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A Kosmos é uma tradicional livraria do Rio de Janeiro. Fundada em 1935 por imigrantes austríacos, a loja sempre funcionou, e ainda funciona, no centro da cidade. A loja virtual, também, está a disposição de seus clientes.
Obletivando atender ao público voltado aos livros técnicos-acadêmicos, a Kosmos especializou-se em setores específicos, onde mantém com uma das principaie empresas do mercado livreiro nos seguintes segmentos: Agropecuária, Ciências Biológicas/Meio Ambiente, Ciências Exatas, Engenharia e Obras de Referência |
80 Years in Business!
Argosy Book Store, founded in 1926, is now in its third generation of family ownership. We have an enormous stock of antiquarian and out of print items, occupying all of a seven floor building in midtown Manhattan, and a large warehouse in Brooklyn. We specialize in Americana, Modern First Editions, Autographs, Art, The History of Science and Medicine, and Antique Maps & Prints. Many thousands of books in all other fields of interest are also available. We are founding members of the ABAA and belong to the Appraisers Association of America. |
Books of Wonder is your source for the finest in children's books -- both new and old. We offer a wide range of services via our New York City bookstore, our extensive mail order service, and now a fully functional e-commerce web site.
Founded in 1980, Books of Wonder is New York City's largest and oldest children's bookstore and the city's leading specialist in children's literature. Among the various departments in our store are sections devoted to children's classic and contemporary picture books, board books for infants and toddlers, foreign language children's books, reference books for children (dictionaries, atlases, etc.), non-fiction, and chapter books and novels for children from beginning readers to teens. And, of course, there is our world famous Oz section - a whole bookcase devoted to the many Oz books by L. Frank Baum and his successors. Of special interest to collectors is our wall of old, rare, and collectible children's books and original children's book art. |
Encore College Bookstores, Inc., our parent corporation was founded in September 1988, with the acquisition of Zavelle's Bookstore in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zavelle's Bookstore has served the community of students at Temple University for over 60 years. The operation of Zavelle's fits the profile of our philosophy in that all students should have the opportunity to buy and sell books at the best possible prices.
Your Local, Independent Bookstore in Mendham NJ.
Located in the shoreline town of Madison, Connecticut, RJ Julia Booksellers has always been a place of inspiration, information, and excitement.
RJ Julia opened 20 years ago as an independent bookstore whose mission was, and is, to be a place where words matter, where writer meets reader, where the ambiance and selection and merchandising of books creates an atmosphere that is welcoming and presents the opportunity for discovery. Ultimately we are fiercely committed to putting the right book in the right hand. |
Since 1990, skyline books has been providing out of print, rare, used and hard to find books of all types, specializing in the following:
art, photography, modern literature,
scholarly subjects / quality remainder and overstock items, beat literature,
first editions, african-american literature. http://www.skylinebooksnyc.com
McGraw-Hill Professional helps individuals excel in their learning and occupations by providing timely and authoritative knowledge to professionals around the world.
Making comics as easily accessible for as many people as humanly possible. Knowledge of everything from the mainstream to
the obscure makes answering any questions that you might have that
much easier to answer.
The nation’s largest K-12 educational clearinghouse for new textbooks, used textbooks, new workbooks, paperback novels, and reference materials.
The focus of our business is facilitating your school’s book ordering process. Adams makes it possible for you to order your classroom books through a single economical source. We can supply all of your school’s books on just ONE purchase order. No longer will you need to research which publisher has merged with another to get your books. Adams will supply any book in print from any publisher. You will receive ONE computerized bill from ONE source with a detailed listing of what was ordered, the publisher’s list price for the book, the discount, and your cost. Adams we make it easy, we make it economical. |
And more than 120 years later, we’ve gradually grown into what we are now...the largest Christian bookstore in the Tri-State metropolitan New York City area, with over 40,000 product titles and 15,000 square feet of space! We're one large superstore, selling Bibles, books, CD's videos and tapes, Spanish language, children's literature, gift and apparel items, and much more.
Israeli music CDs, DVDs, VHS casettes.
