North America
South America

World Attractions

    L.I.C. Community Boathouse, North America

  46-01 5th St - Queens - New York, NY            
The L.I.C. Community Boathouse is a boathouse located in Long Island City, New York. The boathouse provides access to the East River for the local community through various programs such as kayaking, rowing and sailing. The boathouse is a volunteer-run organization that aims to promote the use of the waterfront for recreational, educational and environmental purposes. The boathouse offers a variety of programs for people of all ages and skill levels. The adult rowing program is a popular option for those looking to get in shape and learn a new skill. The youth rowing program is also offered to young people, providing a great opportunity to learn teamwork and discipline. Kayaking programs are also available for both adults and youth, as well as sailing programs.
In addition to these programs, the boathouse also offers waterfront access to the community through its kayak and rowboat lending program, which allows individuals to borrow boats for free during the boating season. The boathouse also provides space for community events such as parties, picnics, and other gatherings.
The boathouse is located on the East River in Long Island City, next to the Socrates Sculpture Park and the Queensbridge Park. The boathouse is easily accessible by public transportation, with the F train subway line stopping at the 21st St-Queensbridge stop, which is a short walk from the boathouse.
The L.I.C. Community Boathouse is a great place for the community to enjoy the waterfront and learn new skills, while also promoting the use of the waterfront for recreational, educational and environmental purposes.
    Elos Clube, South America
  Rua Alcindo Guanabara, 17/601 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Elos Clube, é uma entidade cultural, sem fins lucrativos, congregando intelectuais, profissionais autônomos, artistas e produtores de arte, servidores públicos, empresários e não empresários, etc., etc. Foi fundado em 1959, na Cidade de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo, pelo saudoso médico Eduardo Dias Coelho.
Tem por objetivo: divulgar e propagar a língua portuguesa, os valores lusófonos em todos os países e Continentes onde se fala a língua-mater. No Brasil, defender e propagar os valores luso-brasileiros e lutar pela uniformização da língua portuguesa, respeitados as peculiaridades de cada país, quanto aos dialetos ou fonogenias que a tornam, por isto mesmo, tão rica.
    Parque da Catacumba, South America
  Av. Eptacio Pessoa (em frente ao posto Br) - Lagoa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Criado pela Prefeitura do rio em 1979, com área de 30,8 hectares, o Parque possui esculturas dispostas sobre o relevo natural do terreno, em recantos paisagisticamentes tratados com espécies ornamentais singelas, que se harmonizam às obras de arte. Possui uma trilha que leva ao Pico do Sacopã, de onde é possível contemplar a bela vista da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas.
    Sweetbriar Nature Center, North America
  62 Eckernkamp Drive - Smithtown, NY            
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A private not-for-profit corporation which exists to provide natural science education services for Long Island residents of all ages and to engage in native wildlife rehabilitation services. Through education and examples, ECSS encourages responsible decision making, appreciation, and respect for the unique wildlife and ecosystems found on Long Island.
Sweetbriar Nature Center is situated on 54 acres of varied garden, woodland, field and wetland habitats on the Nissequogue River. Hundreds of species of plants and animals make homes here.
    Javits Center, North America
  655 West 34th Street - New York, NY             
New York Times Travel Show. January 18, 2013 - January 20, 2013. There's no better way to learn more about travel than by gaining insights from the experts--and that's what you'll get from the fascinating seminars at the Travel Show. This year’s seminars promise much not-to-be-missed information. Be sure to sign up for e-mailed updates, become a fan of the show on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter to be the first to learn about seminars updates, deals, etc.
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center is a large convention center on the west side of Manhattan in New York City. It was designed by architects I. M. Pei and partners. The revolutionary space frame structure was built in 1986 and named for New York Senator Jacob K. Javits, who died that year.
The exhibit space is over 675,000 square feet (62,700 m2). Planning and constructing a convention center on Manhattan's west side has had a long and controversial history, including efforts starting in the early 1970s to produce a megaproject involving a redevelopment concept. On October 16, 2006, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to start construction of an expansion. The $1.7 billion dollar expansion project will expand the center's size by 45 percent, and include a hotel. The project is scheduled for completion by 2010, and when finished, will be one of the largest convention centers in the U.S.
    Top Kart Indoor Extra Barra, South America
  Avenida das Americas 1510 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Uma organização de esporte e lazer onde se pode desfrutar de inúmeras atividades ligadas ao kart. Os organizadores oferecem desde escola de pilotagem para crianças obedecidadas, naturalmente, regras de segurança que o esporte requer, até preparação de jovens e adultos para competições regionais.
