World Department Stores

    Ricardo Eletro, South America

  Av. das Américas, 5000 lj.201-B - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Ricardo Eletro inaugurou no Rio de Janeiro lojas nos principais pontos da capital e cidades vizinhas. A grande aposta da rede é mesmo no preço baixo. As lojas de Copacabana, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda, Ilha do Governador, Marechal Hermes, Centro-Uruguaiana e Taquara, Madureira, Bangu, Tijuca, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu e Bonsucesso, entre outras, já estão em funcionamento. A Ricardo Eletro abre as lojas com ofertas especiais em toda linha de eletrodomésticos, incluindos refrigeradores, fogões, TVs LCD's, aparelhos celulares, etc. Linha divesificada de serviços compreendendo: Garantia estendida, Super Compra, Seguro da Sorte, Seguro Prestação, Empréstimo Pessoal e o Cartão Ricardo Eletro-Visa.
    Super Lar, South America
  Rua Coronel Agostinho, 84-A a 94-A - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Possui uma área de vendas de aproximadamente 8.000 m2, com uma variedade de mais de 80.000 itens distribuídos por vários departamentos, dentre eles destacamos: papelaria, informática, brinquedo, confecção, móveis, eletro, etc.
Desde o início a preocupação maior sempre foi o padrão de qualidade dos produtos, dedicação ao consumidor e o melhor preço. Expandimos com mais duas lojas localizadas no calçadão de Bangu e no West Shopping.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Rua Doutor Nilo Peçanha, 50 - São Gonçalo, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    P.C. Richard & Son, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 2100 Bartow Ave - Bronx, NY             
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For major items being delivered within New York & New Jersey area, like appliances and television, P.C. Richard & Son will deliver your order via our own fleet of delivery trucks. At the time of delivery, your purchase will be uncrated and set in place, and for your convenience, you can track your delivery with Delivery Tracker.
    Taco, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível BH, lj 73 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG             
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A marca Taco® foi criada há mais de 20 anos na cidade do Rio de janeiro, tornando-se, rapidamente, um referencial de moda básica. Na década de 90 a empresa iniciou o seu processo de expansão e hoje tem 123 lojas operando em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo 95 franquias e 28 lojas próprias. A nossa proposta é oferecer produtos de qualidade, de moda básica, buscando sempre a qualidade e o preço justo. É por isso que o nosso lema é Taco. “Todo Mundo, Todo Dia”. Outro fator importante é a exclusividade: Os produtos Taco® você só encontra nas lojas Taco® . Por isso, investimos em layouts modernos e confortáveis, procurando oferecer um ambiente agradável e um serviço eficiente. Seja navegando pelo Site, seja em uma de nossas lojas no Brasil, tenha a certeza de que estamos trabalhando para oferecer o melhor pra você. Taco. Todo mundo, todo dia.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. Governador Amaral Peixoto, 75 - Nova Iguaçu, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Estrada do Portela, 51 - Madureira - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Sipolatti, South America
  Rua Henrique Moscoso, 1338 - Centro - Vila Velha, ES           
Fundada há mais de 46 anos, a Sipolatti é a uma das maiores redes varejistas de eletrodomésticos, eletroeletrônicos, móveis, informática e celular do Espírito Santo, com mais de 20 lojas em todo o Estado. A empresa foi criada por Aristides Sipolatti, que nasceu em Itaguaçu e chegou a Vitória aos 14 anos em 1952. Aristides construiu sua história profissional com muita dedicação e visão empreendedora. No início, trabalhou como faxineiro na Santa Casa da Misericórdia e na Instituição Adauto Botelho. O trabalho no ramo de vendas começou de forma simples vendendo verduras pelos bairros da Grande Vitória e, quando percebeu, já era um mascate aos 17 anos. No ano seguinte, entrou para o Exército, mas seu sonho era ter a sua própria venda. Na época, a loja Macedônia, na Vila Rubim que estava oferecendo vagas para os cargos de vendedor e faxineiro. Aristides conseguiu a vaga de faxineiro, mas logo passou a ocupar o cargo de balconista.Três anos depois, esta mesma loja abriu uma filial no bairro Paul - Vila Velha, mas começou a dar prejuízo e, logo veio a proposta de venda, Aristides percebeu a grande oportunidade de realizar seu sonho e topou o desafio
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. Nilo Peçanha, 248 - Centro - Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Insinuante, South America
  Rua Uruguaiana, 9 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    Swatch, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8, lj 353 - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
Os produtos Swatch encontram-se disponíveis em mais de 600 lojas Swatch em todo o mundo Estas representam o futuro da venda a retalho: Concepção de vanguarda no espaço urbano importante.
