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Editorias, Brasil, Cidade, Cultura, Economia, Educação, Emprego
Esportes, Mundo, Municípios, Política, Saúde, Segurança e Veículo.
Courier News serves Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Union counties in Central New Jersey. The newspaper posts much, but not all, of its staff-written print content online daily at www.MyCentralJersey.com. The Courier News is owned by Gannett, and is a sister newspaper of USA Today.
Judiciário, Política, Cotidiano, Economia, Cinemas, Esportes, Agronegócios, Meio Ambiente e muito mais.
News, Sports, Entertainment, Classified, Jobs, Cars, Homes and more.
News, weather, sports, business, entertainment, travel and more.
O jornal O Dia, um dos maiores diários da imprensa carioca, pertence ao grupo EJESA - Empresa Jornalística Econômico S.A, que publica também o diário popular carioca Meia Hora e o jornal especializado em economia Brasil Econômico. A Ejesa é controlada pela acionista majoritária Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Vasconcellos, presidente do Conselho de Administração, que detém mais de 70% da participação da empresa, e conta com uma participação minoritária, de menos de 30%,da Ongoing Participações S.A., subsidiária da Ongoing, grupo de mídia português.
Cartas, classificados, colunistas e muito mais.
Coordenação: Hercília Galindo - Tárcio Fonseca – adjunto
Fundado por Elysio de Carvalho e pelo Conde de Carapebús em 1912, o Jornal MONITOR MERCANTIL vem, ao longo de seus 95 anos de circulação diária e ininterrupta, conquistando importante espaço junto ao empresariado nacional. Atualmente o Jornal tem distribuição nacional e presença marcante nos mercados de capitais, de seguros e financeiro. Como reconhecimento, recebeu por três vezes o Prêmio ABAMEC- Rio ( Associação Brasileira dos Analistas do Mercado de Capitais ), na categoria Imprensa e Comunicação, como melhor veículo especializado na opinião dos analistas de mercado, e melhor Profissional de Imprensa.
Entertainment, sports, business, community and more.
O portal definitivo que mostra os bastidores
dos museus, a criatividade dos profissionais
da área e seus projetos inovadores,
divulgando a cultura no Brasil e no mundo.
Powered by Clickability. Produced and Managed by Journal Interactive.
Entertainment, spots, lifestyle, community and more.
Santee Cooper started work in September to install underground utilities along a section of Myrtle Avenue south of the South Causeway. It will serve 47 homes and is funded by the property owners and the town.
If a similar project begins north of the South Causeway, the utility will require an additional supply line along the North Causeway. |
The Haitian Times is a weekly newspaper for Haitians living in the wider area of New York City, New York, United States. The newspaper is printed in English, as opposed to French or Haitian Creole, and is based in Brooklyn. According to the website of the newspaper, the total weekly circulation is 30,000, Brooklyn circulation is 18,000, Queens, New York City circulation is 6,000, Long Island circulation is 4,000, New Jersey circulation is 1,000, and circulation beoynd greater metropolitan New York City is 1,000. Source
Revista especializada em artes marciais, com editoriais e fotos abordando a performance de lutadores brasileiros nos principais circuito nacionais e internacionais de MMA, Luta Livre e Jiu-Jitsu.
Automóvel, Colunas, Cultura, Empregos, Eva, Gente, Infantil, Turismo e muito mais.
The New York Observer is a weekly newspaper first published in New York City on September 22, 1987, by Arthur L. Carter, a very successful former investment banker with publishing interests. The Observer focuses on the city's culture, real estate, the media, politics and the entertainment and publishing industries.
The New York Observer asserts to advertisers that it delivers Manhattan’s most affluent, educated and influential consumers, with the average net worth of its readership exceeding $1.7 million and 96% of readers being college graduates. It has a paid circulation of 51,000. The Observer operates several blogs: The Politicker, the Daily Transom, the Media Mob, and the Real Estate. Source |
A daily newspaper published in Los Angeles, California, since 1881. In 2008, it was the second-largest metropolitan newspaper in circulation in the United States and the fourth most widely distributed newspaper in the country. Source: en.wikipedia.org
Qualidade na impressão: esse é nosso compromisso número um. Para tanto, o jornal Planeta Oceano é impresso no moderno parque gráfico Areté - do grupo Diário Lance!. No mesmo parque são impressos jornais de todo o Brasil. Pelo sistema CtU, onde são eliminadas as chapas de fotolito - garante-se fotos com mais nitidez e textos legíveis com fontes de tamanho reduzidos.
Currently publishes two newspapers and a monthly newsletter while providing the communities of Nuckolls and Jewell counties and the surrounding area with custom printing, screen printing, and office supply needs. For access to our newspapers, simply click on the corresponding links below.
The Superior Express is the largest paid subscription weekly newspaper in its area, serving Nuckolls County in south central Nebraska, USA. The electronic edition of the paper includes News, Feature, Sports, Pictures and Obituary sections, plus subscription & advertising information. The Jewell County Record serves Jewell County, in north central Kansas. Towns include Mankato, Burr Oak, Jewell, Esbon, Randall, Webber, Ionia, Formoso, Randall. Features of the online version match those of The Express. |
"O mais completo de Sergipe"
For nearly three quarters of a century, the Zion-Benton News has reported the hometown news for Beach Park, Winthrop Harbor, Zion, Ill. and surrounding areas.
The Bargaineer, a companion paper to the Zion-Benton News, provides 36,000 readers in Beach Park, Gurnee, Wadsworth, Waukegan, Winthrop Harbor, and Zion, Ill. with many local deals and a smattering of general interest news. This free community paper is delivered door-to-door each Tuesday. |
Irish news is the meat and potatoes of IrishCentral.com. News from Ireland and from all the homes of the global Irish in the United States and around the Irish world.
The largest circulation Irish American weekly newspaper, with a 50-state subscription base. Founded in 1928, the national tabloid is on newsstands in major American cities every Wednesday.
Newsday is a daily tabloid-size, Pulitzer Prize-winning, American newspaper that primarily serves Long Island and the New York City borough of Queens, although it is sold throughout the New York City metropolitan area. As of fall 2007, Newsday's weekday circulation of 387,000 made it 10th-highest in the United States, and the highest for a suburban newspaper. The newspaper headquarters is in Melville, New York, on Long Island. Source
ia Abroad is a weekly newspaper published from New York City, which focuses on Indian news meant for an Indian American, Indian diaspora and expatriate audience. The publication is known for its annual award ceremony for the "India Abroad Person of the Year."
India Abroad was founded by Indian American publisher Gopal Raju in 1970. [1] India Abroad calls itself "the oldest Indian newspaper published in North America." Under Raju's guidance, India Abroad quickly gained a reputation as one of the most credible, well researched voices for the Indian American community. The Economist, a British weekly international affairs magazine, once referred to India Abroad as a daily publication of “unusually high quality”. Source |