World Clothing

    Folic, South America

  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 540 lj.B - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Folic é uma empresa jovem que aposta na moda. O foco da marca é a mulher contemporânea. Trabalha para vestir com estilo mulheres modernas, elegantes e chiques. Qualidade, modelagem e caimento impecáveis são o objetivo da empresa. Através da criação de uma moda urbana com tecidos nobres e acessórios que complementam seus looks, a Folic deseja concluir a missão de vestir bem as mulheres dos dias atuais.
    Dolce & Gabbana, North America
  434 West Broadway - Soho - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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All that is youthful, sexy, vibrant, full of life and beautiful in draping cloth on men and women, young and old, is exuberantly displayed at this Manhattan shrine to the genius fashion designers, Dolce & Gabbana. JLo loves them, soccer gods model their clothing and movie directors feature their distinctive collections. All because they are really good at what they do. Deceptively simple and outrageously alive, these two Italian fashion designers have transformed quality clothing into an art. What use is designer fashion if you have nowhere to wear it? Favored by celebrities, dignitaries and the man/woman on the street, D&G give a spark of life and creativity to the streets of New York City. Their Spring Summer 2012 collection is extraordinary in fabric, line, and color, embracing the family with fashions for men, women and children, with D&G Junior. Sign up for Swide, their fashion magazine and download their app on your Iphone for everything D&G. You are sure to see some of the world’s most beautiful actresses and sports heroes in their Manhattan boutique. It is worth your while to browse through the beautiful people of the world and their clothes when shopping in New York City.
    Sonia Rykiel, North America
  849 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY           
    KA Store, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 547 lj.209 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Karina Sterenberg, 30 anos, fez faculdade de design de moda no Brasil e especialização na Polimoda, em Florença. Karina trabalhou em várias marcas como estilista e criou a KA em abril de 2004, inaugurando sua primeira loja no Ipanema 2000. Em junho de 2005 fez seu primeiro showroom em SP e chamou a atenção dos compradores internacionais que tinham vindo para a SPFW. Resultado? Hoje, além de vender para as melhores multimarcas do Brasil, exporta para Paris, Londres, Buenos Aires, Portugal e Líbano. A coleção verão 2008 da Ka buscou inspiração nos famosos balneários europeus de Saint-Tropez e Ibiza. A cartela de cores traz azul, verde, rosa, cimento, nuvem, branco, chantilly, amarelo, laranja e roxo. A modelagem cria formas soltas e os comprimentos são curtos. Foram desenvolvidas 4 estampas exclusivas para esta coleção: Sunshine, Garden, Wave e Fleur. O hit da coleção são os bordados de paetês nos vestidos. Karina desenvolveu o material em 3 formatos - redondo, retangular e quadrado. Lojas RJ: Ipanema e BarraShopping
    Virzi, South America
  Rua Dias Ferreira, 417 sl.307 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiero, RJ           
A designer carioca Marcella Virzi investe em fazer roupas e acessórios com uma qualidade clássica que transcenda tendências ou estações. Livre, elaborado, o trabalho de Marcella confunde-se com a inata necessidade de aprender, entender, construir. A roupa é suporte do experimento, revela encontros, desafia a métrica, insinua o feminino, convida para o lúdico. A cada estímulo uma estranheza, uma resposta louca, uma vontade única. Sua pesquisa é dedicada a penetrar cada vez mais na arte da Haute Couture e suas técnicas, unindo essa tradição artesanal ao design contemporâneo. Lojas: Ipanema, Rio Design Barra e Rio Design Leblon.
    Animale, South America
  Rua Lopes Trovão, 52, lj 104 - Niterói, RJ            
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Clássico trabalho de alfaiataria da Animale: muito bem representado nas jaquetas em lã moldada a vácuo, com acabamento de zíper nas junções das costuras. A estamparia vem remetendo ao contorno de músculos redesenhados como tranças de fios e feixes de pérolas.
    Animale, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8 - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ            
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Clássico trabalho de alfaiataria da Animale: muito bem representado nas jaquetas em lã moldada a vácuo, com acabamento de zíper nas junções das costuras. A estamparia vem remetendo ao contorno de músculos redesenhados como tranças de fios e feixes de pérolas.