    Fnac Barra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 loja-B 101/114 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O primeiro distribuidor europeu de produtos culturais e de lazer, exemplo único da aliança entre comércio e cultura, ambicionando oferecer aos seus clientes a mais vasta seleção em literatura, música e em novas tecnologias.
Tanto na loja virtual, como nas lojas físicas, a Fnac propõe ainda que o cliente descubra o que existe de mais inovador e se reencontre com a cultura. Centro cultural ativo que dispõe de uma programação diária, oferecendo eventos de qualidade, permitindo o contato do cliente com personalidades da vida cultural, política e econômica, além de favorecer a formação e a descoberta de novos talentos para literatura, música e demais tipos de arte.
    Leader Magazine, South America
  Rua Uruguaiana, 55 e 55-A - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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Missão, Visão e Valores. “Nossas relações com clientes, colaboradores e fornecedores são baseadas em justiça, honestidade e lealdade.
Existimos para comercializar produtos e serviços com qualidade e preço justo, que contribuam para elevar a auto-estima dos nossos clientes. Investimos no bem estar e desenvolvimento de nossos funcionários, o fator fundamental em nosso negócio. Buscamos gerar lucros sustentáveis que garantam o melhor retorno para o negócio.
Ser a melhor empresa em Excelência Operacional, garantindo rentabilidade sustentável, através de uma equipe motivada e de alta performance.
Ser percebido pelos clientes quanto à qualidade de nossos produtos e serviços e reconhecê-los como razão de nossa existência.”
Lojas RJ: Bangú Shopping, Botafogo Praia Shopping, Campo Grande, Carioca Shopping, Catete, Shopping Jacarepaguá, Ilha Plaza, Madureira Shopping, New York City Center, Norte Shopping, Shopping Tijuca, Tijuca, Rua Uruguaiana-Centro, Via Parque e West Shopping.
O Grupo está presente em 15 municípios no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Consulte site.
    J&R Computer and Music World, North America
  Park Row - CLOSED - New York, NY              
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Looking for a great deal on electronics is easy when you are shopping in the greater New York City area. Located in the heart of the Manhattan shopping area, J&R Computer and Music World has everything you need for your computer or audio and visual needs. When shopping for quality, you will find it here. Bose is one of the leaders in audio equipment and you can find a variety of products that carry this brand name. From headphones to MP3 player dock speakers and so much more, Bose products will last your for years to come and they have the best sound in the industry. If you are in the DJ business or thinking of starting one in the near future, this electronics department store has all the equipment you need for success. From the highest quality amps and receivers to professional turntables and the latest music software for your computer, J&R has it all for you at an affordable and reasonable price. You can also go “old school” by finding a variety of vinyl LPs and more so you can keep up with even the most popular NYC DJs. Check out J&R Computer and Music World on your next shopping trip to the Manhattan area for great deals on the latest electronics.
    Walmart, South America
  Av. das Américas, 3650 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Há dez anos atuando no mercado de varejo nacional, a rede Wal-Mart Brasil é referência em preços baixos, qualidade e excelência no atendimento ao cliente. A maneira de retribuir a confiança dos clientes ao comprarem nas lojas Wal-Mart acontece por meio da filosofia de “preços baixos todos os dias”, aliada à prestação de serviços e do sortimento diferenciado, no qual inclui-se desde produtos de fabricação regional até itens importados que atendam o gosto do consumidor brasileiro.
    Ponto Frio, South America
  BR 356, 3.049, Nível BH, lj 051 - BH Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG            
Em 60 anos de atuação no Brasil, completados em 2006, tornou-se uma das maiores redes de lojas de eletrodomésticos e móveis do país, e vem crescendo tanto organicamente quanto por meio de aquisições, graças à decisão de posicionar-se em mercados de maior atratividade. O ano de 2006 trouxe muitos desafios e plenas realizações. O compromisso com os acionistas, os colaboradores, os fornecedores e, especialmente, os clientes foi avançar no processo de modernização organizacional da Companhia, iniciado nos anos anteriores.
