World High School

    COC Belo Horizonte, South America

  Rua Engenheiro Alberto Pontes, 280 - Buritis - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Unidade do COC de Belo Horizonte, capital de Minas Gerais, é uma extensão do Sistema COC de Ensino no quinto município mais populoso do Brasil. Com os mesmos padrões das outras Unidades, o COC-BH oferece um ensino de qualidade com excelentes recursos tecnológicos educacionais. O Sistema COC de Ensino, ao longo de mais de 40 anos de história, preparou seu projeto pedagógico para esta nova realidade, com a finalidade de garantir aos seus parceiros diferenciais inovadores e proporcionar a todos eles uma competitividade sem igual no mercado. Desenvolveu e trouxe para a sala de aula, de forma integrada, os principais recursos tecnológicos disponíveis no mercado: além das salas do futuro, de realidade virtual, de projeção estereoscópica (3D), o Sistema COC de Ensino foi o primeiro no Brasil a colocar o CD-ROM como parte do material didático impresso e, assim, criou os Cadernos Digitais de Apoio, que hoje evoluíram para os Livros Eletrônicos. Hoje, o projeto COC em Sua Casa, a extensão da escola dentro da casa de cada aluno, e as Aulas do Futuro, a aplicação na educação de soluções portáveis e interativas, abrem possibilidades infinitas, não só para os professores como também para os alunos.
    Monsignor Farrell High School, North America
  2900 Amboy Road - Staten Island, NY             
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Long noted as one of the best schools in the area, the magazine U.S. News and World Report named Farrell as one of the finest high schools in the United States. The independent study concluded that Farrell attained an extremely high level of distinction in every facet of school life. Further honors followed as the school was selected as one of only 16 to be named as New York City´s "Super Schools". The Daily News cited Farrell´s overall commitment to excellence and its dedication to the student body in its choice as an elite school.
    Colégio Gauss, South America
  Avenida Frei Fabiano 155 - Piratininga - Niterói, RJ           
Em 1998 surgiu a idéia da construção de um colégio, que suprisse as reais necessidades da população da Região Oceânica, em relação à Educação Infantil e ao Ensino Fundamental.
Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa que nos mostrou as deficiências quanto à maioria dos serviços de educação encontrados na região e as expectativas da população, que almejava por uma educação de melhor qualidade para seus filhos, que muitas vezes se viam obrigados a procurar outras opções fora da localidade onde moravam.
    Colégio Marília Mattoso, South America
  Rua José Bonifácio, 39 - São Domingo - Niterói, RJ            
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Em 1972, com as inovações introduzidas pela Lei 5692/71 na Educação Brasileira, foi implantada a reforma de ensino do 1º grau(hoje Ensino Fundamental) sob a direção do sobrinho de D. Marília, Reynaldo Mattoso Cavalcanti. Sob sua orientação a escola passou também por outras transformações.
No ano de 1976, implementou-se a criação do Mattosinho com a finalidade de atender aos alunos da educação infantil. A escola continuava a crescer até que em 1978 foi inaugurada a nova e atual sede, na rua José Bonifácio nº 39.
O Ensino Médio foi implantado em 1985, com a colaboração do Prof. Comte Bittencourt, que meses antes assumira a Direção Administrativa da escola. A partir daí, nossa escola passou a denominar-se Colégio Marília Mattoso.
    United Nations International School, North America
  24-50 FDR Drive - New York, NY           
The United Nations International School (UNIS) was founded in 1947 by United Nations affiliated families. UNIS has a multi-national staff from 70 countries and over 1,450 students from 115 countries. The main language of instruction is English and all students study French or Spanish, beginning in the elementary school; Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Russian are also taught beginning in the seventh grade; additional mother tongues may be studied after school.
    Cathedral High School, North America
  350 East 56th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Cathedral High School, a Catholic college preparatory school of the Archdiocese of New York located in the heart of Manhattan, welcomes young women of all faiths and cultures. We are a community of students, teachers, staff and parents committed to excellence in education, as well as the continued growth of our students in religious maturity, moral integrity and a sense of social justice.
