World Furniture

    Atacadão dos Móveis, South America

  Rua Visc. do Uruguai, 478 - Centro - Niterói, RJ           
São Gonçalo, Alcântara, Niterói, Itaboraí, Rio bonito, Araruama, Cabo Frio, Rio das Ostras e Macaé.
    Celmar Móveis, South America
  Av. Alfredo Baltazar da Silveira, 520 - Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
O design da Celmar Móveis segue tendências européias, proporcionando versatilidade e beleza para ambientação residencial. Os produtos são desenvolvidos com tecnologia de ponta em unidade fabril com mais de 50.000 m2 composta por equipamentos de última geração importados da Itália e da Alemanha e matérias-primas certificadas, garantindo melhor desempenho, praticidade e a funcionalidade dos móveis planejados. Representantes na Barra da Tijuca, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Grajaú, Jacarepaguá, Tijuca, Ipanema, Botafogo, Ilha do Governador, Copacabana e Norte Design.
    My Own Room, North America
  1006 Dublin Road - Columbus, HO             
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Baby's Dream has been making nursery furniture since 1990. Baby's Dream was the first to manufacture convertible cribs. Our furniture is designed for parents who want long-lasting, good quality furniture. The cribs are convertible, but the case pieces were also built with the same versatility in mind.
    Furniture Medic, North America
  263 Colony Dr - Paducah , KY           
Furniture Medic, one of the world’s largest furniture repair and restoration companies, has established a reputation for excellence unmatched in the industry. Our success is firmly rooted in our dedication to providing our customers with unparalleled craftsmanship and quality service. We provide home owners and businesses an affordable alternative for their wood furnishings and fixtures. We specialize in furniture and wood repair for antiques, specialty items, millwork, paneling, doors and banisters, cabinetry and mantels, hardwood floors, and upholstery. Other services include cabinet refacing, furniture structural repair and stabilization, precision repair of wood and laminate surfaces, refinishing and polishing, and color matching.
    Gardner-White Furniture, North America
  21001 Groesbeck Hwy - Warren, MI           
A huge warehouse in Warren, Michigan. Offering next day delivery on thousands of in-stock items. Delivery team will make every effort to make sure your delivery experience is enjoyable. Your driver will call you the morning of the delivery to give you an estimated delivery window. They can also call you an hour before delivery, at any number you choose, so you can arrive at home just in time.
    Design Within Reach, North America
   - Milwaukee, WI           
Design Within Reach is the source for fully licensed classics. Our business started when our founder tried to furnish his apartment with the mid-century classics he'd come to appreciate while living in London. What he discovered was that acquiring the clean, simple work of designers like Saarinen, Eames and Bertoia was neither clean nor simple.
    Jennifer Convertibles, North America
  270 Consumer Square - Mays Landing, NJ             
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For over 35 years, with stores from coast to coast, Jennifer has been striving to offer our consumer the best value in Home Furnishings. With a Jennifer Sofabed there's always a place to stay.
    Grupo Mob, South America
  Av. Vereador Abel Ferreira, 327 - Água Rasa - São Paulo, SP           
Representante exclusivo Móveis Eko Ambientes é hoje sinônimo de móveis planejados com design diferenciado num mercado tão saturado. Criando ambientes modernos, com várias opções de cores, materiais e acabamento com toda linha produzida em 100% MDF, que é o mais moderno e resistente material da atualidade para compor móveis de alta qualidade, durabilidade e beleza
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  440 ROUTE 440 - Jersey City, NJ             
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"Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing."
    Gracious Home, North America
  1220 3rd Avenue - New York, NY             
The Gracious Home Story Of course, there are many “beginnings.” We could talk about childhoods spent collecting seashells in Camaguey. But let’s just start with 1963, when Natan Wekselbaum and his brother left Cuba for New York City and opened up a little neighborhood hardware store on the Upper East Side. Nuts. Bolts. Nothing fancy.
Well, as everyone knows, New Yorkers don’t exactly fall all over themselves every time a new shop cuts its ribbon—but the charming duo made Gracious Home stand out. They gave the red carpet treatment to every person who walked through the door. Will you deliver it? Of course. Can you install it? Our pleasure. Can you find one in chartreuse? We'll scour the globe.
    A1 Furniture and Bedding, North America
  2002 S. Stoughton Road - Madison, WI           
A1 furniture is a locally owned and operated family business. A1 has been in business since 1980. Our store is 40,000 sq.ft of brand name home furnishings.