Having spent my first career in education and been a lover of good books, I hoped my next career would include books. I have always believed every town should have their own community bookstore, a place filled with good books, the type that get people to feel, to think, discuss, laugh and enjoy. To prepare for this goal, I worked part-time at a bookstore and learned the day to day operations. I took a course on the essentials of opening a quality bookstore and visited as many bookstores in New Jersey as I could. I found many bookstore owners to be both warm and generous with their time. Many of these owners have become close colleagues and remain a strong network helping my own bookstore, thrive and grow.
The oldest and largest Spanish-language bookstore in the U.S. Over 10,000 books in all subjects for every type of reader. Frequent Readers Rewards. Special orders for Universities
Cave Comics opened on May 15th 1989 in the old train station in Newtown CT. It's a great old building with 14 foot ceiling giving us a nice open feeling space. We are always striving to be a helpful, informative and fun store that welcomes everyone. Whether its your first comic or the next of many, we're here to make it a great experience.
Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, stocking over 1 million titles for immediate delivery -- that's more titles than any other online bookseller. With so many titles, it is vital to give customers an easy way to find precisely the books they are looking for. Fast search engine enables customers to locate books by title, author, or keyword in a few seconds at most. And our groundbreaking BookBrowser lets users sift through hundreds of categories to find exactly the right book. To further assist the customer, offering descriptions, reviews, and excerpts, in addition to editor recommendations and customer reviews on hundreds of thousands of titles.
The ranks of New Haven's used bookstores have thinned a little in recent years: Whitlock's on Broadway is gone, so too is the fine Elm City Books, which had a good run on York Street a few years back. But even if those stores were still around, the Book Trader would be a worthy winner of this category. And even if you couldn't buy a delicious sandwich or muffin here, it would still be a major destination for book lovers. The key is selectivity. The shelves are not weighted down by mediocrity, but rather lifted up by good stuff. Some of it is obvious: You'll get your Ian McEwan, your Kazuo Ishiguro, your Jonathan Spence. Some of it is more obscure: Sitting on shelves in recent weeks has been a first edition of John Ashbery's hard-to-find novel, which he co-authored with James Schuyler. And you can also buy a good paperback mystery or sci-fi adventure.
A shop and artists' space, where you can find graphic art-related books, as well as other select items boasting unique design, including clothing, music, and stationery. With a branch office in Japan, Zakka highlights some of the latest Japanese subcultures and art scenes through its acclaimed selection of unusual merchandise.
Bauman Rare Books has been a landmark in New York for nearly twenty years, first in the lobby at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, and for the past nine years on Madison Avenue, between 54th and 55th Streets.
On display is a constantly-changing and extraordinary assortment of over 4000 books and documents in a wide range of subject areas. Whether you are an advanced collector, a novice interested in starting to collect, or someone simply in search of an unusual gift, our friendly and knowledgeable sales associates can help you find something special. |
"A division of Hecht’s religious articles that was established by Rabbi Sholom Hecht in 1961, he is the youngest of six brothers, all Rabbis, American born to an American born father who’s father arrived to the shores of the United States in 1880.
We are a wholesale/retail Judaica supply house serving individual people, Synagogues, schools, Chabad Houses, etc. worldwide with all their needs. It is a family run business with Rabbi Hecht’s wife Joan, her sister Harriet, and Rabbi Hecht’s son Shea." |
One of the oldest mystery specialist book stores in America, the Mysterious Bookshop is now in its 26th year. It is a two-story bookstore, with paperbacks on the ground floor (with a few new arrivals in Hardcover) and Hardcovers on the second floor. A spiral staircase connects the two floors. The shop is open six days a week, Monday through Saturday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
A história da empresa começa em 1956 com a fundação da Zahar Editores, pioneira na publicação de livros de ciências humanas e sociais no Brasil e responsável pela formação de várias gerações de universitários e intelectuais brasileiros.
