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Since 1927, this theatre was known as the Alvin. It was renamed in 1983 to honor America’s most prolific playwright, Neil Simon, following the successful engagement of Brighton Beach Memoirs, the first play of an autobiographical trilogy about his youth with his family. Fittingly, in 1985, the second play of Mr. Simon’s trilogy, Biloxi Blues played there successfully. In 1992, Mr. Simon returned again with his play, Jake’s Women.
Since 2000, the Neil Simon has been filled with music and dancing as the home to two of Broadway’s most popular productions, namely the acclaimed revival of The Music Man and, currently, the Tony Award®-winning Best Musical, Hairspray. The Neil Simon Theatre has 1,445 seats and is one of The Nederlander Organization’s nine Broadway theatres. |
The Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck (known familiarly as The CENTER, and legally as Rhinebeck Performing Arts, Inc. or RPA) is a non-profit arts organization which offers performances and classes throughout the year. Performing and teaching artists are of local, national and international talent.
The Center serves as a regular performance venue for local theater companies including CENTERstage Productions (Death of a Salesman, Cabaret, My Fair Lady) the Gilbert & Sullivan Musical Theater Company (The Mikado, A Little Night Music, The Pirates of Penzance), Kids on Stage (Cinderella, The Emperor's New Clothes), Rhinebeck Theater Society (HONK!, The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged, Oliver!), and Up In One Productions (Chicago, Fiddler on the Roof, The Wizard of Oz). The CENTER also hosts appearances by artists such as Jeff Boyer, Brian Bradley, Elaine Colandrea, Alpin Hong, Kitty Jones, Jeff McBride, The Puppet People, Solas an Lae, Tanglewood Marionettes, Pitchfork Militia, Barbara Rankin, and David Temple, to name a few. |
O Café-Teatro Casa Grande foi fundado em agosto de 1966 Por lá passaram, nos primeiros anos, grandes artistas da época: Nara Leao, Baden Powell, Vinicius de Moraes, Tom Jobim, Elis Regina, Chico Buarque, Milton Nascimento, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Maria Bethânia, Gal Costa e muitos outros.
Atualmente denominado Oi Casa Grande, o espaço dispõe de moderno Teatro, Oi Futuro Experience, Galeria de Artes, Vídeo Club e Espaço Gourmet. Visite o site e descubra uma infinidade de atrações de um dos mais modernos Centros de Entretenimento do Rio de Janeiro.
The Longacre Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 220 West 48th Street in midtown Manhattan.
Designed by architect Henry B. Herts, it was named for Longacre Square, the original name for Times Square. The French neo-classical building was constructed by impresario Harry Frazee, better remembered as the owner of the Boston Red Sox who, needing money for his theatrical ventures, sold Babe Ruth's contract to the New York Yankees. A curse allegedly lingers on the theater as a result, and superstitious producers avoid it for fear they'll be backing a flop, as noted by William Golden in his seminal book The Season. Despite the rumor, a large number of performers who have appeared on stage here have taken home a Tony Award for their efforts. The Longacre's first show was a production of the William Hurlbut-Frances Whitehouse comedy Are You a Crook?, which opened on May 1, 1913. With the exception of its use as a television studio in the mid-1940s to early 1950s, the theatre has operated as a legitimate Broadway venue. Source |
NEW YORK PREMIERE: THE NORTH POOL By RAJIV JOSEPH and Directed by GIOVANNA SARDELLI. FEB 14 - MAR 24. In this riveting psychological thriller, a high school vice principal and a Middle Eastern-born transfer student engage in a politically and emotionally charged game of cat and mouse, with dangerous consequences. A powerful new play from Pulitzer Prize finalist Rajiv Joseph, author of Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo, and recipient of The Vineyard’s Paula Vogel Playwriting Award.
