World Department Stores

    Track&Field, South America

  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso GD, lj 4 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG            
Há 20 anos no varejo de moda esportiva e praia, com mais de 30 lojas distribuídas pelo país, a Track&Field é uma marca conhecida e reconhecida pela alta tecnologia de seus produtos, sempre voltada à otimização do conforto e performance do esportista. Quem usa Track&Field tem a certeza de estar empregando todo o seu potencial única e exclusivamente na superação dos seus próprios limites. A Track&Field tem como princípio fundamental incentivar, apoiar e promover o esporte, fonte inesgotável de saúde e bem-estar, para que sua prática seja exercida e aproveitada em toda a sua plenitude. Essa postura faz da Track&Field uma marca de enorme identidade com seus clientes, afinal, como você, nós também amamos o esporte.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. 22 de Maio, 5750 - Itaboraí, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 86 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Insinuante, South America
  Rua General Roca, 845 loja A - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    Celdom, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bl.e ljs.102/103 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Apresentado diversificada linha de produtos destinados a prover ambientes residenciais ou comerciais, a loja de varejo Celdom constituiu-se numa verdadeira loja de departamento. São inúmeros eletrodomésticos, vasta linha de utensílios para o lar, eletroportáteis e a charmosa loja LeCreuset comercializando climatizadores de vinho com adegas confiáveis.
    Casas Bahia, South America
  Rua Uruguaiana, 5 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fenômeno do varejo nacional, a Casas Bahia é hoje uma das maiores empregadoras do Brasil, com mais de 52 mil colaboradores. Presente em oito estados (SP; RJ; MG; GO; RS; PR; SC; MS), além do Distrito Federal, a Casas Bahia multiplicou em pouco mais de uma década suas 250 filiais para as mais de 540 atuais. Em 2007, a rede figurou entre as 250 maiores empresas de varejo no mundo, segundo o estudo “Poderosos Globais do Varejo em 2007”, conduzido pela Deloitte Touch que, desde 1999 mapeia o ranking mundial do setor.
    Polishop, South America
  Av. Olegário Maciel, 1600, Piso BG, lj 9 - Shopping DiamondMall - Belo Horizonte, MG            
Uma das mais eficientes e bem sucedidas empresas de Marketing Direto da América Latina. No mercado há mais de 12 anos, POLISHOP é reconhecida pela criação de marcas de sucesso e lançamento de produtos inovadores, em categorias como “Você é especial”, “Qualidade de vida”, “Gourmet”, “Fitness”, “High Tech” e outras.
    C&A, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 loja A - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Ao longo dos seus 165 anos, a C&A sempre acreditou ser fundamental conduzir a empresa baseada em princípios éticos e morais. A responsabilidade social e a transparência, presentes na sua forma de atuar, foram, a todo momento, compartilhadas com o público com que a empresa se relacionou nesse período: funcionários, fornecedores, clientes e a comunidade. A C&A tem certeza que só com esses valores e com essa forma de agir vai contribuir para o desenvolvimento do país, onde está desde 1976.
    Extra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 900 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Você é um cliente muito especial para o Grupo Pão de Açúcar, atuante em todo o Brasil. No mundo virtual assim como no real, temos um compromisso com você: total respeito por sua privacidade e a garantia do sigilo de todas as informações que você nos fornecer. Corresponder à sua confiança é fundamental para nós. Afinal, nossa reputação de mais de 50 anos tem que ser preservada. Neste documento, explicamos porque o site precisa conhecê-lo melhor e como lidamos com as informações que nos são fornecidas.
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Rua Coronel Agostinho nº 24 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Acima e à frente dos planos de grandeza, estiveram sempre o equilíbrio e o bom senso, determinando que era importante crescer e expandir-se com solidez.
Hoje, com meio século de existência e sempre crescendo, a TELE-RIO tem todas as suas unidades instaladas em pontos próprios, escolhidos e adquiridos dentro de um planejamento baseado em que o importante não é a quantidade de filiais e sim a capacidade de mantê-las sob rígido controle, dentro da filosofia de trabalho voltada para um atendimento de qualidade e uma proposta de honestidade que se tornaram marcas indiscutíveis da TELE-RIO.
    Distribuidora Cristiano, South America
  Rua Ponta Grossa, 793 - Milionários - Belo Horizonte, MG           
Oferecer soluções para construção, reforma, decoração, jardinagem, bricolagem, móveis, eletro-eletrônicos e utilidades para o lar.
