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Em regiões tradicionais do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, a Martins Editora Livraria oferece ao público consumidor seis endereços de livrarias: quatro na capital paulista, um em Santos-SP e um na carioca.
A Martins Editora Livraria é representante exclusiva de editoras como a Dantes, a alemã Daab, a espanhola EnClave e as portuguesas IST Press, Antígona e Tinta da China. |
And more than 120 years later, we’ve gradually grown into what we are now...the largest Christian bookstore in the Tri-State metropolitan New York City area, with over 40,000 product titles and 15,000 square feet of space! We're one large superstore, selling Bibles, books, CD's videos and tapes, Spanish language, children's literature, gift and apparel items, and much more.
The ranks of New Haven's used bookstores have thinned a little in recent years: Whitlock's on Broadway is gone, so too is the fine Elm City Books, which had a good run on York Street a few years back. But even if those stores were still around, the Book Trader would be a worthy winner of this category. And even if you couldn't buy a delicious sandwich or muffin here, it would still be a major destination for book lovers. The key is selectivity. The shelves are not weighted down by mediocrity, but rather lifted up by good stuff. Some of it is obvious: You'll get your Ian McEwan, your Kazuo Ishiguro, your Jonathan Spence. Some of it is more obscure: Sitting on shelves in recent weeks has been a first edition of John Ashbery's hard-to-find novel, which he co-authored with James Schuyler. And you can also buy a good paperback mystery or sci-fi adventure.
Located in the shoreline town of Madison, Connecticut, RJ Julia Booksellers has always been a place of inspiration, information, and excitement.
RJ Julia opened 20 years ago as an independent bookstore whose mission was, and is, to be a place where words matter, where writer meets reader, where the ambiance and selection and merchandising of books creates an atmosphere that is welcoming and presents the opportunity for discovery. Ultimately we are fiercely committed to putting the right book in the right hand. |
It offers wide range of products from mangas to animations. In summer 2002, Comic Kingdom opened its first largest Asian Book rental store in the United States with over 30,000 titles of books, and animations.
Comic Kingdom offers online customers the web premier destination for mangas, movies, animations, toys, and related products and services. With over thousands titles of mangas, and hundreds of animation DVDs and toys to choose from, you will find everything that you want. Our mission is to offer customer satisfaction through our goods and services. http://www.comickingdomusa.com |
The Hickory Stick Bookshop is an independent book shop which has been located in Washington Depot, CT for over 55 years. Are you looking for a particular title or are you hoping for the unexpected? The owners and staff offer over 100 years experience (collectively) in the book business to help you find that book or answer a question. You can also learn about our upcoming book signings, discover what the staff are reading, look for books by local authors, and a lot more.
The online home of one of Brooklyn's Oldest and Most Beloved Independent Bookstores. You can use the "Get Books" section, a fully up-to-date commerce site, to reserve books at the store, order books to be shipped directly from distributors to anyone in the country, or just search around books in print. Want a book about which you can remember only the vaguest details? Don't waste your time searching around fruitlessly.
On the Road Bookshop is a real 'bricks and mortar' bookshop located in the Farmington Valley of Connecticut. Approximately 8,000 carefully chosen volumes in most subject areas. Softcover books as well as fine editions for collectors; some are quite recent and some are a couple hundred years old.
Since 1985, Jim Hanley's Universe has been one of America's best and most progressive comic book stores. At Jim Hanley's Universe, we work extra hard to stock the full range of comic titles and related merchandise that is available today. We carry mainstream comics from DC and Marvel as well as Kids Comics, International Comics, Manga, Graphic Novels, Small Press, Indie, and Mini Comics. We have an extensive back issue collection and we also carry Statues, Toys, T-shirts, DVDs, Trading Cards, Books and more!!
Since 1990, skyline books has been providing out of print, rare, used and hard to find books of all types, specializing in the following:
art, photography, modern literature,
scholarly subjects / quality remainder and overstock items, beat literature,
first editions, african-american literature. http://www.skylinebooksnyc.com
A Pallas Editora apresenta em seu site, o seu acervo editorial que privilegia a discussão sobre nossas origens étnicas e culturais.
São vários títulos sobre religiosidade e cultura afro-brasileira, nas palavras não apenas de antropólogos, etnólogos, historiadores e cientistas sociais, mas também de autoridades religiosas, analisando o universo cultural, político, estético, religioso e ético do "Povo do Santo" e da população afrodescendente |
Huge selection of Russian, American and Ukrainian books, CDs, DVDs and souvenirs.
