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Partial store listing - TJ Maxx • Toys R Us & Babies R Us • Kohl’s • Casual Male XL • Verizon Wireless • Bonefish Grill • Marshalls • HomeGoods • PetSmart & PetsHotel • A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts • Wal-Mart, Sam's Club and Raymour & Flanigan are in Harmon Meadow.
Situado na área de maior expansão da cidade, com localização estratégica, facilidade de acesso e um mix diversificado de lojas. O mais novo shopping de Salvador é um espaço para toda família, um lugar agradável, para passear, se divertir, fazer compras e desfrutar de boas opções de entretenimento.
Design moderno e inovador, com corredores amplos que privilegia o conforto de seus clientes. As belas cúpulas de vidro, projetadas para receber iluminação natural, e o bosque interno de 600 m2, com espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica, criam uma atmosfera aconchegante voltada para a sustentabilidade e bem estar. |
The Sunnyside Mall is a Canadian shopping mall located in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Also, the mall is home to the largest indoor market in the Maritimes, Pete's Frootique. Source: Wikipedia
The Oaks Shopping Center is a two-level enclosed, super-regional shopping mall located in Thousand Oaks, California. It is owned and managed by Macerich. Highly accessible from the US Highway 101 Ventura Freeway midway between downtown Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, it is one of two malls in its area (competing with the Simi Valley Town Center). The 1,300,000-square-foot (121,000 m2) mall was originally built in 1978 and was renovated in 1993. Source: Wikipedia
Strawberry Square is a pleasant surprise. A distinctive retail complex located in a one million square foot office facility in the heart of Pennsylvania's capital city. Its distinction lies not only in its unique mix of award-winning contemporary design and authentic city block restorations, but in its blend of atrium shops, eateries and offices. Strawberry Square is truly one of a kind ~ a superbly-located intercity development that has become an energetic hub for the city's affluent professionals. Strawberry Square. Vital, unique, accessible.
It’s time to make a trip to RiverTown Crossings for the best in shopping, entertainment and dining! Whether you enjoy a relaxing dinner at one of the mall's restaurants or spend the day shopping at all your favorite stores, RiverTown Crossings offers a complete entertainment experience.
Shopping for Valentine’s? Enjoy the delights of chocolate truffles from Fuzziwig's Candy Factory and Sweets From Heaven, flowers, custom diamond jewelry at Joyeria Del Pueblo and Victoria’s Secret special treats all here at one location, Metro Center Mall. In fact come here for Valentine’s Day and treat your loved one to a soothing massage and treatments at Totally Chi, have a romantic dinner at Hibachi-San, play miniature golf under the stars with the whole family at Lunar Golf and then enjoy a romantic movie at Harkness Theatre.
The Metrocenter Mall is an entire world of experiences. This is the ultimate destination for shopping, entertainment, and delicious food for the entire family. It’s pretty easy to get to regardless of where you are coming from, within Phoenix or from Flagstaff, Tuscon, Los Angeles or Las Vegas. In the Central /Northwest, just off of #17, which runs North-South through the center of Phoenix, it now has its own Metro Parkway which encircles the more than 200 stores, Harness Movie Theatre, Lunar Golf (a miniature indoor golf court, a full Children’s safe play area, restaurants galore and even an open mic night at the Phoenix Conservatory of Music. This Phoenix Shopping Center has become so popular that even the Metro Library has built a thriving location on the Metro Parkway.
Spend all day shopping in Phoenix and drive to one location only. The kids will never be bored, the boys have as much to occupy themselves with while the girls are enjoying the latest fashions, service your Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon Cell phone, and then everyone can get back together for dinner and a movie. That’s on the weekend. Well, Soccer Moms and Dads, taking your child to public school was never more fun than visiting Cinnabon for breakfast, using the business center to keep up with the office, walk across the hall to the Phoenix Conservatory of Music for lessons and then everyone take in a movie, all within feet of each other. |
Surround yourself in style! Mall St. Vincent is known for its upscale and unique shopping selection that includes Talbots, Ann Taylor, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap, Gap Kids, Banana Republic, Godiva Chocolatier, Casual Corner/Petite Sophisticate, Lee Michael's and more.