    Target, North America
  8801 Queens Blvd - Queens Place - Elmhurst, NY             
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2012 marks Target’s 50th anniversary, and we’ve never felt better. In the years since our department-store roots evolved into discount-store savvy, we’ve watched our innovations lead to retail revolutions, and our team, guests and partners build better communities where we live and work. So in 2012, we celebrate Target’s legacy with a nod to our past and a look ahead to exciting new things to come
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Brás de Pina nº 270 A/B - Penha - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Hoje, com meio século de existência e sempre crescendo, a Tele-Rio tem todas as suas unidades instaladas em pontos próprios, escolhidos e adquiridos dentro de um planejamento baseado em que o importante não é a quantidade de filiais e sim a capacidade de mantê-las sob rígido controle, dentro da filosofia de trabalho voltada para um atendimento de qualidade e uma proposta de honestidade que se tornaram marcas indiscutíveis da TELE-RIO.
Com lojas instaladas nos principais pontos do Rio de Janeiro e nos municípios vizinhos como Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, São Gonçalo e Petrópolis, a TELE-RIO, preocupada em melhorar sempre a qualidade de atendimento, vem passando por um processo de modernização gradual.
    Fast Shop, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
As lojas da Fast Shop possuem uma série de diferenciais para atender seus clientes, desde um ambiente agradável a um atendimento diferenciado. A Fast Shop mantém uma equipe de vendas especialmente capacitada para sugerir soluções que se enquadrem nos desejos e necessidades do consumidor, oferecendo os melhores produtos e serviços inovadores que resultem numa experiência encantadora para toda a vida.
    C&A, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, lj 123 - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ            
A C&A é uma das maiores cadeias de varejo de moda no mundo. A C&A é também um dos maiores varejistas em produtos e serviços financeiros. Por meio do Banco ibi, oferece cartões de crédito, seguros, títulos de capitalização e empréstimos para pessoas físicas e jurídicas.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. Governador Amaral Peixoto, 75 - Nova Iguaçu, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Bergdorf Goodman, North America
  754 5th Avenue At 58th Street - New York, NY              
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Shopping for fashionable New York clothing in Manhattan? The Bergdorf Goodman department store is the ideal place for you to begin. This contemporary store has a variety of options for you to choose from in the luxury goods category. And since its parent company is Neiman Marcus, you can expect high class options that you can’t find in other Manhattan department stores. Right on 5th Avenue in New York City, Bergdorf Goodman has a sophisticated selection of Tribeca beauty products on its Beauty Level floor. Directly below the store’s main floor, you can enjoy the café, a luxury spa and much more surrounded in luxuriant elegance. It’s a lovely place to spend a relaxing afternoon and browse for health and beauty products from some of the biggest names in the industry, including Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. The Shoe Salon at Bergdorf Goodman is another unique offering when you are shopping in this Uptown department store. You can find the latest styles and fashions from designers such as Eddie Borgo, Dior, Danna Karan, Alexis Bittar and dozens of others, at competitive prices. Check out this high-end New York City department store to find the most up to date styles and designer collections.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  174th St. & Vyse Avenue - New Horizons Shopping Center - Bronx, NY             
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Designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Bronx store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in the Bronx.
    Lojas Pernambucanas, South America
  Av. Visconde de Ibituruna, 55 - Barreiro - Belo Horizonte, MG           
O Cartão Pernambucanas é o jeito mais fácil e econômico de vestir a família e deixar sua casa do jeito que você quer. Com ele, você compra tudo o que precisa e escolhe a melhor forma de pagamento. Confira as vantagens e os planos oferecidos e peça já o seu. Com 15 mil colaboradores, a Pernambucanas acredita que o melhor da empresa é a nossa gente. Logo, buscamos profissionais talentosos, determinados, empreendedores e altamente interessados em aprimorar seus conhecimentos e em desenvolver sua carreira. Preparar a Lista de Casamento nas lojas da Pernambucanas significa uma preocupação a menos para os noivos e muita praticidade para os convidados. Se você precisa de dinheiro, quer proteger a sua casa ou se garantir contra imprevistos, conheça os produtos do cartão Pernambucanas. Um mundo de serviços para deixar sua vida mais fácil e tranqüila com facilidade e economia.
