experience in this beautiful and large store.
    Zara, North America
  750 Lexington Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The founder of Zara Amancio Ortega opened first Zara store in 1975. The first Zara store was located on a central street in A Coruña. Upon the success of Zara format, the firm started to expand and opened further stores.
Its first store featured low-priced lookalike products of popular, higher-end clothing fashions. The store proved to be a success, and Ortega started opening more Zara stores in Spain. By the early 1980s, Ortega had begun formulating a new type of design and distribution model. The clothing industry followed design and production processes that required long lead times, often up to six months, between the initial design of a garment and its delivery to retailers. This model effectively limited manufacturers and distributors to just two or three collections per year. Predicting consumer tastes ahead of time presented inherent difficulties, and producers and distributors faced the constant risk of becoming saddled with unsold inventory. Source
    Carlos Miele, North America
  408 West 14th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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New to the fashion world but known globally for his innovative design installations, when you go to the Carlos Miele boutique in Manhattan, the Village, you enter an entire designer experience. His American flagship shop was designed by architect Hani Rashad and entered by New York city to the prestigious International Architecture Biennale in São Paulo, Brazil. Brazil, known for gorgeous women, sexy clothing and dynamic colors, Carlos gives us outrageously sexy fabric drapes in brilliant hues of turquoise and azure, yellows competing with the sun itself. His Manhattan boutique emulates the white sand beaches upon which every woman is the sparkling jewel, as long s they are wearing one of his creations, of course. Wisps of diasporas fabrics and stunning Brazilian country wear, leathers, artisan influence, and the elements of life, sun, wind, water and good old solid earth, every penny is worth shimmying on one of his creations. It is no wonder that New York was his first stop in his growing claim to fame. Dressed in a white cotton shirt, blue jeans and an irrepressible dimple, window shopping is just not enough to get his vibe. Walk in and demand a fitting.