World Furniture

    Kreiss, North America

  222 Merchandise MartPlaza - Chicago, MA             
Each item of the Kreiss Collection is designed and manufactured at the San Diego headquarters and sold exclusively throughout our Kreiss Showrooms. Our collection can be seen in one of 21 showrooms across the USA. You can also discover the world of Kreiss through brochures and folios.
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  1606 State Highway 35 South - Oakhurst, NJ             
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"Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing."
    Casa Bazar, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bl. A loja 101 - Casa Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O Casa Bazar, ocupando área de 750 m2, é um showroom off permanente que oferece as grifes mais desejadas do mundo da decoração. São móveis, tapetes, objetos de decoração com preços de até 50% de desconto de coleções passadas, peças de vitrine e até mesmo móveis, que estiveram em novelas e Mostras de Decoração, como a Casa Cor e a Morar Mais. Pagamento em até três vezes sem juros.
Produtos para todos os ambientes: quarto, sala, banheiro, área de serviço, home office, entre outros.
Vale conferir o site pra dar uma olhada nas novidades que se renovam constantemente.
    Las Venus, North America
  888 Broadway - New York, NY           
Las Venus opened in 1995 on Ludlow Street in the up-and- coming Lower East Side of Manhattan. In the late 1990's, the Lower East Side experienced a renaissance, emerging as one of New York City's hippest neighborhoods. Las Venus and its celebration of 20th Century Pop Culture quickly became the talk of Ludlow Street.
Planned from the start to be a lively, artfully cluttered, friendly store, boasting a huge and ever-changing inventory of colorfully outrageous pieces, Las Venus has attracted a great deal of attention from the print and broadcast media. Fashion shoots featuring models lounging and cavorting on Las Venus furniture have livened up Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and other international magazines. Numerous music videos have been shot in Las Venus and MTV does regular broadcasts from the store with VJs interviewing music stars such as Bjork.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  2550 Hwy 22 East - Union, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  1620 US Highway 22 - Watchung, NJ             
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"Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing."
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  1314 US Highway 22 - Phillipsburg, NJ             
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"Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing."
    Cliff Young, Ltd, North America
  200 Lexington Avenue - Suite 505 - New York, NY           
Cliff Young, Ltd. is one of New York's Premier contemporary design showrooms. The Cliff Young, Ltd. style is uniquely appealing. We offer cutting edge contemporary looks that are yet warm and inviting. To that end, many of the designs feature fine crafter wood and exotic wood veneers stained to specification and finished in satin or high-gloss. Cliff Young, Ltd. also offers a wide range of standard and custom upholstered pieces in fabrics, leather, ultra suede or upholstery chosen by a designer. In addition, we carry a large line of contemporary metal and glass furnitures. The company’s new approach is most evident in the spectacular display installed in the showroom, titled "designing the Millennium Home Theater." As with every Cliff Young, Ltd. projects, all designs, fabrication and installation of the home theater was executed in-house. We invite you to visit us for a cup of coffee and meet our knowledgeable and friendly staff of designers. We offer full service design assistance at no charge to you or your client.
    Maurice Villency, North America
  200 East 57th Street - Corner of 3rd Avenue - New York, NY
A brilliant designer and master craftsman, Mr. Villency crafted his pieces with impeccable attention to detail infused with the design sensibility of his native Europe. Today, the Maurice Villency furniture collection adheres to this proud legacy of craftsmanship and design by providing devoted care and individual attention.
    Safavieh Home, North America
  153 Madison Avenue - New York, NY             
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A unique, state-of-the-art shopping experience for today’s savvy consumers with retail showrooms presenting the finest home furnishings in beautifully designed settings – and one of the most exciting web stores in the world for online access to internationally acclaimed luxury brands.
Safavieh Home Furnishings offers everything you need to create the home of your dreams: from our exclusive English Home Furniture and American Home Collections, to lighting, mirrors and myriad decorative accents. The English Home Collection is made from the finest hand-selected woods with hand polished finishes, solid oak drawers and hand-tooled top grain leathers. Safavieh also offers home furnishings from upscale brand names such as Kindel, Henredon, Ralph Lauren, Baker, Hickory Chair, Southwood, E.J. Victor, Hancock & Moore, Coach Leather, Council Craftsman, Milling Road, John Widdicomb, Alfonso Marino and English Home Company.