    Kirna Zabête, North America
  96 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Located on Greene Street in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City, Kirna Zabete is one of the giants when it comes to searching for retail fashions from some of the most recognized designers in the industry. One you will find on their shelves is Alexander Wang, a designer who likes to incorporate classic looks with fresh and modern twists. The Alexander Wang Spring and Summer 2012 Collection catalog is currently available and many of the items are available at Kirna Zabete, including the Gia Zip Sandals and a wide selection of clothing items and handbags to freshen your wardrobe. Rachel Zoe is another name brand designer with a wide selection of products at Kirna Zabete. You can find a variety of clothing items below $500 if you are on a tight budget as well as the more upscale pricing range if you are looking for something more exclusive. In addition to the name brand designers, you can also find fashion accessories like sunglasses, scarves, belts, jewelry and much more. Kirna Zabete also has a line of KZ Originals which includes a completely unique fragrance. For all of your designer shopping desires, be sure to visit Kirna Zabete in Manhattan on your next shopping adventure.
    Zellers, North America
  5401 Boulevard des Galeries - Les Galeries de la Capitale - Québec, QB           
Hbc is Canada's largest diversified general merchandise retailer with over 600 retail locations and nearly 60,000 associates located in every province in Canada. HBC's four banners are the Bay, Zellers, Home Outfitters and Fields. The Bay is the flagship department store within the Hudson’s Bay Company. With 92 locations from coast to coast, the Bay is a full-line department store chain focused on high fashion merchandise in apparel, accessories and soft home categories. The Bay offers quality merchandise at mid-to-upper price points accompanied by traditional department store services. Committed to delivering excellent value and consistent, reliable service, Bay stores are located in suburban and urban markets, along with a dominant position in the downtown cores of Canada’s major cities.
    Sears, North America
  283 PLATINUM AVE - Staten Island, NY              
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Sears on Staten Island is a great place to visit when you are shopping for high quality products at some of the most affordable prices. The Sears reputation of excellence has been around for more than 100 years and the name continues to instill confidence in customers with its recognized brand names and customer service. You will recognize brands like Jaclyn Smith, Joe Boxer, Land’s End and Martha Stewart - and that just includes the clothing brands! You can also shop a wide selection of durable and long lasting tools at Sears from world renowned brands like Craftsman, Die Hard and Kenmore. Free delivery is another great thing about shopping at Sears. You can find the latest major appliances like Kenmore refrigerators, Maytag washing machines, but how will you get them home? Don’t worry about that because Sears will schedule a time for delivery at the same time you pay for the appliance. And the best part is that it’s at no extra charge to you! You will also appreciate the great warranty that the store provides for everything it sells so you can make your purchases with total confidence. Check out the new face of Sears department stores and see what products they have for you.
    Marshalls, North America
  2485 Richmond Ave - Heartland Village - Staten Island, NY             
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If you ever find yourself in Staten Island, New York, stop by the local Marshalls. If you're looking for the perfect piece for this Summer 2012, this would be the place to go. Marshalls is full of bright, vibrant, and interesting patterns, which are definitely in style. Everything from floral prints dresses and skirts to gorgeous tribal dresses, to fashionable cork wedge shoes can be found here. The store is beautifully arranged; the colors all give the store a happy, stylish feel. Plus, if you love shoes, this is beyond perfect. They don't call it the 'mega shoe shop' for no reason! You'll find all sorts of shoes that will go with almost any colorful and fun outfit. No matter if you're looking for a fun pair of flip-flops to bring some color to a summer dress, or quality leather to give your business attire some flare, you'll find what you need. The men don't even have to feel left out! Browse the extensive men's section, full of great summer clothes for those swimming Summer 2012 parties or just a night out with the guys. No matter who you are or what you're looking for, you'll find the fashion clothing and trendy accessories here.
    BJ's Wholesale Club, North America
  339 Gateway Dr. - Brooklyn - New York, NY            
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Everyone likes to save money and have a little convenience at the same time, and Bj's Wholesale Club in Brooklyn, New York, or most commonly known as just Bj’s, is the best combination of both of these ideas. Located on Gateway Dr. in the Brooklyn burrough, Bj's Wholesale Club offers a wide selection of items from apparel and footwear to a delicatessen and optical department. It is one of the largest operating warehouse club chains in the United States and is ranked in the top 500 in Fortune Magazine. For many people the appeal of this remarkable store is not only the fact that they can get an unbelievably huge selection of quality items, but also that they can get bulk products at an amazingly discounted rate. When you are living in a struggling economy this can be a breath of fresh air. In comparison to other similar chains, Bj’s Wholesale Club offers some special services such as having its own gas station, filling propane, home heating oil, and even vacation packages and car rentals. This Brooklyn department store is open on most holidays and they also feature a Verizon Wireless Kiosk.
