World Bookstores+

    Atheneu, South America

  Rua Bambina, 74 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Fundada em três de outubro de 1928, a Atheneu foi a primeira livraria do Brasil especializada em publicações da área de Medicina e Saúde. Nessa época, importava livros dos Estados Unidos e da Espanha para revendê-los em sua loja na rua Sete de Setembro, no centro do Rio de Janeiro. Muitos médicos vinham de várias regiões do país só para comprar seus livros.
Na década de 70, a Livraria Atheneu expande suas atividades, inaugura sua matriz na Rua Bambina, em Botafogo. Assim inicia uma nova fase de desenvolvimento, cujo marco é a instalação da sua sede editorial na cidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de aprimorar a assessoria aos autores.
O catálogo da Atheneu, em 2003 já contava com mais de 600 livros. Atualmente, são lançadas em média, cinco publicações por mês, todas de autores nacionais.
    Atticus Bookstore/Café, North America
  1082 Chapel St. - New Haven, CT           
The bookstore opened in 1976, before the museum itself. It was designed by Jay Bright, who emulated the white oak finish of the Louis Kahn interior of the museum. The two comfortable chairs, visible from the street, and the custom designed fixtures were a significant counterpoint to the generic mall stores of the era. In 1980, we relocated an adjacent cheese store and expanded.
    Got Judaica, North America
  1265 Coney Island Ave. - Brooklyn, NY           
"A division of Hecht’s religious articles that was established by Rabbi Sholom Hecht in 1961, he is the youngest of six brothers, all Rabbis, American born to an American born father who’s father arrived to the shores of the United States in 1880.
We are a wholesale/retail Judaica supply house serving individual people, Synagogues, schools, Chabad Houses, etc. worldwide with all their needs. It is a family run business with Rabbi Hecht’s wife Joan, her sister Harriet, and Rabbi Hecht’s son Shea."
    Collected Stories Bookstore, North America
  12 Daniel Street - Milford, CT           
Collected Stories Bookstore specializes in rare and out-of-print books with a specialty in local history, nautical, literature and poetry as well as nature and history.
    Singularity & Co, North America
  18 Bridge St. - Brooklyn, NY            
Singularity&Co. is a team of time traveling archivists longing for futures past.
Each month, bookstore members help choose a vintage, out of print sci-fi book to rescue (with the rightsholders' permission). Help bring forgotten 20th century scifi into the 21st!
    Raconteur Books, North America
  431 Main Street - Metuchen, NJ           
An eclectic mix of museum, bookshop, theatre, and saloon. Filmmakers, musicians, writers, and poets all regularly rent our space for premieres, readings, and concerts. Rental is for three hours and includes 25 folding chairs, podium, music stand(s) and/or screen -- all set up by our staff prior to your event. Our digital projector is not included in the initial rental fee, but can be arranged for a small, additional cost.
    Pageant Book & Print Shop, North America
  Canel Street Sta. - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Pageant Book Shop was founded in 1946 by Sidney B. Solomon and Henry "Chip" Chafetz as a used and rare book shop in New York City. Pageant had its home in several locations along Fourth Avenue, known as “Book Row of America”, for 35 years before moving around the corner to East 9th Street. During that time, Mr. Solomon and Mr. Chafetz branched out into several additional areas which included selling prints and maps, reprinting scholarly and important works such as Henry Roth’s “Call It Sleep” and publishing the award winning Pageant Facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible.
    Mysterious Bookshop, North America
  58 Warren Street - Manhattan - New York, NY            
One of the oldest mystery specialist book stores in America, the Mysterious Bookshop is now in its 26th year. It is a two-story bookstore, with paperbacks on the ground floor (with a few new arrivals in Hardcover) and Hardcovers on the second floor. A spiral staircase connects the two floors. The shop is open six days a week, Monday through Saturday, 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
    Pallas Editora, South America
  Rua Frederico de Albuquerque, 56 - Higienópolis - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Pallas Editora apresenta em seu site, o seu acervo editorial que privilegia a discussão sobre nossas origens étnicas e culturais.
São vários títulos sobre religiosidade e cultura afro-brasileira, nas palavras não apenas de antropólogos, etnólogos, historiadores e cientistas sociais, mas também de autoridades religiosas, analisando o universo cultural, político, estético, religioso e ético do "Povo do Santo" e da população afrodescendente
    Zakka Corp, North America
  155 Plymouth St - Brooklyn, NY           
A shop and artists' space, where you can find graphic art-related books, as well as other select items boasting unique design, including clothing, music, and stationery. With a branch office in Japan, Zakka highlights some of the latest Japanese subcultures and art scenes through its acclaimed selection of unusual merchandise.
