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Collegiate School strives to educate each boy to reach his highest level of intellectual, ethical, artistic, and physical development. Drawing on what is known about boys' growth and learning, the school offers a rigorous K-12 program rich in opportunities for cultivating individual talents and interests in a climate of collaboration and respect. Collegiate continues its historic tradition in New York City of educating a diverse and talented student body and of helping boys to become independent adults and responsible citizens who will lead and serve. |
New Hyde Park Memorial Junior/Senior High School is a six-year public high school in New Hyde Park, New York, as part of the Sewanhaka Central High School District. Like the four other high schools in the Sewanhaka Central district, the school is home to grades 7 to 12, a combined middle and high school. This is a school filled with many diverse students. New Hyde Park Memorial is located at 500 Leonard Blvd New Hyde Park, New York. Source: en.wikipedia.org
Marymount is a college preparatory, independent, Catholic day school for girls, founded by Mother Joseph Butler in 1926 as part of a worldwide school system directed by the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The School promotes in each student a respect for her own unique abilities and a commitment to responsible living in a changing world. Marymount welcomes diversity and draws upon it to foster cultural sensitivity, religious understanding and a global perspective.
Professional Children's School provides a challenging education for young people working or studying for careers in the performing and visual arts, modeling and competitive sports, and for students who desire the special environment of PCS or the flexibility and independence of the PCS program. |
Located on the historic North Shore on beautiful Long Island, in Nassau County. Although part of the Westbury Union Free School District, the high school itself is located in Old Westbury on land that was donated to the district. The current building was originally built in 1958 with an additional wing added in 1964. Serving the Village of Westbury, the New Cassel area and a portion of Old Westbury.
Carle Place Middle/High School is a six-year comprehensive public high school located in the hamlet of Carle Place in Nassau County, New York.
Carle Place High School is one of America's Best Public High Schools. The school is very enthusiastic about sports and school spirit. This enthusiasm is shown through three pep rallies during the school year. The school is #218 out of 500 based on the class of 2010. Source: wikipedia.org |
N-12. Founded in 1896, The Calhoun School is a progressive, coeducational, college preparatory school for students in early childhood through twelfth grade. The school is accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) and the New York State Education Department.
The school serves the Forest Hills and Rego Park sections of Queens. However, many students come from nearby neighborhoods such as Kew Gardens, Jackson Heights, Woodside, Flushing, Elmhurst, East Elmhurst, Astoria, Corona, Glendale and parts of Jamaica.
FHHS has often been extremely overcrowded throughout its history, sometimes running several overlapping sessions (7:20am to 1:49pm, 8:09am to 2:38pm, 8:59am to 3:28pm, 9:48 to 4:17pm, 10:37am to 5:06pm). Traditionally, a very large percentage of FHHS graduates have gone on to attend college. |
FPMHS is a coeducational, public high school in Floral Park, New York, United States. It is one of five schools in the Sewanhaka Central High School District. The high school enrolls students in grades 7 through 12. Source: en.wikipedia.org
A high school in the Mineola Union Free School District and is located in Garden City Park, New York. It serves Mineola, Albertson, Williston Park, Garden City Park, and Roslyn Heights within its district.
It opened in 1962, replacing the old high school, which now houses the middle school. It recently underwent a multi-million-dollar refurbishing of the library. Since 1981, it has been fully accredited by the Middle States Evaluation Committee. The most recent rankings in New York State show the school district that feeds the high school to have an overall rank in the 91st percentile, Ranking 57th out of 695 districts in the state. Source: en.wikipedia.org |
Currently, we are building a high school addition. As a result of the steady high enrollment over the past decade, SJVA was pressed to develop a strategic campus facility plan that would renovate existing buildings and increase the amount of space in our high school. Specifically, several of the oldest buildings on campus are unable to meet the space and program needs of our faculty and students. In order to maintain programs and to expand other areas of the curriculum, SJVA proposed a $5 million renovation and construction project. This will primarily consolidate the high school's academic space into a central location by enlarging and renovating the existing high school facility. A three-story wing is being built and connected to the current two-story high school. All new classrooms will be provided with "T1" Internet access lines. The project broke ground in December 2004 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2005. Of this $5 million renovation and construction project, $1 million must be raised from a capital campaign. Because St. John Villa is a private Catholic school, we do not receive public funds or money from the Archdiocese for capital projects and therefore, must seek private donations to accomplish this greatly needed project.