Selling used and rare books since 1948, Whitlock's Book Barn is located just minutes from downtown New Haven and Yale University. The store operates from two weatherbeaten barns sitting amid a scenic pasture.
For decades, buyers and sellers of used books, old maps, and ephemera have come to Whitlock's looking for intellectual adventure. With these pages, the store now offers a selection of items online, making it possible for those unable to visit to take advantage of the store's unusual finds and bargains. |
TASCHEN is happy to announce the opening of our second store in Los Angeles at the historic Farmers Market. This store follows the opening of Beverly Hills location in 2003. The new store is located inside the historic Clock Tower on the threshold of The Grove and the world-famous Farmers Market. A wide range of TASCHEN books will be for sale. Philippe Starck has designed the space – as he has done with all TASCHEN Stores in New York, Paris, and Beverly Hills.
The Quest Bookshop has been open for business for over 30 years; it is owned and operated by the New York Theosophical Society, which has been serving the spiritual needs of New Yorkers of all religions and creeds for well over a century.
We are an independent bookshop. This means that we are here to fit the needs of the community, not to fit the needs of some large corporation, or pressure groups from another part of the country. We pride ourselves on our independence, and stand as a barrier to those who are trying to create a monopoly on the publishing industry. |
Offering competitive pricing on both new and used textbooks. Also offering a book buy-back program. Manhattan Books is located near the Borough of Manhattan Community College, The College of Insurance, College of New Rochelle-D.C. 37 campus, Pace University, and Stuyvesant High School.
Books of Wonder is your source for the finest in children's books -- both new and old. We offer a wide range of services via our New York City bookstore, our extensive mail order service, and now a fully functional e-commerce web site.
Founded in 1980, Books of Wonder is New York City's largest and oldest children's bookstore and the city's leading specialist in children's literature. Among the various departments in our store are sections devoted to children's classic and contemporary picture books, board books for infants and toddlers, foreign language children's books, reference books for children (dictionaries, atlases, etc.), non-fiction, and chapter books and novels for children from beginning readers to teens. And, of course, there is our world famous Oz section - a whole bookcase devoted to the many Oz books by L. Frank Baum and his successors. Of special interest to collectors is our wall of old, rare, and collectible children's books and original children's book art. |
Singularity&Co. is a team of time traveling archivists longing for futures past.
Each month, bookstore members help choose a vintage, out of print sci-fi book to rescue (with the rightsholders' permission). Help bring forgotten 20th century scifi into the 21st! |
The Internet's Largest Bookstore
Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, we stock over 1 million titles for immediate delivery -- that's more titles than any other online bookseller. With so many titles, it is vital to give customers an easy way to find precisely the books they are looking for. Our fast search engine enables customers to locate books by title, author, or keyword in a few seconds at most. And our groundbreaking BookBrowser lets users sift through hundreds of categories to find exactly the right book. To further assist the customer, we offer descriptions, reviews, and excerpts, in addition to editor recommendations and customer reviews on hundreds of thousands of titles. |
From mainstream titles to alternative press, Midtown offers a huge collection of comics, graphic novels and trade paperbacks for readers of all ages. Browse through an impressive selection of over 500,000 back issues.
It’s not just about comics! You’ll find a vast selection of action figures, statues, movies, books posters and so much more. Courteous and knowledgeable staffers are always on hand to help. |
Part of the history of Greenwich Village is it's authors. From Melville to Cather they've been writing here and buying their books here for centuries. In the Village the hunt for a good book is part of the life of a reader or a writer. And that's why we're here. We enjoy tracking down, buying and selling interesting, esoteric and weird books. You'll be amazed! We're in our second decade.
The nation’s largest K-12 educational clearinghouse for new textbooks, used textbooks, new workbooks, paperback novels, and reference materials.
The focus of our business is facilitating your school’s book ordering process. Adams makes it possible for you to order your classroom books through a single economical source. We can supply all of your school’s books on just ONE purchase order. No longer will you need to research which publisher has merged with another to get your books. Adams will supply any book in print from any publisher. You will receive ONE computerized bill from ONE source with a detailed listing of what was ordered, the publisher’s list price for the book, the discount, and your cost. Adams we make it easy, we make it economical. |
A Livraria FGV dispõe de um diversificado acervo de obras nacionais e importadas nas áreas de administração, economia e ciências sociais, além de literatura, artes e obras de interesse geral. Com uma equipe formada por profissionais com grande experiência no mercado, a Livraria FGV oferece um atendimento especializado, em instalações amplas e modernas, com serviços de encomenda, importação e pesquisa bibliográfica para bibliotecas, universidades, empresas e o público em geral.