    Bank St. Book Nook, North America
  50 Bank St. - New Milford, CT           
Story Time every Tuesday at 10:30 am and Saturday at 2:00 pm
    Books of Wonder, North America
  18 West 18th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
Books of Wonder is your source for the finest in children's books -- both new and old. We offer a wide range of services via our New York City bookstore, our extensive mail order service, and now a fully functional e-commerce web site.
Founded in 1980, Books of Wonder is New York City's largest and oldest children's bookstore and the city's leading specialist in children's literature. Among the various departments in our store are sections devoted to children's classic and contemporary picture books, board books for infants and toddlers, foreign language children's books, reference books for children (dictionaries, atlases, etc.), non-fiction, and chapter books and novels for children from beginning readers to teens. And, of course, there is our world famous Oz section - a whole bookcase devoted to the many Oz books by L. Frank Baum and his successors. Of special interest to collectors is our wall of old, rare, and collectible children's books and original children's book art.
    Book Trader Cafe, North America
  1140 Chapel Street - New Haven, CT           
The ranks of New Haven's used bookstores have thinned a little in recent years: Whitlock's on Broadway is gone, so too is the fine Elm City Books, which had a good run on York Street a few years back. But even if those stores were still around, the Book Trader would be a worthy winner of this category. And even if you couldn't buy a delicious sandwich or muffin here, it would still be a major destination for book lovers. The key is selectivity. The shelves are not weighted down by mediocrity, but rather lifted up by good stuff. Some of it is obvious: You'll get your Ian McEwan, your Kazuo Ishiguro, your Jonathan Spence. Some of it is more obscure: Sitting on shelves in recent weeks has been a first edition of John Ashbery's hard-to-find novel, which he co-authored with James Schuyler. And you can also buy a good paperback mystery or sci-fi adventure.
    SBS Livraria International, South America
  Rua São Clemente, 258 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
"Atuar como produtores e distribuidores, de forma a facilitar o acesso dos nossos clientes aos conteúdos disponibilizados através de qualquer mídia, abrangendo as mais diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, expresso em qualquer idioma. O exercício da missão deverá ser realizado com o máximo de qualidade na prestação de serviços, através da identificação e satisfação das necessidades de nossos clientes, do trabalho em parceria com os fornecedores e do desenvolvimento de nossos funcionários."
A SBS foi fundada em 1985, no Brasil. Conta hoje com mais de 50 mil Clientes cadastrados e 35 Livrarias nas cidades de Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Niterói, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Santo André, Santos, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Uberlândia, Vitória, Salvador, Fortaleza, Juiz de Fora, Goiânia, Florianópolis.
    Drama Book Shop, North America
  250 W. 40th Street - New York, NY             
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Your source for materials on all aspects of the performing arts. Two levels of books including more space for reading and browsing. Located southeast of the Port Authority Bus Terminal.
    Comic Kingdom, North America
  13517 40th Rd - Flushing, NY
It offers wide range of products from mangas to animations. In summer 2002, Comic Kingdom opened its first largest Asian Book rental store in the United States with over 30,000 titles of books, and animations.
Comic Kingdom offers online customers the web premier destination for mangas, movies, animations, toys, and related products and services. With over thousands titles of mangas, and hundreds of animation DVDs and toys to choose from, you will find everything that you want. Our mission is to offer customer satisfaction through our goods and services.
    Livraria Universo, South America
  Av. Pasteur, 250 - Urca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
A Livraria já existe desde 1977, comercializando livros no Instituto de Psicologia da UFRJ, Campus da Praia Vermelha e atendendo também no Instituto de Psiquiatria.
Em julho de 1986 a empresa começou a ganhar mais espaço físico, ainda nas instalações da Praia Vermelha fundando a Livraria Universo Psi, passando a funcionar no prédio do CFCH (Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas), conseguindo ampliar todo o acervo, atendendo assim todos os cursos do Campus.
A partir de 2002, a livraria dinamizou suas atividades, alavancou suas vendas, ganhando modernidade operacional e administrativa.
    Midtown Comics, North America
  200 W. 40th Street - Manhattan - New York, NY             
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From mainstream titles to alternative press, Midtown offers a huge collection of comics, graphic novels and trade paperbacks for readers of all ages. Browse through an impressive selection of over 500,000 back issues.
It’s not just about comics! You’ll find a vast selection of action figures, statues, movies, books posters and so much more. Courteous and knowledgeable staffers are always on hand to help.
    Livraria Kitabu, South America
  Rua Joaquim Silva, 17 - Lapa - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Um lugar de encontro da expressividade literária Afro-Brasileira.
    Mekor Judaica, North America
  1973 Coney Island Av. - Brooklyn, NY           
Mekor Judaica is a mega Judaica store located on 1973 Coney island av. Brooklyn NY 11223.
