World Furniture

    Maurice Villency, North America

  200 East 57th Street - Corner of 3rd Avenue - New York, NY
A brilliant designer and master craftsman, Mr. Villency crafted his pieces with impeccable attention to detail infused with the design sensibility of his native Europe. Today, the Maurice Villency furniture collection adheres to this proud legacy of craftsmanship and design by providing devoted care and individual attention.
    Jayson Home and Garden., North America
  1885 North Clybourn Avenue in Lincoln Park - Chicago, IL            
Sophisticated & unique furnishings from around the world along with a variety of plants & flowers. Dedicated to helping customers live beautifully.
    Furniture Medic, North America
  263 Colony Dr - Paducah , KY           
Furniture Medic, one of the world’s largest furniture repair and restoration companies, has established a reputation for excellence unmatched in the industry. Our success is firmly rooted in our dedication to providing our customers with unparalleled craftsmanship and quality service. We provide home owners and businesses an affordable alternative for their wood furnishings and fixtures. We specialize in furniture and wood repair for antiques, specialty items, millwork, paneling, doors and banisters, cabinetry and mantels, hardwood floors, and upholstery. Other services include cabinet refacing, furniture structural repair and stabilization, precision repair of wood and laminate surfaces, refinishing and polishing, and color matching.
    Norwalk Furniture and Design, North America
  2747 Edmondson Road - Cincinnati, OH           
Norwalk Furniture & Design is a retail store specializing in custom upholstered furniture personal-ized to reflect your unique style and tastes.
    Land of Nod, North America
  2177 Shermer Rd. - Northbrook, IL            
Thrump-thrump. When you start a company in your basement, like we did, certain things come with the territory.
    Furniture First, North America
  6314 Lima Rd. - Fort Wayne, IN           
Furniture First, America's Furniture Specialists™. Explore the Design Center to discover your style, plan your room and learn how to decorate like the pros. Furniture 101 will tell you what to look for when shopping and how to take care of your furniture.
    Orange Skin, North America
  223 W. Erie Street - Suite 1 NW - Chicago, IL           
Orange Skin continues to provide the very best in modern furniture systems and home accessories to the individual client and the architectural and design community. Our extensive product offering provides solutions across a number of interior and exterior applications. We continually source new products from internationally acclaimed designers at the forefront of interior and furniture design.
    Furniture Crafts, North America
  1015 Memorial Way - Fort Wayne  , IN           
For over thirty five years Furniture Crafts has offered Indiana, Ohio and Michigan the finest in real wood furniture. From bedroom to kitchen, home office to the family room, Furniture Crafts has beautiful real wood treasures for you. Choose your special pieces from America’s favorite woods including the ever-popular oak, ash, maple, pine and more. Then, have that special piece custom finished by our expert craftsman to blend with your existing décor or do it yourself and enjoy seeing your creative talents. The experienced staff at Furniture Crafts can offer you service and knowledge that’s second to none.
    RoomPlace, North America
  2471 South Randall Road - Algonquin, IL            
The RoomPlace makes furniture buying easy for customers. The showrooms feature completely furnished, coordinated rooms created by the company's team of experienced designers. The RoomPlace concept allows customers to experience a total-room concept and select the perfect design that meets their individual tastes and needs. Customers not only save on every piece of furniture they buy, they save even more when they buy a complete room. And customers who choose The RoomPlace enjoy immediate delivery.
    Sierra Móveis, South America
  Av. César Hilal, 1293 - Vitória, ES            
Fundada no ano de 1990, no município de Gramado, na Serra Gaúcha, a Sierra Móveis transformou-se, de uma modesta fábrica de móveis, em uma referência de alta qualidade e design mobiliário no Brasil. 60 lojas exclusivas nos quatro cantos do país. A empresa exporta ainda para diversos países da América Latina e do Norte, além de Europa, Ásia e África. São aproximadamente 550 colaboradores, desenvolvendo suas atividades em mais 60.000m² de área construída. Com uma ampla linha de produtos que variam do estilo Clássico ao Contemporâneo, passando pelo Casual, a Sierra Móveis disponibiliza aos seus clientes os mais diversos tecidos e acabamentos. Todas as peças são desenvolvidas e fabricadas com os mais modernos equipamentos de produção disponíveis no mercado. Agilidade, flexibilidade e bom atendimento. Tudo isso pensando em você. Sierra Móveis. Mais que um móvel, um conceito.
    World Market Furniture, North America
  1655 Olentangy River Road - Columbus, OH            
It quickly became a destination for those who craved original and handmade items from around the world. Items were sold at cost, plus ten percent - hence the name Cost Plus World Market!
Fifty years later, it's still our passion to discover extraordinary finds from all over the world and make them accessible to all.