A Kosmos é uma tradicional livraria do Rio de Janeiro. Fundada em 1935 por imigrantes austríacos, a loja sempre funcionou, e ainda funciona, no centro da cidade. A loja virtual, também, está a disposição de seus clientes.
Obletivando atender ao público voltado aos livros técnicos-acadêmicos, a Kosmos especializou-se em setores específicos, onde mantém com uma das principaie empresas do mercado livreiro nos seguintes segmentos: Agropecuária, Ciências Biológicas/Meio Ambiente, Ciências Exatas, Engenharia e Obras de Referência |
Fundada em três de outubro de 1928, a Atheneu foi a primeira livraria do Brasil especializada em publicações da área de Medicina e Saúde. Nessa época, importava livros dos Estados Unidos e da Espanha para revendê-los em sua loja na rua Sete de Setembro, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Muitos médicos vinham de várias regiões do país só para comprar seus livros.
Na década de 70, a Livraria Atheneu expande suas atividades, inaugura sua matriz na Rua Bambina, em Botafogo. Assim inicia uma nova fase de desenvolvimento, cujo marco é a instalação da sua sede editorial na cidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de aprimorar a assessoria aos autores. O catálogo da Atheneu, em 2003 já contava com mais de 600 livros. Atualmente, são lançadas em média, cinco publicações por mês, todas de autores nacionais. |
Na DaConde, o leitor encontrará novidades, raridades, importados exclusivos, edições limitadas e um aconchegante e charmoso lounge, com lançamentos, apresentações artísticas e exposições, com calendário de atrações completo que pode fazer da sua visita um momento muito especial. A livraria dispõe de Internet Wi-fi para comodidade de seus clientes.
A livraria integra o Grupo Teatrali, composto pelos Teatros Das Artes, Shopping da Gávea e Dos Grandes Atores, Shopping Barra Square. |
A história da empresa começa em 1956 com a fundação da Zahar Editores, pioneira na publicação de livros de ciências humanas e sociais no Brasil e responsável pela formação de várias gerações de universitários e intelectuais brasileiros.
A partir de 1985, deu início a uma nova editora: Jorge Zahar Editor. Em 2007, passados 22 anos e com 1.200 títulos em catálogo, conclui um ciclo de renovação que ampliou o leque de publicações com obras de interesse geral. Para comemorar o evento, a editora desenvolveu uma nova logomarca, buscando um desenho que remetesse às raízes da editora e refletisse a mudança que a projeta para o futuro. |
A Blooks Livraria foi batizada assim em maio de 2009, pela dona, Elisa Ventura, que procurava um nome capaz de traduzir o espírito da Blooks, uma livraria completamente plugada nos tempos atuais, capaz de unir mundos reais e virtuais, blogs e books, sem sucumbir à histeria da rede, é claro. Afinal, como quem frequenta sabe, a Blooks Livraria é, antes de tudo, cool. Low profile. Discreta. Super atenta!
Mais do que oferecer o catálogo na loja virtual, a versão online Blooks Livraria quer ter o mesmo bom gosto e oferecer a mesma experiência prazerosa de quem frequenta a loja real. Passar os olhos nos livros, ver as novidades, fazer descobertas, conhecer pessoas que tenham interesses comuns, ter dicas de quem trabalha e conhece a Blooks, dar um tempo lendo ou vendo alguma coisa interessante e até comprar livros, CDs, DVDs, gravuras e objetos. |
"Atuar como produtores e distribuidores, de forma a facilitar o acesso dos nossos clientes aos conteúdos disponibilizados através de qualquer mídia, abrangendo as mais diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, expresso em qualquer idioma. O exercício da missão deverá ser realizado com o máximo de qualidade na prestação de serviços, através da identificação e satisfação das necessidades de nossos clientes, do trabalho em parceria com os fornecedores e do desenvolvimento de nossos funcionários."
A SBS foi fundada em 1985, no Brasil. Conta hoje com mais de 50 mil Clientes cadastrados e 35 Livrarias nas cidades de Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Niterói, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Santo André, Santos, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Uberlândia, Vitória, Salvador, Fortaleza, Juiz de Fora, Goiânia, Florianópolis. |