    JCPenney, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 100 Baychester Ave - Bronx, NY              
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One of the more popular names in retail department stores is JC Penney. This is a brand that has nearly everything you would need in terms of fashion, house wares and much, much more. And with its recognized name, you can also expect quality at an affordable price. When you shop at the Bronx JC Penney, you have many brands to choose from. If you are looking for quality bath towels and accessories in New York City, one of the more recognized names you will find is Royal Velvet. This is a great name in the bed and bath category, and you can find Egyptian cotton towels that are soft to the touch in a variety of colors to match your bathroom décor. This Bronx Department store also carries the Home Expressions brand if you are looking for something more affordable. In addition, you will find a variety of baby and toddler fashions when you do your shopping at JC Penney. Looking for brand name baby bedding accessories? You will find brands like My Baby Sam, Carter’s and even Okie Dokie. Whether you are searching for comforters for your infant, a crib bedding set or other infant accessories, you will find it all in one place at JC Penney.
    Marshalls, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 2100 Bartow Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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Marshall’s Bronx department store has much to offer today’s economy shopper. The Marshall’s name tops the list for bargain prices for family clothes and other retail items. In fact, the company traces its history all the way back to 1956 when several prominent entrepreneurs got together and formed the “Brand Names for Less” concept that has come to be so popular today in the retail industry. There are several departments in the Marshall’s stores to browse. Shopping for Wakefield footwear at a great price? There is a wide selection of designer and bargain-priced shoes when you shop at this Bronx department store. For women, you will find everything ranging from cork wedges to patent leather heels and much more. Look for bright and bold styles for spring and summer 2012 or find something that you can wear all year long and still be fashionable. Revel in Wakefield beauty products and a bounteous selection of designer fragrances from Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Estee Lauder, just for starters, as well as makeup products, accessories and much more to please your bargain-shopping urges. Be sure to visit this prominent Riverdale department store on your next trip to the Bronx.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  1509 Forest Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design. TJ Maxx is the Staten Island store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Staten Island retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Staten Island.
    Costco, North America
  976 Third Avenue - Brooklyn - New York, NY            
In this economy there is nothing more important to a family than saving some money and when it comes to going to the grocery store you want to make sure you can save everywhere possible. This is why so many people now take advantage of what has become the largest warehouse club you can find in the United States. Conveniently located off of 3rd Avenue in Brooklyn, Costco offers an unbelievably massive selection of items ranging from one hour photo and a tire center, to an independent optometrist. Although you can buy nearly anything at Costco, Brooklyn from pool tables to computers, the one thing that draws a lot of attention from customers is the standard groceries that can be bought in bulk and save you a tremendous amount of money. Beyond these kinds of items many families also buy toiletries, and dish and laundry detergent in bulk. This is a great way to help ease financial burden, through some good savings and with the Kirkland brand, Costco’s store brand, you can save even more. New York can be expensive and if you’re in the Brooklyn burrough, Costco is the place to go to help take the bite off of the challenging economy.
    Target, North America
  174th St. & Vyse Avenue - New Horizons Shopping Center - Bronx, NY             
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Looking for designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Bronx store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in the Bronx.
    Pearl River Mart, North America
  477 Broadway nr. Grand St. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
When you shop at this Downtown area department store, you will find everything you need from Greenwich Village bedding to paper products, Chinese wedding decorations to home furniture and housewares, and even Soho footwear; all at reasonable prices. Many of the products are custom made with the highest quality materials available. You can even shop at Pearl River Mart for some of your Downtown grocery staples like snacks, noodles, soups, condiments, a variety of teas to choose from and a wide selection of herbal products they keep in stock. Check out this one of a kind store for many of your shopping needs. The Pearl River Mart, located at 477 Broadway in the heart of Manhattan, is known as the first Chinese American department store in the United States. It has been serving customers in the greater New York City area for more than three decades and it continues to be a unique and popular place for shoppers from all around. But in addition to being one of the more frequented Manhattan department stores, it has also served as a way to build bridges between retailers from China and the United States, which has helped Pearl River Mart earn a reputation of providing a wide selection of high quality Chinese goods that everybody can appreciate.