Vineyard Theatreis a non-profit theatre company dedicated to new work, bold programming and the support of artists. One of America’s preeminent centers for the creation of new plays and musicals, Vineyard Theatre has consistently premiered provocative, groundbreaking works by both new and established writers. |
Assinado por dois dos maiores especialistas em arquitetura cênica do país, o paulista Serroni e o carioca José Dias, o projeto arquitetônico do Centro Cultural Solar de Botafogo preservou o aspecto histórico da construção, através de um trabalho de restauração da fachada original, e promoveu uma total reestruturação do seu espaço interno, com direito à anexação da área externa traseira, onde foi erguido o prédio teatral, edificação construída em três níveis, disponde de 180 lugares divididos entre platéia, platéia superior e camarote, com acesso por modenos elevadores, perfeita refrigeração seguindo todas as normas de segurança.
Com 800 m2 de área construída, além do teatro, o Solar de Botafogo abriga um segundo espaço cênico, sala para ensaios e leituras, galeria de arte, café concerto com cyber lounge – EFFE Café, auditório para projeção de vídeos e filmes de arte. |
Playwing this winter 2013: Mamma Mia! The world-wide smash Mamma Mia! is a heartwarming and funny new musical. On the eve of a wedding, a mother and daughter are suprised by the arrival of three men, one of whom may be the girl's father. You don't have to be a fan of the supergroup ABBA, who provided the 23 hit songs for Mamma Mia! to fall in love with this unforgettable new show, that will have you dancing in the aisles!
The Winter Garden Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 1634 Broadway in midtown-Manhattan. Architect William Albert Swasey converted the former American Horse Exchange into a theatre for the Shuberts when they acquired the property. The fourth New York City venue to be christened the Winter Garden, it opened on March 10, 1911 with the early Jerome Kern musical La Belle Paree.
It was completely remodeled in 1922 by Herbert J. Krapp. The large stage is wider than those in most Broadway houses, and the proscenium arch is relatively low. The building is situated uniquely on its lot, with the main entrance and marquee, located on Broadway, connected to the 1530-seat Seventh Avenue auditorium via a long hallway, and the rear wall of the stage abutting 50th Street. Source |
Próximo ao Metrô Trianon.
Um espaço multifuncional e conta com café bar, galeria de exposições e sala de espetáculos com capacidade para 83 pessoas. Conta com palco e arquibancadas articuláveis, cadeiras empilháveis, equipamento profissional de som e iluminação, ar-condicionado, tratamento acústico, camarins, toaletes, sistema de segurança com saída de emergência, estacionamento ao lado.
Situa-se na Rua da Consolação, 1.218, ao entre o Mackenzie e o Tribunal do Trabalho (sentido Centro-Paulista). |
Em 18 de agosto de 1956, na capital federal, sendo presidente da República Juscelino Kubitschek (1902-1976), era inaugurado o Teatro Arthur Azevedo, pelo embaixador Francisco Negrão de Lima (1901-1981), então prefeito do Distrito Federal. Homenagem ao jornalista e escritor que no final do século XIX, dominou o cenário teatral do país. Arthur Azevedo (1855-1908) consolidou o gênero comédia de costumes da sociedade brasileira do final da monarquia e início da república, foi também um dos responsáveis pela construção do Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, inaugurado logo após sua morte em 22 de outubro de 1908.
One of the largest and most acclaimed professional theatre companies in the metro Washington, DC area, Round House Theatre is led by Producing Artistic Director Blake Robison, who joined the company in June 2005. Based in Montgomery County, Maryland, Round House Theatre produces nearly 200 theatrical performances each season at its 400-seat Bethesda theatre and 150-seat black box theatre in Silver Spring. The company operates an education center in Silver Spring and annually reaches over 40,000 patrons there and across the region with strong educational programs.