    Thonart, South America
  Av Vitória, 3069 lj 3 - Gurigica - Vitória, ES           
Em 1830, na cidade de Boppard, Michael Thonet, usando toda sua criatividade desenvolveu a técnica de vergar madeira maciça. A partir desta época revolucionou a arte de trabalhar com a madeira, desenvolvendo uma linha de móveis leves e elegantes totalmente diferente de tudo o que existia na época: os móveis em madeira maciça vergada. O sucesso foi tão grande que rapidamente as criações de Thonet podiam ser encontradas nas residências dos aristocratas e nos finos cafés vienenses. Desde então, a história do móvel está dividida entre antes e depois de Michael Thonet
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. Vinte e Oito de Março, 574 - Campos, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Lord & Taylor, North America
  424 5th Avenue (eCommerce only) - New York, NY              
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The Lord & Taylor name is synonymous with high quality service and department store shopping in the Manhattan area and beyond. An Uptown department store that has many things to offer elite and upscale buyers, if you are looking for a variety of Soho footwear, boots and other types of shoes for men, women and children like the trendiest high heels, durable athletic shoes, Uggs, and much more, including top brand names such as Juicy Couture, Keds, Kenneth Cole, and Earthies. At Lord & Taylor, you can also shop for Greenwich Village bedding to enhance the décor of your home and even exclusive designer bedroom accessories and sheets from the like of Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren and Hudson’s Bay, among others. These are just some of the quality names that you will find at this Uptown department store, so you can have complete confidence in the durability of the products. Lord & Taylor has been on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan for many years and currently has more than 50 stores across the United States. With its variety of brands and products, this is a super addition for your shopping plans in the New York City area.e 54 stores in ten states and the District of Columbia. Our flagship store is on Fifth Avenue where our windows have made an impact on the New York fashion scene for more than 90 years.
    BJ's Wholesale Club, North America
  137-05 Twentieth Avenue - Queens - New York, NY              
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Membership really does have its privileges when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club in Queens. Conveniently located on Twentieth Avenue, New York City, this wholesale membership club has many things that you need for everyday living and more. Because it offers products in bulk, you can expect to save a ton of money and cutting the number of shopping trips in half because you can get more with each visit. Looking for name brand electronics at a bargain price? You can find names like Sony, Vizio, Canon and others when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club. Whether you’re looking for big screen TVs, digital cameras designed with the professional in mind or upscale Bose speakers for the highest quality sound you will ever find, you can find it all in one place. Jewelry is another great department at BJs. You can find exclusive pieces that go great with your wardrobe or you can even bring in your gold and get cash for it. Use the cash towards the purchase of something exquisite or another department in the store. Shopping at BJs Wholesale Club is a great experience. From groceries to office supplies to computers and everything in between, it’s a great place for everything you need.
    Macy's, North America
  34th Street - (From 6th to 7th Avenue) - New York, NY              
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Macy’s department store is one of the most recognized names in the NYC shopping scene. You can find a wide variety of upscale items when you shop at this uptown department store which will give your wardrobe a touch of class and elegance. But Macy’s is about more than just the products that it offers. This Uptown department store is the first of its kind that promoted a woman to an executive position in the company. Margaret Getchell made retail history when she was given her executive position at the Macy’s store, starting a trend in the retail industry. The store also revolutionized the way that goods were sold. At a time when different prices were paid by the clientele, the Macy’s megastore came up with a one-price system for everybody who purchased anything from their store. You can find a variety of wares at this upscale store, including Macy’s dining items, jewelry and much more. Browse through Macy’s women’s and men’s departments to find elite brands from all over the world. There is also a Macy’s kids section with quality midtown clothing and globally recognized name brands. Macy’s beauty department is also ideal if you are looking for high end makeup and products. Be sure to put this on your list of Manhattan department stores to visit when you are in the NYC area. Macy's pioneered such revolutionary business practices as the one-price system, in which the same item was sold to every customer at one price, and quoting specific prices for goods in newspaper advertising. Known for its creative merchandising, Macy's was the first to introduce such products as the tea bag, the Idaho baked potato and colored bath towels. Macy's was also the first retailer to hold a New York City liquor license.