    Celmar, South America
  Av. Eliseo de Almeida, 2453 - Butantã - São Paulo, SP            
A busca pela qualidade na Celmar é uma constante, pois nossos produtos passam por um rigoroso controle de qualidade do começo ao fim. Orgulhamo-nos em ter clientes com nossos móveis a mais de 50 anos, pois, o principal foco da Celmar sempre foi fabricar produtos duráveis e de estrema qualidade. Por isso desenvolvemos um certificado que dá 5 anos de garantia. Conheça um pouco sobre a garantia concedida aos nossos produtos.
    Toque a Campainha, South America
  Av. Maracanã, 987 sl.2023/25 e 26 - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Toque a Campainha tornou-se após 2 décadas, a principal empresa exclusiva no setor de móveis em atividade no Rio de Janeiro. Atuando de forma marcante em grandes shoppings e, com investimentos maciços na qualidade e inovação de seus produtos conquistou, rapidamente, a preferência dos exigentes consumidores fluminenses. Reconhecida pela excelência em seus serviços de atendimento, entrega, montagem e assistência técnica, a Toque a Campainha ostenta com orgulho a imagem de uma empresa séria e comprometida com a satisfação máxima de seus clientes
    Neuvié Contemporary Furniture, North America
  132 Santa Barbara Street - Santa Barbara, CA           
Our Santa Barbara location is conveniently located just off US 101. Take the Garden Street offramp, head towards the beach and turn right on Yanonali. Neuvie is located at the corner of Yanonali and Santa Barbara Street, only a block from the beach!
    Bellini Furniture, North America
  2651 Observatory Avenue - Suite 101 - Cincinnati, OH            
Bellini furniture combines modern day features with Old World craftsmanshipfrom Beechwood cribs that convert to beds, to Birchwood dressers that last from birth to college. Today, Bellinis award-winning crib, furniture, bedding and accessory collections are available exclusively in our 45 locations nationwide. Our one-of-a-kind products, exceptional service and lifetime value have become the hallmarks of the Bellini brand. We invite you to discover the countrys leading design source for juvenile furnishings and accessories. Discover the craftsmanship, safety and style that make a Bellini bedroom an instant classic.
    Móveis Masotti, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 3000 lj.2122-A - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Sediada em Gramada-RS, pólo tradicional de indústria moveleira do Rio Grande do Sul, Móveis Masotti, criada em 1959, iniciou seu processo industrial em pequena escala em 1970 produzindo móveis rústicos de madeira. Na década seguinte, o country americano passou a ser produzido pela empresa, evoluindo para móveis sofisticados com estilos clássicos e contemporâneos.
Moderna planta industrial, equipe especializada em constante treinamento, matéria prima selecionada e de qualidade, 100% proveniente de florestas manejadas, logística de distribuição de produtos acabados e controle de qualidade peça por peça, são diferenciais importantes que garantem a Móveis Masotti presença nos mais exigentes mercados mundiais.
    Samurai Móveis, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bl.A ljs. F/G/H/I - Casa Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Samurai é uma empresa com mais de 40 anos de mercado, mas com uma fikosofia empresarial moderna, sempre atualizada com as últimas tendências em design de interiores. Equipe de profissionais aptas a desenvolver e executar projetos personalizados, sob medida, visando a melhorar a relação espaço-conforto, agregando funcionalidade, conforto, durabilidade e bom gosto
    Boyles Distinctive Furniture, North America
  10200 Little Brier Creek Lane - Raleigh, NC           
Since 1949, Boyles Distinctive Furniture has been furnishing homes all over the United States and around the world. We are proud to represent America's premiere name-brand furniture manufacturers.
    House of Denmark, North America
  6248 Dawson Blvd - Norcross, GA
You recognize impeccable craftsmanship. Undeniable value. Since 1969 House of Denmark has been dedicated to offering the latest in home furnishing style, value and service unequaled in the marketplace. We feature quality home furnishings from every corner of the globe and a staff of experienced design associates that can help you make good space planning and purchase decisions. If you don’t see it in our showroom, we have an extensive library from which you can custom order pieces that exactly fit your needs.
    Miles Furniture, North America
   - Pensacola, FL           
Miles Furniture has served the Gulf Coast since 1958. Family owned and operated, we take pride in the reputation we have built for strong customer satisfaction, quality furniture and unbeatable prices. Our staff is highly trained, friendly and tuned-in to the local market, making us the best source for furniture, bedding and accessories in the Pensacola area.
    Door Store, North America
  1 Park Avenue at 33rd St. - New York, NY
In 1953, two sisters from Cincinnati, Ohio came to New York City seeking adventure. Annie and Martha came up with the idea of making furniture out of various "parts". With flush doors and different sized legs they built dining tables, coffee tables, beds, sofas, room dividers, shelving, benches, and more.
These new creations were put on display in their first store, located in a brownstone on 51st Street and 3rd Avenue, which they named "Furniture in Parts". Annie and Martha lived just above their store and put all their energies into their new business.
Their hard work paid off when an editor from 'Look' magazine took notice of their novel approach to furniture and design. He wrote an article, accompanied with photos, all about their unique concept. It was in this 'Look' magazine article that their store "Furniture in Parts" was appropriately nick-named "Door Store". The article drew so much attention that several more newspaper and magazine stories followed. The sisters even appeared on national TV on Arlene Francis' morning show!