Atualmente o Top Kart conta com 2 unidades no Rio de Janeiro, localizadas na Barra da Tijuca e no Shopping Nova América, onde além das corridas de kart, Top Kart tambem oferece salão de jogos, simuladores de corrida e salão para realização de festas eventos ou reuniões. Infraestrutura completa do local incluindo festas, churrascos, confraternizações e outros eventos.
    SeaWorld, North America
  6000 Discovery Cove Way - Orlando, FL            
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SeaWorld Orlando is the world's premiere marine adventure park with 200 acres of world-class shows, thrilling rides and unforgettable animal encounters. More than 80 million visitors have explored the mysteries of the sea with up-close animal interactions and exhilarating thrills. New state-of-the-art rides such as "Kraken" and "Journey To Atlantis" twist, turn, and drench guests with unprecedented thrills, while amazing animal encounters include killer whales, dolphins, sea lions, stingrays and more.
    Praia de São Francisco, South America
   - Niterói, RJ            
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Suas águas são calmas, com areia clara e fina. Localiza-se numa área residencial e conta com calçadão em toda a orla, que é muito usado para passeios, jogging e ciclismo, ideal também, para a prática de esportes a vela.
    Estrada Real, South America
   - Diamantina, MG           
Por terem constituído, durante longo tempo, as únicas vias autorizadas de acesso à região das reservas auríferas e diamantíferas da capitania das Minas Gerais, os caminhos reais adquiriram, já a partir da sua abertura, natureza oficial. A circulação de pessoas, mercadorias, ouro e diamante era obrigatoriamente feita por eles, constituindo crime de lesa-majestade a abertura de novos caminhos. O interesse fiscal, base da política metropolitana para a região mineradora da colônia, prevalecia sobre qualquer outro: cumpria, antes de tudo, ter as rotas de comunicação com as minas devidamente controladas e fiscalizadas, para que nelas se pudesse extrair uma massa cada vez maior de tributos para o tesouro real. O nome Estrada Real passou a aludir, assim, àquelas vias que, pela sua antiguidade, importância e natureza oficial, eram propriedade da Coroa metropolitana. Durante todo o século XVIII, e também em parte do XIX, quando a era mineradora já se fora e os caminhos se tornaram livres e empobrecidos, as estradas reais foram os troncos viários principais do centro-sul do território colonial.
    Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo, North America
  13019 Catoctin Furnace Rd. - Thurmont, MD             
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Wonderful adventures and exciting new animal friends await you in this 35 acre park. Up-close exhibits and personal information make you feel like one of the family. Get stalked by a tiger, jaguar or cougar and live to tell the tale. Feel the breath of a bear, follow a fallow deer, or tickle a tortoise. Hand-feed goats, sheep, donkeys, ducks and other curious creatures in the petting area. Then catch a show to laugh with a parrot, take a 'snap' shot with an alligator, or feel the grip of a python's muscles. Safely meet and touch a luxurious chinchilla, prickly hedgehog or rough lizard.
    Indiana Beach, North America
  5224 East Indiana Beach Road - Monticello, MI             
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Fun, flips, and gravity defying excitement are just the beginning of what’s in store for guests when they visit Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in 2008. Indiana’s largest and most popular amusement resort and vacation playground announced the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state: Steel Hawg. The new family coaster will be Indiana Beach’s sixth roller coaster and its first to take riders upside-down.
    Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, South America
  R. Primeiro de Março, 66 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil (CCBB) do Rio de Janeiro é um dos quatro CCBBs do país, que também existem nas capitais Brasília, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Os Centros são espaços multidisciplinares com programação regular (seis dias por semana), nas áreas de artes cênicas, cinema, exposição, ideias (palestras, debates, seminários etc), música e programa educativo. O CCBB oferece ao público uma programação cultural que é referência no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. Com projetos nas mais diversas áreas, o Centro tem um volume de freqüentadores comparável ao de outras grandes instituições culturais do mundo.