Featuring terrific stores such as Macy's, JC Penney, Sears, Hollister, Bath and Body Works, Pacific Sunwear, Zumiez, Aeropostale, The Children's Place, Crazy 8, Victoria's Secret, Express, NY & Company, Zales, Kay Jewelers and Howie's Game Shack.
Inaugurado no dia 25 de março de 2004 como o quarto maior do Estado e o primeiro do município, o São Gonçalo Shopping tem 45.000 m² de ABL (área bruta locável) e conta com 176 lojas-satélite e 15 lojas-âncora, tornando-o um dos shoppings mais bem ancorados do país.
O empreendimento, resultado de um investimento de R$ 60 milhões da Ecia Irmãos Araújo, representa um enorme impulso para a cidade que está em pleno progresso com uma população de um milhão de habitantes. Hoje, o Grupo Fernandes de Araújo tem 100% do controle acionário do shopping. Localizado à margem da Rodovia Niterói-Manilha, o shopping também atende a municípios como Niterói, Rio Bonito, Magé, Tanguá, Itaboraí, além da Região dos Lagos. |
Oferecer diversidade no mix para os mais variados estilos, proporcionando experiências de conforto e bem-estar. Essa é a proposta do Bourbon Shopping.
Os ambientes são projetados para tornar mais prático e prazeroso o cotidiano de nossos clientes. Os complexos de compras, serviços e lazer do Bourbon Shopping contam com lojas de marcas consagradas, além de atrações culturais e gastronômicas para qualquer hora do dia. Opções não faltam.
Seguindo as tendências em construção e arquitetura de shopping centers, o Shopping Caruaru é um empreendimento moderno. Os detalhes podem ser percebidos na área interna e externa, cuidadosamente pensada para oferecer conforto e segurança aos seus clientes, dispondo de modernidade nos equipamentos e tecnologia nas operações. Após 10 anos de existência, está se transformando num power center, um shopping de grandes proporções. Isso se deve ao fato de ser um complexo de multiuso, no qual as pessoas podem realizar pagamentos, estudar, e participar de eventos, tudo no mesmo lugar, além das atividades inerentes a um shopping: lazer, diversão e compras. O empreendimento, que tem um total de área original de 144 mil metros quadrados, passará a ter aproximadamente 80 mil metros quadrados de área construída, com a inclusão da faculdade do Senac e Centro de Convenções.
St. Vital Centre thinks you deserve it all and has everything you could want and more! Over 160 stylish stores, specialty shops, state-of-the-art entertainment facilities, a spacious food court and professional services… AND it has a warm, comfortable shopping atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.
Crystal Mall is anchored by JCPenney, Macy's, and Sears. More than 130 specialty stores are featured including Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Ann Taylor Loft, The Children's Place, Eastern Mountain Sports, Gap, GapKids, Godiva Chocolatier, H&M, Old Navy, Pacific Sunwear, Victoria's Secret, and Waldenbooks.
Belk, Dillard's, Sears, Ann Taylor Loft, Abercrombie & Fitch, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Banana Republic, Chico's, Hollisters, Williams-Sonoma and Coldwater Creek are just a few reasons why Columbiana Centre is South Carolina’s fashion destination! Columbiana Centre has an antique carousel, a 420 seat Food Court, and more than 110 of your favorite specialty stores, guaranteed to make every visit a true shopping experience!
Hanes Mall is home to all your favorite stores like Belk, Dillard's, Macy's, JCPenney, Sears, and Old Navy, not to mention other great shops like American Eagle, Limited, Abercrombie & Fitch, Banana Republic, The Disney Store, Yankee Candle, The Gap and Gymboree. Hanes Mall has over 200 fabulous stores and eateries making it truly a total shopping experience.
Inaugurado em outubro de 1975, o Continental Shopping foi estruturado a fim de atingir o público classe média, morador da zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo, dos bairros Parque Continental, Butantã , Pinheiros, Lapa, Jaguaré, Parque dos Príncipes, City América, City Lapa, Granja Viana, Tamboré, Alphaville e Aldeia da Serra, além do município de Osasco.
