World Department Stores

    Casas Bahia, South America

  Av. Ayrton Senna, 3000 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fenômeno do varejo nacional, a Casas Bahia é hoje uma das maiores empregadoras do Brasil, com mais de 52 mil colaboradores. Presente em oito estados (SP; RJ; MG; GO; RS; PR; SC; MS), além do Distrito Federal, a Casas Bahia multiplicou em pouco mais de uma década suas 250 filiais para as mais de 540 atuais. Em 2007, a rede figurou entre as 250 maiores empresas de varejo no mundo, segundo o estudo “Poderosos Globais do Varejo em 2007”, conduzido pela Deloitte Touch que, desde 1999 mapeia o ranking mundial do setor.
    Lojas Leader, South America
  Av. Cristiano Machado, 4.000, lj 07 2º piso - Minas Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG             
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Em 1966, com 3 lojas no interior do estado do Rio, a Leader chegou ao centro da cidade de Niterói, com as lojas da rua Aurelino Leal (fechada recentemente) e da rua Visconde de Uruguai. Em 1970, nasceu à empresa União de Lojas Leader Ltda., sob o nome fantasia Leader Magazine. Entra uma década e sai outra, a Leader continuava a se firmar como uma cadeia de lojas. Os sócios perceberam que, para acompanhar os novos tempos, era preciso investir mais e crescer, apostando na própria capacidade de vencer desafios. Assim, no final dos anos 80 e início dos anos 90, começou a modernização da rede de departamentos, repassando aos clientes as vantagens obtidas com os fornecedores, operando com grandes volumes, giro rápido, custos operacionais baixos, auto-serviço, margem reduzida de lucros e preços baixos todo dia. E a Leader passou a se renovar dia a dia.
    Roberto Simões, South America
  Av. Diário de Notícias, 300, lj 2041 - Barra Shopping Sul - Porto Alegre, RS            
Fundada em 1962 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Roberto Simões é uma empresa no segmento de presentes, artigos para mesa, bar, cozinha e listas de casamento, cuja marca virou referência nacional. Atualmente, com 14 filiais nas principais capitais brasileiras, a RS cria tendências, desenvolve exclusividades e se renova a cada ano. A preocupação constante em levar aos seus clientes as últimas novidades nacionais e internacionais com excelente atendimento é uma das principais características da empresa. Nosso crescimento e sucesso devem-se à confiança e à credibilidade conquistadas junto aos consumidores ao longo de quase 5 décadas. Mesmo com o estilo moderno e arrojado sempre em destaque, a RS não deixou de apostar na tradicionalidade da prata, da porcelana e seus clássicos aparelhos de jantar, dos cristais lapidados e de outras infinidades de produtos que marcaram época e fazem moda até hoje. A mistura dos padrões, do clássico ao moderno, do arrojado ao convencional continua encantando os nossos clientes. A RS conta ainda com um departamento de noivas que oferece atendimento personalizado, dessa forma, conseguimos fazer parte da realização dos sonhos de muitos casais. A equipe está capacitada para atender e auxiliar os noivos na elaboração da lista de presentes, bem como na realização das trocas. As vantagens são muitas: produtos exclusivos e de qualidade; entrega de presentes nas principais capitais do Brasil sem custo adicional para o cliente; lista online no site; equipe de televendas, facilitando a compra dos convidados, trocas dos presentes com hora marcada, além da linda lembrança oferecida aos noivos na ocasião da lista. Venha visitar uma de nossas filiais ou navegue em nosso site e descubra como você pode reunir beleza, originalidade e bom gosto em sua casa!
    Lojas Americanas, South America
  Rua Coronel Agostinho, 112 - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Lojas Americanas S.A. é uma das mais tradicionais redes de varejo do país. Com 78 anos de vida, a empresa conta com 263 lojas nas principais cidades do país e com 3 centros de distribuição, em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Recife, atuando também no comércio eletrônico, representado pela e Shoptime. A rede comercializa mais de 80.000 itens de 4.000 empresas diferentes, o que faz com que a Lojas Americanas detenha uma grande participação do comércio brasileiro de brinquedos, bomboniere, lingerie e CD's.