    Curso Riachuelo, South America
  R: Reverendo João Corrêa D'Avila, 30 - Barreto - Niterói, RJ            
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    Colégio Ary Parreiras, South America
  Rua Ary Parreiras, 73 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
Colégio Ary Parreiras, Instituição Educacional que oferece através de um ensino de qualidade, oportunidades de formação plena do cidadão capacitando-o para uma posição crítica, criativa e ética dentro do contexto social.
O Colégio Ary Parreiras foi fundado em 19 de setembro de 1985, pela Pedagoga, Psicopedagoga e Especialista em Educação, Nerilza Guimarães Lopes.
Com sede própria e totalmente remodelada na sua parte física e pedagógica para 2006, o Colégio Ary Parreiras, atualmente atende alunos da Educação Infantil ao Ensino Médio, nos turnos manhã, tarde e integral (Educação Infantil opcional).
    Colégio Maria Thereza, South America
  Rua São Pedro, 108 - Centro - Niterói, RJ
13 de junho de 1942... Algumas carteiras... umas poucas crianças... uma professora... um sonho... ... nascia, sob um cajazeiro no quintal da casa nº 108, na Rua São Pedro, o Educandário Maria Thereza, sob a direção da dedicada professora Edith Sales Lima. Até 1953, o Educandário ofereceu o então Ensino Primário, marcando seu espaço na comunidade educacional niteroiense. O reconhecimeto da qualidade das atividades pedagógicas da Instituição manifesta-se pela solicitação dos pais dos alunos para que fosse oferecido, também, o Curso Ginasial.
    Colégio Oswaldo Cruz, South America
  Rua Oswaldo Cruz, 32 - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ
O Colégio Oswaldo Cruz atende ao aluno respeitando sua multiplicidade, favorecendo a construção do conhecimento. É papel fundamental da escola estimular o desenvolvimento do interesse, o gosto pelo aprender, integrando arte, pesquisa, música, oficina de leitura, inglês, educação física e informática.
    Renaissance Charter School, North America
  35-59 81st Street - Jackson Heights, NY           
A K-12 public charter school located in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York. Fostering educated, responsible young leaders who through their own personal growth will spark a renaissance in New York.
    Tottenville High School, North America
  100 Luten Avenue - Staten Island, NY             
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Tottenville High School was established in 1898. The school’s first principal was Nathan J. Lowe. Tottenville High School was originally located in the building now home to Totten Intermediate Junior High School (I.S. 34). In 1972, the school moved to its current location in Huguenot. Dr. Mary E. Meade was the first woman principal of a NYC co-educational school (1938–1944). In November 1987, Tottenville was selected as a “School of Excellence” by the U.S. Department of Education. Source:
    Collegiate School, North America
  260 West 78 Street - New York, NY           
Collegiate School strives to educate each boy to reach his highest level of intellectual, ethical, artistic, and physical development. Drawing on what is known about boys' growth and learning, the school offers a rigorous K-12 program rich in opportunities for cultivating individual talents and interests in a climate of collaboration and respect. Collegiate continues its historic tradition in New York City of educating a diverse and talented student body and of helping boys to become independent adults and responsible citizens who will lead and serve.
    Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan, North America
  805 Columbus Avenue - New York, NY           
K-8. A vibrant and growing school committed to the principle that the most meaningful and successful learning happens when students are active learners. Award-winning excellence and commitment to Jewish values combine with a warm community spirit to make the Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan an extraordinary place for children to learn, and for their families to learn along with them.
    Aquinas High School, North America
  Belmont Avenue & East 182nd Street - Bronx, NY           
Aquinas High School is a community of faith and learning which exists primarily to create an atmosphere animated by Christian principles. This community believes in the dignity of each person which is grounded in God's love for all, in a person's ability to understand in some measure all that exists, and in his or her freedom to respond to the realities of that existence. It endeavors to present the Gospel in the Catholic tradition as the best way of becoming a whole person.