    Lacoste, North America
  608 Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Lacoste is a French apparel company founded in 1912 that sells high-end clothing, footwear, perfume, leather goods, watches, eyewear, and most famously, tennis shirts. The company can be recognized by its green nan crocodile logo. Lacoste has the reputation of being culturally preppy, especially in the United States.
René Lacoste was a famous French tennis player who achieved fame in two areas: tennis and fashion. While winning the 1926 U.S. Open championship, Rene Lacoste of France wore something that he himself had created: a white, short-sleeve shirt made exclusively of a light knitted fabric called ‘jersey petit piqué’ that served to wick away moisture due to heat, the very first version of performance clothing in sports. The shirt was a radical departure from tennis fashion of the day, which called for stiff, woven, long-sleeve oxfords. In 1927 during the Davis Cup, the American press nicknamed Lacoste "the Alligator" because of a bet made about an alligator-skin suitcase. With no cognate in his native tongue, the nickname was changed to le crocodile in French. The nickname stuck due to his tenacious behavior on the courts, never giving up his prey. Lacoste’s friend, Robert Georges, drew him a crocodile which Lacoste then embroidered on the blazer he wore on the courts. Source
    Oh, Boy!, South America
  Rua XV de Novembro, 8  - Plaza Shopping - Niterói, RJ           
A Oh, Boy! trás, neste inverno, uma coleção alegre e sofisticada. Presente nas estampas e detalhes, o Esquilo se destaca como personagem da estação, nos levando a uma atmosfera campestre, onde encontramos diversos tipos de xadrez. As flores e outros bichinhos também nos remetem a esse clima country, presente nas camisas tipo cowboy, babados e franjas.
    Oxto, South America
  Av. Das Américas, 4666 lj.156 - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Oxto é uma rede lojas que trouxe ao Brasil o conceito de sportlifestyle, que tem o esporte como filosofia de vida unida aos elementos de moda que traduzem o estilo de vida ativa atual. São coleções de urbanwear, em que o conforto, praticidde e moda andam lado a lado. Marcas vendidas: Adidas Originals, Diesel, Ecko Unltd, Energie, Everlast, Miss Sixty, Puma, Replay, La Martins e Sigg, entre outras.
    Eclectic, South America
  Av. das Américas,500 Bl.21 lj.135 - Shopping Downtown - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
    Salvatore Ferragamo, South America
  Av. Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 lj.204 D/E/F - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
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Salvatore Ferragamo começou sua distribuição no Brasil em 1996. Nesta época possuía dois Shop-in-Shops masculino e feminino, na Daslu, em São Paulo. A marca também estava presente no Rio, na multimarca Casa Alberto. Desde então, os negócios expandiram-se, o que levou o parceiro local a administrar a operação na nova Daslu. Aproveitando a mudança da Daslu em 2005, Ferragamo aumentou o espaço de seus Shop-in-Shops. E o mais importante, os resultados positivos obtidos pela marca, aliados ao potencial do mercado, levou à decisão de abrir sua mais importante Flagship store. Haddock Lobo é a maior loja Ferragamo na America Latina. A última loja Salvatore Ferragamo aberta no Brasil foi no Rio de Janeiro, no Shopping Leblon, em dezembro de 2006.
    Opção, South America
  R Belisario Augusto, 56 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ            
Há mais de 30 anos levando moda ao público jovem, a Opção, marca já conhecida pelos apaixonados por jeans, está cada vez mais moderna. Agora, também conta com moda infantil, praia, underwear e acessórios.
    Richards, South America
  Rua Belisário Augusto, 52 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Richards. A preocupação não é ser moda. A marca está solidamente estabelecida como estilo. Já existe hoje este estilo Richards, com tudo o que a palavra simboliza. Richards é não estar sujeito a tendências, a um estar up to date. Richards significa saber, estar à vontade, confortável, cômodo, bem vestido. Não estar under, nem over. É um estilo de vida que corresponde ao modo de agir e pensar, a uma filosofia do estar, que define uma visão de mundo e de comportamento. Richards sintetiza, de modo claro, uma postura, maneira de ser, do mesmo modo que um olhar, às vezes, é esclarecedor. Para que definir Richards, se o melhor é ver, e então conhecer, ter consciência do que significa estilo?