The LFNY was the brainchild of the then French Consul General in New York, the Count Charles de Ferry de Fontnouvelle. He enlisted the help of Forsythe Wicks, a lawyer and businessman who was the president of Alliance Française and Paul Windels, Sr.—the attorney general of the City of New York. The French government has been closely involved with the School from the first. The French ambassadors to the United States of that period, M. André Lefèbvre de Laboulaye and subsequently M. René Doynel de Saint-Quentin were part of the original group of French and American founders of the School. Others who were involved in the founding of the LFNY in the late 1930's include: Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, the President of Columbia University, M. Hesse Strauss, the American Ambassador to France, and M. Jean Marx, the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Quai d'Orsay.
Every student in Uniondale High School has the tools and support needed to become successful citizens. UHS has achieved state recognition for closing the achievement gap last year and exceeding state standards. UHS has also attained a 92% regents passing rate and achieved mastery in English, math, social studies and the foreign languages.
K-12 - The Dalton School is an independent, co-educational day school (K-12), founded in 1919 by the renowned progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst. Dalton is recognized for its rigorous, innovative educational curriculum and offers its 1300 students a breadth of stimulating and challenging programs taught by dedicated, professional faculty.
The school’s First Program (K-3) occupies three adjoining townhouses on East 91st Street in New York City. Middle and High School students attend classes nearby in our building on East 89th Street. Indoor physical education for Middle and High School students is provided in our state-of-the-art facility on East 87th Street. |
K-12. The Spence School is an independent college-preparatory day school for girls in kindergarten through grade 12. Founded by Clara B. Spence in 1892, Spence is committed to maintaining high academic standards, promoting diversity and teaching the basic human values of honesty and concern for others. With approximately 600 students, Spence is a small supportive community where the contributions of every student are valued. Each student is challenged to reach her full potential in an atmosphere that fosters self-confidence and a spirit of cooperation.
The United Nations International School (UNIS) was founded in 1947 by United Nations affiliated families. UNIS has a multi-national staff from 70 countries and over 1,450 students from 115 countries. The main language of instruction is English and all students study French or Spanish, beginning in the elementary school; Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian are also taught beginning in the seventh grade; additional mother tongues may be studied after school. |
The staff of Samuel J. Tilden High School is a staff committed to excellence. This excellence will be evidenced in the development of out future leaders. It is our plan to insure that the young people that graduate from these portals are prepared with the social and academic skills necessary to achieve in an ever changing, technologically developing world.
Within our young people we will reinforce the positive values that they bring from their homes and their communities. As they develop a sense of self-worth and dignity, they will also develop a strong appreciation for their own culture and respectful tolerance for the lifestyles of others. We will reaffirm the necessity for our youth to be academically prepared, socially concerned, and intellectually discerning human beings who will feel confident and adept in an ever changing multicultural and multifaceted environment. |
Cardinal Hayes High School was built and organized by His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman between September, 1940 and September, 1941. Its original student body consisted of over 3000 students who attended this institution at the Main Building on the Grand Concourse or at one of the four annexes.
The school provides a quality education and religious formation for young men of the Bronx and Manhattan. Cardinal Hayes High School has been staffed since its beginning by Archdiocesan Priests, Irish Christian Brothers, De La Salle Brothers, Franciscan Brothers and Priests, Marist Brothers, Xaverian Brothers, Religious Sisters and scores of dedicated laymen and women. |
Students are number one priority at the Westhampton Beach School District. The faculty and staff, work together to ensure the success of every student.