Nos vários campos da arte, a programação procura oferecer obras que vão do clássico ao experimental, do erudito ao popular, dos grandes mestres aos talentos iniciantes. Esses critérios de seleção permitem ao CCBB alcançar freqüentadores com os mais abrangentes níveis de interesse. Instalado no número 66 da Rua Primeiro de Março, o Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil é uma das jóias arquitetônicas da Cidade. Seus espaços, organizados e adornados com elementos neoclássicos, abrigam três teatros, sala de cinema, sala de vídeo, cinco salas de exposições, biblioteca com 140 mil títulos, museu e arquivo histórico, videoteca e salão para conferências e palestras. O freqüentador dispõe ainda de restaurante, casa de chá, bombonière e loja de produtos culturais.
    Jardim Botânico, South America
  R. Jardim Botânico, 1008 - Jardim Botânico - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro é um dos mais importantes centros de pesquisa mundiais nas áreas de botânica e conservação da biodiversidade e é integrante da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (RBMA) e um de seus Postos Avançados. Considerado um santuário ecológico, o Jardim Botânico é um dos dez mais importantes do gênero no mundo. Além de abrigar as mais raras espécies de plantas da flora brasileira e de outros países, é uma ótima opção de lazer para crianças e adultos e um deleite para aqueles que querem contemplar a natureza.
    Caminho Niemeyer, South America
   - São Domingos - Niterói, RJ            
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Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói tinha sido concluído ainda há poucos meses, quando o então prefeito da cidade, Jorge Roberto Silveira, convidou o arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer para uma nova empreitada. Pensando em revitalizar a zona central de Niterói, Jorge Roberto decidiu construir num terreno de 72.000 m² à beira mar, um complexo arquitetônico, voltado para a cultura e a religião da população. Certo de que seria um importante intervenção urbanística, o prefeito convidou Niemeyer para criar as edificações que, juntas com o MAC, formariam um caminho ao longo da orla, o Caminho Niemeyer. Source
    Gillian's Wonderland Pier, North America
  6 Street & Boardwalk - Ocean City, NJ           
If you are looking for fun and excitement in "America's Greatest Family Resort" you will find it here at Gillian's Wonderland Pier. Gillian's Wonderland Pier is located at Sixth Street and the Boardwalk, in beautiful Ocean City, New Jersey. When arriving in Ocean City, head for the Giant Wheel, and let your fun and excitement begin.
Wonderland Pier is a "pay as you go" type amusement park. Each ride or attraction requires an appropriate amount of tickets for admission onto the ride or attraction of your choice. Wonderland Pier has 35 different rides and attractions to choose from, ranging from small rides for the little kids, to rides for the kid in everyone! No matter what you ride, you're sure to have fun here at Gillian's Wonderland Pier.
    FAO Schwarz, North America
  767 Fifth Avenue - (Fifth Avenue at 58th Street) - New York, NY              
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In the heart of Manhattan, right next to the Central Park, stands the most exciting toy store in the world. FAO Schwarz, now celebrating its 150 anniversary, is a magical toy emporium that features extraordinary, one-of-a-kind toys from all over the world. It is the oldest store in the United States, drawing thousands of visitors each year, who are seeking unique, high-quality merchandise and timeless treasures. FAO Schwarz has been synonymous with quality and innovation, offering an unparalleled selection of extraordinary toys that enchanted generations of children.
Take one of the two guided store tours led by an official FAO Schwarz Toy Soldier. Whether you chose the 45-minute Private Breakfast, schedule one hour prior to store opening at 9:00 AM, where you share memorable moments in the store’s history and have opportunities to test some great toys, finishing with a continental breakfast at the Big Piano, or take the Class Trip/Group Tours, offered during store hours, where they provide an overview of the brand’s heritage, hands-on play and exclusive time at the Big Piano. A visit to FAO Schwarz is always a thrilling experience unlike any other.
    Central Park Zoo, North America
  64th Street and Fifth Avenue - New York, NY            
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The Central Park Zoo is a popular destination in New York City, attracting thousands of visitors every year. It was originally opened in the late 1800s and has been through several renovations and upgrades over the years.
The zoo covers an area of 6.5 acres and is home to over 130 species of animals, including penguins, sea lions, monkeys, and red pandas, among others. Some of the highlights of the zoo include the sea lion pool, which offers visitors an up-close view of these fascinating marine mammals, and the Tisch Children's Zoo, which is designed for families with young children and features domesticated animals, interactive exhibits, and a petting area.