    Riachuelo, South America
  Rua do Ouvidor, 158/160 e 162 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Riachuelo, a segunda maior empresa de varejo de moda no país. 89 lojas distrubuídas em 21 estados brasileiro. Em 1993, o foco da Riachuelo passou a ser a moda, antenada com tendências nacionais e internacionais, mas de uma forma mais democrática: preservando os bons preços e melhorando constantemente a qualidade dos produtos. Em 2004, a empresa mudou sua estratégia de Marketing, saindo da mídia convencional para investir em produtos com preços menores, além de implementar reformas e melhoria de suas lojas. Atuou como patrocinadora oficial do maior evento de moda da América Latina, o São Paulo Fashion Week, além de ter organizado dois grandes concursos nacionais: o Riachuelo Mega Model, para as aspirantes às passarelas, e o Prêmio Riachuelo de Novos Talentos, para incentivar novos estilistas.
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Rua da Carioca nº 12 - Centro do Rio - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Liderando alguns segmentos do mercado, e disputando a liderança de outros, nesse ramo de eletrodomésticos, a TELE-RIO oferece hoje, opções de compra para consumidores de todas as faixas de poder aquisitivo.
Acima e à frente dos planos de grandeza, estiveram sempre o equilíbrio e o bom senso, determinando que era importante crescer e expandir-se com solidez.
    Leader Magazine, South America
  Praia de Botafogo, 400 ljs.601/2/3 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Missão, Visão e Valores. “Nossas relações com clientes, colaboradores e fornecedores são baseadas em justiça, honestidade e lealdade. Existimos para comercializar produtos e serviços com qualidade e preço justo, que contribuam para elevar a auto-estima dos nossos clientes. Investimos no bem estar e desenvolvimento de nossos funcionários, o fator fundamental em nosso negócio. Buscamos gerar lucros sustentáveis que garantam o melhor retorno para o negócio. Ser a melhor empresa em Excelência Operacional, garantindo rentabilidade sustentável, através de uma equipe motivada e de alta performance. Ser percebido pelos clientes quanto à qualidade de nossos produtos e serviços e reconhecê-los como razão de nossa existência.”
    Ricardo Eletro, South America
  Av. das Américas, 5000 lj.201-B - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
A Ricardo Eletro inaugurou no Rio de Janeiro lojas nos principais pontos da capital e cidades vizinhas. A grande aposta da rede é mesmo no preço baixo. As lojas de Copacabana, Duque de Caxias, Volta Redonda, Ilha do Governador, Marechal Hermes, Centro-Uruguaiana e Taquara, Madureira, Bangu, Tijuca, Niterói, Nova Iguaçu e Bonsucesso, entre outras, já estão em funcionamento. A Ricardo Eletro abre as lojas com ofertas especiais em toda linha de eletrodomésticos, incluindos refrigeradores, fogões, TVs LCD's, aparelhos celulares, etc. Linha divesificada de serviços compreendendo: Garantia estendida, Super Compra, Seguro da Sorte, Seguro Prestação, Empréstimo Pessoal e o Cartão Ricardo Eletro-Visa.
    Insinuante, South America
  Av. Nilo Peçanha, 31  - Duque de Caxias, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  407 East 59th Street - Bridgemarket - New York, NY             
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You will find designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design at TJ Maxx. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Manhattan.
    PontoFrio, South America
  Av. Pastor Martin Luther King Jr, 126 - Del Castilho - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
O é uma empresa varejista de comércio eletrônico, criada em agosto de 2008, a partir da segregação da operação de vendas pela internet e televendas do Ponto Frio.
O uniu a força do Ponto Frio, uma marca sólida, forte nas categorias mais relevantes do e-commerce e reconhecida em todas as classes sociais, com a força de uma equipe sênior, coesa, experiente e 100% focada no varejo digital.
