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The Jewish Post is an independent newspaper reporting on news of Jewish Interest in the United States, Israel, and throughout the world. While our print edition is limited to the New York metropolitan market we have visitors to our website from throughout North America, Europe, and the rest of the world.
The Jewish Post was established in 1933 in Indianapolis and grew to five editions throughout the United States. In 1974 the New York edition became a separate publication which has evolved into the current Jewish Post. |
Three years after Brigham Young led Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the first issue of the Deseret News was pulled off a small hand-cranked press. This eight-page newspaper was the first published in what was then called the territory of Deseret.
Although the state of Utah has long-since replaced the old territory, the Deseret News retained its original name. In 2003 the paper switched to morning delivery and today the Deseret News is published daily as Utah's oldest — but most modern — newspaper. Over the years, the Deseret News has earned hundreds of awards for writing, reporting, design and community service, including the Pulitzer Prize. |
What began as a two-page church bulletin by co-founders George P. Stewart and Will Porter, The Indianapolis Recorder now hails as one of the top African-American publications in the nation.
In 1897, the co-founders of the newspaper decided to expand their already successful newssheet into a weekly newspaper. The earliest existing issues of the Recorder date to 1899 — the year Porter sold his share of the newspaper to Stewart.
Realizing the importance of local news, Stewart captured that market, outdistancing his local competitors, the publishers of the Freeman and the Colored World. With its emphasis on local news, the Recorder set itself apart from other Black newspapers. It had an immediate and an enduring impact on the Indianapolis community. |
The first issue of the Tulsa Daily World appeared on the afternoon of Sept. 14, 1905. The banner across the top of the front page declared: “Tulsa, Chosen Home of Prosperity and Opportunity, is a Busy City in a Busy Universe.” The paper cost 5 cents per copy.
"Located in some of the best communities in the country. In Cedar Rapids and Iowa City both, our schools are fabulous, our cultural and recreational offerings endless. We have plenty of housing, with character and comfortable price tags. We don’t have clogged freeways. We do have farmer’s markets, festivals, the freshest air, sun, snow and tons of sweet corn."
The Village Voice is a free weekly newspaper in New York City, United States featuring investigative articles, analysis of current affairs and culture, arts reviews and events listings for New York City. It is also distributed throughout the United States on a pay basis. Source: en.wikipedia.org
Kansas.com is the Web site of The Wichita Eagle, the largest newspaper in Kansas, serving Wichita, the largest city in Kansas, and the surrounding area.
Today, Kansas.com reaches, on average, about 800,000 unique visitors who view more than 9 million pages on the site each month. That makes it the leading local information Web site in Kansas, and the preferred medium for businesses trying to reach local consumers online. Combined, The Wichita Eagle and Kansas.com reach eight out of 10 Wichita-area adults every week. |
Por quê investir no GAZ? Site sem acesso é como a porta aberta com a loja vazia! De que adianta ter um site, investir e não ter acesso? O gaz.com.br traz solução de mídia para movimentar o seu contador de acessos. Com mídias diferenciadas e equipe de criação, o portal da Gazeta Grupo de Comunicações levará muita gente até a sua empresa virtual.
Superintendente: Sueli Carvalho de Oliveira - Editores: Sueli Carvalho de Oliveira e João Augusto Freitas.
Alaska News, Jobs and Advertising from the Anchorage Daily News | Anchorage, Mat-Su Valley, Kenai Peninsula.
The print edition of The Common Denominator is available on microfilm
in the Washingtoniana Collection of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and in the library of The Historical Society of the District of Columbia.
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The Post-Tribune had its beginnings in 1907, when The Gary Weekly was established to serve the brand-new steel industry rising on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Geral , Política, Cidade, Esporte, Cultura, Concursos e muito mais.
The New York Observer is a weekly newspaper first published in New York City on September 22, 1987, by Arthur L. Carter, a very successful former investment banker with publishing interests. The Observer focuses on the city's culture, real estate, the media, politics and the entertainment and publishing industries.
The New York Observer asserts to advertisers that it delivers Manhattan’s most affluent, educated and influential consumers, with the average net worth of its readership exceeding $1.7 million and 96% of readers being college graduates. It has a paid circulation of 51,000. The Observer operates several blogs: The Politicker, the Daily Transom, the Media Mob, and the Real Estate. Source |
Dedicated to giving the Baltimore metropolitan area an alternative source of news and opinions on local politics, communities, culture, and the arts. More than 300,000 readers turn to us every week for Baltimore's most comprehensive calendar of events; coverage of the latest in movies, music, visual arts, and the printed word; provocative voices on topics ranging from sports to sex to cyberspace to City Hall; and stories they won't find anywhere else.
Sports, business, entertainment and more.
The Sioux Falls Argus and Sioux Falls Leader were born in the boom days of the 1880s, when Sioux Falls was young and saloons outnumbered churches 32 to 14, and the city's 20 gambling establishments served 10,000 citizens.
These were the years when a newspaper was a civic booster, and had no trouble labeling those who disagreed kickers and croakers.
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Beacon Hill is a 19th-century downtown Boston residential neighborhood situated directly north of the Boston Common and the Boston Public Garden. Most people think of city living as anonymous and isolating. But this cozy enclave, filled with nearly 10,000 people, is more like a village than an anonymous city. It has a rich community life, with neighbors knowing neighbors and everyone meeting on the Hill's commercial streets and at its myriad activities.
Com uma circulação média de 5 mil exemplares de terça-feira a sábado e de 7 mil exemplares aos domingos, o JORNAL DO DIA é plural, não restringe o seu noticiário em função de questões políticas ou econômicas e abriga em seus quadros jornalistas e colaboradores que possuem pensamentos distintos, sempre voltados para os interesses maiores da sociedade sergipana.
Tendo o jornalista e empresário Elenilton Pereira como diretor geral e o jornalista Gilvan Manoel, como editor geral, o JORNAL DO DIA já circula nos 75 municípios sergipanos e dispõe de um considerável número de assinantes, atingindo todos os setores da sociedade sergipana.
News, sports, life, opinion and more.
O projeto Cidade da Barra nasceu em 1989 e a idéia era lançar uma revista para circular no comércio, clubes e grandes condomínios da região que se encontrava em franca expansão e com notável carência de informações e serviços. E a partir de estudos e pesquisas necessários para o seu lançamento, o jornalista Afonso Campuzano Martinez, lançou o primeiro número da Revista Cidade da Barra com o tema de capa: Jovem e Bonita.
Notícias, fotos e resultados de futebol e outros esportes. Comercialização de camisas de clubes Em formato tablóide, o jornal foi o primeiro em cores no Brasil e de leitura curta. Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo foram as primeiras praças de distribuição oficiais de lançamento, que contou com diversas promoções e um forte investimento em comunicação para o jovem leitor a fim de tirá-lo de casa para comprar o Lance!.
O jornal O Dia, um dos maiores diários da imprensa carioca, pertence ao grupo EJESA - Empresa Jornalística Econômico S.A, que publica também o diário popular carioca Meia Hora e o jornal especializado em economia Brasil Econômico. A Ejesa é controlada pela acionista majoritária Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Vasconcellos, presidente do Conselho de Administração, que detém mais de 70% da participação da empresa, e conta com uma participação minoritária, de menos de 30%,da Ongoing Participações S.A., subsidiária da Ongoing, grupo de mídia português.