Dia 3, 4, 5 e 7 às 20h Dia 8 às 17h. Programa:
BALLET O QUEBRA-NOZES. Música: Tchaikovsky
Concepção, Coreografia e Mise-en-Scène: Dalal Achcar
Solistas: Ana Botafogo, Cecília Kerche, Claudia Mota, Márcia Jaqueline, Karen Mesquita. Francisco Timbó, Cícero Gomes, Filipe Moreira, Denis Vieira. Cenários e Figurinos: José Varona
Regência: Silvio Viegas,
Um dos mais bonitos prédios do Rio de Janeiro, localizado na Praça Floriano, conhecida como Cinelândia, no centro da cidade, o Theatro Municipal é a principal casa de espetáculos do Brasil e uma das mais importantes da América do Sul. Desde a sua inauguração, em 14 de julho de 1909, o Theatro tem recebido os maiores artistas internacionais, assim como os principais nomes da dança, música e da ópera brasileiras. |
Inaugurado em Setembro de 1994, e localizado na Barra da Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro), o CITIBANK HALL - Rio de Janeiro está estruturado para abrigar todos os tipos de shows e eventos.
Contando com uma infra-estrutura grandiosa, a casa transforma qualquer evento em um verdadeiro espetáculo, oferecendo ao Rio um espaço à altura de sua tradição cultural. |
Concebido inicialmente para abrigar uma extensão da Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, o Centro Cultural São Paulo acabou sofrendo, no decorrer de suas obras, uma série de adaptações para se transformar em um dos primeiros espaços culturais multidisciplinares do país.
Inaugurado em 1982, oferece espetáculos de teatro, dança e música, mostras de artes visuais, projeções de cinema e vídeo, oficinas, debates e cursos, além de manter sob sua guarda expressivos acervos da cidade de São Paulo: a Coleção de Arte da Cidade, a Discoteca Oneyda Alvarenga, a coleção da Missão de Pesquisas Folclóricas de Mário de Andrade, o Arquivo Multimeios e um conjunto de bibliotecas |
Em 1963 foi inaugurado o Teatro Ruth Escobar, de propriedade da atriz Ruth Escobar, que, graças ao apoio obtido junto à colônia portuguesa, conseguiu levantar um admirável complexo arquitetônico, voltado para a realização de atividades culturais de todas as espécies.
A montagem de estréia foi "A Ópera dos Três Vinténs", de Bertolt Brecht, sob a direção de José Renato, configurando, desde o início, o caráter revolucionário desta casa de espetáculos. |
Playing in January 2013: The Phantom Of The Opera. Winner of 7 1988 Tony Awards including Best Musical, The Phantom of the Opera is based on the novel by Gaston Leroux. It tells the story of the hideously deformed Phantom who lurks beneath the stage of the Paris Opera, exercising a reign of terror over its occupants. The phantom falls in love with the young Soprano devoting himself to creating a new star for the Opera by nurturing her extraordinary talents and employing all the skills at his disposal.
The Majestic Theatre is a Broadway theatre located at 245 West 44th Street in midtown Manhattan. An earlier theatre with the same name had been located at 5 Columbus Circle, the present site of the Time-Warner building. Designed in 1903 by John Duncan, the architect of Grant's Tomb, the theatre hosted original musicals, including The Wizard of Oz and Babes in Toyland, and briefly served as a studio for NBC. It was renamed the Park Theatre in 1911 and demolished in 1954. Source |
Since 1921, The Virginia Theatre has been a landmark in the business district of Champaign, and in the history of the region. For 75 years, the 1525 seat theatre has offered entertainment as a vaudeville house, legitimate theatre, and movie house. After over three decades as a movie house primarily, the Theatre made the return to live performances in May of 1991 with a live theatre/concert called Songs of America. The show sold out and they had to turn away 200 people. This was the first show at the theatre since the theatre was dedicated to films only. In January of 2000, the Champaign Park District joined in the efforts to save this prized landmark. After assuming control of the theatre, the Park District embarked on a massive renovation to bring the facility back to its original glory and in compliance with local safety ordinances. After renovations are complete, the Virginia Theatre will continue its tradition of quality entertainment that was sparked by such legendary performers such as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Red Skelton, Will Rogers, W.C. Fields and the Marx Brothers.
