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The Onion is an American "fake news" organization. It features satirical articles reporting on international, national, and local news as well as an entertainment newspaper and website known as The A.V. Club. It claims a national print circulation of 690,000 and says 61 percent of its web site readers are between 18 and 44 years old.
The Onion's articles comment on current events, both real and imagined. It parodies traditional newspaper features, such as editorials, man-on-the-street interviews, and stock quotes, as well as traditional newspaper layout and AP-style editorial voice. Much of its humor depends on presenting everyday events as newsworthy items, and by playing on commonly used phrases, as in the headline "Drugs Win Drug War." A second part of the newspaper is a non-satirical entertainment section called The A.V. Club that features interviews and reviews of various newly-released media, and other weekly features. The print edition also contains restaurant reviews and previews of upcoming live entertainment specific to cities where a print edition is published. The online incarnation of The A.V. Club has its own domain, includes its own regular features (including the syndicated weekly sex advice column Savage Love), A.V. Club blogs and reader forums, and presents itself as a separate entity from The Onion itself. Source |
The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded in 1851 and published in New York City. The largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States, "The Gray Lady"—named for its staid appearance and style—is regarded as a national newspaper of record.
The Times is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 18 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe. The company's chairman is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has controlled the paper since 1896. The New York Times motto, as printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is "All the News That's Fit to Print." It is organized into sections: News, Opinions, Business, Arts, Science, Sports, Style and Features. The Times stayed with the eight-column format for several years after most papers switched to six columns, and it was one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography. The Times has won the most Pulitzer Prizes (98) of any paper. Its website is one of the most popular, receiving over 14 million unique visitors in August 2008. Source |
For more than 125 years, pages of The News Tribune have been turned with understanding, laughter, tears, and awe. Every day, through each of its generations, The News Tribune has installed a strong sense of community - prompting citizens to act, businesses to flourish, and people to improve their daily lives. Today this vital source of news and technology is also reaching its audience through new channels and ever-advancing technology.
Published 365 days a year with an average free distribution of 12,000 papers daily, serving the towns of Breckenridge, Frisco, Silverthorne, Dillon and our four world-class ski resorts of Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Keystone and Arapahoe Basin. The Summit Daily employs 29 full-time employees, 11 part-time and two interns.
It's not easy for busy attorneys to keep up with all the new developments and trends in New York's fast-paced legal scene. That's why, every day, thousands of New York lawyers take time from their hectic schedules to read the New York Law Journal.
In just a few minutes each business day, readers get not only the latest news -- they find court information, decisional law, and advance word on new statutes and regulations, coupled with the useful and practical analysis, scholarly insight, and professional perspective they need to make sense of it all. Our reporters know all the right sources to get the behind-the-scenes news -- on firms, on judicial appointments, on upcoming professional requirements -- that you need. You'll get the inside story on what prosecutors, judges, legislators and law firms are up to -- and how it's likely to affect your practice. |
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Daily – 373,300 (34.0% of Richmond / Petersburg Designated Market Area adults). Sunday – 498,100 (43.3% of Richmond / Petersburg Designated Market Area adults) Source: Scarborough Research, Richmond Market Survey, Rel. 2 2009
The Washington City Paper is a U.S. alternative weekly newspaper serving the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
Founded in 1981, and published for its first year under the masthead 1981, taking the City Paper name in volume 2, by Russ Smith, it shared ownership with the Chicago Reader from 1982 until July 2007, when both papers were sold to the Tampa-based Creative Loafing chain. The former Chicago Reader Corp., now named Quarterfold, still owns the buildings that house the papers and minority stakes in other alternative newsweeklies. Source |
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O Globo é um jornal diário de notícias brasileiro, fundado em 29 de julho de 1925 e sediado no Rio de Janeiro. Está orientado para o público da grande área metropolitana.
Fundado pelo jornalista Irineu Marinho, proprietário do vespertino A Noite, tinha a intenção original de ser um diário matutino para expandir o público leitor da empresa. Acabou sendo o carro-chefe do grupo. Como Irineu faleceu semanas após a fundação do jornal, O Globo foi herdado por seu filho Roberto Marinho, que por meio do jornal conseguiu ascensão econômica e política criando um conglomerado de empresas de mídia que formou, junto com sua TV Globo, Rádio Globo, Editora Globo e demais veículos as chamadas Organizações Globo. Fonte |
The first issue of the Tulsa Daily World appeared on the afternoon of Sept. 14, 1905. The banner across the top of the front page declared: “Tulsa, Chosen Home of Prosperity and Opportunity, is a Busy City in a Busy Universe.” The paper cost 5 cents per copy.