    Huffman Koos, North America
  461 Rt. 17 South - Paramus, NJ            
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"Huge selection of the latest designs of Quality Furniture at surprisingly affordable prices for every room of your home including Living room sets both in leather and fabric,Bedroom furniture, contemporary dining room sets, bedroom furniture for kids, Dinette furniture, Mattresses and a whole lot more! Whether your taste is Contemporary or Traditional, Huffman Koos Furniture Gallery is the place that all shoppers in N.Y. and N.J. are raving about.
Visit our New Jersey Furniture gallery locations in Paramus, Fairfield, Rockaway, or our Paterson and Paramus Furniture Outlet Stores. Our New York Furniture Gallery locations are located in Manhattan, Queens, and Middletown."
    Jennifer Leather, North America
  205 US Rt 46 West - Totowa, NJ            
For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Huffman Koos, North America
  425 Rt. 46 West - Fairfield, NJ            
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"Huge selection of the latest designs of Quality Furniture at surprisingly affordable prices for every room of your home including Living room sets both in leather and fabric,Bedroom furniture, contemporary dining room sets, bedroom furniture for kids, Dinette furniture, Mattresses and a whole lot more! Whether your taste is Contemporary or Traditional, Huffman Koos Furniture Gallery is the place that all shoppers in N.Y. and N.J. are raving about. "
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  Hudson Mall Route 440 - Jersey City, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  4345 Highway 9 - Freehold, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  936 US Highway 22 - Somerville, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Shopping Móveis Moema, South America
  Av Ibirapuera, 3303 - Moema - São Paulo, SP           
Agora você encontra tudo em móveis e acessórios para a decoração num só lugar. São lojas atualizadíssimas que apresentam as últimas tendências (inclusive do exterior) em matérias-primas, tecidos, revestimento e Design.
O Shopping que recentemente foi todo repaginado proporciona uma circulação fácil e confortável, está equipado com dois elevadores e escada rolante também dispõe de salão de eventos.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  East 255 Route 4 - Paramus, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  171 US Highway 1 South - Metuchen, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Huffman Koos, North America
  1001 Market Street - Paterson, NJ            
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Huge selection of the latest designs of Quality Furniture at surprisingly affordable prices for every room of your home including Living room sets both in leather and fabric,Bedroom furniture, contemporary dining room sets, bedroom furniture for kids, Dinette furniture, Mattresses and a whole lot more! Whether your taste is Contemporary or Traditional, Huffman Koos Furniture Gallery is the place that all shoppers in N.Y. and N.J. are raving about.
Visit our New Jersey Furniture gallery locations in Paramus, Fairfield, Rockaway, or our Paterson and Paramus Furniture Outlet Stores. Our New York Furniture Gallery locations are located in Manhattan, Queens, and Middletown.
    All Brands Furniture, North America
  605 New Brunswick Avenue - Perth Amboy, NJ           
Brand furniture for less.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  180 Mercer Mall - 3375 Route 1 - Lawrenceville, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    All Brands Furniture, North America
  353 Route 46 West - Rockaway, NJ           
Brand furniture for less.
    Fiorelli Móveis, South America
  Avenida Feliciano Sodré, 282 - Rio Decor - Niterói, RJ           
Qualidade é tudo!! E por isso que temos este lema em todas as nossas atividades, seja do atendimento a entrega, prezamos pela qualidade. E se trabalhamos com móveis, tem que ser então de qualidade... aqui com certeza você irá encontrar alta qualidade de móveis para sua casa!