Localizada no coração de Copacabana, a Sala Baden Powell surgida com a reforma do antigo Cine Ricamar e assim batizada em homenagem ao grande violonista, falecido em 2001, tornou realidade o antigo projeto da Prefeitura de contar com um espaço nobre para ampliar ainda mais sua atuação na área cultural. A sala, projetada inicialmente como um local para a música, abriga hoje também importantes montagens do teatro musical brasileiro. Em respeito à população do bairro e às suas necessidades, a Terceira Idade recebe atenção especial. Lotação : 500 pessoas Fonte
O Teatro dos Grandes Atores, foi inaugurado em 1995, e é formado por duas salas, a Azul e a Vermelha, cada uma com 396 lugares. A sala Azul teve como primeiro espetáculo Apareceu a Margarida, estrelado por Marília Pêra. A sala vermelha iniciou sua programação com A Era do Rádio, dirigida e encenada por Sérgio Britto.
As mais novas salas da rede Teatros Art foram inauguradas em janeiro de 2009 e estão situado num dos shopping mais charmosos do Rio do Janeiro - o São Conrado Fashion Mall.
São mais 780 poltronas dispostas em 2 salas: uma de 490 lugares e a outra com 280, prontas para receberem os melhores espetáculos que circulam pela cidade, além de diversos eventos empresariais e culturais. |
Coming up: Rodgers And Hammerstein's Cinderella. Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella is coming to Broadway for the first time ever! Four-time Tony Award nominee Douglas Carter Beane’s (Sister Act, Xanadu) delightfully romantic and hilarious take on the ultimate makeover story features all the classic elements you remember—the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more—plus some surprising new twists! Rediscover some of Rodgers + Hammerstein's most beloved songs, including “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s Possible” and “Ten Minutes Ago" in this outrageously fun Broadway musical for dreamers of all ages. And not to worry... you'll be home well before the stroke of midnight!
The Broadway Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 1681 Broadway in midtown-Manhattan. Designed by architect Eugene DeRosa for Benjamin S. Moss, it opened as B.S. Moss's Colony Theatre on Christmas Day 1924 as a venue for vaudeville shows and motion pictures. It was re-named Universal's Colony Theatre, B.S. Moss' Broadway Theatre, and Earl Carroll's Broadway Theatre before becoming a legitimate house simply called Broadway Theatre on December 8, 1930 . (In 1937, known as Ciné Roma, it showed Italian films). The Shuberts bought it in 1939. It was renovated extensively in 1956 and 1986. The large stage (nearly sixty feet deep) and seating capacity (1761) have made it a popular theatre for musicals throughout the years. |
O Teatro Municipal João Caetano foi reinaugurado em 1995, após uma profunda restauração. O projeto de recuperação encarou um grande desafio que era respeitar os aspectos históricos e ao mesmo tempo dotá-lo de modernidade. Ao longo de sua história, o teatro sofreu sucessivas obras de reformas que foram alterando a forma original do prédio, adaptando espaços e desfigurando seus seus núcleos históricos, dando origem a um prédio com características de diferentes épocas. No entanto, a fachada manteve as linhas arquitetônicas neoclássicas da reforma de 1888 e 1889.
O Centro Cultural Suassuna está localizado na Barra da Tijuca. No complexo do CCS são realizados eventos culturais e empresariais, tais como: teatro adulto e infantil, espetáculos de dança, shows, exposições, filmes, congressos, palestras, além de um calendário constante de cursos, wokshops e oficinas. O CCS tem como proposta trazer para adultos e crianças as novidades culturais, o que é aplaudido pela crítica e o que é sucesso entre o público do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil.
O complexo abriga 2 (dois) teatros com capacidade para 280 pessoas cada um e galeria de arte. |
Disney presents a musical that brings The Lion King's wildly popular story, the Oscar winning Elton John / Tim Rice songs, and an entire African landscape to the stage of the specially adapted Minskoff Theater. Directed and designed by Tony Award winner Julie Taymor, THE LION KING fills the theatre with sights and sounds of one of Broadways most imaginative new talents - all to bring new life to Disneys crowd pleasing story of a young princes adventure-filled journey to adulthood - and the throne.