    Zitomer Department Stores, North America
  969 Madison Avenue - New York, NY            
Starting out as an upscale neighborhood pharmacy in New York City, the Zitomer name has come a long way in offering a variety of merchandise and retail products which make it a store for everyday needs and more. Located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, Zitomer can fill as many as 700 prescriptions every day and has unique merchandise that you simply won’t find anywhere else. While you will find a variety of common apothecary items in the Zitomer inventory, there are some unique one as well. There is a wide selection of vitamins and supplements for your health. Names like Blue Bonnet, Florastor and others are available at some of the most affordable prices in NYC department stores. Zitomer even has its own unique brand of skin cream. Another special feature you will enjoy is the entire floor dedicated to “Zittles,” or merchandise that includes books, electronics, toys, games, costumes, stuffed animals and much more. There are well known brands like Barbie, Madame Alexander Dolls and others at bargain prices which makes Zitomer a great place to visit when you are in the mood for shopping in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
    Anthropologie, North America
  1230 3rd Avenue - Upper East Side - New York, NY             
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Clothing, shoes, acessories, house & home, gift and more.
    Pearl River Mart, North America
  477 Broadway nr. Grand St. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
When you shop at this Downtown area department store, you will find everything you need from Greenwich Village bedding to paper products, Chinese wedding decorations to home furniture and housewares, and even Soho footwear; all at reasonable prices. Many of the products are custom made with the highest quality materials available. You can even shop at Pearl River Mart for some of your Downtown grocery staples like snacks, noodles, soups, condiments, a variety of teas to choose from and a wide selection of herbal products they keep in stock. Check out this one of a kind store for many of your shopping needs. The Pearl River Mart, located at 477 Broadway in the heart of Manhattan, is known as the first Chinese American department store in the United States. It has been serving customers in the greater New York City area for more than three decades and it continues to be a unique and popular place for shoppers from all around. But in addition to being one of the more frequented Manhattan department stores, it has also served as a way to build bridges between retailers from China and the United States, which has helped Pearl River Mart earn a reputation of providing a wide selection of high quality Chinese goods that everybody can appreciate.
    Saks Fifth Avenue, North America
  611 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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Everyone knows Saks Fifth Avenue, but not everyone can say they have actually been there. This Manhattan department store is responsible for taking shopping to a whole new level. To visit New York City and not shop at the original Saks is next to criminal. Located at the heart of Midtown Manhattan, you must be seen toting a little black and white, signature bag even if you are on a business trip, meeting in one of the monolithic towers surrounding you. You are in Manhattan surrounded by the masters in designer fashion, so avail yourself of the convenience of Saks Fifth Avenue. Armani, Moncler, Notte by Marchesa, Jil Sander, Juicy Couture, Harrison Morgan, Yves St. Laurent …, it is all here . And, if you are looking for something for the kids, simply add another Saks shopping bag to your collection. Sumptuous jewelry and sophisticated accessories, hot shoes and silken sheets, you will find a wide selection of options at this Midtown retail store. Names like Marc Jacobs, David Yuman, Gucci and Prada are all housed in this one New York City department store. When next in Midtown Manhattan, sure you add a shopping trip for designer collections and sophisticated merchandise to your agenda.
    B&H Photo Video, North America
  420 9th Ave - New York, NY              
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Known all over the world for its photo and video services, B&H Photo Video is one of the Manhattan department stores that is worth visiting. The motto of the store – Technology Lives – fits it just right because you can bring all of your technology needs and questions here to have them answered. Looking for professional camera equipment that you can add to your collection? You can find underwater cameras, upscale video cameras, and even editing equipment at affordable prices when you shop at B&H Photo Video’s Manhattan superstore. In fact, you can shop a wide selection of darkroom supplies for developing your own photos successfully. Browse through the developing and processing supplies, darkroom sinks, retouching accessories and a lot more- even storage materials and lightboxes among other professional photography supplies from some of the biggest names in the business, including Arkay, Doran, and Yankee, just to name a few. Another great thing about B&H Photo Video is its audio/video equipment department. If you like to do presentations or if you need a projector for your home, you can find all of the accessories you need, ranging from multimedia projectors, mounts, lamps, bulbs and much more. And with the expert staff of professionals in the store, you can have complete confidence in the products that you purchase.