    A&M Discount Furniture, North America
  120 Fulton Ave. - Hempstead, NY 11550 - ,             
Providing good quality products, and do not impose any unnecessary costs or extra fees. The furniture showroom has more than 24,000 square feet, making us the biggest furniture store of Nassau County NY.
    Quarto Composto, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bloco F lj.101 - Casa Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
As arquitetas Carmem Zaccaro eMarise Kessel apresenta sua coleção de móveis exclusivos para quartos, oferecendo a clientes e profissionais da área uma ampla e bela linha de opções. Os modelos de camas podem ser feitos em modelos especiais. A nova linha de armários – Composição – possibilita diversas combinações de portas com brises de madeira, laqueada e espelhadas. Uma linha para a garotada, repleta de propostas criativas e cores vibrantes.
    Ortobom, South America
  Rua da Conceição, 180 e 182 - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
Fundada há 40 anos em São Paulo, a Ortobom iniciou suas atividades no ramo metalúrgico, fabricando camas, mesas para televisão, etc. Com o passar dos anos a empresa começou a comprar blocos de espuma para a confecção de colchões, que harmoniosamente se casavam com essas camas visando aumentar seu ramo de atividades.
    Chair Design, South America
  Av. Pedro Moura, 150 lj.A - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Chair Design inovou o mercado com um conceito exclusivo em cadeiras. Sempre atenta as tendências do mercado, lançou linhas com divisão em segmentos como Escritório, Hotelaria, Bares e Restaurantes, Gastronomia, Decoração e Réplicas das mais famosas Cadeiras Assinadas de Arne Jacobsen, Eero aarnio, George Nelson, Le Corbusier, entre outros, oferecendo um produto de qualidade, com um único objetivo, atender as necessidades e o desejo de clientes especiais.
Desenvolveu o melhor acabamento para as estruturas em aço carbono, alumínio, inox, cromado, madeira maciça e revestimentos como lâmina de madeira, acrílico, polipropileno e fibra
    Karls Baby & Teenage Furniture, North America
  724 Chestnut Street - Philadelphia, PA           
Karl's may be geographically located in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, but you'll experience more than just brotherly love in this store. You'll receive an entire family's full-service and tender loving care!
The history of Karl's is spanning three generations of ownership. In 1920, Simon and Florence Richman opened the doors of Karl's on the premise that the customer deserves unique merchandise and impeccable service. Forty years later, they were succeeded by their son, Alan Richman, who also held this philosophy close to his heart. Alan followed this philosophy so closely that he became known as "Uncle Alan", a trust-worthy individual who tickled a customer's fancy through a series of endearing advertisements.
The Richman family takes pride in serving your family. From generations past and new generations yet to come, Karl's can't help but uphold the tradition of "Caring Family Service."
    Rustik Móveis, South America
  Av. Dom Helder Câmara, 5332 - Norte Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A RUSTIK MÓVEIS iniciou suas atividades em Outubro/1995. A Família Rustik há 12 anos no mercado, trabalha com dedicação, seriedade, responsabilidade e compromisso, atendendo suas exigências em Móveis estilo: Rústico, Colonial e Country. Móveis sob medida e móveis padrão em madeira cedro/imbuia de acordo com suas necessidades. Fabricação própria, localizada em Canela/RS e três lojas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, atendimento personalizado, projetistas capacitados para maior satisfação de nossos clientes. Lojas, também, nos Shoppings Grande Rio e Rio Decor.
    ID&A, North America
  1700 S. 5th Street - Louisville, KY           
ID&A was founded in 1981 to provide clients with a single source for maintaining their office environment and improving its efficiency. This comprehensive, integrated approach proved to be exactly what forward-thinking companies needed to maximize their most valuable assets: people, technology and real estate.
    Rede Mega Economia Móveis, South America
  Av. Cesário de Mello, 2901 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fundada em junho do ano de 2002, a Rede Mega Economia Móveis, surgiu com o objetivo de oferecer o menor preço, mas, com qualidade e excelência em prestação de serviços a seus clientes. Graças ao cumprimento dessas metas, a Rede Mega reflete em suas 15 lojas o crescimento da empresa e a força do trabalho de sua equipe.
Lojas RJ: Campo Grande 1 e 2, Bangu 1 (Ponta de Estoque) e 2, Niterói 1 (Mega Kids), 2 e 3, Nova Iguaçu, 1, 2 e 3, Santa Cruz 1 e 2 e São Gonçalo.
    Voltage, North America
  3209 Madison Road - Cincinnati, OH            
Voltage is the destination for modern high design furniture, lighting and accessories from Europe. Our collection features an aesthetic that ranges from the austere and organic to the functional, offering a refined elegance and simplicity for any lifestyle. The maufacturers featured at Voltage represent over a century of modern design.