One of the last malls remaining in Montgomery County, Ohio. The shopping center is located in the township of Miami, between the suburbs of Centerville, and Miamisburg. Source
South Bay Galleria, formerly named Galleria at South Bay, is a mall in Redondo Beach outside of Los Angeles, California. It is anchored by Macy's, Mervyns and Nordstrom, as well as a 16-screen AMC Theatres multiplex. Source: Wikipedia
Localizado no bairro de Icaraí, considerado uma das áreas mais nobres da cidade de Niterói, o IFashion reúne as mais renomadas grifes que traduzem bom gosto e sofisticação. O moderno Shopping fica no coração da rua Moreira César, exatamente em um dos pontos mais movimentados da cidade. Com dezoito lojas distribuídas em três andares e uma arquitetura contemporânea, o Shopping IFashion é sinônimo de estilo e qualidade, além de oferecer comodidade e bem-estar na hora das compras. Beleza, moda e gastronomia, tudo em um único lugar.
Lojas: Aeroposter, Botswana, Cavendish, Mara Mac, Parador Bistrô entre outras.
Um centro de compras da cidade do Recife, inaugurado em 2003. Apesar de inaugurado em 2003, sua construção data de 1732, inicialmente um convento e depois uma alfândega. Tem cerca de 80 lojas. Fonte
Shop Macy's, JC Penney, Sears, Wal-Mart & 150 specialty shops & the Food Court. Gift Certificates, gift wrapping, ATM's & complimentary use of wheelchairs and strollers.
"The Great Northern Mall Security and Guest Services kiosk is located just off of Center Court at the front of the Food Court. Our friendly staff is always available to anwer your questions and help provide you with a wonderful shopping experience."
One of Asheville's most popular visitation sites is Asheville Mall. Asheville Mall features fashion, fun and food for everyone with five department stores, over 100 stores and 15 eateries. This incredible shopping center has the names you won't find anywhere else in town - Ann Taylor, Eddie Bauer, Kirkland's and Structure , to name only a few.
The local Shopping Center and Mall has become a regular feature of the American landscape. Sacramento has a prime example in the Taylor Center. The Taylor Center features 20 specialty shops and restaurants at the corner of Fulton and Marconi. Beauty salons, fast food, books and collectibles - you’ll find them all at theTaylor Center. It is a cornerstone of the neighborhood.
Portage Place is the hub of downtown Winnipeg with over 125 shops and services, underground parking and an entertainment level all under one roof. We are connected to downtown via two elevated walkway bridges which spans from The Bay at the West end to the spectacular MTS Centre at the East end.
Sala 3D digital Cinemark e muito shopping.
O Rio Plaza Shopping foi construído no antigo Estádio do Botafogo de Futebol e Regatas, na Av. Lauro Sodré nº 1, com acessos pela Rua General Severiano e Av. Wenceslau Brás, possuindo uma área total construída de 35.161,19 m2.
Conta ainda com 119 lojas em um único pavimento corrido, 2 lojas-âncoras, praça de alimentação, 2 cinemas e estacionamento para veículos em 2 níveis, com capacidade para 2.500 vagas/dia, proporcionando conforto e segurança para seus frequentadores. O Shopping funciona agora com galerias refrigeradas, bom padrão arquitetônico, atraentes restaurantes como o Outback, Joe & Leo's, Fiametta e Gula Gula, além das lojas Tok & Stock e Livraria Digital, mantendo um grande movimento tanto em dias de semana, quanto nos finais de semana. Com uma localização privilegiada, o Shopping busca ocupar lacunas que existiam no bairro tanto para o morador como para os executivos que trabalham próximo a ele.
Marley Station features hundreds of the best names in retail including Macy's, JCPenney, Sears, Bath & Body Works, Forever 21, Hollister Co and Limited Too, offering the latest fashions, gifts, entertainment or dining options. Whether you are seeking the latest fashion trends to fit your individual style or looking for a unique gift for a special occasion, make Marley Station your choice for everyday shopping.