    Berkeley-Carroll School, North America
  181 Lincoln Place - Brooklyn, NY           
The Berkeley Carroll School's college-preparatory academic program emphasizes critical thinking, informed decision-making, and life-long learning. Under the guidance of dynamic and energetic teachers, students are challenged to stretch their imaginations, discover creative resources, and strive to fulfill their intellectual promise. Teachers demand an active approach to the learning process and support their students in an atmosphere of respect, personal attention, and care.
The school has four educational divisions - the Child Care Center, Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School.
    Cardinal Hayes High School, North America
  650 Grand Concourse - Bronx, NY           
Cardinal Hayes High School was built and organized by His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman between September, 1940 and September, 1941. Its original student body consisted of over 3000 students who attended this institution at the Main Building on the Grand Concourse or at one of the four annexes.
The school provides a quality education and religious formation for young men of the Bronx and Manhattan. Cardinal Hayes High School has been staffed since its beginning by Archdiocesan Priests, Irish Christian Brothers, De La Salle Brothers, Franciscan Brothers and Priests, Marist Brothers, Xaverian Brothers, Religious Sisters and scores of dedicated laymen and women.
    Colégio Nossa Senhora da Assunção, South America
  Rua General Rondon, 842 - São Francisco - Niterói, RJ            
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A Educação que apresenta como alicerce, os pilares franciscanos tem, na sua própria essência, um marco diferencial. A promoção da vida, a conscientização ecológica, a valorização da minoridade, a aceitação das diferenças, o cuidar e o acolher são fontes que alimentam nosso Projeto Educativo.
Diferente da concepção hegemônica de cultura como instrumento de massificação, o Colégio busca transforma-se num espaço privilegiado de promoção sociocultural. Por meio de seleção de conteúdos relevantes, contribuímos para que se discuta e se promova a cultura como centro gerador de transformação social.
A afetividade ressignifica o nosso fazer pedagógico. Propomos a Educação que seja provocativa, criativa, pautada na reciprocidade das áreas de conhecimento, no respeito e na inclusão responsável. A proposta Pedagógica é constantemente transformada pelos Projetos elaborados nas diferentes áreas, de forma que todos possam ensinar e aprender conhecimento, fundamentos de cidadania de democracia e do convívio social.
    Sewanhaka High School, North America
   - Floral Park, NY           
Educating students through academic achievement and cultural understanding.
    St. John Villa Academy, North America
  26 Landis Avenue - Arrochar - Staten Island, NY
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Currently, we are building a high school addition. As a result of the steady high enrollment over the past decade, SJVA was pressed to develop a strategic campus facility plan that would renovate existing buildings and increase the amount of space in our high school. Specifically, several of the oldest buildings on campus are unable to meet the space and program needs of our faculty and students. In order to maintain programs and to expand other areas of the curriculum, SJVA proposed a $5 million renovation and construction project. This will primarily consolidate the high school's academic space into a central location by enlarging and renovating the existing high school facility. A three-story wing is being built and connected to the current two-story high school. All new classrooms will be provided with "T1" Internet access lines. The project broke ground in December 2004 and is anticipated to be completed by September 2005. Of this $5 million renovation and construction project, $1 million must be raised from a capital campaign. Because St. John Villa is a private Catholic school, we do not receive public funds or money from the Archdiocese for capital projects and therefore, must seek private donations to accomplish this greatly needed project.
    Richmond Hill High School, North America
  89-30 114th Street - Richmond Hill, NY           
Our mission is to produce young adults, who are happy, well adjusted and academically well prepared to face the challenges of the future and to contribute significantly to societal progress. The highlight of our strong instructional program is our interdisciplinary approach to teaching English and Social Studies as well as Math and Science within a guidance-oriented house structure as it encourages success in our ninth graders. The school's slogan, "Diversity is our strength" is derived from our multicultural population and promotes a learning environment based on self-discipline and mutual respect for all people. It is our goal to develop in each student a curiosity for continued learning throughout life.