    Móveis Tiradentes, South America
  Praça Berço da Liberdade, 78 - Centro - Tiradentes, MG           
Fábrica de móveis colonial (feitos com madeira antiga). Mais de 50 anos de tradição. Fabricamos sob encomenda. Venha visitar a histórica cidade de Tiradentes e conheça a nossa Loja e Fábrica
    Bielecky Brothers, North America
  979 3rd Avenue - suite 842 - New York, NY            
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For the past century, the Bielecky Family has set the standard of handcrafting the finest quality Rattan, Cane and Wicker furniture in America. In 1903, Andrew and Conrad Bielecky, emigrated from Poland to New York and set up a small shop, weaving wicker chairs. In the 1920's Bielecky Brothers were one of the first to align themselves with the emerging interior design profession, creating an eclectic variety of custom made furniture fir individual decorators. During the 1930's and 1940's when wicker was relegated to the back porch, the company survived by maintaining quality in production and finishing. At the "American Home Decorating Show" in 1951. the Bielecky exhibit attracted numerous designers including Billy Baldwin who created an elegant collection of "wrapped cane" furniture for the company. In 1979, Angelo Designs, -functionally as well as physically. At the time, Mr. Donghia found he could adapt and restyle these designs for Ralph Lauren's new home, creating a new line of Rattan furniture for Bielecky.
    Signature Leather, North America
  712 Route 17 North - New Jersey, NJ           
Stunning collection of sofas, loveseats, chairs & sectionals. Signature Leather is "THE" place to buy leather. Signature Leather won't be undersold!
    Via Manzoni, South America
  Rua Barão de Jaguaribe, 37 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Espaço voltado para a arte, design, iluminação e arquitetura a Via Manzoni está localizada no corção da zona sul, a três quarteirões do mar de Ipanema e a uma quadra da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas.
A Via Manzoni comercializa o que há de mais moderno em peças com design arrojado e exclusivo. O alto padrão de qualidade é a marca registrada dos produtos que são vendidos na loja.
Todas as peças são assinadas e na sua maioria italianas. Um verdadeiro mix de produtos maravilhosos (móveis, luminárias, objetos de decoração, utensílios de cozinha, tapetes, adesivos, livros, etc.).
Marcas Européias: Karteli, Magis, Alex, Belux, Prandina, NemoLuce by Cassino, entre outras.
Mascas Nacionais: Llussa Marcenaria, Ovo, Marton & Marton, Tecer, Light Designe Decameron.
    Fineman Furniture, North America
  2182-92 Third Avenue - (NW Corner of 119th Street) - New York, NY           
Fineman is Manhattan's Home Furnishings Superstore. Since 1937, Fineman has been creating beautiful homes for tens of thousands of families such as yours. With over 200 rooms on display, a professional staff of customer-driven representatives/designers, and personalized service for each and every client, Fineman will exceed your expectations. So hurry in today and experience the Fineman difference.
    La DIFFÉRENCE, North America
  125 South 14th Street - Richmond, VA            
Experience La DIFFÉRENCE, a truly interesting furniture shopping experience in the heart of the historic Richmond River District. LaDIFF is 45,000 sq. ft. of Modern, Contemporary and International Furniture displayed over three floors of a refurbished loft style Richmond warehouse.
    Pier 1, North America
  210 East Sunrise Highway - Freeport, NY            
Pier 1 has been the place for unique finds since the first store opened in San Mateo, CA in 1962. Pier1 buyers travel the world’s major capitals and small villages hunting for the kinds of treasures you can’t find just anywhere.
    Bontempo, South America
  Rua 1926, 295 - Balneário Camboriú, SC            
A Bontempo é uma empresa que personaliza produtos e projetos do seu jeito, para você desfrutar os pequenos e os grandes prazeres da vida. Porque em cada móvel, em cada ambiente, em cada detalhe, há um pouco de você. É neles que a sua história é escrita, de acordo com o seu estilo.
    Orsini Dinettes, North America
  1686 Forest Avenue - Staten Island, NY
As with many quality establishments, Orsini Dinettes was founded many years ago. Even stronger than Orsini Dinettes' commitment to quality is ther commitment to the reputation Orsini Dinettes was founded on.
    Lacca Móveis, South America
  Av. das Américas, 2150 - Bl: C - Casa Shopping - Rio de Janeiro, RJ           
Há 32 anos viabilizando os mais diversos projetos e transformando idéias em estilo de vida, a LACCA produz armários e estantes de alto padrão, com a elegância e sofisticação que o cliente merece e procura.
Com 4 lojas no Rio de Janeiro, além de um parque industrial totalmente informatizado, a LACCA atende ao Brasil inteiro levando a solidez de sua marca a todo território nacional. Não foi por acaso que nos tornamos sinônimo de móveis de alto padrão: em 1995, nossa busca pela excelência foi recompensada com o prêmio de Empresa do ano, concedido pela ABIMÓVEL (Associação Brasileira de Fabricantes de Móveis).