    Forum, South America
  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 241 - I Fashion - Niterói, RJ           
A marca Fórum possui conceito e imagem estabelecidos perante seu público alvo, imprensa e formadores de opinião. É a marca do vestuário mais citada em pesquisa de opinião do país.
    Tempo 4, South America
  Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 550 sls.1711/1712 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Vestindo uma mulher moderna que se permite sonhar apesar do ritmo intenso do cotidiano, a Tempo 4, aposta na moda autoral com personalidade e estilo. Peças versáteis, fáceis de usar e combinar, perfeitas, para acrescentar charme ao guarda roupa de quem trabalha, estuda e passeia. Roupas mais casuais, vestidos de coquetel, festa e ocasiões especiais.
Showroom em Ipanema no Rio de Janeiro, em São Paulo no Itaim Bibi e Maison em Icaraí-Niterói
    Nag Nag, South America
  Rua Nascimento Silva, 309 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fashionistas por natureza, as primas Carolina Buffara e Tatiana Bonaparte, garimpam com prazer para suas clientes e amigas o que há de melhor nas araras internacionais e na moda nacional. A multimarcas Nag Nag está localizada num charmoso casarão em Ipanema. Nas araras da loja, uma seleção criteriosa de designers brasileiros renomados como Adriana Degreas, Filhas de Gaya, Amapô, Bianca Ranucci, Cris Barros, Is/bella,J ohn John Jeans, Lolitta, TalieNK, Tarântula, Naspoleão Lacerda, Luciana Galeão, entre outras. Os acessórios da Nag Nag são exclusivos, sendo as bolsas uma parceria com Laura Lima e os sapatos com Tao Galeria. Linhas próprias: Nag Nag Jewelry, Nag Nag Basic e Nag Nag Shoes.
    Gilda Midani, South America
  Rua Dias Ferreira, 417/304 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A festejada estilista carioca Gilda Midani passou anos vendendo suas coleções para lojas multimarcas até se estabelecer com seu próprio negócio no eixo Rio-São Paulo.
Gilda é adepta da moda ‘cool, um tanto molenga, mas, conjugada com refinada alfaiataria’, num processo de criação instintivo descompromissado com tendências.
A estilista já trabalhou com fotografia em Nova York e desenhou figurinos para espetávulos teatrais na Europa dirigidos pelo dramaturgo Gerald Thomas.
No Rio de Janeiro, Gilda se estabeleceu na badalada Rua Dias Ferreira no Leblon, em cima da Argumento, ponto de gente consagrada no mercado da moda.
Em São Paulo, Gilda ocupa endereço na região dos Jardins em loja ampla e com decoração da própria designer.
    TVZ, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 lj.231-A - BarraShopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A TVZ atua no mercado de moda há mais de quinze anos com nove lojas no varejo e showroom, responsável pela distribuição da marca em vários pontos de venda do país. Em um mundo moderno onde cada vez a mulher conquista mais espaço, a TVZ desempenha o papel de suprir importante papel em suas necessidades de vestuário, contribuindo para que ela se torne ousada, sensual e marcante.
    Barbara Bui, North America
  115-117 Wooster Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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Simply elegant. Barbara Bui, combines the simplicity of good design sense with the elegance of her native Paris and catapulted into the hottest fashion markets of the world. Manhattan, Milan, Rodeo Dr, Frand, Italy, Monaco, Lebanon and Russia, just stroll down Prince in Greenwich Village and save the price of jet fuel by shopping in America. White is her basic color palate with ebony incorporated for drama. She excels at adding the jeweled colors of the season. Her Spring Summer 2012 collections radiate with this year’s sunburst yellow and ripe tangerine. Cooling with a bit of fresh live green, Bui designs to enhance a woman’s beauty by making the deceptive simple elegance a canvass for a woman’s natural grace. In fact, if Grace Kelly were alive today, she would be all over Barbara Bui’s clean and flowing garb, especially the gorgeous gowns that fall to the floor in perfect symmetry. Gowns, suits, tops , skirts, pants, knitwear, casual, formal, bags to make you whimper and shoes to incite passion, browse through all her accessories and shop wisely. Once you wear a Barbara Bui original, New York City shopping will have a whole new meaning for you.