    Insinuante, South America
  Rua Carolina Machado, 386 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
As Lojas Insinuante é uma rede de varejo de móveis e eletrodoméstico com visão moderna e diferenciada. Após se consolidar no estado da Bahia com 32 lojas, partiu para conquistar novos mercados. Atualmente, conta com 220 lojas, distribuídas em 11 estados da federação (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe, Rio de Janeiro). A empresa ocupa a quarta colocação nacional no segmento de varejo e emprega mais de 10 mil colaboradores diretos.
    Casa & Vídeo, South America
  Av. Princesa Isabel, 511 - Centro - Vitória, ES            
"Os preços, promoções e condições de pagamento são válidos para a presente data, somente para o site, não valendo necessariamente para nossa rede de lojas físicas e televendas, e estão sujeitos a alterações no decorrer do dia. O frete não está incluído no preço do produto. Ofertas válidas enquanto durarem nossos estoques.”
    Serra Adventure, South America
  Av. David Samoff, 5160, 1º Piso - Itaú Power Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Serra Adventure é uma rede de lojas instalada em Belo Horizonte desde 1994, com ampla experiência e reconhecido sucesso na venda de artigos esportivos de qualidade, pelos preços competitivos e um excelente atendimento nas lojas. A credibilidade alcançada no decorrer dos anos possibilitou que a empresa disponibilizasse o e-commerce para os clientes realizarem suas compras na Internet também. Nossa equipe é treinada e capacitada em uma ampla variedade de produtos para um melhor atendimento e está comprometida com o sucesso da empresa tendo como meta a máxima satisfação do cliente. Levando consigo a variedade de seus produtos, os melhores preços e a experiência de 13 anos no setor, a Serra Adventure vem conquistar novos aventureiros na Internet, reduzindo distâncias e oferecendo comodidade e segurança na aquisição de produtos. As facilidades proporcionadas pela loja virtual da Serra Adventure ganham ainda mais confiabilidade com as parcerias estabelecidas com os Correios e com os cartões VISA e MasterCard.
    Avenida, South America
  Av. Afonso Vaz de Melo, 640, lj 211 - Via Shopping - Belo Horizonte, MG           
A Tecelagem traz tudo em moda masculina, feminina, infantil, cama, mesa, banho e decoração. Moda infantil, Moda masculina, Moda feminina, Cama, mesa e banho, Atelier.
    Tele-Rio, South America
  Rua Conde de Bonfim nº 170 A - Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Hoje, com meio século de existência e sempre crescendo, a TELE-RIO tem todas as suas unidades instaladas em pontos próprios, escolhidos e adquiridos dentro de um planejamento baseado em que o importante não é a quantidade de filiais e sim a capacidade de mantê-las sob rígido controle, dentro da filosofia de trabalho voltada para um atendimento de qualidade e uma proposta de honestidade que se tornaram marcas indiscutíveis da TELE-RIO.
Com lojas instaladas nos principais pontos do Rio de Janeiro e nos municípios vizinhos como Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, São Gonçalo e Petrópolis, a TELE-RIO, preocupada em melhorar sempre a qualidade de atendimento, vem passando por um processo de modernização gradual.
    Ponto Frio, South America
  Plaza Shopping - Centro - Niterói, RJ            
Em 60 anos de atuação no Brasil, completados em 2006, tornou-se uma das maiores redes de lojas de eletrodomésticos e móveis do país, e vem crescendo tanto organicamente quanto por meio de aquisições, graças à decisão de posicionar-se em mercados de maior atratividade.
O ano de 2006 trouxe muitos desafios e plenas realizações. O compromisso com os acionistas, os colaboradores, os fornecedores e, especialmente, os clientes foi avançar no processo de modernização organizacional da Companhia, iniciado nos anos anteriores.