In addition to showcasing a variety of animals, the Central Park Zoo is also dedicated to educating visitors about wildlife conservation and animal behavior. The zoo offers various educational programs, including animal encounters and behind-the-scenes tours, as well as interactive exhibits and hands-on activities. Overall, the Central Park Zoo is a fun and educational destination for families and visitors of all ages
    New England Aquarium, North America
  Central Wharf - Boston, MA             
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Founded in 1969, the New England Aquarium is a global leader in ocean exploration and marine conservation. The Aquarium is one of the premier visitor attractions in Boston, with over 1.3 million visitors a year, and a major public education resource.
    African Lion Safari, North America
  RR#1 - Cambridge - Ontario,             
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African Lion Safari is a Canadian owned family business created in the name of conservation. Our manner of exhibiting animals is completely different from the traditional approach; that is, the visitor is caged in the car, and the animals roam in 2 to 20 hectare (5 to 50 acre) reserves. We first opened the gates to the public in 1969 with 40 lions in 3 reserves; today the park houses in excess of 1000 animals of over 100 species. After 39 years we have been successful with breeding 30 species that are considered endangered, and 20 or more species that are considered threatened. The original idea of "maintaining self-sustaining populations of species in decline" is still our priority.
    Barra Bowling, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
O Barra Bowling conta hoje com 20 modernas pistas de boliche, elaborada nos moldes dos boliches internacionais e, possui uma equipe de jovens treinada para oferecer os melhores serviços. Oferece tênis especiais, próprios para as pistas em regime de aluguel. Completam e complexo; bar e restaurante. http://www.barrabowling.com.br/
    Porto Maravilha, South America
  Rua Sacadura cabral, 133 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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O Porto Maravilha é um projeto de recuperação da infraestrutura urbana, dos transportes, do meio ambiente e dos patrimônios histórico e cultural da Região Portuária do Rio de Janeiro. No centro da reurbanização está a melhoria das condições habitacionais e a atração de novos moradores para a área de 5 milhões de metros quadrados(m²). A chegada de grandes empresas, os novos incentivos fiscais e a prestação de serviços públicos de qualidade estimulam o crescimento da população e da economia. Projeções de adensamento demográfico indicam salto dos atuais 32 mil para 100 mil habitantes em 10 anos na região que engloba na íntegra os bairros do Santo Cristo, Gamboa, Saúde e trechos do Centro, Caju, Cidade Nova e São Cristóvão.
    Apollo Theater, North America
  253 West 125th Street - Harlem - New York, NY             
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Yesterday…A place where thousands of young artists have stepped out into the spotlight and launched their careers. A place "where stars are born and legends are made." The legendary Apollo Theater is so much more than an historic landmark - it is a source of pride and a symbol of the brilliance of American artistic achievement. From 1934 when the Apollo first introduced its world-famous Amateur Night which launched the careers of legendary artists like Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown, Michael Jackson, D'Angelo and Lauryn Hill, the Apollo has maintained its position as the nation's most popular arena for emerging and established black and Latino performers.
    Largo do Boticário, South America
  R. Cosme Velho, 822 - Cosme Velho - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Apenas sete casas compõem esse belo recanto da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Batizado em homenagem a Joaquim Luiz da Silva Souto, boticário da família real que ali morou em uma fazenda, o Largo do Boticário exibe telhados e fachadas coloniais, calçamento estilo pé-de-moleque, árvores centenárias e possui, ainda, o supremo privilégio de ter como vizinhos o Rio Carioca e um belo trecho de Mata Atlântica.
    Conference House, North America
  7455 Hylan Boulevard - Staten Island, NY            
Known for being the first house museum on Staten Island, this New York City museum is rich in history on many levels. Its name lies in honor for the peace conference of 1776, a commemoration. Constructed circa 1680 by Captain Christopher Billopp, this 2 story rubble-stone masonry masterpiece has been restored over the years, as needed for structural integrity. Its steep gable roof gives the essence of the period. By 1934, much work had been completed including the Colonial Rose Garden and planting 13 trees to represent the original colonies. House tours are offered Friday-Sunday at 1 pm. In the midst of a collection of artifacts from the era, it is almost like stepping back to the time when our great country was still forming. The beauty and serenity overpower you while walking the grounds. Spring and summer bring the vivid colors of the trees to life. Why not stop for a minute to quite literally “smell the roses”? When the sun is descending, gaze over to the waterfront to enjoy the unparalleled sunset that exudes tangerine hues amid a backdrop of amber with scattered tones of violet entice you to just stand in awe of the beauty that is happening right before your eyes.