    Kings Road Home, North America
  42 Wooster St. - (Between Broome and Grand Street) - New York, NY           
    Drexel Heritage Manhattan, North America
  32 West 18th Street - 5th and 6ht Avenues - New York, NY           
Based in High Point, North Carolina, ranks among the top furniture manufacturers in the world, particularly regarding size and volume. For over 100 years, we've manufactured fine furniture with a reputation for exceptional styling and quality craftsmanship. With more than 1,300 employees working in specialized manufacturing facilities in North Carolina, Drexel Heritage also relies on the worldwide manufacturing expertise of parent company Furniture Brands International. This enables us to provide unique designs and unsurpassed value to every customer. Throughout each product line, Drexel Heritage distinguishes itself by offering furnishings leading the industry in quality, fashion and styling.
    Karl Kemp, North America
  34 & 36 East 10th Street - New York, NY           
When asked about his earliest antique acquisition, Karl Kemp replies, "It was a Biedermeier chair, which I purchased at my mother's suggestion. I was only 20 or 21 years old, but I bought it myself."
Kemp's mother, a woman of great taste and education, was also a fine collector of antiques. From their home in Cologne, Germany, she instilled in him an appreciation for the Neo-Classical decorative arts of the early 19th Century. Her guidance ultimately lead to Kemp to study the finer points of art history and architecture.
Ironically, Mr. Kemp did not immediately pursue his presnt vocation. his professional goals brought him to New York City in the early 1970's, where he held the position of Chief of Acquisitons at The Brooklyn Public Library.
    Pottery Barn, North America
  600 Broadway - New York, NY             
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Pottery Barn began in 1949 as a single store in Lower Manhattan, and is founded on the idea that home furnishings should be exceptional in comfort, style and quality. Our in-house designers draw their inspiration from time-honored models in America and around the world to create unique collections at an excellent value. All of Pottery Barn's products are exclusive to our catalogs, web site and stores.
    Bontempo, South America
  Av. Dr. Nilo Peçanha, 2254 - Porto Alegre, RS            
A Bontempo é uma empresa que personaliza produtos e projetos do seu jeito, para você desfrutar os pequenos e os grandes prazeres da vida. Porque em cada móvel, em cada ambiente, em cada detalhe, há um pouco de você. É neles que a sua história é escrita, de acordo com o seu estilo.
    Etna Home Store, South America
  Av. Ayrton Senna, 3437 - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro, RJ            
Foi justamente por levar em consideração que todas as pessoas gostariam de ter uma casa bonita e bem decorada sem que isso significasse gastar muito, que a Etna surgiu em agosto de 2004. O desafio maior da empresa é colocar na casa de seus clientes produtos com design e qualidade pelo menor preço possível. Talvez seja essa é a principal diferença entre a Etna e seus concorrentes.
    Pólo Moveleiro RJ, South America
  Estrada Rio-Petrópolis, Km 3,5 ao 7 - Duque de Caxias - Duque de Caxias, RJ           
Foi em 1994 que começaram a se instalar as primeiras fábricas e suas lojas de móveis e decoração na rodovia Rio Petrópolis – iniciando-se a semente do projeto de revitalização que vem sendo incrementado a partir de 2004, pela prefeitura e empresários da região, objetivando atrair novos empreendimentos, fortalecendo a indústria e a geração de novos postos de trabalho.
Hoje, nos 2 sentidos da Rodovia Washington Luiz – na altura do km 4,5 ao lado do Parque Industrial do jornal O Globo - as indústrias e comércio do Pólo Moveleiro RJ formam o Maior Open Shopping de Móveis do estado, com cerca de 50 mil m² de exposição de móveis - diretamente de quem fabrica. Conjugam design, qualidade e preço oferecendo a arquitetos, decoradores e clientes finais, todos os estilos, passando do clássico e rústico ao moderno, acompanhando o que há de mais contemporâneo na tendência mundial para a ambientação de espaços.
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  1213 Route 22 - Bridgewater, NJ             
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"Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing."
    Raymour & Flanigan Furniture, North America
  150 Harmon Meadow Blvd. - Mill Creek Center - Secaucus, NJ             
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Your home is your haven and reflection of your life—your memorable experiences for family and friends—and the place you most cherish. Raymour & Flanigan® is committed to helping you achieve your dream of home and express your unique style. Whether you’re furnishing an entire room or simply adding an accent piece for visual flair, we have something to suit every room, every taste and every budget. From classic to contemporary—and everything in between—you’ll find furniture you’re looking for at a price that’s just as appealing.