    Bergdorf Goodman, North America
  754 5th Avenue At 58th Street - New York, NY              
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Shopping for fashionable New York clothing in Manhattan? The Bergdorf Goodman department store is the ideal place for you to begin. This contemporary store has a variety of options for you to choose from in the luxury goods category. And since its parent company is Neiman Marcus, you can expect high class options that you can’t find in other Manhattan department stores. Right on 5th Avenue in New York City, Bergdorf Goodman has a sophisticated selection of Tribeca beauty products on its Beauty Level floor. Directly below the store’s main floor, you can enjoy the café, a luxury spa and much more surrounded in luxuriant elegance. It’s a lovely place to spend a relaxing afternoon and browse for health and beauty products from some of the biggest names in the industry, including Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. The Shoe Salon at Bergdorf Goodman is another unique offering when you are shopping in this Uptown department store. You can find the latest styles and fashions from designers such as Eddie Borgo, Dior, Danna Karan, Alexis Bittar and dozens of others, at competitive prices. Check out this high-end New York City department store to find the most up to date styles and designer collections.
    Bloomingdale's, North America
  1000 3rd Ave - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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Bloomingdale’s is one of the most recognized names in the Manhattan shopping scene. Home to the finest and most exquisite wares for elite shoppers from all over the world, exclusive is their middle name. NYC shopping begins and ends at this Midtown department store. For fashion and quality, Tribeca beauty products and other delicious goodies will more than satisfy your quest for the best. Bloomingdale’s is the epitome of sophistication. For designer clothing and collections, shop at this New York City shopping haven for Lacoste, Sam & Lavi, Gemma, Tadashi Shoji and dozens of others. Here you will find contemporary fashions and the trendiest wardrobe options for men, women and kids by browsing the various collections at this retailing giant. With a full selection of high quality house wares available including dining essentials, bathroom accessories, kitchen appliances and so much more, you can easily enjoy shopping for hours. Bloomingdale’s, owned by Macy’s, Inc., has annual sales figures totaling nearly $2 billion, so you know they are doing a whole lot right. Whether you are visiting Manhattan for the very first time or if you live in the surrounding area, Bloomingdale’s should be at the top of your list of shopping opportunities.
    Barneys New York, North America
  660 Madison Avenue - CLOSED - New York, NY
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One of the more popular Upper East Side department stores is Barney’s, an upscale chain of stores throughout New York City and beyond. This Fifth Avenue department store has been in the area since the 1920s when the first store in the chain was opened in Manhattan. Over the years, Barney’s came to be known as one of the best places to visit for Madison Avenue clothing and other high end products for elite customers on a flexible budget or with no budget at all! If you’re looking for some upscale shoes with a wide variety of classy options, you will find a full selection of Park Avenue footwear when you visit NYC’s Barney’s location. There are varieties of heels, flats, sandals and much more so you can find something to add to your wardrobe and lending your wardrobe an extra touch of elegance and class. Combine that with higher end Second Avenue beauty products which are some of the best products in the industry. Bedding and linens are also important for a home. When you shop at Barney’s in NYC, you can find comfortable and luxurious First Avenue bedding products, including high thread count sheets, comforters, pillows and much more.
    Kirna Zabête, North America
  96 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Located on Greene Street in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City, Kirna Zabete is one of the giants when it comes to searching for retail fashions from some of the most recognized designers in the industry. One you will find on their shelves is Alexander Wang, a designer who likes to incorporate classic looks with fresh and modern twists. The Alexander Wang Spring and Summer 2012 Collection catalog is currently available and many of the items are available at Kirna Zabete, including the Gia Zip Sandals and a wide selection of clothing items and handbags to freshen your wardrobe. Rachel Zoe is another name brand designer with a wide selection of products at Kirna Zabete. You can find a variety of clothing items below $500 if you are on a tight budget as well as the more upscale pricing range if you are looking for something more exclusive. In addition to the name brand designers, you can also find fashion accessories like sunglasses, scarves, belts, jewelry and much more. Kirna Zabete also has a line of KZ Originals which includes a completely unique fragrance. For all of your designer shopping desires, be sure to visit Kirna Zabete in Manhattan on your next shopping adventure.