    Build-A-Bear Workshop, North America
  565 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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Build-A-Bear Workshop is a popular chain of retail stores that offers customers the opportunity to create their own stuffed animals. The company was founded in 1997 and has since grown to include over 400 stores worldwide. The stores are typically located in shopping malls, but you can also find a store in New York.
At Build-A-Bear Workshop, customers can choose from a variety of stuffed animals, including bears, dogs, cats, and even licensed characters like Disney, Marvel and Harry Potter. Once they have chosen their animal, customers can then stuff it themselves using a special machine, and add a heart-shaped "wish to make it special. After that, they can add a variety of accessories such as clothing, shoes, and even sound chips that play pre-recorded phrases.
The stores also offer special events and workshops for children, including "bear-making" birthday parties and school field trips.
Build-A-Bear Workshop has become a popular destination for families and children, as well as adults looking for a fun and unique shopping experience. With a store in New York, it's a great place to create a special, one-of-a-kind stuffed animal as a souvenir of your trip to the city.
    Cidade das Crianças Leonel Brizola, South America
  Rodovia Rio-Santos km.1 - Santa Cruz - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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A Cidade das Crianças Leonel Brizola é um dos maiores parques públicos de lazer da América Latina, ocupando uma área de 186 mil m2 (equivalente a 20 campos de futebol com as dimensões do Maracanã), em Santa Cruz, região oeste da cidade.
    Stone Mountain Park, North America
  Highway 78 East - Stone Mountain, GA             
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Stone Mountain Park - A Family Vacation Destination in Atlanta, Georgia. Located on 3,200 acres of natural beauty, Stone Mountain Park features a wide variety of fun family activities and things to do in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Amazing adventures await as you discover interactive children's attractions. Plus you'll not want to miss dozens of fun annual events such as the Yellow Daisy Festival, Stone Mountain Christmas, or the Indian Festival & Pow Wow. Stone Mountain activities are suitable for all ages.
    Arquivo Nacional, South America
  Pça. da República, 173 - Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O Arquivo Nacional, criado em 1838, é o órgão central do Sistema de Gestão de Documentos de Arquivos-SIGA, da administração pública federal. Integrante da estrutura básica da Casa Civil da Presidência da República, está diretamente subordinado à Secretaria-Executiva.
Tem por finalidade implementar e acompanhar a política nacional de arquivos, definida pelo Conselho Nacional de Arquivos - Conarq, por meio da gestão, do recolhimento, do tratamento técnico, da preservação e da divulgação do patrimônio documental do País, garantindo pleno acesso à informação, visando apoiar as decisões governamentais de caráter político-administrativo, o cidadão na defesa de seus direitos e de incentivar a produção de conhecimento científico e cultural.
    Alley Pond Environmental Center, North America
  228-06 Northern Boulevard - Douglaston - Queens, NY             
<iframe id='palyer29' width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2T9pnjJYPWc" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe id='palyer29'>
This non-profit center encourages environmental and educational awareness. A Long Island oasis, it advocates sustainable environmental policies and practices. Entrance and parking are free! The nature trails have many environments to be explored. Some of these include ponds and salt marshes where one can see shore birds and many small animals. Alley Pond Park, in which this New York attraction is located, also features a children’s adventure course; New York City's largest ropes course, a zip-line, a rock-climbing wall, and balance platforms in a beautiful woodland setting. There are many places to BBQ, run, bike and watch birds. The park itself sits on a beautiful 657 acres. Easily accessible from virtually any neighborhood in the city by car, bicycle or public transportation, there is every reason to come and spend a day relaxing, learning and exploring in this sublimely serene setting. A slice of paradise right here in Queens, it is home to the tallest tree in New York City, known as the “Queens Giant”, a tulip poplar approximately 350-450 years old and a stunning 133 feet tall. You can also dip your toes in Oakland Lake, 15,000 year old glacial pond fed by underground springs. It’s easy to lose the cares of the day in the beauty of this vast, colorful and unique Queens natural attraction.
    Conservatório Brasileiro de Música, South America
  Av. Graça Aranha, 57 12º andar - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Conservatório Brasileiro de Música - Centro Universitário é uma Instituição sem fins lucrativos voltada para o ensino e a pesquisa em música. Com 72 anos de existência, tem se destacado por ser uma escola em que todas as tendências musicais convivem, divulgando a música e a sua importância na vida das pessoas e na cultura do país. Instituição pioneira na criação do primeiro curso de graduação em Musicoterapia no Brasil assim como na criação de mestrados em Educação Musical, Musicologia e Etnomusicologia.