    Homegoods, North America
  2718 Hylan Blvd - Staten Island, NY             
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You will love the feeling of finding something spectacular at a price that’s equally so. Feeling HomeGoods Happy—finding what you love at a price you adore. It’s why HomeGoods is where savvy shoppers of every style discover distinctive home fashions at up to 60% off department and specialty store prices every day.
    Marshalls, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 2100 Bartow Avenue - Bronx, NY             
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Marshall’s Bronx department store has much to offer today’s economy shopper. The Marshall’s name tops the list for bargain prices for family clothes and other retail items. In fact, the company traces its history all the way back to 1956 when several prominent entrepreneurs got together and formed the “Brand Names for Less” concept that has come to be so popular today in the retail industry. There are several departments in the Marshall’s stores to browse. Shopping for Wakefield footwear at a great price? There is a wide selection of designer and bargain-priced shoes when you shop at this Bronx department store. For women, you will find everything ranging from cork wedges to patent leather heels and much more. Look for bright and bold styles for spring and summer 2012 or find something that you can wear all year long and still be fashionable. Revel in Wakefield beauty products and a bounteous selection of designer fragrances from Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Estee Lauder, just for starters, as well as makeup products, accessories and much more to please your bargain-shopping urges. Be sure to visit this prominent Riverdale department store on your next trip to the Bronx.
    JCPenney, North America
  Bay Plaza Shopping Center - 100 Baychester Ave - Bronx, NY              
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One of the more popular names in retail department stores is JC Penney. This is a brand that has nearly everything you would need in terms of fashion, house wares and much, much more. And with its recognized name, you can also expect quality at an affordable price. When you shop at the Bronx JC Penney, you have many brands to choose from. If you are looking for quality bath towels and accessories in New York City, one of the more recognized names you will find is Royal Velvet. This is a great name in the bed and bath category, and you can find Egyptian cotton towels that are soft to the touch in a variety of colors to match your bathroom décor. This Bronx Department store also carries the Home Expressions brand if you are looking for something more affordable. In addition, you will find a variety of baby and toddler fashions when you do your shopping at JC Penney. Looking for brand name baby bedding accessories? You will find brands like My Baby Sam, Carter’s and even Okie Dokie. Whether you are searching for comforters for your infant, a crib bedding set or other infant accessories, you will find it all in one place at JC Penney.
    Gracious Home, North America
  1220 3rd Avenue at 70th Street - New York, NY             
Few stories exemplify the American dream like the one behind the Gracious Home department stores. The dream began when two brothers came over to New York City from Cuba and started their own little hardware store. They focused on selling the essentials – nuts, bolts, tools and similar items. But because of their special treatment for each customer that came through their doors, they were able to grow into the huge department store that it is today. At Gracious Home, you will find everything you need for your home ranging from vacuums to bath accessories and travel items. Looking for name brand luggage at an affordable price? You can find some of the most recognized brands at Gracious Home. Choose from Tumi, Victorinox, Delsey and more. Expect high quality luggage with matching accessories so you can in style travel anywhere in the world. They also offer a variety of bedding accessories including Sferra, Yves Delorme, Matouk and even the original brand named after the Manhattan department store. Come to Gracious Home and use our gift registry for your special event or browse our sale and clearance items the next time you are shopping in the area.
    TJ Maxx, North America
  6101 Junction Blvd. - Rego Park Center - Rego Park / Queens, NY             
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Looking for designer deals in shoes, handbags, clothes accessories and interior design? TJ Maxx is the Queens store for you. Deep discount prices makes for great shopping in New York City. One of the things you will find at this famous discount department store is a variety of Soho footwear. Whether you are looking for a sophisticated pair of shoes that will go with that elegant outfit that you own or simply want an everyday pair at an affordable price, you will find something that fits your needs. You can even find your favorite designer brands in the store and buy an entire wardrobe without breaking your budget. In addition to footwear, you can find high end Midtown clothing and fun Bling. Being just steps away from all the major New York City attractions, shopping at TJ Maxx is a natural. They carry a variety of men’s, women’s and kid’s apparel for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of other Manhattan retail stores. With more than 900 locations across the country and several of them located in the greater NYC area, it’s a great addition to your shopping itinerary when you are in Rego Park.