Robinson Newspapers is a group of eight geographically contiguous weekly publications that have been serving their respective Seattle area communities for as long as 107 years. The Ballard News-Tribune, on the northern end of the territory, was founded in 1898. The youngest of the group, the Federal Way News, was founded in 1954.
Economia, Empresas, Seu Dinheiro, País, Direito & Justiça, Tecnologia, Mundo, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Opinião.
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"O jornal que o mundo vê e lê"
Independência e Credibilidade.
Missão - “Informar o cidadão com imparcialidade, coerência e respeito as diferenças, baseando-se no compromisso com a verdade e a excelência”
Visão de Futuro - “Estar consolidado como principal veículo de comunicação de Tangará e região.”. Valores - Credibilidade e Ética, Independência editorial, Profissionalismo e Valorização da pessoa. |
A $10 Investment 95 years ago turned the Amsterdam News into one of New York's largest and most influential Black-owned and operated business institutions.
On December 4, 1909, the late James H. Anderson put out the first issue of the Amsterdam News. He had $10 in his pocket, six sheets of paper, a lead pencil and a dressmaker's table. The newspaper was one of only 50 Black papers in the United States at that time, and it was sold for 2 cents a copy from Anderson's home at 132 W. 65th St., in the San Juan Hill section of Manhattan. With the spread of Blacks to Harlem and the growing success of the paper, Anderson moved the Amsterdam News uptown to 17 W. 135th St. in 1910. In 1916, it moved to 2293 Seventh Ave., and in 1938, it moved again, to 2271 Seventh Ave. In the early 1940s, the paper relocated to its present address at 2340 Eighth Ave. |
The roots of the Idaho Press-Tribune go back to December 1883 in Caldwell - with the first paper coming off the press just months after Caldwell was established as a city. Nampa city was established in 1885.
The newspapers and their competitors underwent several name changes in both towns. Ownership changed often, too.
The early versions of the papers were often informational instruments for political parties and movements. And for you trivia buffs, Idaho Gov. Frank Steunenberg, who was murdered at his home, was one of the first editors and publishers of the Caldwell Tribune. |
"Located in some of the best communities in the country. In Cedar Rapids and Iowa City both, our schools are fabulous, our cultural and recreational offerings endless. We have plenty of housing, with character and comfortable price tags. We don’t have clogged freeways. We do have farmer’s markets, festivals, the freshest air, sun, snow and tons of sweet corn."
O Portal de Itaipu é um site criado e administrado por moradores da Região Oceânica de Niterói. Nasceu da necessidade de compartilhar as angústias e os prazeres de ser um morador de Itaipu.
"Temos por objetivo, transmitir e divulgar notícias ou fatos relevantes que acontecem, aconteceram ou acontecerão em Niterói e na Região Oceânica. A Região Oceânica é o local que mais cresce na cidade. Informação hoje é poder; e, nós moradores, somos uma força com poder imensurável que se traduz através da nossa opinião." |
What began as a two-page church bulletin by co-founders George P. Stewart and Will Porter, The Indianapolis Recorder now hails as one of the top African-American publications in the nation.
In 1897, the co-founders of the newspaper decided to expand their already successful newssheet into a weekly newspaper. The earliest existing issues of the Recorder date to 1899 — the year Porter sold his share of the newspaper to Stewart.
Realizing the importance of local news, Stewart captured that market, outdistancing his local competitors, the publishers of the Freeman and the Colored World. With its emphasis on local news, the Recorder set itself apart from other Black newspapers. It had an immediate and an enduring impact on the Indianapolis community. |
A Zona Sul é conhecida pelas suas praias, lazer, clima e pelas festas de final do ano e Carnaval. Sem sombra de dúvidas, é onde está concentrada a maioria dos turistas que vêm à cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Logo, a importância do mapa turístico é chamar a atenção deste público para as ofertas de comércio, gastronomia, lazer e turismo presentes em cada uma das ruas de seus bairros.
Town, sports, lifestyle, opinion and more.
O jornal das boas notícias.
Established in 1875, the Post moved to Camden in 1879. It merged with The Telegram in 1899 to become The Post & Telegram. In 1926, The Post & Telegram and the Camden Courier consolidated. The Courier-Post joined the Gannett family in 1959.
Revista especializada em artes marciais, com editoriais e fotos abordando a performance de lutadores brasileiros nos principais circuito nacionais e internacionais de MMA, Luta Livre e Jiu-Jitsu.