Giraffes strut, birds swoop, gazelles leap! The entire savanna comes to life and, as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly rises out of the stage. This is The Lion King. The winner of six 1998 Tony Awards, including Best New Musical, it is the story of a young lion cub named Simba who struggles to accept the responsibilities of adulthood and his destined role as king. To bring the classic 1994 film to life, Disney turned to the story's roots, its rich mythology, powerful human drama and primal African rhythms to create a fantastic new musical unlike anything Broadway has ever seen. The modern theatre, with a very large seating capacity of 1,621 seats, was designed by the architectural firm of Kahn and Jacobs and offers a spectacular view of the Great White Way from the glass front of the building on all levels of the theatre. |
Yesterday…A place where thousands of young artists have stepped out into the spotlight and launched their careers. A place "where stars are born and legends are made." The legendary Apollo Theater is so much more than an historic landmark - it is a source of pride and a symbol of the brilliance of American artistic achievement. From 1934 when the Apollo first introduced its world-famous Amateur Night which launched the careers of legendary artists like Ella Fitzgerald, James Brown, Michael Jackson, D'Angelo and Lauryn Hill, the Apollo has maintained its position as the nation's most popular arena for emerging and established black and Latino performers.
The Circle in the Square Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 235 West 50th Street in midtown Manhattan.
Designed by architect Alan Sayles, it is one of two theatres occupying the underground levels of Paramount Plaza, which was constructed as the Uris Building on the site of the famed Capitol Theater movie house. It originally served as the uptown home to the Circle-in-the-Square repertory company founded by Theodore Mann and Jose Quintero in 1961 in Greenwich Village. The first production, a revival of Mourning Becomes Electra, opened on November 15, 1972. The rather small auditorium has a seating capacity of 650. It is one of only two Broadway houses with a thrust stage (the other is Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theatre). The building also houses the Circle in the Square Theatre School, the only accredited training conservatory associated with a Broadway theatre, which offers a two-year training program in acting. Source |
The Music Box Theater is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 239 West 45th Street in midtown-Manhattan.
The most aptly named theater on Broadway, the intimate Music Box was designed by architect C. Howard Crane and constructed by composer Irving Berlin and producer Sam H. Harris specifically to house Berlin's famed Music Box Revues. It opened in 1921 and hosted a new musical production every year until 1925, when it presented its first play, Cradle Snatchers, starring Humphrey Bogart. The following year, Chicago, the Maurine Dallas Watkins play that served as the basis for the hit musical, opened here. It housed a string of hits for the playwriting team of George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart, from their first collaboration Once in a Lifetime to their smash hit The Man Who Came to Dinner. Cole Porter and George and Ira Gershwin also presented shows here. Source |
Em 8 de março de 1979, era inaugurado o teatro Villa-Lobos, com a presença do governador do Estado, Floriano Faria Lima e Adolpho Bloch (1908-1995), então presidente da Funarj. Com três unidades cênicas – o teatro e duas salas Monteiro Lobato (Espaço II) e Arnaldo Niskier (Espaço III) –, preserva a característica de receber espetáculos inéditos e trabalhos experimentais nos espaços anexos.
A escolha do nome para o teatro foi uma homenagem ao maestro Heitor Villa-Lobos, um dos maiores compositores brasileiros, autor de mais de mil músicas. Compôs peças de vários gêneros - concertos, sinfonias, suítes, quartetos de cordas, sonatas, arranjos para coro, peças para pequenos conjuntos e grande orquestra. Com maestria conseguiu mesclar o folclore brasileiro com a música de concerto européia. |
Funcionamento da Bilheteria do Teatro: terça a domingo, das 14h até o horário da última peça.
Na década de 50 ficou consagrado como Teatro de Bolso Aurimar Rocha (o antigo proprietário, Aurimar Rocha, foi um importante diretor de teatro de revista da época). Grandes nomes da Revista, como Carlos Machado e Virgínia Lane, passaram por lá.
Em 1994, a Prefeitura do Rio comprou o teatro em leilão e o reformou. Hoje acolhe sobretudo novos autores e diretores e ainda espetáculos experimentais. |