    Kmart, North America
  2660 Hylan Boulevard - Staten Island, NY             
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An affordable option for Staten Island shoppers for several decades, it is one of the more popular department stores. You can expect to find great deals here among all of the high-end, NYC department store shopping options. The K-Mart department stores carry some of the most recognized names in retail, including Martha Stewart, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, just to name a few. You can also find a wide selection of Craftsman tools here at affordable prices. If you are looking for beauty products, hair care products like coloring, shampoo and conditioner to artificial nails and men’s fragrances, or even groceries at affordable prices, just stroll down to one of the original department store shopping experiences in America. Another option that you will find when you shop at K-Mart is putting items on layaway. This is handy if you want to purchase some items that aren’t yet in your budget. You can put Greenwich Village bedding in layaway and make payments on it for a couple months and enjoy the site seeing every visit you make.
    Zitomer Department Stores, North America
  969 Madison Avenue - New York, NY            
Starting out as an upscale neighborhood pharmacy in New York City, the Zitomer name has come a long way in offering a variety of merchandise and retail products which make it a store for everyday needs and more. Located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, Zitomer can fill as many as 700 prescriptions every day and has unique merchandise that you simply won’t find anywhere else. While you will find a variety of common apothecary items in the Zitomer inventory, there are some unique one as well. There is a wide selection of vitamins and supplements for your health. Names like Blue Bonnet, Florastor and others are available at some of the most affordable prices in NYC department stores. Zitomer even has its own unique brand of skin cream. Another special feature you will enjoy is the entire floor dedicated to “Zittles,” or merchandise that includes books, electronics, toys, games, costumes, stuffed animals and much more. There are well known brands like Barbie, Madame Alexander Dolls and others at bargain prices which makes Zitomer a great place to visit when you are in the mood for shopping in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
    Saks Fifth Avenue, North America
  611 5th Avenue - New York, NY              
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Everyone knows Saks Fifth Avenue, but not everyone can say they have actually been there. This Manhattan department store is responsible for taking shopping to a whole new level. To visit New York City and not shop at the original Saks is next to criminal. Located at the heart of Midtown Manhattan, you must be seen toting a little black and white, signature bag even if you are on a business trip, meeting in one of the monolithic towers surrounding you. You are in Manhattan surrounded by the masters in designer fashion, so avail yourself of the convenience of Saks Fifth Avenue. Armani, Moncler, Notte by Marchesa, Jil Sander, Juicy Couture, Harrison Morgan, Yves St. Laurent …, it is all here . And, if you are looking for something for the kids, simply add another Saks shopping bag to your collection. Sumptuous jewelry and sophisticated accessories, hot shoes and silken sheets, you will find a wide selection of options at this Midtown retail store. Names like Marc Jacobs, David Yuman, Gucci and Prada are all housed in this one New York City department store. When next in Midtown Manhattan, sure you add a shopping trip for designer collections and sophisticated merchandise to your agenda.
    JCPenney, North America
  140 Marsh Ave - Staten Island Mall - Staten Island, NY              
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JC Penney on Staten Island is a fantastic store that is committed to giving their customers the quality and style that they are craving for, and all at reasonable prices. They have come to be known as the place to go to find the very best in affordable clothing and home décor for not just mom, but the entire family. They have an assortment of national brands, a selection of private brands, and a variety that have actually become exclusive to JC Penney. The Staten Island store, located on Marsh Avenue, is one of New York’s very best with a notably friendly staff that is always willing to go the extra mile to help you get what you are looking for. Many people who have shopped at the Staten Island location have said that they were impressed with both the prices and the items on the shelf. In comparison to the other department and apparel stores that are in the area, it had great competitive prices yet was still very clean and looked like a new store. If you are looking for some good quality products and a helpful friendly staff, then JCPenney, Staten Island, is the store for you.