    Akris, North America
  835 Madison Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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For any young business woman, Akris, located in Manhattan right off of Madison Avenue, is a stylish new twist on business attire. They have business ensembles with clean lines, gorgeous knit wear and double closure jackets, plus bright jackets and dresses. This New York City fashion boutique has absolutely gorgeous apparel and is perfect for any woman in the business world. You've never seen such elegant clothing gathered into one store. The store is very clean and proper, organized perfectly. The employees are sweet and helpful, very smart and they add to the professional atmosphere of the store. Even if you aren't a business woman, it is a great store for any classy party or gathering you may be going to. Swiss designer Albert Kriemler, designs for the woman’s personality to eclipse her apparel. The styles are mature and elegant representing perhaps the newest trends that will be touching down Spring-Summer 2012. If you feel the need to dress classy, with the small pop of color, and look more professional and smart, look no further. You'll look and feel very business-like and yet for those after hour affairs, you will certainly turn heads.
    Diane von Furstenberg, North America
  874 Washington St. - Manhattan - New York, NY            
Belgian born Diane von Furstenberg made fashion history with her signature jersey wrap dresses upon her arrival in New York City in 1972. Presently, the internationally-recognized DVF brand encompasses fashion, fine jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and fragrance. DVF, the collection, is sold in the most exclusive retail stores in over 50 countries including in the freestanding Diane von Furstenberg the Shop in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Paris, Hong Kong, and Antwerp. Her headquarters in New York City’s meatpacking district also include a theater space which has become a center for creativity and a launch pad for young artists.
    Burlington Coat Factory, North America
  707 6TH AVENUE - New York, NY           
Today, the Company is a national department store retail chain which offers current, high quality, designer merchandise at prices up to 60% below those at other department stores. Burlington Coat Factory stores feature coats, apparel, shoes, accessories for the entire family, baby clothes, furniture, toys, home decor items, and gifts. Over 350 stores can be found in 42 states nationwide. The Company also owns and operates the following divisions.
    Prada, North America
  841 Madison Ave. (near 70th St) - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The company, originally known in Italy as ("Prada Brothers"), was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada in Milan. In 1978, Mario's granddaughter Miuccia Prada inherited what was still a leather goods business from her mother, and led the company's expansion into couture.
In addition to the original Prada line, the company introduced the Kelsie Jones Miu Miu collection, a lower-priced line aimed at a younger audience, in 1992. The Miu Miu line, which shares Miuccia Prada's nickname, emphasizes earthy colors and a less haute couture look, evoking an overall more bohemian style. It was followed by the Prada Sport 'Linea Rossa' collection, which featured tennis shoes. The Prada line produces high-end ready-to-wear clothes and accessories for men and women in addition to a range of children's clothes, fragrances and cosmetic products and home products, whilst the Prada Sport and Miu Miu lines produce clothes and accessories for men and women, including handbags, shoes, wallets, and sunglasses.
Prada currently has 14 locations in the U.S., 6 in New York, as well as boutiques in Bal Harbour, Beverly Hills, San Francisco, Chicago, Honolulu, Waikiki, and Las Vegas. A boutique in the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Boston is being planned.
Prada has three flagship "epicenter" stores as well that are much larger and carry more merchandise than regular boutiques. These are located in New York, Beverly Hills, and Tokyo. Source
    Amarcord Vintage Fashion, North America
  223 Bedford Avenue - Brooklin - New York, NY            
A company dedicated to upscale European vintage clothing and accessories ranging primarily in era from the 1940’s to the 1980’s, and featuring famous labels as well as great undiscovered manufacturers. These carefully selected vintage goods, often dead-stock, are obtained on seasonal buying trips throughout Europe, especially in Italy, homeland of the owners, Patti Bordoni and Marco Liotta.