    TASCHEN New York, North America
  107 Greene Street - Manhattan - New York, NY           
TASCHEN is happy to announce the opening of our second store in Los Angeles at the historic Farmers Market. This store follows the opening of Beverly Hills location in 2003. The new store is located inside the historic Clock Tower on the threshold of The Grove and the world-famous Farmers Market. A wide range of TASCHEN books will be for sale. Philippe Starck has designed the space – as he has done with all TASCHEN Stores in New York, Paris, and Beverly Hills.
    Desert Island, North America
  540 Metropolitan ave - Brooklyn, NY           
Books, comics, prints and stuff.
    Fnac Barra, South America
  Av. das Américas, 4666 loja-B 101/114 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ             
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O primeiro distribuidor europeu de produtos culturais e de lazer, exemplo único da aliança entre comércio e cultura, ambicionando oferecer aos seus clientes a mais vasta seleção em literatura, música e em novas tecnologias.
Tanto na loja virtual, como nas lojas físicas, a Fnac propõe ainda que o cliente descubra o que existe de mais inovador e se reencontre com a cultura. Centro cultural ativo que dispõe de uma programação diária, oferecendo eventos de qualidade, permitindo o contato do cliente com personalidades da vida cultural, política e econômica, além de favorecer a formação e a descoberta de novos talentos para literatura, música e demais tipos de arte.
    ComicLink, North America
  189 Montague St # 915 - Brooklyn, NY           
"A full-service, auction house and automated exchange for investment-quality Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and CGC Graded comic books and Original Comic Art. We specialize mainly in vintage comic books from the 1930's through the 1970's and original comic art. Launched on the Web in early 1996, we have established the strongest network of buyers and sellers both on and off of the Internet, leading to the widest selection of listings for our buyers and frequent sales at record-breaking prices for our sellers. Our Auction and Exchange services are used by many of the top buyers and sellers of vintage comics and art. New item listings and bids are posted in real-time, and Wantlist notifications are sent out to aggressive buyers."
    Barnes & Noble Booksellers, North America
  2245 Richmond Ave - Staten Island, NY              
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Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, stocking over 1 million titles for immediate delivery -- that's more titles than any other online bookseller. With so many titles, it is vital to give customers an easy way to find precisely the books they are looking for. Fast search engine enables customers to locate books by title, author, or keyword in a few seconds at most. And our groundbreaking BookBrowser lets users sift through hundreds of categories to find exactly the right book. To further assist the customer, offering descriptions, reviews, and excerpts, in addition to editor recommendations and customer reviews on hundreds of thousands of titles.
    River Road Books, North America
  759 River Road - Fair Haven, NJ            
Always happy to help ou make a personal selection for yourself or as a gift!
    Poonbill & Sugartown, Booksellers, North America
  218 Bedford Avenue - Brooklyn, NY           
"Specialized in Used, Rare and New books on Contemporary Art, Architecture and various Design fields, with an emphasis on Imported or hard-to-find — but we also hand pick thousands of good books every month for our voracious clientele. We stock Literature, Philosophy, Cinema, Magazines and even baby-books, but the most significant factor here is the element of serendipity: you never know what you might find."
    Casa Cruz, South America
  Rua Almerinda Freitas, 30 - Madureira - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Fundada em 1893, a Casa Cruz conta com 7 lojas no Grande Rio, distribuídas pelo Centro, Campo Grande, Copacabana, Madureira, Tijuca, Niterói e Nova Iguaçu.
Considerada referência em variedade e atendimento por seus clientes, dispõe de mais de 60.000 produtos, incluindo livraria, material de escritório, escolar, suprimentos de informática, desenho técnico e artístico, pintura. Loja Virtual.
    Paulus, South America
  Rua México, 111-B - Castelo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Em 21 de janeiro de 1938 a Paulus inicia suas atividades no Rio de Janeiro. Em 1996, a livraria passou por uma reforma radical e em 30 de Julho de 1996, a celebração de inauguração com a presença do clero, religiosos, religiosas e clientes.
Com a reforma, a livraria ampliou seu espaço. Nos 170 metros quadrados estão distribuídos mais de 16 mil títulos das diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, tais como: comunicação, antropologia, sociologia, psicologia, educação, teologia, bíblia, CDs, DVDs, CDRom, mini mídia, vídeos, dentre outras.
    Livraria Kosmos, South America
  Rua Uruguaiana, 118 ljs. 308 e 309 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A Kosmos é uma tradicional livraria do Rio de Janeiro. Fundada em 1935 por imigrantes austríacos, a loja sempre funcionou, e ainda funciona, no centro da cidade. A loja virtual, também, está a disposição de seus clientes.
Obletivando atender ao público voltado aos livros técnicos-acadêmicos, a Kosmos especializou-se em setores específicos, onde mantém com uma das principaie empresas do mercado livreiro nos seguintes segmentos: Agropecuária, Ciências Biológicas/Meio Ambiente, Ciências Exatas, Engenharia e Obras de Referência