    Century 21 Department Stores, North America
  472 86th Street - Brooklyn - New York, NY              
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For those of us who are always looking for a good department store that has a larger selection of apparel, accessories, appliances, furniture, and a good electronics department, the Century 21 Department Store in Brooklyn is the prime place to go. In addition to standard clothing, they feature brands and styles that are important for those who are looking for active wear, contemporary clothing, denim, designer and European styles as well as tailored clothes made for any shape, size or style. For over fifty years the people of New York and the borough of Brooklyn have enjoyed this large store and one of the little secrets of shopping is that if you purchase items in the store and spend under $110 you will be exempt from standard State of New York taxes. Conveniently located just a couple of blocks from the Gowanus Expressway the Century 21 Department Store in Brooklyn is one of the few designer discount stores that lives up to the hype. Many people have indicated that they have been able to get an entire year’s wardrobe just out of the clearance section and there are many who have stressed that this is the most organized C21, as some call it, they have ever been to.
    Kmart, North America
  770 Broadway - Manhattan - New York, NY              
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Be sure to add the K-Mart department stores to your list of shopping opportunities in the Manhattan area to get some great deals on quality products. An affordable option for NYC shoppers for several decades, it is one of the more popular Manhattan department stores. You can expect to find great deals here among all of the high-end, NYC department store shopping options. The K-Mart department stores carry some of the most recognized names in retail, including Martha Stewart, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, just to name a few. You can also find a wide selection of Craftsman tools here at affordable prices. If you are looking for Tribeca beauty products, hair care products like coloring, shampoo and conditioner to artificial nails and men’s fragrances, or even groceries at affordable prices, just stroll down to one of the original department store shopping experiences in America. Another option that you will find when you shop at K-Mart is putting items on layaway. This is handy if you want to purchase some items that aren’t yet in your budget. You can put Greenwich Village bedding in layaway and make payments on it for a couple months and enjoy the site seeing every visit you make.
    P.C. Richard & Son, North America
  576-80 86th Street - Brooklyn - Bay Ridge, NY             
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The P.C. Richard and Son department store in the Bronx, New York, offers upscale shopping opportunities at reasonable prices for tourists and area residents alike. This NYC department store specializes in high-end electronics, including televisions, computers, laptops, appliances, vacuums and all the toys that you and your family have drooled over. P.C. Richard and Son also holds the distinction of being the largest family owned chain of electronics and appliance stores in the entire country with most of the store’s locations being on Long Island and other parts of New York City. Since 1909 when they sold hardware products, shopping PC Richards and Sons has a special event, especially when they began selling electric irons. With housewives lining up for their wares, their success grew to encompass the closed Circuit City stores on the East coast, providing great products at affordable prices. While you won’t find things like Wakefield beauty products or Hillside clothing at P.C. Richard and Son, you will find name brand electronics such as Samsung, Sony, Dell, Toshiba, and HP. Be sure to check out the variety of quality electronics and appliances at P.C. Richard and Son the next time you make a shopping trip to the Bronx.
    BJ's Wholesale Club, North America
  137-05 Twentieth Avenue - Queens - New York, NY              
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Membership really does have its privileges when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club in Queens. Conveniently located on Twentieth Avenue, New York City, this wholesale membership club has many things that you need for everyday living and more. Because it offers products in bulk, you can expect to save a ton of money and cutting the number of shopping trips in half because you can get more with each visit. Looking for name brand electronics at a bargain price? You can find names like Sony, Vizio, Canon and others when you shop at BJs Wholesale Club. Whether you’re looking for big screen TVs, digital cameras designed with the professional in mind or upscale Bose speakers for the highest quality sound you will ever find, you can find it all in one place. Jewelry is another great department at BJs. You can find exclusive pieces that go great with your wardrobe or you can even bring in your gold and get cash for it. Use the cash towards the purchase of something exquisite or another department in the store. Shopping at BJs Wholesale Club is a great experience. From groceries to office supplies to computers and everything in between, it’s a great place for everything you need.