    Nightingale-Bamford School, North America
  20 East 92nd Street - New York, NY           
The Nightingale-Bamford School has provided a rigorous college preparatory education for girls and young women since 1920. Today there are approximately 530 students enrolled at Nightingale from grades K-12. Our commitment to a strong foundation in the traditional academic disciplines; the close feeling of community among students, their families and teachers in a small school setting; and the many opportunities our students have to develop confidence in their abilities and an understanding of themselves create the special quality of a Nightingale education.
    New Dorp High School, North America
  465 New Dorp Lane - Staten Island, NY            
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A comprehensive, four-year public high school. New Dorp is located on Staten Island, a residential borough of New York City. A neighborhood high school, attracting students who reside within its zoned boundaries.
Student enrollment is approximately 2500, with a senior class of approximately 360 students. New Dorp students represent a variety of racial, ethnic and economic groups who interact in an atmosphere of cooperation.
    East Meadow High School, North America
  101 Carman Avenue - East Meadow, NY           
A high school in the East Meadow school district. East Meadow High School was founded in 1953, as part of what is currently the third largest school district in New York State. There are approximately 1,650 students in grades 9-12. Approximately 88% of 2007's graduating class continued their education with 60.37% going on to four- year colleges, and 26.93% to two-year colleges.
    Bishop Ford High School, North America
  500 19th Street - Brooklyn, NY           
God the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, has in all truth overshadowed us and claimed us body and soul as a "prized" possession. The spirit has infused into our souls the gifts of wisdom, counsel, understanding, fortitude, knowledge, peity and fear of the Lord. Our God is willing and anxious to set our hearts on fire and to send us out into our life's work confident in love.
    Francis Lewis, North America
  58-20 Utopia Pkway - Fresh Meadows, NY           
Francis Lewis High School is a comprehensive, academic secondary setting dedicated to serving all students. Its diverse population reflects the multicultural community it serves. Its mission is to promote life-long learning by providing students with the requisite skills and an inherent value for continued growth. Through a program of challenging academic experiences, Francis Lewis High School encourages youngsters to reach for ever-increasing expectations. By consistently providing for the intellectual, social and ethical growth of all students, Francis Lewis High School serves its community.
    Clara Barton High School, North America
  901 Classon Ave - Brooklyn, NY           
Striving to create an environment in which all constituent partners - students, faculty, guidance, personnel, administration and parents - nurture and respect the essential contribution and the value of the others so that we can provide an education that prepares students to make decisions that will enhance the quality of their lives. We strengthen their abilities using activities and skills taught through academics, majors, the arts, and extracurricular activities - all part of our standards based educational program.
    Garden City High School, North America
  170 Rockaway Avenue - Garden City, NY           
Garden City High School is the public high school in the town of Garden City, New York, United States. The principal of the school is Ms. Nanine Cuttitta. Source:
    Uniondale High School, North America
  933 Goodrich Street - Uniondale, NY           
Every student in Uniondale High School has the tools and support needed to become successful citizens. UHS has achieved state recognition for closing the achievement gap last year and exceeding state standards. UHS has also attained a 92% regents passing rate and achieved mastery in English, math, social studies and the foreign languages.
    Curso Domiantes Pré Vestibular, South America
  R: Cel. Moreira Cesar, 383, 3° andar - Icaraí - Niterói, RJ           
Formada por uma equipe de especialistas em pré-vestibular, o curso Dominantes valoriza a criatividade, esforço, e tem como foco a total dedicação ao aluno, formando os pilares para o seu sucesso e aprovação. Situado em Icaraí, Niterói e voltado para o ingresso nas principais universidades públicas como Uff, Uerj, Ufrj, Unirio, Ufrrj (Rural) e Cefet, o Pré-Vestibular Dominantes tem no aluno o seu bem mais precioso.