World Newspapers

    Monticello Times, North America

   - Monticello, AR           
Sun Newspapers publishes 42 weekly newspapers reaching over 420,000 homes in the suburbs of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
    Em Tempo, South America
  Rua Brasil, 315 - São Jorge - Manaus, AM           
Presidente -Otávio Raman Neves. Diretor Executivo - Gutemberg Alencar.
    Helena Independent Record, North America
   - Helena,            
News, Sports, Entertainment, Classified, Jobs, Cars, Homes and more.
    O Progresso, South America
   - Dourados, MS           
Capa, caderno b, cidades, dia-a-dia, editorial, esportes, opinião, policial, política e classificados.
    Arizona Republic, The, North America
  200 East Van Buren Street - Phoenix, AZ           
As the state's largest newspaper, The Arizona Republic offers its readers a strong focus on local news, along with national and international news. Debuting May 19, 1890, as The Arizona Republican, the newspaper was created as a sounding board to challenge the biased political beliefs of the established Arizona newspapers.
    New York Magazine, North America
  11 Penn Plaza, 2nd Floor - New York, NY            
New York is a weekly magazine principally concerned with the life, culture, politics, and style of New York City. Founded by Milton Glaser and Clay Felker in 1968 as a competitor to The New Yorker, it was brasher and less polite than that magazine, and established itself as a cradle of New Journalism. Source
    Jornal da Nação, South America
   - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Jornal da Nação é novo veículo de comunicação do Flamengo. O periódico irá se dedicar aos comentários de internautas que navegam na comunidade oficial do clube no Orkut. Custará Cr$ 0,50 nas bancas de jornais.
    O Fluminense, South America
   - Niterói, RJ           
Fundado em 8 de maio 1878, O Fluminense é, aos 132 anos, o segundo periódico mais antigo em circulação do Estado do Rio, mantendo-se entre as raras publicações da América Latina a serem veiculadas em três diferentes séculos.
Em mais de 37 mil edições, O Fluminense mantém a postura que o fez crescer: defesa da integridade, da soberania e das aspirações populares. Assim, O Fluminense é um dos jornais mais importantes do cenário político nacional.
As páginas de O Fluminense revelaram alguns dos mais talentosos nomes da nossa literatura, como Euclides da Cunha, Oliveira Vianna, Olavo Bilac, Rubem Braga e Irineu Marinho.
Em 1954, O Fluminense passou a ser administrado pelo advogado, político e jornalista Alberto Torres. Quarenta e quatro anos mais tarde, O Fluminense foi transformado em um moderno veículo de comunicação. Alberto Torres promoveu o reaparelhamento das oficinas, a construção da atual sede e a expansão da empresa.
Atualmente, o Grupo Fluminense de Comunicação é administrado por Nina Rita Torres e Alexandre Torres, filha e neto de Alberto Torres.
    Yukon News, North America
  211 Wood Street - Whitehorse - Yukon, CA           
    Wall Street Journal, The, North America
  1211 Avenue of the Americas - New York, NY              
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The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is an English-language international daily newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corporation, in New York City, with Asian and European editions. As of 2007, It has a worldwide daily circulation of more than 2 million, with approximately 931,000 paying online subscribers. It was the largest-circulation newspaper in the United States until November 2003, when it was surpassed by USA Today. Its main rival is the London-based Financial Times, which also publishes several international editions.
The Journal newspaper primarily covers U.S. and international business and financial news and issues—the paper's name comes from Wall Street, the street in New York City that is the heart of the financial district. It has been printed continuously since being founded July 8, 1889, by Charles Dow, Edward Jones, and Charles Bergstresser. The newspaper has won the Pulitzer Prize thirty-three times[3], including 2007 prizes for backdated stock options and for the adverse impact of China's booming economy.
    New York Times, The, North America
  229 West 43rd Street - New York, NY              
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The New York Times is an American daily newspaper founded in 1851 and published in New York City. The largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States, "The Gray Lady"—named for its staid appearance and style—is regarded as a national newspaper of record.
The Times is owned by The New York Times Company, which publishes 18 other newspapers, including the International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe. The company's chairman is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., whose family has controlled the paper since 1896.
The New York Times motto, as printed in the upper left-hand corner of the front page, is "All the News That's Fit to Print." It is organized into sections: News, Opinions, Business, Arts, Science, Sports, Style and Features. The Times stayed with the eight-column format for several years after most papers switched to six columns, and it was one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography. The Times has won the most Pulitzer Prizes (98) of any paper. Its website is one of the most popular, receiving over 14 million unique visitors in August 2008. Source
    Chronicle-Journal, North America
   - Thunder Bay, CA           
    Baton Rouge Advocate, North America
   - Baton Rouge, LA           
News, sports, business, entertainment and more.