N-12. In keeping with Dr. Allen's vision, the mission of Poly Prep Country Day School is to prepare students for college and for life by fostering learning, health, leadership, community responsibility, and, above all, character. A day-long program of academics, physical education and athletics, arts, and extracurricular activities is guided by a strong, committed faculty, in a diverse school community, on campuses with outstanding facilities.
Formada por uma equipe de especialistas em pré-vestibular, o curso Dominantes valoriza a criatividade, esforço, e tem como foco a total dedicação ao aluno, formando os pilares para o seu sucesso e aprovação. Situado em Icaraí, Niterói e voltado para o ingresso nas principais universidades públicas como Uff, Uerj, Ufrj, Unirio, Ufrrj (Rural) e Cefet, o Pré-Vestibular Dominantes tem no aluno o seu bem mais precioso.
O Colégio Oswaldo Cruz atende ao aluno respeitando sua multiplicidade, favorecendo a construção do conhecimento. É papel fundamental da escola estimular o desenvolvimento do interesse, o gosto pelo aprender, integrando arte, pesquisa, música, oficina de leitura, inglês, educação física e informática. http://www.oswaldocruzcolegio.com.br/
Procuramos mostrar em todo o tempo não só as matérias obrigatórias em cada currículo, mas também as "matérias" que compõem o dia-a-dia de todo ser. Através do diálogo, da amizade, da solidariedade, amor e respeito ao próximo procuramos transmitir aos nossos jovens o valor da vida, da integridade preparando-os para conviver em sociedade.
"Construindo futuro."
A Associação Educacional de Niterói surgiu em 1993 e é fruto de um projeto compartilhado por pais, alunos e educadores.
Tem como princípios o que considera como os quatro alicerces da Educação para o século XXI: aprender a conhecer, aprender a fazer, aprender a viver junto e aprender a ser, e a qualidade administrativa através da gestão democrática. A Escola mantém classes do Grupo I ao 3º ano do Ensino Médio com, no máximo, 15 alunos na Educação Infantil, 20 alunos na 1ª série do Ensino Fundamental, 25 alunos nas demais séries do Ensino Fundamental e 30 alunos nas classes do Ensino Médio. |
O nome vem de Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, o grande físico-químico francês, numa homenagem prestada por nosso fundador - o professor Renato Garcia de Freitas.
Desde o início, lá pelos idos de 1954, funcionando como Curso Pré-Vestibular de Medicina e Engenharia, tinha um compromisso: qualidade em Educação. Em 1968, dentro de tal proposta, transformou-se em ensino de formação regular, uma escola-escolha, voltada para o desenvolvimento de talentos, sempre com uma filosofia pedagógica que busca o equilíbrio entre dimensões conservadoras e liberais, da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio. Nessas últimas 3 décadas, com gerações e gerações de alunos, felizmente atingimos objetivos pretendidos. Somos uma escola para quem deseja níveis de excelência, visando à continuação de estudos superiores, num mundo em permanente mutação, com estruturas comportamentais baseadas na reunião do saber com o sentir. |
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes. Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional). http://www.apcolegio.com.br |
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho...
... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial. http://www.mariathereza.com.br/
Fundado em 1969, mais precisamente no mês de março. Naquele tempo, nes-se espaço, balões faziam poesia no ar. Hoje, neste mesmo lugar, os alunos am-pliam conhecimen-tos, pesquisam nos livros, nos computa-dores e na natureza, organizam feiras, sonham, desejam, realizam e, também, lançam poesias no ar. Passados tantos anos, o Miraflores vive, com plenitude, a maturidade das experiências adquiridas, mas permanece criança inquieta diante dos desafios do amanhã. Pois, como nos ensinou nosso Mestre Paulo Freire, o futuro não é uma coisa escondida na esquina. O futuro a gente constrói no presente.