    Galpão Móveis, South America
  Av. Jones dos Santos Neves, 11 - Santo Antônio - Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, ES           
A história da Galpão Móveis começou a ser construída nos bancos escolares do Colégio Liceu Muniz Freire onde seus sócios fundadores Carlos Alberto Fassarella e José Amarildo Parmanhani se conheceram, firmaram amizade o que mais tarde no ano de 1986 deu origem à primeira Loja Galpão Móveis, aberta no dia 9 de dezembro daquele ano, com apenas um funcionário. A Empresa que sempre primou pela qualidade dos seus produtos, bom atendimento e preços justos cresceu e se desenvolveu, em agosto de 1995, foi inaugurada a 2ª Loja Galpão, que logo na sua concepção disse a que veio, estar entre as melhores lojas de móveis do estado e do país, sendo um grande referencial de loja para o setor. Em setembro de 1999, buscando atingir novas fatias de mercado é inaugurada a 3ª loja denominada Móvelshow, o mercado é cada vez mais exigente e seguimentado, não tardou e em dezembro de 2002 a sua nova vedete a Galpão Modulados, especializada em móveis planejados, aliás, loja que também se destacou imediatamente com repercussões em até outros estados. Atualmente o Grupo Galpão conta com cerca de 60 funcionários e ainda gera dezenas de empregos para prestadores de serviços e outros setores ligados à produção e comercialização de móveis.
    Cerno Ind.e Com. de Moveis, South America
  Estrada do Quitungo, 1330 - Bras de Pina - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fabricante exclusiva no Brasil ds Linhas Ligne Roset, Club, Camaflex e De Couro. Produtos internacionalmente conhecidos pela sua qualidade, design e bom gosto. Sofas, sofas cama, camas, mesas, cadeiras, poltronas, moveis de couro, linha hotelaria e hospitalar em mais de 100 materiais e cores alem de luminarias e objetos de decoracao.
    J. Marcon Móveis, South America
  Rua José de Alencar, 191 - São Marcos, RS           
Fundada no município de São Marcos, Serra gaúcha, na década de 50, pelo senhor João Marcon, naquela época denominada Fábrica de Cadeiras João Marcon, a empresa iniciou suas atividades com a fabricação de cadeiras em madeira com assento de palha e possuía apenas um modelo. Na década de 80, a João Marcon mudou-se para o novo prédio, na José de Alencar, 191, e alterou a razão social, passando a chamar-se J. Marcon & Cia. Ltda. Mudou também a diretoria da empresa, quando os filhos de João Marcon assumiram a administração dos negócios. Iniciava uma nova fase para a J. Marcon.
    Oficina Inglesa, South America
  Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 80 lj.B - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Oficina Inglesa foi criada em 1987. Está localizada na Av. Ataulfo de Paiva, 80 loja B - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro.
A empresa é especializada em importações e reproduções de móveis europeus. Dispõe em seu showroom de grande quantidade de cadeiras, poltronas, mesas, abajures, sofás. poltronas, entre outros.
Além da comercialização de produtos, a loja opciona locação de cadeiras e mesas
    MC Cozinha, South America
  Av. Raja Gabaglia, 3950 lojas 06 D - Casa Raja Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A MC vai proporcionar a você uma vida bem melhor, trabalhando no dimensionamento e planejamento de móveis residenciais e comerciais, garantindo qualidade, fidelidade e satisfação, através de profissionais capacitadas, como arquitetos, designers e montadores marceneiros. Venha nos fazer uma visita.
    Windsor Design Móveis para Banheiro, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 2150 Bl.D lj.106 - Casa Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Windson Design surgiu em 2001 no espaço Casa Shopping com a proposta de atender a um público diferenciado, exigente e de gosto apurado. A empresa por possuir fabricação própria desenvolve projetos sob medida, além de dispor de acessórios de qualidade para deixar o banheiro mais funcional e elegante. A linha básica, não foi esquecida, compondo com valores atraentes e preços acessíveis a um universo variado, sem deixar de manter a qualidade e requinte em sua linha.
A empresa participa continuamente de mostras como Casa Forum, Morar Mais por Menos e Casa Cor. Neles, a funcionalidade e beleza dos móveis e acessórios podem ser facilmente observados.
Lojas RJ: Casa Shopping e Shopping Rio Plaza - Botafogo