    Diário de Pernambuco, South America
   - Pernambuco, PE           
Presidente: Joezil Barros - Vice-Presidente Institucional: Gladstone Vieira Belo - Vice-Presidente Executivo: Evaristo de Oliveira
    A Folha, South America
   - São Pedro da Serra, RJ           
Culinária, Cultura, Editorial, Educação, Esportes, Geral, Obras, Policial, Política, Ponto de vista, Região, Saúde e mais.
    Connecticut Post, North America
   - Bridgeport,            
News, Sports, Business, Entertainment, Living, Opinion, Blogs and more.
    Dallas Morning News, North America
   - Dallas, TX           
News, sports, weather, traffic, business, entertainment and more.
    New York Press, North America
  295 Lafayette Street - New York, NY            
The New York Press has remained true to its identity, an alternative to the established weeklies, with a clear sense of independence and identity, committed to the cause of narrative journalism at its best. With an average age of 39.7 and average income of $130,000, the New York Press captures an intelligent, well-read audience that works hard and has the disposable income to enjoy the city and all it has to offer. The Press not only covers controversial issues and tackles edgy topics, it also tells stories of people and institutions with a point of view. With thorough coverage of New York's cultural life and columns devoted to sex and politics and cutting-edge cartoons that have helped define the Press' visual appeal, the New York Press cuts through the thicket of newsprint to present a view of New York unlike any other available.
    Tatame, South America
  Av. Marechal Floriano, 38/1208 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Revista especializada em artes marciais, com editoriais e fotos abordando a performance de lutadores brasileiros nos principais circuito nacionais e internacionais de MMA, Luta Livre e Jiu-Jitsu.
    Jornal do Brasil, South America
   - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Durante os chamados Anos de Chumbo no país, foi o principal periódico que se posicionou contra o golpe de estado militar. É tradicionalmente voltado para as classes média e alta que se concentram na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, uma elite diminuta mas com altíssimo poder de formação de opinião, a nível nacional.
Em 2005, o JB instalou-se na Casa do Bispo, imóvel histórico e representativo do colonial luso-brasileiro, datado do início do século XVII, que já serviu de sede à Fundação Roberto Marinho.
A partir de 16 de Abril de 2006 começou a circular nas bancas no chamado "formato europeu", um formato maior que o tablóide e menor que o convencional, seguido por diversos jornais daquele continente.Fonte
    Detroit News, North America
   - Detroit, MI           
Autos, sports, entertainment, lifestyle and more.
    Topeka Capital-Journal, North America
   - Topeka, KS           
News, sports, life, opinion and more.
    Correio Popular, South America
   - Campinas, SP           
Cidades, Economia, Esportes, Cena urbana, Horóscopo, Esotérico, Editorial e muito mais.
    Rutland Herald, North America
   - Rutland,            
News, Sports, Business, Blogs, Homes, Cars, Jobs and more.
    Jornal Planeta Oceano, South America
   - Região Oceância - Niterói, RJ           
Qualidade na impressão: esse é nosso compromisso número um. Para tanto, o jornal Planeta Oceano é impresso no moderno parque gráfico Areté - do grupo Diário Lance!. No mesmo parque são impressos jornais de todo o Brasil. Pelo sistema CtU, onde são eliminadas as chapas de fotolito - garante-se fotos com mais nitidez e textos legíveis com fontes de tamanho reduzidos.
    Jornal Zona Oeste, South America
   - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
    State Press, North America
   - Tempe, AZ           
The State Press has consistently been rated among the best college newspapers in the country. In 2004, 2005 and 2006, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association named The State Press a Gold Crown and Silver Crown winner, respectively — the highest awards given to college newspapers. The State Press also was honored in 2005 with the Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism, a prestigious national award given to one college paper each year for its commitment to ethics. Student journalists working for The State Press consistently place in the prestigious Hearst awards for college journalism students and sweep the Society of Professional Journalism regional awards.
    Providence Journal, North America
   - Providence, RI           
R.I. News, Sports, Lifebeat, Business, Opinion, Calendar and more.
    Louisville Courier-Journal, North America
   - Louisville., KY           
The Courier-Journal has been part of the fabric of Louisville life since 1868. Every day, nearly half a million adults throughout Kentucky and Southern Indiana read The Courier-Journal, and more than 617,000 read the Sunday Courier-Journal. Since 1987, The Courier-Journal has been part of Gannett Co., Inc., a Fortune 500 company that publishes 103 daily newspapers worldwide, including USA Today.
    Jewish Community Voice, North America
  1301 Springdale Road Ste 250 - Cherry Hill, NJ           
The award-winning Jewish Community Voice is the newspaper of record for Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester counties in Southern New Jersey. Since its first issue on Sept. 19, 1941, the Voice has featured the best in local, national, and international news coverage. Today, Jewish Federation Publications (JFP) produces the Voice, a biweekly paper; Attitudes, a lifestyle magazine published twice a year; and Connect, an annual guide to the Jewish Federation agencies, synagogues and organizations serving the Jewish community