A partir de 1985, deu início a uma nova editora: Jorge Zahar Editor. Em 2007, passados 22 anos e com 1.200 títulos em catálogo, conclui um ciclo de renovação que ampliou o leque de publicações com obras de interesse geral. Para comemorar o evento, a editora desenvolveu uma nova logomarca, buscando um desenho que remetesse às raízes da editora e refletisse a mudança que a projeta para o futuro. |
"Specialized in Used, Rare and New books on Contemporary Art, Architecture and various Design fields, with an emphasis on Imported or hard-to-find — but we also hand pick thousands of good books every month for our voracious clientele. We stock Literature, Philosophy, Cinema, Magazines and even baby-books, but the most significant factor here is the element of serendipity: you never know what you might find."
A Livraria FGV dispõe de um diversificado acervo de obras nacionais e importadas nas áreas de administração, economia e ciências sociais, além de literatura, artes e obras de interesse geral. Com uma equipe formada por profissionais com grande experiência no mercado, a Livraria FGV oferece um atendimento especializado, em instalações amplas e modernas, com serviços de encomenda, importação e pesquisa bibliográfica para bibliotecas, universidades, empresas e o público em geral.
A Jamer Books and Things é uma loja E-Commerce, voltada para a excelência em prestação de serviços na comercialização de lçivros, utilizando o que há de mais sofisticado em tecnologia B2C disponível no comércio eletrônico.
Qualidade, variedade e fidelidade são os critérios utilizados pela equipe para a seleção dos produtos, buscar os melhores fornecedores no mercado interno e externo para oferecer novidades com alto padrão de qualidade, aliado a preços competitivos. |
A primeira livraria Paulinas , foi inaugurada em 1976, com sede à Rua Sete de setembro, 55 - Centro. Porém logo tornou-se demasiadamente pequena, e assim, aconteceu o inesperado. Em 1980, na mesma rua, a pouca distância, estavam a venda, os três primeiros andares de um edifício, que em seguida se transformaria na atual sede. Em 2003 foi inaugurada a filial de Madureira.
Paulinas Livraria presta serviço a todas as linhas de pastoral da Arquidiocese através de encontros de animação e formação, propostas de material para estudo e aprofundamento dos temas, organiza e ministra cursos de animação e formação bíblica e catequética, nas Paróquias da Arquidiocese e comunidades e promove diversos serviços à pastoral da comunicação. Rua Dagmar da Fonseca, 45 A/B - Madureira |
Em regiões tradicionais do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, a Martins Editora Livraria oferece ao público consumidor seis endereços de livrarias: quatro na capital paulista, um em Santos-SP e um na carioca.
A Martins Editora Livraria é representante exclusiva de editoras como a Dantes, a alemã Daab, a espanhola EnClave e as portuguesas IST Press, Antígona e Tinta da China. |
A Livraria Rio Antigo é um somatório de velhas e novas experiências profissionais e comerciais no mercado de livros raros, antigos e usados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, constituindo variado acervo de títulos, hoje considerado entre os melhores da cidade.
Localizada no coração do velho centro comercial do Rio, à Rua do Rosário, 155, ocupa cinco pavimentos do prédio, ao lado das antigas instalações, da também tradicional, Livraria Universal. |
Atenta às necessidades do mercado, ampliou as áreas de atuação e hoje oferece livros de todos os assuntos se consolidando, também, como uma das mais importantes livrarias técnicas do Rio de Janeiro.
Focada na área de Ciências Biológicas (Voltando às origens), tem priorizado publicar obras de autores Brasileiros, incentivando a pesquisa e a divulgação de toda a riqueza da nossa fauna e flora, contribuindo, assim, com a valorização dos nossos pesquisadores e cientistas das diversas instituições de ensino do Brasil. |
A Leonardo da Vinci existe desde 1952. Atualmente, é administrada por Dona Vanna Piraccini, uma livreira à moda clássica, nascida em Bologna, Itália, morando no Brasil desde 1952. Conhece pessoalmente seus clientes, troca idéias com eles ou orienta-os quando jovens. O nome escolhido da livraria por Dona Vanna, é o que ela espera que sua livraria represente: uma proposta de Renascimento do Homem e do Saber.
Na loja virtual, o cliente poderá consultar o catálogo rico e variado, ordenado por autores, títulos e assuntos, independente da língua ou da origem do livro. |