Amarcord Vintage Fashion first opened its doors in the East Village in December 2000, immediately earning recognition as the “best vintage store” by New York Magazine and The Village Voice. The East Village shop continued to build on its early success by providing an original vision to the NYC market. Vintage lovers, media and the fashion industry alike appreciate Amarcord’s stylish selection of merchandise, renowned for design, condition and quality.
    Pacsun, North America
  90-15 QUEENS BLVD #3013 - Queens - Elmhust, NY            
From the beaches of California to the busy streets of New York, Pacsun has established itself as a distinctive and innovative New York City clothing store that embraces its west coast roots and shares it with an East Coast lifestyle. Located in Elhurst, Pacsun is far more than a traditional Queens clothing store; it is a status symbol of a lifestyle not readily available in the New York clothing scene. Offering much more than surfboards and board wax, Pacsun’s reached out into the entire youth culture and now offers a full line of casual and active sport apparel. Men’s wear, women’s wear, swimsuits, shoes, denim and of course surf shorts are all part of Pacsun’s unique designer collections that give you quality clothing in a variety of up-to-date fashions. Another interest of note is Pacsun’s dedication to employees by providing extraordinary training and services to ensure that you, the customer, receive the very best NYC shopping experience. Pacsun’s desire is to stay true to their roots in youth culture and offer what’s new now. With their store in Queens they continue to succeed with that mentality and offer a welcome change from the mundane in the fashion world.
    Bottega Veneta, North America
  699 Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - New York, NY            
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The name Bottega Veneta means “Venetian atelier” and the company was begun to produce artisanal leather goods. The company’s artisans developed a leather-weaving technique, called intrecciato, that remains a signature of the brand.
In the years since, Bottega Veneta has introduced additions to the collection, including fine jewelry, eyewear, home fragrance, and furniture, while continuing to offer an assortment of handbags, shoes, small leather goods, luggage, home items, and gifts. Bottega Veneta presented its first women’s ready-to-wear runway show in February 2005 and its first men’s runway show in June 2006. Today, ready-to-wear and furniture presentations are held in the corporate offices in Milan.
    Victoria's Secret, North America
  2655 RICHMOND AVE - Staten Island - New York, NY             
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Victoria's secret is a specialty retailer of women's intimate apparel. It has about 1,000 Victoria's Secret lingerie stores and 100 stand-alone Victoria's Secret Beauty Stores in the US, mostly mall-based. It sells bras, panties, hosiery, beauty products, sleepwear, and more. Victoria's Secret mails more than 400 million of its catalogs per year.
Victoria's Secret decidedly built its image with a fairly conservative, middle-class shopper in mind and avoided any connotations of sleaziness which lingerie might carry.
The company gained notoriety in the early 1990s after it began to use supermodels in its advertising and fashion shows. Throughout the past decade, it refused to follow the celebrity trend, turning down at least one celebrity a month begging to model the brand. Source
    Henri Bendel, North America
  712 Fifth Ave. - (Btw 55th & 56th Sts) - New York, NY             
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Founded in 1963 with one women?s apparel store in Columbus, Ohio, Limited Brands is committed to building a family of the world?s best brands to create sustained growth of shareholder value by focusing its time, talent, and capital on the highest return opportunities. Historically, Limited Brands has been viewed as a multi-divisional, largely apparel-based, popular-priced retailer. Ten years ago, that was true. Lingerie, personal care and beauty made up less than 30% of its sales. Today?s reality is very different. Over the past ten years Limited brands has reinvented itself completely, becoming a predominantly a personal care, beauty and lingerie company, with over 70% of its sales coming from those areas, primarily through two great brands, Victoria?s Secret and Bath & Body Works.
    United Collors of Benetton, North America
  749 Broadway 8th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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Benetton Group S.p.A. (NYSE: BNG) is a global upmarket clothing brand, based in Treviso, Italy. The name comes from four members of the Benetton family who founded the company in 1965. Benetton Group is listed on the Borsa Italiana, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Its core business is clothing with the casual line marketed as the "United Colors of Benetton", a fashion-oriented "Sisley" division, "Playlife" leisurewear, and "Killer Loop" streetwear brands. Their products include womenswear, menswear, childrenswear and underwear and they have recently expanded into toiletries, perfumes, exclusive watches and items for the home such as kitchen accessories and baby products. Source